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THPSe ST TaHeSerr< Actual*Fact #36 Existence tiow & Why Nazala Likuum Paa Mazaja Nuwaupianu Kamal-T abal PAA DARAJ SHIL DJADATAAT The Scroll of Eyes feos : NANUTU KNOWN TO US AS? r ( Tuagary, june 26,1945 A.D. in ert Ghana Wes sence Sail tee) 9 “The Taangurccer” Introduction To All 9 Reasons to be Nuwaupian Not Them 1. The Inevitability of Fact: Everyone secks facts, truth, confirmation. No one can really endure on blind faith or hopes. The stress and cares of life without facts about something, like not knowing the exact phone number of an important call: or the address of a place you must be at, at a certain time. To not have facts, to feel pain, fear, danger, but not know why or where to go to have it taken care of; that’s blind faith, not a life to death that cannot ultimately be proven. Atheists cannot prove there is no Ged or Gods just as religious people can not prove that their God or Gods exist by faith and belief only, And so they create other titles such as Pantheist or Pragmatist. Facts are unavoidable, even if we only choose to have facts in our own existence. What is to be decided is, what evidence, do we think is pertinent. How are we going to interpret the evidence and who finds it, and will they really accept the facts over their blind faith? Ask yourself who is your mother. She comes to mind because you know who she is. Now who is your Creator, God, Lord, Allah, Rabb, JAH, Yahweh? You don’t get an exact. One is fact and the other is fiction until confirmed, 2. The use and use of Sciences: There are no limitations in finding facts when you compare religion to the Scientific method of “prove it”. The process defined by that which is measurable and repeatable. It speaks to issues and their ultimate origin as well as people, places, and things. Where did they come from? How long ago? How did they come about? Genetics, not control of others moralities or lives for such answers, science depends on what was recorded and found, read and confirmed to be the way people really lived, facts not fiction. Whereas, religious beliefs can’t be found or confirmed just what men wrote down and claimed as coming from an unproven spirit God. They make the claims that their God, Lord knows about the smallest details of our lives, but doesn’t and will not nor has stopped all the sickness, evils, wars, killings, destruction of nature, and even their own Human bodies. minds, and birth defects. He doesn’t help or prevent. 3. The Problems Creation ys. Evolution; The first fact is you yourself, your parents, their parents and so on. You reading this confirms your existence, Next step back is where did you come from, your parents, who came from theirs? That’s how it’s done with plants, animals. humans and the universe. Nothing new even if a test tube is used it still has the same root seeds for reproduction. Where did it start? Why must it have to have one? Only to support your belief in a spook God one point in time saying be or let there be this person. What most overlook is even then in their religious books they say this God used dust or mud or clay of the ground which always has some form of life in it; be it dry sand or mi soil. Life existed in it when their God used it to shape, fashion, mold, make, form and create the first flesh and blood being, So the seed of life was there or with that God who they claim is life and if you live for more than one moment you live or are living and that’s time. So then when did you start living to be alive? They even give their God a gender. He and a male child, a son and even a male Ghost or Spirit called angels, a gender means a sex, a male gender means a seed or XY Chromosomes and sperm, DNA, RNA. This is all they claim. This is the problem with the instant creation from nothing it can’t be confirmed nor does their own Holy Books make that claim as for reproduction. This is proven as for evolving or evolution this is proven. Not how many have pro-claimed but how it is you evolved from your parents who evolved from their parents and each time there is Change? Evolution, this evolutionary explanation of life by birth does not make God or Gods unnecessary. Anyone can see life develops gradually changing from person io person and over a great period of time much change. Of course there is intelligence involved by one designer who alone from nothing provided that one ingredient for life and set into motion by saying to it exist. Think of who was talking and why speak at all, if there were no other beings to listen? Older wiser living beings birthed, created, grew, made and fashioned our level of life. Just as if a pure African moves to Europe, it’s known now his genes are older, stronger that's a fact confirmed. If he is the very first and he takes a European or Caucasian female and impregnates her with his sperm, the child bom would be a new creation, a first. His father would be his creator, his mother would also be his creator and the Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” in which he planted his seed to mix with her ovum. Now the other way around, if an African woman who holds the Mitochondrial DNA a genealogy is bom. A line from her onward. While the seed of the African male ended at conception because he does not have Mitochondrial DNA like the woman. Yet, in both cases it was a new creation created from them. Then from the Afriean woman’s seed because of the Mitochondrial DNA, the gene proven to be transferred from the mother only. This is evolution genetically if beings came to us from older worlds with