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LPM 211-Avian Production

Management (1+1)


Fill up the blanks:
1. The orientation of a poultry house in tropical climate should be ____________ .
2. Egg stays here for longest duration in ___________ part of the oviduct.
3. Orpington and Ancona belongs to _____________ and _______________ class
4. Popular Indian game breed of chicken is ____________.
5. The act of shedding of feathers by a hen is referred to as ____________.
6. Broiler chicks are reared as ____________ chicks without doing any sexing at
7. _________________ and _______________ are popular egg-type ducks.
8. _________________and _______________ are the two most important
environmental factors that influence hatchability of eggs in the incubator
9. The process of release of mature ovum from Graffian follicle is known as
10. Male goose is known as ___________.
11. Brooding temperature of chick during first week is ___ oF.
12. A normal egg will have a shape index of ___.
13. Fresh egg will have a specific gravity of ___.
14. Floor space requirement for layers reared under deep litter system is
_______________ per bird and cage space allowance is ___________ per bird.
15. Per capita consumption of eggs and meat in India are _________________
and ______________ respectively.
16. In egg holding room the hatching eggs should be stored at a temperature of
_________oC and maintained at _________% relative humidity.
17. Incubation period for chicken egg is _________ days and for duck egg is
________ days.
18. Layers normally require ___________kg. feed to produce a dozen eggs.
19. The act of laying of an egg by a hen is referred to as ________________.
20. Popular Indian game breed of chicken is ____________ .
21. _______________is the longest portion in the oviduct.
22. Floor space requirement per bird for broiler is _______________ per bird and
layer is ___________ per bird on deep litter.
23. Incubation period for Japanese quail egg is _________ days and for turkey
egg is _________ days.
24. Layers normally require ___________kg. feed to produce one kg eggs.
25. Young one of Guinea fowl is called _____________.
26. High Prolactin level in layers causes _______________ in chicken.
27. Dipping is done to get rid of _________________.
28. _____________ vaccine is given in the hatchery and RDVF vaccine is given on
the _______ day.
29. Brooder chicks and layers are provided a floor space of ______________ and
______________sq.ft./ bird in a deep litter house.
30. Popular egg-type chicken breed is _____________.

