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«GLDO YOU ARE, DOT GIDAT You “ACCEPT a oe PAA DARAJ SHIL DJADATAAT The Scroll of Eyes PAA Nanucu kNowN Re €.MALAcht Kobina YORK we Voc Nou eens = 2h: Re Tuesory, une 26,1945 A.D, is TAKORADL,GhiNA West AFRICA -Soill Lavine) “The TRANsMIeTER” Introduction To All 9 Reasons to be Nuwaupian Not Them 1. The Inevitability of Fact: Everyone seeks facts, truth, confirmation, no one can really endure on blind faith or hopes. The stress and cares of life without facts about something, like not knowing the exact phone number of an important call or the address of a place you must be at, at a certain time. To not have facts to feel pain, fear, danger, but not know why or where to go to have it taken care of; that’s blind faith, not a life to death that cannot ultimately be proven. Atheists cannot prove there is no God or Gods just as religious people cannot prove that their God or Gods exist by faith and belief only. And so they create other titles such as Pantheist or Pragmatist. Facts are unavoidable, even if we only choose to have facts in our own existence. What is to be decided is what evidence do we think is pertinent. How are we going to interpret the evidence and who finds it and will they really accept the facts over their blind faith? Ask yourself who is your mother. She comes to mind because you know who she is. Now who is your creator, God, Lord, Allah, Rabb, JAH, Yahweh? You don’t get an exact. One is fact and the other is fiction until confirmed. 2. The use and mis-use of Sciences: There are no limitations in finding facts when you compare religion to the Scientific method of “prove it”. The process defined by that which is measurable and repeatable. It speaks to issues and their ultimate origin as well as people, places, and things. Where did they come from? How long ago? How did they come about? Genetics, not control of others moralities or lives for such answers, science depends on what was recorded and found, read and confirmed to be the way people really lived, facts not fiction. Whereas, religious beliefs can’t be found or confirmed just what men. wrote down and claimed as coming from an unproven spirit God. They make the claims that their God, Lord knows about the smallest details of our lives, but don’t and won’t nor haven't stopped all the sickness, evils, wars, killings, destruction of nature, and even their own Human bodies and minds, birth defects. He doesn’t help or prevent. 3. The Problems Creation vs. Evolut your parents, their parents and so on. You reading this confirms your existence. Next step back is where did you come from, your parents, who came from theirs? That’s how it’s done with plants, animals, humans and the universe. Nothing new even if a test tube is used it still has the same root seeds for reproduction. Where did it start? Why must it have to have one? Only to support your belief in a spook God one point in time saying be or let there be this person, What most overlook is even then in their religious books they say this God used dust or mud or clay of the ground which always has some form of life be it dry sand or moist soil. Life existed in it when their God used it to shape, fashion, mold, make, form create the first flesh and blood being. So the seed of life was there or with that God who they claim is life and if you live for more than one moment you live or are living and that’s time. So then when did you start living to be alive? They even give their God a gender. He and a male child, a son and even a male Ghost or Spirit called angels, a gender means a sex, a male gender means a seed or XY Chromosomes and sperm, DNA, RNA. This is all they claim. This is the problem with the instant creation from nothing it can’t be confirmed nor does their own Holy Books make that claim as for reproduction. This is proven as for evolving or evolution this is proven. Not how many have pro-claimed but how it is you evolved from your parents who evolved from their parents and each time there is change, evolution? This evolutionary explanation of life by birth does not make God or Gods unnecessary anyone can see life develops gradually changing from person to person and over a great period of time much change. Of course there is intelligence involved by one designer who alone from nothing provided that one ingredient for life and set into motion by saying to it exist. Think of who was talking and why speak at all? If there was no other beings to listen. Older wiser living beings birthed, created, grew, made, fashioned our level of life just as if a pure African moves to Europe it’s known now his genes are older, stronger that’s a fact confirmed. If he is the very first and he takes a European or Caucasian female and impregnates her with his sperm, the child bom would be a new creation, a first. His father would be his creator, his mother would also be his creator and the Paa-Ptah-Nun “The Planet Earth” in which he planted his seed to mix with her ovum. Now the other way around an African woman who holds the Mitochondrial DNA a genealogy is born. A line from her onward. While the seed of the African male The first fact is you yourself, ww ended at conception because he does not have Mitochondrial DNA like the woman. Yet in both cases it was a new creation created from them, Then from the African woman’s seed because of the Mitochondrial DNA, the gene proven to be transferred from the Mother only. This is evolution genetically if beings came to us from older worlds with stronger genes and bread us. They would be our God and if it was a female she would be our mother and Goddess, that is how it’s done. The Devil and Evil: Who has the most to profit from a Good God created us and all things more than a Devil or Devils? It gives him a purpose. It brings him into existence as well. For why would you need a Good if there was no Evil? Why need a God if there was no Devil? So who do you think created religion and its religious laws of Do and Don’t do? Not the creation and certainly not the creators or the one who has the most to gain by weaker beings violating these do and do not do laws and of course that created a place for enforcers of these laws and then subjects and of course records of what to do and not to do written by those enforcers. You get your so-called Holy Books by whatever title to enforce their