stronger genes and bred A us. They would be our Gods and if it was a female she would be our mother and Goddess. That is how it’s done. 4. The Devil and Evil: Who has the most to profit from a Good God created us and all things more than a Devil or Devils? It gives him a purpose. It brings him into existence as well. For why would you need a Good if there was no Evil? Why need a God if there was no Devil? So who do you think created religion and its religious laws of Do and Don't do? Not the creation and certainly not the creators or the one who has the most to gain by weaker beings violating these do and do not do laws and of course that created a place for enforcers of these laws and then subjects and of course records of what to do and not to do written by those enforcers. You get your so-called Holy Books by whatever title to enforce their laws and stay in control. Real do and do not's is only what is harmful in any way to anything. Your health, life, or nature, which you need. Don’t hurt yourself or others, that’s law. 5. The Bible, Quraan and God Story: On first reading the opening words of the Old Testament in Hebrew as Tanakh “Torah” or English which birthed the New Testament many other Agnostic text of Nag Hammadi, scrolls found in Egipt in 1945 A.D. and the Qumran Scrolls called Dead Sea Serolls found outside of Jerusalem in 1947 A.D. which birthed the Quraan of the Muslim’s Islamic Religion in 610-632 A.D. in Arabia and their religions for each base their belief in a Divine on this first book of Genesis in what they call the Bible. This first chapter seems to assume the existence of an ony Eloheem or 717" YHWH or God, S10¢ Dios or alAllah, ay Rabb. Genesis, however was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in History. They claim a Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it, which has not been proven to date. However, the very words, “In the heginning God," is not saying, “In the beginning, I as the first and only God..." It’s about a God not by this God. Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God..." It does not say, 1 am the God the first and only God and the word was with me. Again it’s not by a God. The Qur’aan read, “Jn the name of your Rabb who created...” It doesn’t say, Read in the name of me Allah who created, it’s about Allah not by Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God, not by a God about human beings, just as many children world over now’ believe that Santa Clause was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringle”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks, how he has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts A and that makes people happy. How he lives way up North at the North Pole. People spend their hard earned money on gifts. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible or Quraan about their God, Angels, reward. He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is not that the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was born on Christmas? They have music, feast, rituals, symbols, it’s not real, it’s all fake. He really doesn’t and never existed, a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, symbols. You think about it, now he Santa Claus is supposed to be good like God. But then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, killed. Don’t forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. And so many others I could say but you think them and see how it works and worked. It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories. There is no proof of the stories religious people devote their lives to, none. Yes, they found places mentioned in the Bible but you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. ep FRANZ JOSE LAND» Figure 1: Map of North Pole + Figure 2: Map of Transylvania ‘That docs not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are or were real. And it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Loch Ness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof they do not exist and yet in Egipt facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places, and real people confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, or Muhammadism which all three should be called Abrahamism, for each claim him in their Quraan 16:123, as their founder and he has not been proven to ever have existed. No facts, confirmation, findings, none not one of him, None of them have proven their creation story, their angels story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, but their Hell story is trae. We have it right here on Earth with all the pain and suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe in, But facts will always come out of the lies or fabrication. Religion. . The Name of el or God doesn’t ce eal: People who Se eee dee ene: Chetan Minna lay like Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub-divisions, sects, and denominations. The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in x their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or The Vatican in Rome or Mecca in Arabia, none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only beliefs and are not argument of their God’s existence. A God each claims is partial io their rituals and them as the chosen ones and that their God would not protect other children of the world unless they all convert to their races, religious beliefs. That he is responsible for all being bom. amongst the Hindus Indian sub-race, or Buddhist Asian sub-race or Yorubans African race. Is not he the giver of all life to all people regardless