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HRevh <24ske SRPeS x Eloheem or mmYHWH or God, d10¢ Dios, or 4! Allah, y Rabb. Genesis, however, was really written long after what the first verse claims at a point of time in history. They claim Hebrew man of the Levite Tribe of Israel wrote it, which has not been proven to date. However, the very words, “In the beginning God,” is not saying, “In the beginning, I as the first and only Godin” WPS about “a God” not by “this God". Just as the first verse of St. John in the New Testament stating, “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God...” It does not say, “J am the God the first and only God and the word was with me.” Again it’s by “a God”. The Quran reads, “In she name of your Rabb who created...” Itdocsn’t say, “Read in the name of me, Allah who created...” Ws “about” Allah and not “by” Allah. It was written by mortal men, human beings about a God, not by a God about human beings. Just as many children world over now A believe that Santa Claus was a real person; they call him “Chris Cringe”. Note Chris=Christ. Saint Nick=Saint, Holy. They have how he dresses, how he looks, how be has helpers, his words, “ho, ho, ho”, how he flies through the skies with flying reindeer, how he gives gifts and makes people happy, how he lives way up North at the North Pole and on and on. People spend their hard earned money on gifts. Now is not all of this the exact same story created in the Bible ‘or Quraan about their God or Angels, reward? He knows if you are asleep, he knows if you are awake, he knows if you are good or bad. Is that not the same and people all over wait for Christmas? Who was born on Christmas? They have music, feasts, rituals, symbols, and it’s not real. It’s all fake, He really doesn’t and never existed; a make believe. That is the very same thing with the Bible stories of a God, the places, the miraculous events, signs, and symbols. You think about it, now he, Santa Clans is supposed to be good like God. Yet, then they created stories of Frankenstein, a man-made man, made of human parts came alive and became evil, and killed. Lest you not forget when I said the name, you saw his image as if he is real. So many others as well | could say yet you think them and do you see how it works and worked? It’s all faith and belief in what another person created in their mind like the best fiction stories, There is no proof of these stories that religious people devote their lives. None! Yes, they found places ‘mentioned in the Bible and you can find the North Pole or Transylvania, both are on the map. UKRAINE re BUCOVI Cluj Napoca . * Targu Mures. TRANSYLVANIA Sibiu * Brasov * uKRal BULGARIA Map of Transylvania This does not mean Santa Claus and Frankenstein are/were real, and it doesn’t matter how many people claim they believe in Big foot or the Lochness Monster until they uncover the facts, proof that they do exist and yet in Egipt facts, records, bones, tombs, dates, times, places and real people confirmed. They have not done that with the monotheistic religions of Mosesism, Jesusism, or Muhammadism which all three should be called Abrahamism, for each claim him and in their Quraan 16:123, as their founder yet, he has not been proven to ever have existed. No faets, confirmation, findings, none, not one of him. None of them have proven their creation story, their angel’s story, their God story, their life after death story, their Heaven story, yet their Hell story is true. We have it right here on Earth with all the pain and suffering, around us. Fiction has become real to those that need anything to believe. However, faets will always come out of the lies or fabrications, Religion 6._The Name Of A Religion or God Does Not Make It Real: For people who claim names today like Jews, Christians, Muslims or Judaism, Christianity and Islam and their many sub- divisions, sects, and denominations, The fact that there are millions who believe the fictions of their Holy Books, the fictions of the beings or people in their own stories, the fact that there is a place called Jerusalem or The Vatican in Rome or Mecca in Arabia, yet none of the above mentions or confirms the facts needed. It’s only beliefs and no reason given in proof or rebuttal of their God’s existence; a God that each claims is partial to their rituals with themselves as the chosen ones and that their God would not protect other children of the world, unless they all convert to their races’ religious belies. That he, is responsible for all beings born amongst the + Hindus Indian sub-race, or Buddhist Asian sub-race or Islamic Arab hybrids and so on. Is he not the giver of all life to all people regardless of race according to their religious beliefs? Are we to believe that when each time this so-called Hebrew race of Jews or Israelites, the sub-race of Caucasian people, could not live safe or find food or fear death in the Land of Canaan where their God put them, that their God, Yahweh, Eloheem sent them to Afriea to the Africans? Egipt is in Africa and was ruled originally by Afrieans who many Caucasians have taught are cursed to be black with nappy-hair, big-lips, with large genitals and big butts. All this they claim while their God sends them to safety amongst Africans, repeatedly. 