laws and stay in control. Real do and do nots is only what is harmful in any way to anything. Your health, life, nature, which you need. Don’t hurt yourself or others, that’s law. . The Bible, Quraan and God Story: On first reading the opening words of the Old Testament in Hebrew as Tanakh “Torah” or English which birthed the New Testament many other Agnostic text of Nag Hammadi, Dead Sea Serolls which birthed the Quraan and their religions for each base their belief in a Divine on this first book of Genesis in what they call the Bible. This first chapter seems to assume the existence of an Eloheem or YHWH or God, Dios or Allah, Rabb. Genesis, however was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in History. They claim a Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it. Not proven to date, however the very words, “In the beginning God,” is not saying, “In the beginning, I as the first and only God...” It’s about a God not by this God. Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God...” It does not say, I am the God the first and only God and the word was with me. Again it’s not by a God. The Quraan read, “In the name of your Rabb who created..." It doesn’t say, Read in the name of me Allah who created, it’s about Allah not by Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God not by a God about human beings, just as many children world over now believe that Santa Clause was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringle”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks; how he has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts and that makes people happy. How he lives way up North at the North Pole. People spend their hard earned money on gifts. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible or Quraan about their God, Angels, reward. He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is not that the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was born on Christmas? They have music, feast, rituals, symbols, it’s not real, it’s all fake. He really doesn’t and never existed, a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, symbols. You think about it, now he Santa Claus is supposed to be good like God. But then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, killed. Don’t forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. And so many others I could say but you think them and see how it works and worked. It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories. There is no proof of the stories religious people devote their lives to, none. Yes, they found places mentioned in the Bible but you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. od nieumemere = ct Map of North Pole 4 a a Map of Transylvania That does not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are or were real. And it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Lockness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof they do not exist and yet in Egipt. Facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places, real people, confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, Muhammadism. None of them have proven their creation story, their angels story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, but their Hell story is true we have it right here on Earth with all the pain, suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe in. But facts will always come out of the lies or fabrication. Religion. . The Name of a Religion or God doesn’t make it Real: People who claim names today like Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub-divisions, sects, denominations. The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or Vatican in Rome or Mecea in Arabia, none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only beliefs and are not argument of theit God’s existence. A God each claim is partial to their rituals and them as chosen and that their God would not protect other children of the world. That he is responsible for being born amongst Hindus, or Buddhist or Yorubans. Is not he the giver of all life? Are we to believe that when each time these people could not live, find food or fear death their.God sent them to Africa to the Africans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black, nappy hair, big lips, large genitals, big butts, all this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans “Repeatedly”. . The Personification of God, Angels, Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in Spirit or as an unseen Spirit, that God is not a Human being and that Angels have wings and are also Holy Ghost or Spirits not human beings because we as human beings know we have all kind of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside. We start off as babies weak and dependant. And as we age, we loose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness, and we need to eat, we need to drink water, we have needs. We go crazy or lose our minds, we are selfish, So how can their God be a human being and still be all powerfull? So they use the spirit of God comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh St. John 1:14 used by the Christians in New Testament or the angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim’s Quraan Chapter 19:17, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah Genesis 1:2. But in each a spirit being came down to Earth, Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Ptah-Nun “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They ate meat of animals with this and so many others in human form. They use doves Mark 1:10, ass, calves, mules, strange flying animals to take them to Heaven as in the Quraan 17:1, unicorns Job 39:10, dragons Revelation 13, talking snakes Genesis 3:1, fish men 1 Samuel 5:2-7 goat men Le icus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants Genesis 6:4. You can read this in their Holy scriptures and books they use to explain their religions, Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Egiptians of old worship animals. Yet, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years and sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus Matthew 2:13-15. This also is to be found in their Holy books Exodus 12:40-41, Think their God, Allah, YHWH, Eloheem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, Ibraheem to give him a land flowing with milk and honey. To look over them, protect them, a safe place. Now note this is their all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine Genesis 42:3-5, dry-up and force the Israelites to have to move or die. He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:8. Then ofall the planet Earth why are they or does he feel they are safe in pagan Egypt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? They are never called evil in their Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird dove enter a human being and he became Emmanuel, “God with us” Matthew 1:23 with us they claim. The Muslims claim he Isa or Al Masih will climb down a latter onto a Mosque when he returns from up there or Heaven and Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth. In each they see some human being coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings who can transform himself. Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khemenu “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep before man or that Paa-Sapzdetu the Enneads personified and create man in their images, they say that never could have happened. Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, but the fact remains and has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them, they needed Egiptians. The Egiptian Nazduru “Gods of Nature” never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. And who was first, the Egiptians. Whose records have been found, the Egiptians. And in person who looks like you Negroids, your Egiptian ancestors, your own Holy blood line. And where is Egipt? Africa. And what does that make true Egiptians? Africans. And who are the original Africans? Negroids, Dark-skin, wooly- hair people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents’ pictures. It is the same. . The Evidence of Greatness and Miracles: All you have to do is look at Afriea and Africans, the Great empires they built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, South Africa, look at our records, our arts, the first to write a script, the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord God turned the wooden stick into a living snake, Exodus 7:9-10, Now the ruler of Egipt, a man Per-RE-ah: Satukh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh Seti I” called his hamutu “priest” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslim’s Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonia, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, Theos, Allah did it for him, But RE did not do it for the Egiptian priest, they did it themselves from their own Earthly knowledge. So in fact who is the Hebrew’s Gods, the Egiptians right in their books, Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4. The Hebrew does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself. What was the name of Amun-RE or Amon, Amen, The Amen Revelation 3:14, They still use his name at the end of their prayer today Amen. So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal in powers to their God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing Miracles as human beings, the Egiptians, the Africans called Negroids. . The God who doesn’t Know, and Lies: In their Holy books their God ask questions like, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9 as Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden. And, “Who told thee that thou wast naked?” Genesis 3:11 and so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie he said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Genesis 3:6. Adam and Eve both ate of it but they did not die. That was a lie. Then does this God have fears? Yes he said, “Be hold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever.” Genesis 3:22 So yes, he fear this man who had become a God like him. Paa-Nazdur: Amun-Nub-RE-Akh-Ptah (Djedi” Shil Paa Hanutu XeOLt a Pa Safan Mahyataat Shil Paa Munzul Nazdur: Amunnub Reakh Ptah Paa Hanut:(Djedi) The Sacred Papyrus of the Incarnated Overseer Amun Nubi Re Akh Ptah (Melchizedek) Bi Paa Raénaat Shil RE: Anun wu Atum wu Atun wu Amun By Way of the names of RE “Sun”: Anun and Atum “Self: sufficient” and Atun “Unique One” and Amun “Hidden One” Paa Safar Shil Djadataat i The Scroll of Eyes 4 Paa Nafarmul Medataat ND The Beautiful Words q 1-61 }! " Who you Are Not What you Accept" OO . Do you know there is a difference between who you are by nature and what you accept by nature, you are Negroid, African, that is WHO you are. . Now, as to WHAT you have accepted that is what you allowed yourself to transform into in your mind, in your belief system, or religion even to the point where you have been removed from your own place of origin now called Africa. And you now accept or believe that you are other than yourself and nature. Even to the point where you live by the laws of the opposite to your genes, DNA, race, and kind. . You are the ever living Supreme Being. The first and will be the last. 4. The very origin of the multi-verses into a universe from nine ether to one ether the combination of all existing chemicals and gases — the multi-versal mental to the universal mind, the Supreme Being, the grower Paa Patt, the all is you, you are Pait, “A//”, living and existing things, the sum of all life is of you. And you are who you are. 5. Now the opposites are the positive factors of living nature and the negative factors of dead existence. In many degrees of vibrations from solid, liquid, gas, body, blood, and breath. Nv Figure 2: Liquid Figure 3: Gas Figure 4: Red Blood Cells 6. So you have negative forces of nature and beyond versus positive forces of nature and beyond or evil verses good. The true opposites among the two races, the good race, God race Negroids, and the bad race, devil race Caucasoids, it’s as plain as black and white. 