of race according to their religious beliefs? Are we to believe that when each time these so-called Hebrew race of Jews or Israelites the sub-rece of Caucasian people could not live safe, find food where he sent them the Land of Canaan or fear death their God, Yahweh, Eloheem sent them to Africa to the Africans. Egipt is in Afriea and was ruled originally by Afrieans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black, nappy hair, big lips, large genitals, and big butts. All this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans “repeatedly”. The Personification of God. Angels, Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in Spirit Torah Genesis 1:2 (Mosesism) John 4:24 (Jesusism) or as an unseen Spirit Quraan 2:3, John 1:18, that God is not a Human being Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9. That Angels have wings Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:11 and are also Holy Ghost Luke Quraan 16:102-103 or Spirits yet human beings 1 Timothy Genesis 3:22, Exodus 7:1; because, we as human beings know we have all kinds of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside. We start off as babies weak and dependant. And as we age, we lose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness, and we need to eat, we need to drink water, and we have other needs we go crazy or lose our minds. We are selfish. So how can their God be a human being and still be all powerful? So they use the spirit of God comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh St. John 1:14 used by the Christians in New Testament or the Angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim’s Qur’aan Chapter 19:17, Psalm 18:10-11 and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah, Genesis 1:2. But in each a spirit being came down to Earth Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They ate meat of animals with this and so many others in human form. They use doves (Mark 1:10), ass. calves, mules, strange flying animals to take them to Heaven as in the * (Qur’aan 17:1), unicorns (Job 39:10), dragons (Revelation 13), talking snakes (Genesis 3:1), fish men (1 Samuel 5:2-7) goat men Leviticus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form (Quraan 17: Daniel 8:15-16, Revelations 22:8-9) in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants (Genesis 6:4). You can tead this in their Holy Scriptures and books they use to explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals, Yet, Moses and his people worshiped a brass serpent “snake” (Numbers 21:8-9, John 3:14). Thus, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years (Genesis 46:3, Exodus 12:40-41) and also sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus, (Matthew 2:13-15) to Egipt to be safe. This also is to be found in their Holy books (Exodus 12:40-41). Think their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, Tbraheem to give him a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24, Genesis 12:1, 7) then Genesis 12:10 and Quraan on Jesus (Isa) tet Quran 43:61. To look over them, protect them, a safe place. Now note this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine (Genesis 42:3-5), dry-up and force the Israelites to have to move or die. He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham (Genesis 17:8). Then of all the planet Earth why are they or does he feel they are safe in pagan Egypt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? He passed through Europe to go to Een look at map of his route: Figure 3: ‘Map of Abraham’s Journey * Egiptians are never called evil in Hebrews? Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird dove (Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10; John 1:32) enter a human being and he became Emmanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23) with us they claim. The Muslims claim he Isa or Al Masih will climb down a ladder onto a Mosque when he retums from up there or Heaven and Caucasoid European Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth. While they and the sub-race of Palestine kill each other over the Land of Canaan, In each they see some human being, coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings, who can transform himself, Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khamunu “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep who came out of the water meaning the tadpole like sperm and the fetus like frog in the wet womb of a female which came out on dry land as a Human being onto land before becoming an upright mortal Homo-Sapian or that Paa-Sapzdutu the Enneads personified and create man in their images, they say that never could have happened. Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, but the fact remains and has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them, they needed Egiptians, The Egiptian Nazduru “Gods of Nature” never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. And who was first on Planet Earth, the Egiptians who are Africans in Africa first. These are proven facts. Whose records have been found, the Egiptians. And in person who looks like you Negroids, your Egiptian ancestors, your own Holy blood line, DNA. And where is Egipt? Africa. And what docs that make true Fgiptians? Africans. And who are the original Africans? Negroids, Dark-skin, wooly-hair people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents’ pictures. It is the same. The Evidence of Greatness and Miracles: All you have to do is look at Africa and Africans, the Great empires we built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, and