Choose the correct answer

The binomial nomenclature for Ostrich is
(a) Struthio camelus (b) Gallus domesticus
(c) Anser anser (d) Numida meleagris
Roof type which keeps poultry house cooler during summer is
(a) Asbestos (b) Mangalore tiles
(c) Aluminium (d) Thatch roofing
Incubation period for Emu eggs is
(a) 28 days (b) 42 days
(c) 52 days (d) 35 days
Rhode Island Red is a breed belonging to
(a) Asiatic class (b) American class
(c) English class (d) Mediterranean class
Age at which Japanese quail attains sexual maturity is
(a) 16-18 weeks (b) 20-24 weeks
(c) 7-8 weeks (d) 10-12
Shell is secreted in this portion of the oviduct
(a) Uterus (b) Isthmus
(c) Infundibulum (d) Magnum
Fumigation of hatching eggs received at the hatchery is done with this
(a) 1X (b) 3X (c) 5X (d) 2X
Average daily feed consumption by a layer hen is
(a) 110-120g (b) 80-90g
(c) 90-95g (d) 65-75g
Rancidity of oils can be prevented by incorporation of
(a) Anti-oxidants (b) Pellet binders
(c) Toxin binders (d) Probiotics
Floor space requirement per broiler in deep litter system is
(a) 2 sq.ft (b) 1 sq.ft
(c) 0.25 sq.ft (d) None
Broodiness is due to
(a) FSH (b) LH
(c) Prolactin (d) Oxytocin
Ideal temperature in the Hatcher compartment is
(a) 98.5-99oF (b) 95-96oF
(c) 100-101oF (d) 86-87oF
The best feed efficiency we achieve in broilers at present is
(a) 3.0 (b) 1.0
(c) 2.5 (d) 1.8
During growing period, number of hours natural light required is
(a) 16 hours (b) 12 hours
(c) 18 hours (d) 24 hours
During laying period, duration of light required for optimal egg production is
(a) 16 hours (b) 12 hours
(c) 18 hours (d) 24 hours
The incubation temperature in the Setter is
a. 35-36oC c. 37-38oC
b. 36oC od. 40oC
The following breed has Black coloration in the skeletal muscles, tendons and
a) Chittagong c) Aseel
b) Kadaknath d) Busra
The phallus is well developed in
a) Duck c) Chicken
b) Turkey d) Japanese quail
A normal eggshell will have
a) 100 pores c) 1000 to1500 pores
b) 500 to 1000 pores d) 8,000 to 10,000 pores
For every 1% drop in the oxygen level from 21%, the hatchability will drop by
a) 1% c) 5%
b) 3% d) 7%
The incubation period for Muscovy duck is
a) 20-21 days c) 32-35 days
b) 19 days d) 40 days
Litter moisture in the broiler house should be
a) 15-20% c) 25 - 30%
b) 20-25% d) 30-35%
The binomial nomenclature for Duck is
(a) Struthio camelus (b) Anas platyrynchos
(c) Anser anser (d) Numida meleagris
The binomial nomenclature for Japanese quail is
(a) Coturnix coturnix japonica (b) Anas platyrynchos
(c) Anser anser (d) Numida meleagris
No. of chromosomes present in Chicken are
(a) 80 (b) 78
(c) 82 (d) 76
No. of chromosomes present in Japanese quail are
(a) 80 (b) 78
(c) 82 (d) 76
Feathers are moulted first from
(a) Neck (b) Breast (c) Abdomen (d) Head
Hatchability becomes zero when CO2 level in the incubator is at
a) 10% c) 15%
b) 5% d) 0%
Write true or false

1. Zoological name for duck is Anser anser ()

2. Feed efficiency in broilers is less than 2.0 at market age ()

3. During summer, feed intake of chicken will become less or decreased ()

4. The egg holding capacity of setter and hatcher are the same ()

5. Hen housed egg production does not take into account day to day mortality ()
among hens

6. Male Japanese quail have heavier body size than females ()

7. Too early maturity of pullets results in small sized eggs ()

8. Broiler finisher mash should contain 23% crude protein ()

9. Adult Male duck is known as drake ()

10. Huddling of chicks indicate inadequate brooder temperature ()

11. As age advances, the dietary protein requirement level of birds increases ()

12. Chicken has 39 pairs of chromosomes ()

13. Strutting behaviour is normally observed in male turkeys ()

14. Artificial insemination improves fertility in turkeys ()

15. Mediterranean breeds of birds mostly lay white shelled eggs ()

16. Ducks lay eggs during night/early morning ()

17. Dipping of birds helps to remove ectoparasites ()

18. Young one of Guinea fowl is known as keet ()

19. Debeaking is regularly done in broilers ()

20. Coccidiosis is a major problem in birds reared under deep litter system ()
21. White Leghorn is the most popular meat type breed ()

22. Young one of turkey is known as keet ()

23. In setter compartment, hatching eggs are placed horizontally ()

24. In setter compartment, hatching eggs are placed horizontally ()

25. Japanese quail will mature at 20 weeks of age. ()

26.Rural marketing system is informal in India ()

27.Cities are major marketing point of traditional poultry products ()

28.Rural consumers are homogenous than urban consumers ()

29.Rural salesmanship is inefficient than urban salesmanship ()

30.Marketing culture and education improvement can promote the rural marketing ()

31.High hill temperature zones are not feasible to grow the local poultry breeds ()

32.Scavenging system of rearing is an ideal system for hill poultry rearing ()

33.Local consumers in hilly areas usually prefer egg and meat from the indigenous ( )
bird rather than from the exotic birds.