7. The opposing forces of nature are darkness of which all life and living has become the living, ever living, and life givers. And then paleness of which all death and dying has become the dead, ever dying, the death casual, ghost, deteriorating, deterioration, to worsen, rot, decompose, decay, putrefaction, disease, and that is leprosy right in their own Bible the book of Numbers Chapter 12 verses 10 — 12 they claim from their own God it states right out to turn leper white of the skin as read in their Bible Leviticus Chapter 13 read it all. So lepers who are called white according to Numbers 12:12. And I quote here, “Let her not be AS ONE DEAD, of whom the flesh is half consumed...” What is this speaking about and whom? Well if you read verses 9-13 it’s about a woman they call Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron and what happened. She did not want her brother Moses to marry a Cushite woman. Numbers 12:1 it states Moses wanted a, Online Hebrew Strong’s #3568 YID Kuwsh koosh, Cush, an Ethiopian, Meroe. What does Kush, Cush, black, Negroid, African of Ethiopia from Ham, Kham, or Khamet, Kemet, Egipt. So this Hibiru or Hebrew woman did not want her brother Moses to marry outside their religion or tribe to a black, a Negroid Woman. Right there in their Bible, Racism. Numbers 12:1 “And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.”, and what was the result Numbers 12:9 their YHWH (77177) got angered at Miriam and Aaron for that and what did he do Numbers 12:10 changed her, that is Miriam, to become Leprous white as snow and Aaron looked upon Miriam and behold she was Leprous. Now read in their Bible Leviticus Chapter 13. These verses: 10 white skin, 11 it’s an old leprosy in the skin at his flesh from Genesis 9:25 a curse from their God. And Moses became one of their Gods Exodus 7:1, So the power was with him, what else is seen in Leviticus 13, in verses: 19 reddish skin, 20 if white skin its leprosy 30, 31 the nappy hair become thin fur and even change in colour from black hair to yellow blonde fur or thin, 36 yellow is unclean, 39 has freckles, 42 goes bald as they do at a young ages. So this is your leper race. The Caucasoid race. I 3 did not say it their own Bible says it and their own Yahweh got mad at Miriam for speaking against a black-skinned female from Africa’s Ethiopia. And turned Miriam white-skinned as he did Moses before in Exodus 4:6 “Then the LORD said, "Put your hand inside your cloak." So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, like snow.” Figure 5: Leprous Female . Now you must ask how does that make them the living dead? Well first to live according to their own Bible Genesis 2:7 and the Yahweh, Eloheem “Lord God” formed man ADAM Online Bible Strong’s #120 DTN of the dust of the ground and Online Hebrew Strong’s #5301 M52 naphach “breathed” into his nostrils, The Breath Online Hebrew Strong's #5397 TNWI neshamah “breath” of life Online Hebrew Strong’s #2416 “TM chay and man became a living soul. Now what of the cursed seed of Canaanites? First let’s look and see who they are not what they claim to be by nationality. But who Genesis 10:15-19, “And Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, 16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, 17 And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, 18 And the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread abroad. 19 And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha.”. 9, These are the cursed seed of Canaan of Genesis 9:25. What was that curse leprosy? What does that have to do with being dead, if their alive? Well in their Hebrew Dictionary they claim two words for soul and spirit interchanged by them, Online Hebrew Strong’s #7307 M77 ruwach Ruakh “soul” and Online Hebrew Strong's #5315W53 nephesh Naphesh “spirit”. 10.So to them you must have your soul and or spirit to be alive or of the living. Judges 16:16, Psalms 6:5 their dead, have no remembrance. Now so if your soul is gone your dead let’s see what their Bible has to say about the Canaanites’ soul. Joshua who is it? The Canaanites. What did they lose? Their Online Hebrew Strong’s #7307 17 ruwach Ruakh “soul’. No soul, no life and in their Bible Numbers 12:12 what does it say about that, “Let her “Miriam” not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed" 11. She is a living leper in fact the living dead, or a 4+91 Ghawul, which is a dead spirit force preying on corpses; Ghoulish. So in fact lepers are the living dead. 12.As you see right in their own Bible they, Canaanites, have the curse of leprosy on them. It says what happened to them that they changed into pale, red, white skin. Their nappy hair changed from black to yellow even white fur. 13.In the Muslims Quraan Chapter 20:102 it speaks of the cursed having blue eyes. And it also speaks in the Bible how they lost their souls, This did not come from me, it’s from their own Bible Quranic records of them. Figure 6: Pale Skinned White Haired Blue-eyed Child 14. The living dead is the cursed seed of ghost people the Caueasoid race and the cursed seed of ghost people the Caucasoid race and those who chose to be their zombies, ghouls, slaves, servant, of any race. 5.Negroids are the living race and Caueasoids are the dead race, opposites by nature and beyond. 16.The ever living race is those forces of ether to flesh and blood of nature and beyond who constantly resolve to preserve and magnify life with joy, music, and dance. As you see in Africa, we people of soul called Soul People, having life, living souls; they even call us colourful people. Figure 8: Ghanaians Celebrating ure 9: Drumming 17.And the dead are those physical spirit for resolve to destroy and nullify life, joy, and happiness. They don’t dance or sing, not very colourful, and this is why they have lost their very souls and are not in tune with nature’s movements. They are that which, not those who and seek only the preserving and magnifying of the dead and death, killing, and even murdering others. They worship death and the dead in their s of nature and beyond which religions. 18.So therefore, since the Negroid and the Caucasoid races are opposites by nature, one must represent life and the other death by nature; thereby it stands to sound reason that since the Negroid African race was the first root race on the planet as now confirmed by all, then Africans would represent life because there must be life before there can be death. 19.Now life and death exist out of one another as taught in my writings as ZdaHuti, Tehuti, read it again. With updates for the hereafter doctrine, you will see both life and earth have their cycles of each other as the same origin Paa Patt, The All. Laws of nature and beyond. 