South Africa, look at our records, our arts. the first to write a script, and the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord God turned the wooden stick into a living snake, (Exodus 7:9-10). Now the ruler of Egipt, a man Per-RE-Ah: Satukh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh Seti I” called his Hanutu “priests” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslims Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonai, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet * Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, Theos, Allah did it for him. But RE did not do it for the Egiptian priests, they did it themselves from their own Earthly knowledge. So in fact who is the Hebrews Gods, the Egiptians. Right in their books, (Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4). The Hebrew does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself, What was the name of Amun-RE or Amon, Amen The Amen Revelation 3:14. They still use his name at the end of their prayer today Amen, So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal as mere mortal men in powers to their spirit God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing miracles as human beings, the Egiptians, the Africans called Negroids. The God who doesn’t Know. and Lies: In their holy books their God asks questions like, “Where art thou?” (Genesis 3:9) as Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden. And, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” (Genesis 3:11) and so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie he said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 3:6). Adam and Eve both ate of it but they did not die that day, That was a lic. Then does this God have fears? Yes he said, “Behold the man is hecome as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever.” (Genesis 3:22). So yes, he feared this man (Adam) who had become a God (Eloheem) like him. Just as Moses did; (Exodus 7:1), “And the LORD said wito Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” Paa Nazdur: Amun-Nub-RE-Akh-Ptah (Djedi) Shil Paa Hanutu Dzahuti RMdoLy af Paa Safan Mahyataat Shil Paa Munzul Nazdur: Amun Nub Re Akh Ptah Paa Hanut:(Djedi) The Sacred Papyrus of the Incarnated One “Overseer” ‘Amun Nub Re Akh Ptah (Melchizedek) Bi Paa Raganaat Shil RE: Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu Amun By way of the names of RE “Sun”: Anun and Atum “Self-Sufficient” and Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” \ Paa Daraj Shil Djadataat (i \ S| Paa Nafurmul Modataat jahyat #AXK Eve: Boa - The Scroll of Eyes Ble th 1-148 Existence How and Why 1, Don’t be fooled any longer Nuwaupians with the fiction stories of creation. There is no great mystery Ged named Eloheem, Yahweh. Thehos, Dios, Allah that is behind the existence of this one place of many called a uni- “one” verse or universe. . If there is a uni-verse that is one, it must have grown out of the multi- verses. 3. And not as those blinded by religious fictions and beliefs, and what religion wants you to believe. 4. The fact is this universe is as natural and simple as all other existing beings and things on this material abode. . There is not, nor was there any great mysterious God who just used the words “Let there be...” ot “In the beginning was the word”...ot Aah just has to say: “be and it In fact, that is another grammar mistake in the Arabic of the Muslim Quraan. You see in Chapter 2: Verse 17. wn eat | 3 foaWi] 5 | ott) ast Qadzay | Ezhaa | Wa | AlArdze | Wa | AsSamawaaté Badeyu He makesa | when | And | The Earth | And | Ofthe Heavens | Originator judgment 1 ge 2 8 ae OSS oS | ay | Oe Wal 117 Kun Faya kuwn | Lahu | Yaquwiu | Fa Ennamaa} Amraan This is incorrect | To it | He Says | So Surely | Of Order Grammar; should be What yi It should not be (3 583 Fayakuwn, it should have been yiSB “so it was” Fakaan. And the same mistake is in their Quraan many times: in Quraan 2:117, 16:40, 36:82, 40:68; all wiong in Arabic. It’s not “be and it is” as in most English translations, Most non-Arabic speaking Muslims don't know what the Quraan really says and most of the ones world over who claim they speak Arabic don’t speak Quraanie Arabic. They have sub-dialects so they don’t see the grammatical mistakes, and there are many. They recite by reading letters, vowels, but don’t see what it really says or the many grammatical mistakes in the Arabic like this one. 6. So there is no God, Allah, Yahweh, Jah, Thehos, Dios, who made a sound or statement or word and like magic, everything just came into existence. That is not how nature works. 7. Not at all in the Torah of Jews, Israelites, Hebrews and their many subgroups who believe in the Torah or 5 books of Mosheh, Moses, Musa, and this would include both Christians and Muslims where it states in Genesis 1:3, “And Eloheem DTN (Strong's Hebrew #430) Said let there be light and there was light”. 8. Nor in the Gospels of Christians of all groups, or people who read and believe in the New Testament of Jesus, Yashu’a, Isa. And this would include most Muslim sects, Moorish Americans, Nation of Islam (N.0.1, Rastafarian and others, where it states in John Le: “In the beginning apyn arche (Online Bible Greek Strong’s #746) was the Logos 2oyo (Online Bible Greek Strong’s #3056) or word and the word was with Theos 0co¢ (Online Bible Greek Strong’s #2316) God and the word was God” Read on to Verses 2-3; “2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." ul y eS i ees Figure 3: Moorish American Moslems Figure 4: Jamaican Rastafarian Men Figure 5: Nation of Islam Figure 6: Orthodox Muslim Black Muslims 9. This is what these religions of Abrahamism want you to accept as fact, truth and reality. 