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January Reading From Båh’ Båh’ Yaanuwn 2023

Think! People who believe in burying the body of the dead person are those who
believe that once dead the spirit/soul stays inside the physical body. They don’t
believe or know that the spirit or soul departs the body, how do you know this is a
fact? If they bury the person under the ground or put them in a tomb they return to visit
that person and place. If a Jewish put a stone on a tombstone at a gravesite talk to
them cry etc. if a Christian put flowers on or at the gravesite pray, talk, cry that is visit
or visit their person at that spot. If a Muslim family comes to a tomb or grave and bring
food, cry, talk, pray to that person and other rituals that really says they think that, that
dead person is still there. So they don’t really believe that at the point of death the
spirit or the soul departs leaves the flesh the physical body to go above or below
heaven or hell they really don’t believe that or they would not visit them at a tomb or
gravesite. The Hindu, Buddha, The Sikh, The Sabaeans we all outnumber the 3 frogs
religions Jewish-ism, Christian-ism and Muslim-ism who once dead are trapped here
to be tormented by these shadow beings,The Elementals, the original fallen angels
who multiplies to thousands by having nocturnal dreams, sex acts from fallen angels
who shape shift as males and females called Nymphs, Incubus, Succubus this is how
they produce and often once the person is awakened the Nymph is still on them
holding them down and some persons once up they walk around still with devils horns
leading to sex acts. So in fact we cremate our bodies at death to release our true
selves soul and spirit and the Etheric being from the flesh body the reason our ancient
ancestors used to mummify the bodies is because as I told you all over the years in
the past, the Egyptians believed what they were told by the aliens from Orion that one
day that they would return. So they tried to preserve the DNA cells as you see now in
these days genealogist are taking dead creatures removing cells and getting DNA and
crafting and making dead come alive again as they are doing right now with mammoth
and tut-ankh-amun DNA. So back to the point those who don’t cremate their dead
really don’t believe in life after death or that the spirit or the soul moves on or they
would not visit tombs, gravesites. Now the Egyptians was right and now that is true yet
most people did not know how to preserve the flesh to keep even one cell for DNA,
and if it’s about something to remember a love one, the ash well now you can have the
cremated ash transformed into a stone like a diamond and wear as a jewel look it up!
The Bible says a statement “let the dead bury the dead” Matthews 8:22 if there’s a
person of colour and they have a soul they’re not there. If there’s an Adamite and have
no soul only a spirit and a body the shadow beings or the fallen angels come for them
take them and torment them. The Elementals are trapped with the Adamites
Revelations 18:2 encaged with who? Unclean spirits.

February 2023 Doctrine Update Part 2

I greet you by way of the name of he who sent your DNA here to the planet Esharra
“earth” from Maśbat’ Sirius C, who protected your cell growth and transformation into
sirians and mortal persons from the heavens to the ocean to the land as a black germ
and a brown germ of the Śans persons of south akebulan (Africa) to migrate
northward to the middle Africas Niger. And the black germ walked westward to
Amexem (America) and settled here long ago before the Asians or Denisovans who
sailed across the ocean eastward from China, Japan and Korea and became known
by the confused explorer Christopher Columbus who took it upon himself to name the
mixed seed Africans and Asians he found in Trinidad “Indians” who later separated
into tribes and began to call themselves native Americans and even first world people
naming themselves tribal names over time and forgot their true origin was Asia and
that this land was not their homeland which belonged to the Śans people who walked
over here from Middle Africas Niger millions of years ago before the Asians sailed to
these shores. The Japanese landed in the south the Chinese landed in the middle and
the Koreans landed in the north in Alaska and even in Canada and all think they are
Indian tribes when they are not at all they are denisovan and homo florensis and the
Europeans are Neanderthals and basque invaders who also stepped over and down
to this part of the world and believed what they were told by these Asians. “We are
Navajo or Hopi or Iroquois or Seminole or Shoshone or Mandan or Sioux, Cheyenne,
Choctaw, Creek, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Dakota, Kiowa, Crow, Shinnecock, Pawnee,
Chippewa, Iowa, Apache, Zuni, Maya, Aztec, Toltec, Nuahautl, Carib, Tupi or Arawak”
they were not indigenous to this land. They are all from Asia of Denisovan and Homo-
Florensis DNA this land called America north to south was once a part of Africa just as
Sinai and Arabia were one land mass before the continental drift and this was long
before the birth of Adapa “Adam” and those people of the brown germ migrated
eastward and set up the Middle East in on down into India.

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