20.You Negroids, the African race can never liberate itself without knowing and accepting and practicing the law of opposites, as taught in Wu- Nuwaupu. Divine Laws of Nature of who you really are, not what you have become over these past 6,000 years of death’s rule. 21.Don’t believe anything death teaches you. He is a liar by nature as you are the truth by your very nature being opposites. Many Negroids lost in the West called America have been lied to. This evil man and his-story, history. Like in the case of Abraham Lincoln freeing the African slaves. 22.S0 you say see we are not Negros, Nigger. We are free or we mixed with the Mongoloid, Indians in America who came here from China just as you came here from Africa. So you mix with them and say I'm not African. I'm Indian of this or that tribe, WHAT you become not WHO you are. Next you say in fact a Moroccan claimed us. So were not Africans we're Moorish, from Morocco, Sorry, Morocco is in Africa. Still you’re African. Not Islamic, a religion, not a race. 23.Just as U.S.A. is broken up into States or States of Existence. They are all one United States of America but when it comes to Africa they lie and say we are not all the same race, and in some ways that’s right but the same for America people who came here as outsiders. They came to Africa, spread their religions, settled in, took over, and set up states being called separate countries. Ghana, Liberia, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Niger, and Kenya. North, South, East, and West, was at one time all the same race, ‘one people who became many tribes, but still one and the same race before invaders came. 24.So you can say you're not Africans all you wish. The whole planet was ours before you birthed weaker genes, other races. Look at you. You say I’m part Indian so I’m not African, I’m Indian, Native American, and others do the same. 25,Well, the slave masters raped your ancestors here in America, Look at you. Your hair changed to fur, your skin, and your eye colour. Look at your shapes. Why don’t you say the way you say I’m Indian, I'm European, same thing, mixed seed. Why be proud to be Indian or Moorish Muslim? But not African your true roots, WHO you are not, what you became by mixing or rape conversion to a religion. 26.So they lied to you. Your root seed is African and Mr. Abraham Lincoln did not free you. These are his own words, don’t believe me check this out. He was a slave holder who became President of these United States. Each with their own laws and rules. sedernvess sea SOUTH ATLANTIC | OCEAN St Helena, ux) | Figure 10: Map of Africa with Illusionary Divisions 10 Figure 12: Moorish Americans 27.He made the National Policy Statement; note the use of these words, statements, policies and or his political action on National or Nationalities. Who and what is your National origin, your race, and what it will always be while in U.S.A., a land they stole. The Celtics, their race and sub-races now claim it; they say they are Americans. This is what he has to say about you. 28.Now again before you read on I ask you WHO ARE YOU? Not what you have accepted as you. Figure 13: President Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865.) 29.This is Abraham Lincoln, born February 12, 1809 A.D. - Died April 15, 1865 A.D. Race: Caucasoid, wife: Caucasoid, children: Caucasoid, three dying before adulthood. One survived only to marry and die at age 82 of cerebral hemorrhage. With his entire lineage dying of blood poisoning or some type of weak gene syndrome. The last reported to have died in 1985 leaving no living genetic relatives. 30.Now, note the first date of his sayings on Africans in America, who think he freed them. On: June 26" 1857 A.D. he said at Springfield: “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people at the idea of an_ indiscriminate Amalgamation of the white and black race, A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of Amalgamation but as immediate separation is impossible the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together.” On that date at that place this is what Mr. Abraham Lincoln said. HE WAS A RACIST! Then again he said much the same thing on: September 18", 1858 at Charleston, Illinois only one year later now read this, “Iwill say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office. Nor to intermarry with white people, and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, Which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality and in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together. There must be the position of superior and inferior and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” Then again he said much the same thing on: August 21° 1859 at Ottawa, Illinois the following year. Now read this: On that date in that place Abraham Lincoln said this as well HE WAS A RACIST! “I hold that a Negro is not and never ought to be a citizen of the United States. I hold that this government 13 was made on the white basis, by white men for the benefit af white men and their posterity forever and should be administered by white men and none others.” Note he said none other than white men. Not Moorish, not Native American Indians, not Latinos, only white men, FOREVER. He did not free you, stop teaching your children those lies. Abraham Lincoln and other President and Government officials from streets to courts, schools, hospitals, to cinemas you name it this is how they really feel it has not change will not change even with an African American President and African American Attorney General, still U.S.A. is Racist. THEY ARE ALL RACIST Then again he said the same racist statements as a Government Official on August 14" 1862 and he said this one to Negros at the Washington D.C. four years after. Now read this one: “ Even when you cease to be slaves, you are yet far removed from being placed on an equality with white people on this broad continent not a single man of your race is made the equal of a single man of ours of ours. Go where you are treated the best, and the ban is still upon you... | cannot alter it if] would.” These were words out of his own mouth from his own heart, Stop all that stuff about him being Black, Indian, Moorish he stated flat out right there. Negros are not equal to a single man “white” of OURS. He Abraham Lincoln was a Caucasoid. Stop teaching our children white lies in the form of you wanting to be accepted by others other than your own, African, That is who you are and where you are from or originated, Afriea. It may be a 14 new name for it, yet it’s the same old place, the richest part of Earth. They are racist, evil, liars, and killers. 