10. You try to explain to them, that kind of thinking was believed before electricity, before computers, before scientific findings of so many kinds. Real facts about creation. How long ago, where it all started, Africa, so many fossils, of so many kinds. How can you still believe it all started 6,000 years ago in Mesopotamia with a spirit God, 3hbMF Shabah ghost, unseen being to just do magic or send spirit beings or the holy ghost to take clay-mud, dust and shape a physical man, blow into him its breath and he comes alive and name him and her Adam (Genesis 5:2) “Adamites”. Figure 7: Gerobatrachus Hottoni Fossil lived about 290 million years ago, ry Figure 8: Toreh Flame (Fire) Figure 9: Light bulb (Electricity) what Abrahamites founded in Chaldea of Mosesism founded inai and Jesusism founded in Nazareth and Muhammadism B founded in Arabia all want you to trust in, with your very soul until death. The same how Greeks took Egiptian history and changed it into mythology then became Monotheism today. Then if it’s found not to be true, it’s too late. 12. Nature has a natural way she works with all living and existing things on the material abode. 13. There is no mysterious God. Stop waiting on him! 14. Who made the statement or word/words of creation, and after things went “Poof”, the magic, Abracadabra? Look at it: you see Abra = short for “Abram” and Kadab = “sacrifice”. 15. They want to believe this spirit, ghost god did magic then just went off some place never to be seen again or help stop the world’s sufferings. 16. You have in all these three cases, a male god who has a voice box because he speaks. Voice is the same as larynx and according to The American Heritage Dictionary larynx is defined as. “The part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea, having walls of cartilage and muscle and containing the vocal cords enveloped in folds of mmicous membrane.” 17. To the first group of Hebrews, in (Genesis 1:2) says this Eloheem came to Earth as a spirit and hovered over the water, but as a spirit. 18. The second group of Christians, (John 1:14), this God became a flesh and blood man, Jesus Christ. 19. The third group of Muslims (Quraan 2:3) this God was unseen. Not physical. Not holy ghost or holy spirit, but absent, unseen. So they all came from Abraham the Chaldean, Ibrahiim but they can’t agree on just what their Eloheem, Yahweh, Thehos, Kurios, Allah, and Rab is, but one thing is it is a He, male, man, Father, which gives him a gender, yet they claim he lives and is living. Live or ever living male God means one thing according to their own dictionaries. Live, have life, pass one’s life, continue in life, dwell, feed, living state of being in life and life lives. The active principle of the existence of animals and plants; animate, existence. Life and live both refer to an existence, being or plant, someone or something alive, living in life or activity, lively, or brisk. All this describes a kind of living creature, from create, bring into being, give rise to, make, creation, creative, creator, back toa creature, living being, and to grow is also to create. 20. So they all claim their deity is a living god, Allah that is alive, yet he is dead because to be a spirit according to their own dictionaries is to be dead or of the dead: meaning no longer alive. benumbed, obsolete, a dead person or persons, death, dying; end of life, end, and a spirit; or as they say soul which they mix up with spirit. Well a spirit ghost is an essential character or liveliness. Now ghost is a spirit, dead power, specter, ghostly. So you sce the circle of living and death; Live and die; Alive and Dead. 4 21. You can’t have it both ways. Now your deity is dead or alive, which is it? 22. They claim their deity is a spirit, that is a dead person. That is their own claim. (Genesis 1:2 Hebrews; John 4:24 Christians; Quraan 15:29, 58:22) 23. So in fact, they worship the dead, and according to their own teachings. they see life after death so once one dies or is dead they seek life, and where is the only place to seek life; Amongst the living (Luke 24:5). So they seck your life as Negroids, the living, as they ask you to convert or accept and pray and worship their dead God, Thehos, Allah; a spirit, a ghost seeking life. Which is the offer of blood and flesh to kill be it animals or man as Jesus was delivered up. It offers blood to death, life your life meaning you devote your life to their dead. 24. And you feed their spirit forces with your everyday lives, living according to his dictates, his laws on how to live, his religions, his day to day evils, wickedness, lust, luster, drugs, drinks, bad foods, his mindset. Things he likes to do. Games, wars, challenges, religions, all games played with your life; the living race. All to make you kill yourself so they can be there at the moment of your translation to soul, and steal your soul, Take your irue being, Yet, like a battery it burns out after 9 months of their use. So you're lost as only a spirit being as they are, and they seek another's living soul. Figure 11: Negroid Race Car Driver os N~. Figure 12: Negroid Baseball Player Figure 13: Negroid Soldiers in United States Army 25. You don’t need their spook god, he needs you. They seek to convert Negroids to their religions to claim their souls at Mitzvah, Baptism, or Shahadaat. They need you to give them soul, your living soul. 26. You have never been taught this before, nor that just as all living beings have a natural nature of their own passed on to them by absolute contact gene to gene, DNA to DNA, bloodline to bloodline, spirit to spirit, soul to soul, life to living, true existence itself has a natural nature which IS. Paa Nazdur shil Nazdur. 