7._The Personification of God, Angels and Spirits: Many religions claim to worship their God in spirit, Torah, Genesis 1:2 (Mosesism), John 4:24 (Jesusism), ot as an unsecn spirit, Quraan 2:3, John 1:18, that God is not a human being, Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9, that Angels have wings, Isaiah 6:2, Ezekiel 1:11, and are also Holy Ghost, Luke 1:35, Quraan 16:102-103, ot spirits yet human beings, 1 Timothy 2:5, Genesis 3:22, Exodus 7:1, Because we. as human beings, know we have all kinds of weaknesses and needs from outside sources. We need to clean ourselves inside as well as outside, We start off as babies weak and dependent. As we age, we lose our sight, our hearing and receive all other kinds of sickness. We need to eat, we need to drink water and we have other needs. We go crazy of lose our minds. We ate selfish and greedy. Now how can their God be a human being and still be all powerful? They use the spirit of God who comes into a body of flesh as the word made flesh, 4 John 1:14, used by the Christians in the New Testament, or the Angel comes as a complete well-made man in the Muslim's Quraan Chapter 19:17, Psalm 18:10-11, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters by the Hebrew’s Torah, Genesis 1:2. In cach holy book a spiit being came down to Earth. Also in the Torah, God or the Lord came to Mikwak Tahah “Planet Earth” with two angels to Abraham and ate food, flesh in fact, Genesis Chapter 18. They atc meat of animals and so many others in human form. They used doves, Mark 1:10, ass, calves. mules. strange flying animals to take them to Heaven, Quraan 17:1, unicorns, Job 39:10. dragons. Revelation 13, ralking snakes, Genesis 3:1, fish men, I Samuel 5:2-7. goat men. Leviticus 17:7. So we see they believe that angels come in human form Quraan 17:85, Daniel 8:13-16, Revelation 22:8-9, in spiritual birds, human fish, giant fish, giants, Genesis 6:4. You can read this in their Holy Scriptures and books they use te explain their religions. Yet, they will look at Egipt and say we are pagans because they claim we Bgiptians of old worship animals. Who did Moses and his people worship? A brass sexpent, Numbers 21:8-9, Johu 3:14. Thus, their own God trusted Egipt as a place of safety to live and stay for 430 years. Genesis 46:3, Exodus 12:40-41, and also sent to the Christian’s own God in flesh Jesus, Matthew 2:13-15, to Egipt t0 be safe. This also is to be found in their Holy books, Exodus 12:40-41. Think. Their God, Allah, YHWH, Elobeem, Rabb made a promise with their father Abraham, brahim to give him a land flowing with milk and honey, Exodus 3:8, 3:17, 33:3; Leviticus 20:24, Genesis 12:], 7 then Genesis 12:10 and Quraan on Jesus’ (Isa) return, Quraan 43:61, to look over them, protect them, a safe place. ‘Now note: this is theit all-knowing God, but he did not know the land of Canaan would have a famine, Genesis 42:3-5, drought, and force the Israelites to have to move or die, He could not see that far when he made the promise to Abraham, Genesis 17:8. Then out of all the planet Earth why does their God think they will be safe in “pagan” Egipt? Why is Egipt even in their books at all if we were such backward, confused pagans? He passed through Europe to go to Egipt, look at map of his route AHAM’S - JOURNEY — Map of Abraham’s Journey Egiptians are never called evil in Hebrews’ Holy books. Their Jesus came from above in the form of a bird/dove, Matthew 3:16, Mark 1:10; John 1:32, entered a human being, and he became Emmanuel, “God with us”, Matthew 1:23, with us they claim. The Muslims claim he, Isa or Al Masih will climb down a ladder onto a Mosque when he returns from up there, or Heaven and Caueasoid European Jews wait for a Mashiakh to come rule over them and set peace on Earth while they and the sub-race of Palestine kill each other over the Land of Canaan. In cach religion they see some human being, coming from above to Earth with more power than earthlings, who can transform himself. Yet, when we Egiptians said our Khaman-u “Ogdoads” were symbolic of frogs and snakes of the deep who came out of the water meaning the tadpole like sperm and the fetus like frog in the wet womb of a female which came out on dry and as a human being onto land before becoming