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Table 1: the balance sheet items for CIB

Y 2010 Y 2009 % of Change % of Total

2010 2009
Cash and Due From Central Bank EGP 5,675,241,791 EGP 4,179,256,489 0.36 0.075 0.065
Due From Banks 7,054,682,826 7,946,147,786 -0.11 0.094 0.124
Treasury Bills and other Governmental Notes 8,821,003,566 13,198,960,913 -0.33 0.117 0.205
Trading Financial Assets 1,585,747,835 491,138,956 2.23 0.021 0.008
Loans and Overdrafts for Banks (Net After
Provision) 128,527,576 200,765,433 -0.36 0.002 0.003
Loans and Overdrafts for Customers 35,046,013,357 27,242,306,896 0.29 0.465 0.424
Financial Derivatives 139,263,948 225,347,220 -0.38 0.002 0.004
Financial investments:
Available for Sale 13,613,839,805 7,429,977,151 0.83 0.180 0.116
Held to Maturity 299,250,313 590,057,209 -0.49 0.004 0.009
Financial Investments in Associated Co 96,827,733 83,827,281 0.16 0.001 0.001
Brokers - Debit Balances 180,368,320 80,154,770 1.25 0.002 0.001
Reconciliation Accounts- Debit Balances 8,185,474 20,302,650 -0.60 0.0001 0.0003
Real estate investments 28,695,664 42,485,364 -0.32 0.0004 0.0007
Debit Balances and Other Assets 1,384,657,474 963,058,418 0.44 0.018 0.015
Goodwill 200,467,228 200,467,228 0.00 0.003 0.003
Intangible Assets 376,820,344 573,471,546 -0.34 0.005 0.009
Deferred Tax 117,602,829 37,232,586 2.16 0.002 0.001
Fixed Assets 708,330,987 749,602,993 -0.06 0.009 0.012
Total Assets 75,425,433,625 64,254,560,889 0.17 100.00 100.00
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity:-
Due to Banks 1,322,279,909 458,145,229 1.89 0.018 0.007
Customers Deposits 63,364,177,278 54,648,654,522 0.16 0.840 0.851
Brokers- Credit Balances 393,321,036 212,593,347 0.85 0.005 0.003
Financial Derivatives 113,551,039 150,526,830 -0.25 0.002 0.002
Credit Balances and Other Liabilities 1,165,163,338 1,162,019,568 0.00 0.015 0.018
Long Term Loans 129,113,426 93,237,042 0.38 0.002 0.001
Other Provisions 318,889,536 450,056,493 -0.29 0.004 0.007
Total Liabilities 66,806,495,563 57,175,233,031 0.17 0.886 0.890
Shareholders' Equity:
Issued and Paid in Capital 5,901,443,600 2,925,000,000 1.02 0.078 0.046
Reserves 7,190,670,700 2,379,311,040 2.02 0.095 0.037
Reserve for employee stock ownership plan 149,520,858 161,728,984 -0.08 0.002 0.003
Retained Earning -203,604,610 -176,287,838 0.15 -0.003 -0.003
Total Shareholders' Equity 6,566,426,917 5,289,752,186 0.24 0.087 0.082
Net Profit of the Period / Year 2,005,545,505 1,743,968,350 0.15 0.027 0.027
Total Shareholders' Equity and Net Profit 8,571,972,422 7,033,720,535 0.22 0.114 0.109
Minority Interest 46,965,639 45,607,323 0.03 0.001 0.001
Total Minority Interest and Shareholders' Equity 8,618,938,062 7,079,327,858 0.22 0.114 0.110
Total Liabilities , Shareholders' Equity and
Minority Interest 75,425,433,625 64,254,560,889 0.17 100.00 100.00

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