27. Life vitality, vigor which vitalizes you and is vital to who you are and what you should become in life before your transformation from body to soul. Figure 14: Baptism of Christians Figure 15: Bat Mitzvah of the Jews Figure 16: Shahadaat of the Muslims: 28. It’s energy that energizes natural nature in all living persons and things in nature doing things naturally 29. When one overstands Paa Nazduru the ignorance known as mystery fades out of existence and is destroyed. 30. Wu:Nuwaupu is the motivator and activator; you feel yourself revitalizing as you read and study these Seroll of Eyes revealed to you by myself in flesh Paa Munzul: Nazdur Amun Nub RE Akh Ptah. You feel the cells in your brain coming back to life. You know this is about you, you know this is for you. You know it’s your own salvation. 31. These Actual Facts causes the activities of the Supreme Being which is absolute, natural nature as your being All in All. 32. You as Negroids, Africans exist outside and inside this state you find yourself trapped in right now, but not for long. 33. Paa Taynum Khyu the Caucasoids have never taught you anything about your true self in relation to natural nature, who you are, 34, Because it would destroy his master plan and wipe out of your soul, the belief in his religions, his ISMs. 35. And once the falsities of his religions and their images is revealed to you, it will fade. The oppressors will no longer look like God in your sub-mind, You will stop fearing him and stop accepting his physical and mental abuses and killings of your kind, This is his real fear, you no longer fearing them or wishing to be like them in their image. He not being your God and you are your guard and protector. 7 Abraham-Ibraheem ISM | Mosesism Jesusism Muhammadism 36. You will be from under the spell of dominance and domination and all the many sub-sects, group’s denomination of the above ISMs. 37. You will truly be free to think on your own without his fears governing your thoughts, emotions, feelings; it is the natural nature of you and them, Negroids — Opposites — Caucasoids Positive and negative and those in between have a choice. 38. Many of the sub-races chose to be with him against you. He does not really accept them but pretends in order to use them against you. He doesn’t fear them. He only fears his god, you. His creator, you. His maker, you. 39. You are life, the living. He is death; the living dead. Or as a leper bom. Figure 17: The Dead Figure 18: The Living 40, Parts of nature exist as units or universes. While other paris exist in chaos (Dark Energy), others are calm (Dark Matter). Al. So in fact, the parts that existed as multi-verses created uni-verses or a unit in existence; meaning action is movement in and from stillness and disturbs the calmness, thus giving birth to chaos. So in fact, black or dark, darkness is calm, and light, white, bright is chaos. So out of darkness was light created, or out of calm chaos was in and is born. 42. In other words, order and disorder exist. And out of one comes forth the other. So in fact, they exist at the same time before they exist in the same place as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Because, once you think of what you wish to make or create it exists in your mind. Then that is ima state of time existence. Or the moment you come up with the idea it began to exist in time from that first thought of. Yet, not in space or matter as of yet. Once you shape or fashion, make great or birth the thing: now it creates its own place or space. As a baby forms in the womb of its mother, it creates its own space to facts, to time, to thought, and then the place. Figure 19: Retus in the womb Now once it’s completed it has become something or the sum-of-a- thing. Matter, weight, density, and existences, therefore is of three kinds; moment of mental conception before it has incarnated. He came out of us. He knows that he is chaotic by his natural nature, and ‘you, his ereator, is calm by your natural nature; yet you should not be weak, and abused by him in'any way. He knows you are the Supreme Being. Now you must acknowledge who you are, not what you became under him. 43. So you exist at the same time in nature’s mind’s eye but, not the same space or places at that point in space. No two physical things can occupy the same space at the same time if they are vibrating on the same vibrations. Now the fact is two or more existing tones can by the 19 tone or pitch of sound, thus this would mean they're at the same point in time you hear them, seemingly at the same place at the time the sound or music is played. Yet, because each key or note played or spoken is a different key or tone, it will vibrate differently if you strike the same key on different key boards. One blends into the other and they become one and the exact same tone. Yet, from two different places to fuse in the environment. 44, So in fact, order and disorder altemates back and forth by exchanging places. By way of growth and decay, they must pass each other in passing by. Passing Point Meeting Stage in Time in Existence You as Negroids exist outside nature as the Supreme Being while Caucasoids exist in nature as all other animals. 45. When the Summer Cycle comes to the chaotic parts of primeval chaos of nature, universes sprout and grow like trees throughout existence that have been in disorder. 