34. Birds reared under semi-scavenging system are more prone for managemental ( )
diseases like Coccidiosis

35.A decrease in 10% hatchability has been observed for every 300 meter increase ( )
in altitude

36.Broilers reared in higher altitude reduced the growth rate and higher mortality ( )
was observed.

37.In hilly areas, feed requirement of birds increases so as to maintain body warmth ()

38.Under intensive system of rearing chicken in hilly areas, birds are more prone to ()
respiratory diseases

39.Enteritis is a common problem in case of young birds reared in hilly areas ()

40.Breeder farms can be maintained in higher altitude but the hatchery must be built ()
at a lower altitude for better fertility and hatchability
Match the following - Part 1

1. White Cornish a) Low heritability ()

2. White Leghorn b) Turning ()
3. Setter c) High heritability ()
4. Hatcher d) Litter ()
5. Paddy husk e) Poultry feed ()
6. Rice bran f) Turkey ()
7. Snood g) High humidity ()
8. Pekin h) Layer ()
9. Fertility i) Broiler ()
10. Body weight j) Duck ()
Match the following -Part 2

Cornish a) 72% ()
2. Kadaknath b) 25% ()
3. Setter c) English breed ()
4. Hatcher d) Litter ()
5. Biotin e) Poultry feed ()
6. Lysine f) Indian breed ()
7. Paddy husk g) High humidity ()
8. Rice bran h) Essential vitamin ()
9. Dressing percentage i) Essential amino acid ()
10. Litter moisture j) Turning ()
Match the following -Part 3

1. American class a) Brahma ()

2. Broodiness b) Newhamphsire ()
3. Anser Anser c) Minorca ()
4. Meditterranean d) Prolactin ()
5. Signet e) Goose ()
6. Mute duck f) Turkey ()
7. Meat duck g) Guinea Fowl ()
8. Asian class h) Muscovy ()
9. English class i) Pekin ()
10. Egg type duck j) Swan ()
11. Snood
12. Numida Meleagris
13. Numida Gallapovo

Subjective type Questions

Define/ Explain the following

1. Age at sexual maturity

2. Down time
3. Chick comfort
4. Culling
5. Debeaking
6. Clutch
7. Photoperiod
8. Deworming
9. Class
10. Oviposition
11. Brooding
12. Strain
13. Comb
14. Shape Index
15. Cannibalism

Write Short notes

1. All-in-all-out system
2. Brooding of Japanese quail
3. Force(d) moulting
4. Feed efficiency
5. Restricted feeding
6. Hill farming
7. Scavenging system of rearing Chicken
8. Wet litter problem
9. Enumerate the varieties of comb and write about the single comb
10. Vaccination schedule for commercial layers and broilers
11. Mixed Farming
12. Male reproductive structure and functions with diagrammatic presentation
13. Feather types
14. SFRB

Write essays of the following

1. Discuss the development of poultry industry in India and state the various
factors responsible for the same.
2. Discuss in detail the characteristics of important Classes and Breeds of chicken
3. Discuss in detail about the physiology of egg formation in chicken with
diagrammatic representation.
4. Discuss various economic traits of commercial layers and broilers and give
expected mean performance for each.
5. Describe in detail about the various factors that affect fertility and hatchability
of eggs
6. Discuss in detail the role of newly developed birds in India.
7. Discuss in detail the care and management of commercial broilers
8. How would you arrange and prepare the brooder house to receive the day-old
9. Write an essay on cage rearing of layers.
10. Discuss in detail the role of Non-nutrient feed additives in poultry nutrition
11. Discuss in detail about the Organic Poultry farming and its significance
12. Discuss the role of Egg and Broiler marketing in India
13. Discuss in detail the brooding and rearing practices for Ducks
14. Discuss in detail about the care and management of Turkey poults.
15. Discuss in detail about the ideal conditions for successful incubation of eggs.
16. Discuss in detail about the factors to be considered in construction of poultry

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