31. Thomas Jefferson is a racist. Note what he says in his notes on the State of Virginia, 1873 A.D. Besides those of colour, figure, and hair, there are other physical distinctions proving a difference of race. They have less hair on the face and body. They secrete less by the kidne) and more by the glands of the skin, which gives them a very strong and disagreeable odor. He goes on to say: The improvement of the blacks in body and mind, in the first Instance of their mixture with the whites, has been observed by everyone, and proves that their inferiority is not the effect merely of their condition of life. 14: Former President Thomas Jefferson (Born April 13, 1743- died July 4, 1826.) Figa 15 32.Negroids, it’s not what you wish to be, it’s who you are by your very nature. Accepting a religion like Islam does not change who you are only what you call yourself. Bible, tribal names, like Hebrew, Israelites, Nazarites, Moabites, and Ammonites are titles of actions, not race. Hebrew from their Bible Genesis 14:13. First time used in their Bible for who a Chaldean man they call Abram. It’s Online Hebrew Strong’s #5680 "129 ‘/briy ib-ree’ from Online Hebrew Strong’s #5677 “22 ‘Eber. What did it mean “other side” it was a action of a people under a man who moved over crossed over from one side of the Euphrates River to the other side the side, they crossed over, Genesis 11. 33. So they called these people Hebrews, ones who crossed over. So it’s not a race it’s an action of a people and in fact has not been proven to have ever really existed, it’s their own religious legion. Not what it says in Genesis 14:13 “... Told Abram the Hebrew because he dwelt in the Plain of Mamre the Amorite...."" 34.So why was Abram called Hebrew? Because he left UR of Chaldea and crossed over to Mamre and other stop offs. Stop saying you're a Hebrew by race. That’s not true. 35.Now Israelites from their Bible Genesis 32:28. A man they call Jacob wrestled with their God as a man Genesis 32:24. Now read verse 27. He asked his name. He said Jacob. Now verse 28 He changed Jacob’s name to Israel Online Hebrew Strong’s# 3478 Synw" Yisra’el yis-raw-ale’ from Online Hebrew Strong’s#8280 and Online Hebrew Strong’s #410. What does it say is meant in their Bible...Genesis 32:28 “... but Israel because as a prince has thou power with God and with men”. So Israelites is not a race, it’s an action. Because of an action the man Jacob had his own name changed to Israelites so they now call his sons Israelites, not a race, not really a tribe, an act. So stop saying you are Israelites as if it’s your race. 16 | savor ana, Map 1: The Euphrates River 36. Stop lying to your children. And Nazarites, again not a race in their Bible Numbers 6:2. Online Hebrew Strong’s #5139 1] naziyr naw-zeer’ Nazarite from Online Hebrew Strong’s # 5144 “Ti nazar naw-zar’, serperate. Again, it’s an act, not a race, And you can create a tribe from an act or action, but that will be what they become, not who they are. 37.So stop calling yourselves Nazarites, and lying to you children or Moabites. Online Hebrew Strong’s # 28112 Mow’ab mo-awb it means from or of my own father. And this one you should not wish to be called because of incest in Genesis 19:30-38 you have the action or acts of two daughters getting their own father Lot drunk and raping him to have children right in their own Bible Genesis 19:35-36. What were the results of their actions? Verse 37, And the first born bare a son, and called his name Moab the same is the father of the Moabites so to be called a Moabite is to become the seed of incest, a violation of their own Bible and Quran Bible Leviticus 18: 6-8. This is what the two daughters of Lot did to birth Moabites, a sin, a curse. So stop teaching your children they are of the Moabites. Noble Drew Ali was wrong, a human, made a mistake. Just as he did saying you Moors are Canaanites; some say maybe by mixing their blood. 38. You are not Moabite, Ammonites, or Canaanites. Ammonites of Ammon Online Hebrew Strong’s # 5971 OY ‘am, Genesis 19:38. You see the v7 second sister did the same to her father Lot and birthed a son Ben-Ammi the children of Ammon; what does it mean “people, nation”, so again it’s a name of an act or action, meaning son of my people. 39. So stop teaching your children their Ammonites, that’s lies and not the truth the same for Ishmaelite first son of Abraham. Named that because of action Genesis 16:15 Hagar bare Abram a son and Abram called his son’: name which Hasan bare Ishmael Online Hebrew Strong’s #3458 Oy Yishma‘e’l, yish-maw-ale’ from Online Hebrew Strong’s #410 Oy ‘el will hear is what it means, 40. Again an act, not a race, so stop teaching your children these lies of who they are rather then what you became by accepting the Bible or Quran. Two books of other races other than your own. I can go on and on. 41. You are not Jewish, You are not Christians. You are not Muslims. Those are religions born outside of Africa to other races. 42. And just because you come upon it and change it or add your colour to it does not make you other than your real self. 43. Being a Black Muslim, it’s not a race. That’s not who you are it’s what you accepted and its founder as W.D. Fard was not African not by nature. Figure 15: W.D. Fard (1891 A.D.-1934 A.D.) 18 44, Also being Moorish Americans and their sub-groups is not a race, that’s not who you are, it’s what you accepted and Prophet Noble Drew Ali claimed to be part Cherokee Indian. Yet if you get a copy of their own Holy Koran Circle Seven open it up right inside the cover you see a photo of a pale Arab of Arabia, not an African like you. THEHOLY KORAN Figure 17: Noble Drew Ali (1886 A.D.- 1929 A.D.) 19 Figure 18: Cherokee Indians He is not African. Pale Arabs are not Africans; they are a part of the Caucasians’ race, not Negroid race as you are. Stop teaching your children their lies. Negro or Niger and Moreno or Moor are the exact same words one is Greek Acts 13:1 Niger. Black the others is Latin Morenos dark, both the same, a colour not a race. Be who you are and not what others try to convert you to be to give them power over your race and kin. 45.All their religions are for them. Their God looks like them or don’t have any image but their prophets, their race, meanwhile all over T.V, cinema, books, Bible, Islamic Art, Bible Art, you see them pushing their race as God, angels, prophets. Never you. Yet you accept what they teach you created by Celtics, their root race of all Caucasoids, for the benefit of them and none other. 