46. When the Winter Cycle of existence comes to the orderly parts of the universes of nature, the universes crumble and return to primeval chaos while others in various other places are beginning to grow. 47. These changes have no effect on the Negroids’ physical body as Supreme Beings, yet they do affect the Caucasoids” physical body as an animal who has roamed out of his natural environment and now must run and hide from the rays of the sun or it will kill him dead. His Tace can’t stand to stay exposed to natural nature directly. Winter and summer is his outright enemy as well as wet and dry; each attacks his 20 physical body, his skin being transparent, colourless, it has no natural protection, not being born a Melanin-ite child Figure 20: Caucasoid with Figure 21; Caucasoid with sunburn frostbite 48. A universe is not something mechanically made: it is a growth in nature as natural as a plant which needs the sun and water, It is the natural nature that starts a universe to grow out of the multi-verses, then time starts a universe to crumble into itself just as the human body, cells and organs are born, grows and ages inward out. 49. So both or all existence exists in cyeles and circles of limited duration. Figure 22: A Universe 50. It takes a universe nine years to be born as it takes a human nine months to be born. 51.To make this clear, the time it takes for nine ether to fully form a universe is 9 years, and this time is a universe's gestation period. 3 times 3 cycles, circles 52. Why and how, how and why a universe aed or shoots forth like semen or Maf-khu-zhet from a worked up ?HXr& Qadzab or penis, phallus, and once semen mixed with ovum which was formed long before the semen of man. Figure 23: Image of Atum at moment of ereation 53. The ovum formed long before in the womb of the woman and just waited for the semen to arrive, sprout, mix and grow. As you see in Figure 23, 12 females holding a sun “RE” between her hands Ovum, heat of life in her womb as female. Online Bible Strong’s #800 “ON ‘Ishshah meaning “fire” and the Online Bible Strong's #802 is ZS ‘Ishshah meaning “woman” are the same word. So woman means fire. And you see from Atum’s penis semen onto the child whose feet rest on the rope: And the symbol in which the child is resting his fect is 2 symbolic of Khat the fire sign. It is a brazier or lamp on a stand with a flame and onto the hands of a man. 54. This is because the season is right. She has her seasons of ovulation like summer in her womb; the heat rises, the liquids boil up, the eggs are born. The summer of existence has returned to that just right part of natural nature. “ea Qo nan me) 7 é Diagram 1: Ovulation in the Female 55. Origin of a universe in a multi-verse or The All in All, takes place in this same way. Think on it for a moment. Imagine a very thick fog-like or “Nut” condition “Nw” existing in very vast areas of space as a thorough mixture of gases “Aki”, very fine soil “Geb”, chemicals and all other types of elements “ZafNui-Shu’” 56. This is primeval chaos “Nun-Nunet” when the summer season retums to this area, like a seed of “Tum-Arum" planted but waiting for the 23 spring to arrive. The gases and chemicals and all active elements which had been floating aimlessly in space, begin to accumulate in a ceniral point “black dot”, These active elements float aimlessly like the eggs in the womb. And these are bubble shaped. They float because there is no gravitation at that time to affect matter and there is no universal body #MAMA Sadad “maier” anywhere near to attract or pull them. Or how their Bible put it Genesis 1:2, “And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep...” Ptah-Enen or Ta-Enen, or Nafur-Tum (Genesis 16-8) mist-above. 57. The many active elements, gases, chemicals of nature, etheric and atomic and cell structure of nature by the natural laws of nature and sub-atomic nature continue to aggregate to a central point. And when some of every active clement existing in nature has focused in the same place, or Ptah-Enen or Nafur-Tum, a universe or seed “Maf-Khu- Zhet” is formed in the prostate gland of the male or bartholin gland within the woman first, which is coated on either side of the vaginal orifice that secretes a lubricating tA+AL Khawat “mucus”. And is equivalent to the bulbo urethral glands in the male, which are located below the SMLAT Batah “prostate” and discharges a component of the seminal fluid into the urethra urinary badder ‘Symphysis pubis: Diagram 2: Male Reproductive System 58. So in fact, females were and are capable of reproducing seminal fluids on their own internally as she did to birth the first son “san” 59. And then a spontaneous fire begins in the egg or (Genesis 1:9-10) seed emen” and that egg is the beginning of one of many SUNS or sons which are the original creators Nunet-Nun to Ptah-Nun in the form of universal bodies (Genesis 1:26-27). The spontaneous fire is Online Bible Strong’ #800-802 TWX “fire”. This shows heat, fire of womb to Enosh “mortal” and man and Quraan 3:6 citi Al Arhaam “the womb” which yields four passages and is from the root letter in Arabic as) which is Rahmaan and Raheem of asxyll glaayll ai) au: Bismi Allah Al Rahmaan Al Raheem. These words don’t mean gracious and merciful; it speaks of two stages in the womb in birth. Ar Rahmaan gles] = NUN Ar Raheem ais jll =NUNET Allah il = PTAH NUN 60. Lucy the little Kenyan female of Africa (Genesis 1:28). Lucy, also given a second Amharic name: Dinkenesh, meaning “You are