an upright mortal Homo-Sapiens or that Paa~ Sabat-u “The Enneads” personified and created man in their images, they say that never could have happened. Well, the fact is they really believe the very same things that we Egiptians knew, and it has been proven that the Egiptians never needed them. They needed Egiptians. The Egiptian Nadjar-u never sent Egiptians in need to them; it is the other way around. Who was first on the Planet Earth? The Egiptians who are Africans and were in Africa first. These are proven facts, Whose records have been found? The Egiptians. And in person who looks like you ‘Negroids? Your Egiptian ancestors, your own holy bloodline, DNA; and where is Egipt? Africa. And what does that make true Egiptians, Africans. And who are the original Africans? Negroids, dark-skinned, wooly-haired people, the first. Look on the walls of Egipt the same way you look at your grandparents’ pictures. It is the same. 8. The Evidence of Greatness and Miracles: All you have to do is look at Africa and ‘Africans, the great empires we built. Look at Timbuktu in Mali, look at Egipt, Sudan, and South Africa, look at our records, our arts, the first to write a script, and the first doctors in their Holy books. They claim one of their prophets cast his rod to the ground and his Lord, God turned the wooden stick into a living snake, Exodus 7:9-10. Now the ruler of Egipt, a man, x Nasai-u: Satakh Paa-Wahan “Pharaoh: Seti f° called his Hanat-u “High Priests” and they could do the same thing that the Israelite, Hebrew, Muslims Yahweh, Allah, God or Adonai, Rabb, Lord did for their prophet Moses, Mosheh, Musa; he did not do the miracles, his God, YHWH, Theos, Allah did it for him. However, Paa Nadjar: Rayay “The Overseer RE” did not do this for the Egiptian high priests. The Hanat-u did it themselves from theit own Earthly knowledge, So in fact who is the Hebrews’ Gods? The Egiptians. Right in their books, Isaiah 19:25, Hosea 12:9, Hosea 13:4, The book of Webveews does not say who brought you out of Egypt. It says their very God, Lord is from Egipt himself. What was the name? Amun-Rayay, Amun-RE, or Amon, Amen the Amen, Revelation 3:14. They still use his narne at the end of their prayers today, AMEN. So we Egiptians already knew how it was done making us equal as mere mortal men in powers to their spirit God, Lord. So who in fact is Greatness and who is performing miracles as human beings? The Egiptians, the Africans, called Negroids. 9. ‘The God who doesn’t Know and Lies: In their Holy books their God asks questions like, “Where art thou?” Genesis 3:9, AS Adam hides from him as he walked on Earth in the Garden, and “Who told thee that thou wast naked?" Genesis 3:14, end so many other times this God did not know all things. Also he told Adam a lie. He said: “For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die”, Genesis 3:6. Adam and Eye both ate of it however they did not die that day. That was a lie. Also, does this God have fears? Yes! He said, “Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever.” Genesis 3:22. So yes, he feared this man, Adam, who had become a God (Eloheem) like him. Just as Moses did, Exodus 7:1, “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” So this God of theix Holy Book does not know all, he lies, and he fears man will know what he knows, i = 2 x & LY 5 Bae fs # bs oO om a 7 080 PaaNabab: Yaanuwn ‘The Master Vaanuun of Heaven and tarth The Wamer of This Day and Time Paa Sawab Kawun Karer Nuun! * 9RRCh TETRRA, ARTE *EYARS RROD ABABA UA SHRTRT-A? Zhahen Mirsam, Sayem Mirsam Aawew Dasas Em Mukmay-u Intelligent Design, Divine Design Or Plot Of Aliens? By: Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn ILE. Dr. Malachi Z Kobina York (Ocran) It's Not What You Are, It’s Who. Divine Advanced Galactic Intelligent Implants Life On this Planet Earth By Direct Panspermia eet yo Zhahen Mirsam, Sayem Mirsam ‘Aawew Dasas Em Mukmay-u “Intelligent Design, Divine Design Or Plot Of Aliens?” ORVee mRd Tal-faz “Television”, <%*RA Masak “Music”, SRORU-BAX Sawat-aat “Voices”, KORT-ARX Lawan-aat “Colours”, smells, and environment all affect your inner and outer being. {F5ORS-A Munwap-u “Nuwaupians”, that you are just a combination of mechanical chemical and hormonal interactions, what Euro-science would call modern medicine, are F&Y&N-A&X Khazhab-aat “Lies”. Even after the mapping out 3.6 billion base pairs in the human genome project it turns out they are no closer to healing aberrant DNA than ever. Aberrant DNA is just a genetic term for any change in normal DNA from chromosome deletion or amplification, changes in the DNA pattern etc. This is not including mutations which would be indicated by a change in a single nucleotide or very short insertions or deletions in few