46.And you should know by now Negroids that according to the laws of the opposites to overstand that the Negroid and Caueasoid races would never be equal, why? Because you are the Supreme Being. Figure 20: Jesus depicted in Cinemas and Books 21 47.1f the dead race are to live and rule, then you must submit to their religion and that’s all they will teach you is their religion. Under many names as long as you trust in and believe their Bible and Quran. Who are they? They are a what, not a who. Because they were grafted out of you. 48.By way of a curse, a disease right in their Bible. You see them for what they are, (Numbers 12:10-12) a leper and are the living dead race (Leviticus 13: 1-59). What curse? Genesis 9:25 and Leviticus 14:32-34; you see what they became from who they were, they were of us. But cursed with leprosy (Genesis 10:15-19). That is what they became from us, from where Ham (Genesis 10:6) or Kham or Kemet another name of Egipt in Africa you see Ham, Sudan, Napata birthed Cush, Ethiopia, Mereo. So Ham “Sudan” birthed Cush “Ethiopia” who also had Mizraim “Egipt” and Phut “Libya” and also a fourth son Canaan who was cursed to become a leper. That’s what their Bible teaches and his cursed son Canaan (Genesis 9:25),you see they told the seed of Abraham not to mix with them (Genesis 24:3, 37, Genesis 28:1, Genesis 27:46, Genesis 28:6-9). Theit ways which they still teach is in Deuteronomy 20:16-18, it relates to Leviticus 14:32-34, Deuteronomy 7:1- 3; lost their souls Joshua 5:1, hang around graves, their churches and temples and mosques Job 33:22 Figure 21: Graveyard 22 Figure 22: Church and Synagogue Figure 23: Mosque 23 49.Remember pain and pleasure must offset each other, those who represent the living and those who represent the dead. Cannot be equal in the same place at the same time; power of living and dead combined can be but one hundred percent. The light and activities, the right knowledge and order of existence depend on the positive and negative forces or nature and beyond. What is best for an individual of a race may not be best for that individual’s race and right knowledge facts shape fate. While faith is shaped by lies, fictions, and legends. Facts and confirmations will rule ignorance 50.Only by you becoming what you really are, which has been covered over by others, your culture, your deities, your tongue, your dress, your food. Only by being who you are, not what your acting like, will Your Culture (Female leadership) 24 Figure 26: Your Dress 25 51. Figure 27: Your Food your ancestors be able to reach you and speak and guide you. You have cut them off for others’ religions and ways of life. While their ancestors help them, you’re the only race that has no roots because you reject who you are African, Negroid. As individuals and as a race and what it means to your efforts of liberation, it’s now time. The Caucasoids 6,000 year rule ended in the year 2,000A.D. He is fading away; in fact the root race of Caucasoids are gone already. You are watching the sub-races of them trying to hold up their hate, evil, but they too will fade in time. Let me say this right here | Per.Re.Ah Paa Nazdur: Amun Nub Re Akh Ptah have been teaching Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and the Right Overstanding, yet for years from 1963 to 1970 they did not want Wu- Nuwaupu, They ask me all about other’s religions. Be it Yoruba, Hebrewism, Christism, Islamism, Ansarism, anything and everything but what I incarnated to teach. From 1970 to 1983 their eyes started to open and they started to ask about Sumerians; close but not 100%. So once I gave them that, by 1993 I was ready to give them what I incarnated to give. Yet I knew those who were spooked out by the Islamic religion of Ansaruallah and Al Mahdi were under the spell of faith and belief and could not make the transformation to facts and fate. So I told them way back when the first 26 fruits will be faithful “full of faith” but not true “full of truth”. So they hold ‘on to the worship of the dead, and are fooled by Celtics who come in all kinds of names. Figure 29: Minister of Christism and Yoruba Priestess 27 52.Now stop and think when a Celtic Caucasoid person says I’m a Jew, that does not mean who he is, it’s what he has accepted, Jewism. Jewish, Judaism, it’s a religion not a race. Not his race. It’s a belief system as found in their own bible called Torah and many other books they created themselves about themselves. 53.When a Negroid becomes a Muslim, Moslem, Islamic, Sufi, that does not change WHO he or she is by nature. You're not born Muslim or Jew. You're born human, not religion, not culture, a custom until you are taught and accept as faith, Not genetic race. Being Christian of a group is not WHO you are, it’s WHAT you accepted and chose to believe. All Caucasoid are the same race they became that by a disease called leprosy They are leper. That's what they are now and only we as their creators can cure them of it, they being as a race. Note in fact if all other races came from one race, the first Negroid, then they are in fact not a race at all. It’s just said that way. We are their Gods or God, we created them in our image, some became sick with disease of mind and body. So they can never be WHO () HU. Only WHAT. Figure 30: African Muslims 28 Figure 31: African Ameri 54. They have mixed their disease to birth sub-races or groups of their own. Yet they don’t even accept them as part of the Caucasoids’ race as we use it now. Make it clear, belonging to a religion does not change WHO you are by nature or your true roots and origin. 55. The Celtic Caucasoids are the living dead race who spread their religions of worship of the dead, ghost, spirits in their image. 