beautiful” is a 40% complete skeleton of an Australopithecus Afarensis specimen discovered in 1974 A.D at Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Depression in Ethiopia. Lucy is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago. From 1992 A.D, finally completing the discovery in 1994 A.D, a new hominid, Ardi, whose name means “ground floor” in the Afar language was found, pushing back the earliest known hominid date to 4.4 million years ago. The African little people are the original creator in flesh and blood and you bigger Africans are the evolutionary descendants of those African little people, Ptahites. @ alt a } Zr & Figure 24 : Luey Figure 25: Ardi 25 Diagram 3: Bartholin Gland 61. The forming of the universal eggs is the combination of all existing gases and chemicals and this is Nine Ether 049 AE “Tasu Akh”, the original grower in conscious gas Bri “ghaz” 62, When a sun starts to grow it sends out electrical waves in the form of ethereal lighting, and at the end of each lighting waves another Nine Ether egg forms which is the beginning of another RE or sun. 1) H' 2) He: the birth of a sun or 554 million tons of Hydrogen is changed into 550 tons of Helium each moment on the sun. This coming together and mixing of energy or of atomic elements one plus two gaye you three after 9 cycles of 3,3 sets of 3 you have: . Hydrogen Helium Lithium, Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine SEND WE WN And the birth of a gas light, a black light which interacts with what is called “day-glo” fluorescence called the 10 Neon or the rare atmospheric gas, neon lighting from one or | on through to nine or 9 = 26 ® then TEN 10 or recycle M, A single one new source of gas light called the Sun. Solar, Sol, Soul. Periodic Table of Elements *Lanthinide [F Q fe Series | Ce| Pr |Na Sm] Eu} Ga [tb rr Br ie es de) EE ee Figure 26: Periodic Table 63. When the suns have grown big enough and strong enough they put the test of the universe in order by forces, pushing and pulling. From the $84 down to 550 of the first 9+1 elements. Growing from it other bodies. 64. For the remaining 4 million tons of the original $54 million tons now become chaotic as light “Neon” being trapped creating electrical storms on the sun you see as sun spots or dark spots of energy exploding. 65. Or exploding off or to birth of smaller bodies of gas which cool to become chaotic solids, liquids and gases on to planets, satellites and other masses. 66. The suns grow by attracting more and more matter from space in time and changing the atomic count of the matter through the process of metamorphosis. 67. The suns are planets with brains and blood and the other universal bodies are planets, which means smaller planets of Plazm: “Neith”’, chaos or war of the worlds, Net which means “thar which is Diagram 4: Sun depieting Sun spots 68. Now know this also Nuwaupians, all true stars, the true stars of the physical universe are suns. Calm and chaotic, all do not have solar systems. Some suns are just stabilizers and light and physical life givers in the universe, 69. Now those like this one in this system or the Nine Ball, your sun in this part of the multi-verses are growers and seeders of solar systems just as each Negroid is the center of all races. The true black dot around which, and from whom all other races evolved. 70. When a true 4% RE “sw” that is going to have a solar system has grown big enough and strong enough it begins to put the matter in chaos surrounding into order by forming a magnetic core, a central sun, which is the heart of the body or central sun of a planet chosen for life, And rolling that magnetic core against the matter of primeval chaos or Krrt-4e Khaf-RE out of GG Nun, which is not yet in order as PLOS-4¢ Atum-RE and surrounding the sun. 28 ALoG-4e ORB “Earth” OATS ALSS-4e AGOGO Figure 27: Orb "Earth" 71. A planet grows until all the matter in its immediate area has been formed into the orb. 72. Then the power of the sun ignites the planet and releases its attraction of the planet and the weight of the planet, or in this case six sextillion tons moves the orb away from the sun. Diagram 5: Earth's Orbit 29 73. The planet moves farther and farther away from the sun until it displaces its own weight in the atmosphere of the sun as an object does in water. 74, An object will sink in water until it displaces its own weight in that water then it stops and floats. As all air and atmosphere is mist or moist, one of the six forms of liquid of Nun from Nu 75. So when the planet displaces its own weight in the atmosphere as an object does in water, it 1s in orbit, and then it floats around its sun, its grower and controller indefinitely. 76. When the sun is growing the planets, it uses all matter available and of course that includes all gases, chemicals and elements in reach. 77. But the compound known as H?O water lessens by buming ability of the other elements by weakening their potency. 78. Moreover two Hydrogen Atomic #1 and one Oxygen Atomic #8 is necessary in the forming of the satellites and is needed in the forming of flesh and blood beings as the humans” body have forms of liquid: 1) Red and White Blood Cells 2) Mucous 3) Semen 4) Urine 5) Sweat 6) Puss; all contain certain mass — water. Three fourths of the human body is water. Hemoglobin metecute Red blood: call om ees Beans a Soe 2 bins heme on Sie Feesobin mote 8: Anatomy of Red Blood Cell Figure 29: White Blood Cell Figure 79. So when this planet orbits its sun and starts its eternal rotation around Shh-x

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