nucleotides. While their scientists were looking at the four single letters in a protein recipe and investigating how they carry out bodily functions, they as Enoshite An-Naas “Forgesfil Beings” to make room for divine consciousness other 4A&&)-H Salal-u “Races” besides the YRY#A-A Cacas-u “Caucasoid” a big mistake on their part. @B& YSYSA-A Paa Cacas-u “The Caucasoid” now know then all humanoids originated from the South African Sans people or Bushmen also of Botswana. All traits of the humanoid races have these genetic markers that indicate who is who and not being able to physically recognize these traits is what ets you know that race is washing out. Figure 2: Sans Creased Forehead Figure 3: Aborigine with Forehead Trait 35. For example, the creased forehead of the &&XAS-A Aatral-u “Aborigine” is found in the Sans people. 36. The eyes of the oriental is found on the Sans people. 37. The dimpled chin of the X8?&A-A Dravad-u “Dravidians, Indians” of Asia; The original Black East Indian, an Andaman Elder, who has the dimpled chin 2B and nappy hair also found in the Sans people of South Africa, Dimpled Chin Dimpled Chin 38. The nappy hair of the S&4&7-A Nagar-u “Negroids” is also found in the Sans people. Figure 8: Sans Toddler Nappy Hair Figure 9: Negroid Woman's Hair i 39. 40. 41 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. The only humanoid traits you will not find in the Sans people is the blue eyes and flank hair. Those traits being from another gene pool and is not naturally occurring in BUY YR) RMR Fater-al Fatar “Natural Nature”. They also now know that something or someone interfered with DNA once some were outside of BAAN TATA? AROAZ Afaf Rayay Kaaah “Africa”. The result being unknown DNA found in some races or unknown species they can’t trace back. All they thought they knew about humanoids is now wrong. They also now know their religious stories of creation as found in Bible and Quraan is not for all humanoids. That the Bible and Quraan is only one short story of a hybrid race called BRAR@-A Aadam-u “Adamites” the ruddy-race made in the year 3761 B.C.E. by their own learnt Rabbis records that makes the race or tribes of the Bible‘and Quran the youngest breed on earth, The RRARS-R ARIRDAadam-u Salal “Adamite Race” of hybrids is only 6,000 years old and the root of most disease, virus that once they mixed with others, spread. The races that predate the SEAR SR SRIRD Aadam-u Salal “Adamite Race” now many sub-species are: (Negroid Blacks) Pre-Adamite (Aborigine Brown) Pre-His-Story< Indians Brown> Hue Men (Asian Yellow) ‘The last race to be made 6,000 years ago was: ‘Adamite (Nordic White) Human’s Kind His-Story (Caucasoid Ruddy) Beasts Their Bible calls them: 1, Adamites 2. Edomites 3. Canaanites “Lepers” Both words are the same in meaning by roots The white race “ruddy, flush” “fair, rosy” o 78 A-D-M MD Adam IS 48. 49. 50. Later in their Bible, Quran they or some of them were cursed Genesis 9:25 “And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.” the results was ART X-C? Baras-ey “Leprosy” Leviticus 13:1- 59 leper as white as snow £BME1 fib R71 Safer Farar “Thin Hair” which meant fir like all other animals Leviticus 14:34 “When ye be come into the land of Canaan, which I give to-you for a possession, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession; ”. This is the origin of the last race on earth as recorded in their own religious his-story “History”. They now know that ancient humanoids bred with unknown species. They uncovered a new species they call the Denisovan —a group first discovered in Siberia or the Middle East in 2010 A.D. ‘And they contain unknown DNA not linked to known DNA. This is just one of many found. Figure 10: Denisovan 16 52. 53. 54. 5S. The Caucasoid do not want to make these actual facts known because they now know they were made, grafted and only 6,000 years ago. They have also uncovered scrolls in 1947 A.D. call the Dead Sea Scrolls which expose lost books of their now Bible and Quraan that tell stories they don’t want public as well as expose stories of the New Testament ? 