56.They are all one no matter if they moved out of Scandinavia or not, be they called Scottish, Slavs, Polish, Irish, Welsh, Swedish, Norwegian, German, or Russian. And so many other sub-groups, they all come from one group of Celtics, moved from Caucus Mountain to rule Rome, Greece, America, England, Spain, French, Australia, Caribbean, Israel, Palestine, India, Turkey, Arabia, Iran “Persia”, Iraq, Mexico, Puerto- Rico, Egipt, Libya, Morocco, South Africa or wherever they move whatever they call themselves. They are all the same cursed seed of lepers. Bible name Canaanites, the living dead. Don’t trust them or their religions of blood and death worship of the ghost, white worship. They are Celtics by faith and gave it new names for sub-races of them. 29 Figure 33: Slavic (Bulgarian) Celties Figure 35: Irish Celties 31 Figure 37: Norwegian Celtics Figure 39: German Celties po Figure 40: Russian Celtics 57.As long as your God is a ghost, spook, spirit or in their image, that’s good But if you have your own culture, they call you a religious cult and try to destroy you for fear you may raise your children to reject their race, to keep their own rituals, to hang photos of Egiptian or African deities. And see them for what they really are, weak and wicked and hate all others. 58.Even the first hate and racism comes from their Bible Genesis 3:15 from their God and from their Quran Chapter 3: 106-107. Out right racism. Still many blacks read it and accept it as not saying what it says. It uses the colour, not a state of being or shadow, Aswad is Arabic from where the word Sudan comes, a people in Africa. 59,So they need others to believe in their forms of God or Allah because it’s rooted in their race being chosen to save the world. 60.If you don’t accept their religion you become all kind of slanderous names or they try to kill you as a people. Like they did take Native Americans who were in America before Europeans came 61.Those who converted were okay, those that did not, they wipe out. Same as African slaves, those who converted okay, those that did not and still don’t accept their image of good, God, white, right, they imprison or kill; that’s their way of ruling. Well, it’s over now. Without Beginning and Without Ending 34 Questions 1. What is the difference between what you are and who you are? 2. Who are you? 3. What are the opposing forces in nature? 4. What is leprosy? 35 5. Why are Canaanites the living dead? 6. Who is the ever living Race? 7. What is the importance of the law of opposites? 36 8. What is a difference between Americans and Africans? 9, What were Abraham Lincoln’s views on Negroids? 10. What is the origin of the name Hebrew? 7 11. What is an Israelite? 12. What are Moabites? 13. What is the origin of the Ammonites? 14. What image of God is used in religious art and why? 15. What are the characteristics of Canaanites discussed in this study? 16. What is the difference between faith and fate? 39 17. What do Negroids need to do so our ancestors can guide us? 18.Who are the Celtic Caucasoids? 19. Can the Caucasoid be trusted? 20. Why are the Celtics so afraid for Negroids to have their own culture? 21. What is the origin of first hate and racism? 22, What do Celtics do to those who don’t accept their religion? 23. Why are Negroids Gods? 24, What does it mean when a Negroid accepts an alien religion? a 25, What is an instance of racism in the Bible? 26. Why was Miriam of their Bible cursed with leprosy? 27, Why will Caucasoid and Negroid races never be equal? 28, What has to happen for the dead race to live and rule? 42 29.What does it mean that the first fruits will be faithful but not true? 30. Why can Caucasoid only be a what and not a who? Aaron, 3 Abraham Lincoln... 9, 12, 14 Abram 16, 18 Africa... 1.9, 10, 14, 18, 22, 29, 34 Africam|, 3, 8,9, 14, 18, 19, 20, 26, 28, 29, 34 Ammonites Ansaruallah Canaanites . 16,17 26 isons ty 17, 29) 3,6, 8, 12, 14, 28 6, 20, 26, 29 earns 2B 12, 20, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 Christian... 28 Chiristism, Egiptian... . . 4, 16, 17 Hebrewism 26,27 Indian... 9,11, 14, 19 Indians., wo 9, 14,20 Islamism. Israelites . 16 Jacob. Jew Jewish Jewism. Judaism Kenya... Index ne 3, 5, 22, 28 son 17 ne 3,5 16,17 AT 19 3 28 i 9, 18, 28 Policy Statement .....0...0..12 4 16,17 1,3, 8, 20, 26, 28 3,6, 8, 9, 16, 20 Nazarites. Negroid. Negroids Niger. Nigeria..... Noble Drew Ali Norwegian... Supreme Being ... Swedish Wa-Nuwaupu... Yoruba Zdhuti Figure Index Figure 1: Solid Figure 3: Gas Figure 6: Leprous Female... Figure 7; Pale Skinned White Haired Blue-eyed Child... Figure 8: The Joy of Family Figure 9: Ghanaians Celebrating Figure 2: Liquid Figure 4: Red Blood Cells. QuakeN Figure 10: Drumming . Figure 11: Map of Africa with Illusionary Divisions e Figure 12: American Indian oll Figure 13: Moorish Americans 1 Figure 14: President Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 - zeal 15, 1865.).. . 12 Figure 15: Former President Thomas Jefferson. Figure 16: W.D. Fard (1891 A.D.-1934 A.D. Figure 17: The Citcle Seven Koran of the Moorish Science Temple 19) Figure 18: Noble Drew Ali (1886 A.D.- 1929 A.D.) 119 Figure 19: Cherokee Indians... 20 Figure 20: Bible Art depicting Jesus in the Image o of the Beas 21 Figure 21: Jesus depicted in Cinemas and Books... .21 Figure 22: Graveyard... 2 Figure 23: Church and Synagogue. 2B Figure 24: Mosque 2B Figure 25: Madame Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia... 4 Figure 26: Your Nazduru . 25 Figure 27: Your Dress 25 Figure 28: Your Foo 26 Figure 29: Hebrewism... 27 Figure 30: Minister of Christism and Yoruba Priestess 2 Figure 31: African Muslims.... 28 Figure 32: African American Hasidic Jew. 29 Figure 33: Scottish Celtics... 30 Figure 34: Slavic (Bulgarian) Celtics 30 Figure 35: Polish Celtics. 31 Figure 36: Irish Celtics. 31 Figure 37: Welsh Celtics. 32 Figure 38: Norwegian Celtics. 32 Figure 39: Swedish Celtics. Figure 40: German Celtics... Figure 41; Russian Celties Maps Map 1: The Euphrates River... 45, ; 5 H : B y orldwic peceaceatecd einer Perens Sener Riget arene eo oer ORCL On TCT Cre She eRe ce ee erg THE INCARNATE OVERSEER: AMUN NUB RE AKHPTATH Dee eR eee SeegnetCea oN cant iitatseameres iets SOLS eer nt Se eerie oan Pearse ret BIWAHU KHASA ANUKI Fe ose Rumen Parner ear neti orth ee. TCO a LPC) Se re ogee Porencca its PROC eR ena Tg eo ae ee eee LAMA NUWAUPIAN THAT IS WHAT IAM, Pen Et cements} ere ee aa eee ated Peete raters OES CRC TC Crt CS ee ee ee poe er easter a etree PORE ECCLESTON Te Ca eee Oe meer cored Pore eee re aoe enna ts Tits PSCC CET verve Ne ae ie ee eee oes SUP e Tens terre renee RL OR a tes ET en SO CONC] v SX se TN ace sure OU rae | | “ se

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