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Revelation | ° the uwaupians Paa Taraq Paa ‘Taraq «The Way” | Oiecrr toe aE be == | =e) Sint pa — t= t €.MALAch) KobivA Jou “SE = | (Bory Tuespny, June 26,1945 A.D, wy TAKORAOL GHANA West AFRICA -' “Sell Lrving) “The TRANSMITTER” ‘T heRevalations to the Nuwaupians Paa ‘Taraq “The Way” Chapter ‘Two You Need Me, | Don't Need You I. Nuwaupians now that we have returned Abrahamism, |brahimism, Moshehism, Mosesism, Musaism, Yashu’aism, lesousism, |saism. Their spookisms, their faithism, their be. liefism. 7 Now that you know who you are remember where| you are from. Nuwaupians know yourself. a Now that you know what they are, where they come] from and what they will do if you trust them. 4 Now that you remove their coverings over yourself, remove their foods from your system, remove their beliefs} from your mind and remove the fear of them from your hearts, 5. Now you are ready Africa for Africans all other: are welcome to visit. A\ll others are welcome to help. A\ll oth er races are welcome. Yet, know Africa is the original home| of all living things, creatures and persons. 6. |, Paa Munzul Nazdur: Amun Nub RE. Akh Ptah! (Djedi) have incarnated to you from you and of you to re move the spell of self-hate, race-hate, ignorance to raise the dead back to life. Make those who are blind see, to have those who appear deaf to listen only to ask you to turn around and see your real self. Who you really are and what you really have done. |_ong before others existed you walked this Earth, just you and Deity. Fe Long before 6,000 years you have no real birth re~ cord. You always were as Paut “A\ll’. 8. Alll others come from you. |n fact, you are their God, their Allah, their Yahweh, their Christ, their Jesus. You are all that is and will ever be. Without you none would exist. 9. Now with Wu-Nuwaupu you are beginning to com- mand yourselves again. 10. As it was in the beginning so is it now at their end. les your renewing, 11. Every 24,000 years we must renew our records. tae lv’s that time again 6-21-2012 Summer solstice; 12/21/2012 Winter solstice. The new alignment, the Eye of RE will be seen looking upon all as the alignment takes place with the Black Hole, the Planet Venus and this planct looking on from the center of the Milky Way to each Uae eso Allis geteteing lockineenioliell Hos As we renew our story and his story fades away. I+. Or do you still think you need them to rule you, to teach you, to preach to you. 15. Or do you still need their recommendation to be self, their approval, in their religions which is not your own. 16. You, Nuwaupians yourselves are your story. Don’t let others tell you who you are and what you should be. 7s Truth is already written on your hearts known and read by all. They all know you are Caod, their God. They worship you while they teach you to worship dead relatives of their blind faith. 18. You now must show that you are the | _iving Word, their God, their Christ, their Messiah. 19. The result of your teachings can’t be written, it is born on paper as the | _iving word with a spirit and soul that as you read enters your being and heals you removing all fear, doubt and sins. |t transforms you back to God, being sinless. 20. Youare the spirit and soul of the |_iving Nazduru, Nuwaupians. 24. Rise on or in their books but in your hearts. 22. Such confidence as this is yours through Wu-Nu- waupu. You are renewed, born again, made anew. 25; Not that you are competent by yourself to claim anything such as this of yourself. Don’t fool yourselves for your competence comes from Paa Nazduru to you from above. 24. Paa Nazduru has made you competent as keepers of this Living Word made flesh in you. 2. Not of the letter but by the words. 26. The | iving Word Wu-Nuwaupu 27. Ferby words mortals kill so also by words must you children of Paa Nazduru be raised back to life. 28. For by their religious words they brought death and killings, which was engraved and eee in their scrip- tures. 29. By your words is life and is everything to remove the fear of death, which they teach. 30. They can’t look you in your face when you ask them of their teachings of death, killing, wars, which their scrip- tures teach and they claim comes from their deities. What kind of deity watches as all this suffering takes place as you offer more Hoch and blood? 31. How cana deity condemn to death what and who he created with life? 32. Fror by that he or it which or whom is glorious has no real glory? 55. He or it which or whom is righteous is not right? a4. Now in comparison with the surpassing glory or real- ity; truth is truth. 45. And know that they are fading away with their False glory and now much greater is the glory of you who was first and now last. 36. Therefore, since you Nuwaupians have Actual Facts you are very bold having no fear of anyone these days. Ca You are not like those who feared to speak out on Africa as Africans. You have no fear of none and no one. 38. Unlike those whose minds were made dull and out of | fear they refuse to listen to the truth for fear of their mas- ters. Not Nuwaupians! Have no fear to stand up and say “| am African, proud of who and what | am. | don’t need your religions; your Gods, your bli 39. | have been given all | need by nature right here in’ Africa. The best and richest part of a 40. — | don’t need you, you need me or you would have not} left the caves and mountains to come to Africa. 41. You needed me, | did not and don’t need you or you would not have kidnapped me from Africa. | did not kidnap you. You needed me. 42. | don’t need you, you need what nature has given me or you would not come to Africa to take my natural resourc-| es. 43 | don’t need you, you need me.” 1 planet. Bsr pi) ior) re er

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