87a X-A Shakhaé-u “People” and more on how Jesus had a ¥&3S0-X8X Hamaitat “Wife” and two FRYRA-A Kharad-u “Children” by Mary of Mamluha “Ethiopia” things they don’t want exposed and even worst now they know that their Bible and Quraan were taken out of The Sumerian Stone Tablets which was found in 1845 A.D. and tell who made Adam and Eve when and why who their real God and Gods were and so much more. Their real names exposed places, times that in fact YHA?RA Theologies (Jesusism) (Muhammadism) Was made up by other religions that predate them such as, Hinduism) Druidism) Cultivators Wiccanism> Cultures Zoroastrianism) All they believed they now find out is not true. Stories of other cultures made to control them to civilize the savage beast in them by one of the Anunnaqi who was called Ezekiel 28:14 Christ: Tammuz Ezekiel 8:14 “Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD'S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” A son of mother Inanna father Dumuzi Inanna daughter of Nan-Nar and Ningal Dumuzi son of Engi and Ningi Now they know their real story and don’t like what they have found about their «635% Salal “Race” and other races about their Bible and Quraan, all the sects, denominations, cults of thom were all from The Sumerian Stone Tablets by Extraterrestrials they now known as the Anunnaqi and others who grafted and made them to be slave workers then T&87 Barah “Food” 17 56. 57. 58. 59. And they know that they were cursed with 7&8 ¥-V? Baraé-ey “Leprosy” they spread all the X8R&D Tapal “World” @RTRX-RRX Maradz-aat “Diseases” and virus they are the root of all chaos, war, bloodshed, rape, stealing and invasions of the other races on T&2R¥ Tahah “Earth”. ‘And all they put out in history is wrong; and genetics doesn’t work as they have taught. This solar system is not how they portrayed in 4mmAT-RAX Safah-aat “Books”. Nothing they said turns out to be true. Instead, humanoid destiny being determined by PRFRE-RAX Yakhas-aat “Genes”, it now is known that genes are also guided by what science now call “Epigenetics”. 60. 61. Diagram 1: Epigenetics Your genes grow in a soup of resonant fields created by 5 Fakar-aat “Thoughts” and intentions and for example anything that touches your #84 Lasan “Tongue” is computed. You must know the term morphic resonance, that is self-organizing systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems and things you taste, it becomes part of your PAYAX-&AX Yakhas-aat “Genes”. 62. 63. 64. 65. Morphic resonance is to know that the rules of nature are much more like Xm Tadmal-aat “Actions”, f&&AA1 Faakur “Thinking” and 3ReOR ]-aAX Shaadar-aat “Feelings”. What you are and what you remember is not only stored in your A& S&T Damagh “Brain” yet in every cell of you. Your very AR@&4 Damam “Blood” cells also keep ARCAD-AAX Sajal- aat “Records” of your life and living which is influence and passed on by your SERRA Salaf-u “Ancestors”, the strongest within the past four generations of some 30 relatives on both sides from your - Muldadtat “Mother” and {ARA Muldad “Father”. A biological inheritance does not change unless you change them, alter the divine code in your PRYBE-RAX Yakhas-aat “Genes” or an epigenetic modification of the chromosomes, DNA or genes. Geographic North Pole Magnetic North Pole—1 Diagram 2: Magnetic Fields os ees eer ae ‘8 soulskin pevche body or resonant sou! Diagram 3: Magnetic Fields 66. Inthe case of these twins, appearing to be different although born identical. ‘AaBbCc = AaBbCc Sperm 18 18 1/8 1/8 200 @00 080 Diagram 4: 1 ina million chance of dual race twins 20 Twin Girls of Different Skin Colour 67. Much of that depends on morphic resonance from previous members of your own VRaB1 Yasar “Family” and species or those you exchange fluids with or eat which is turned into fluid, then the AS@&@ Damam “Blood” and then A& 4&7 Damagh “Brain”. 68. As well as contributes to the collective memory. 69. It’s a known fact that persons raised in the same P AAA 1 Yasar “Family” have similar health outcomes. 70. What the YHY&A-A Cacas-u “Caucasoid” have taught over the past 6,000 years and more recent and accepted scientific Paradigm of Genetic determinacy is now being exposed as wrong. 71. Genes are not locked into a specific code unchangeable and can change on a daily basis and they do just that, {H5O08¢-A Munwap-a “Nivaupians”, change you and you think you’re in love when you are not. 72. Over the past and in world religions you will hear these terms used: XRTPR CRAP Taghyur = Transform Jaluy ~Transfigurate RSH TATA Nashur = Evolute Ghayur = Change FRO TRARX Kayuf = Morph Basut = Evolve ER¥HS¥RPHD Shakhul-Hayul = Shapeshift 73. How mortals were able to alter their physical appearance, this has been recorded the world over. 74, Even the medicai term of Keloidal of the skin mostly of Melanin-ite races of RIB T-A Nagar-u “Negroids” is a form of physical change. 75, 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 84, 85. 86. 87. 88. You must overstand your physical FROM Khatat “Body”, your ROBIE BEX Sagaf-aat “Cells”, your A® 3&3 Damam “Blood”, your proteins- a word that means “Primary Element” or Greek Proteios because your proteins are the primary components of all 7&Rr Gharas “Plant” and SHOR4 Huwan “Animal” as well as human cells, a word from Latin Cella “Small Room" a small unit of protoplasm. Each humanoid is made of 900,000 different proteins. Proteins are linear “chains” whose molecular “links” are composed of Amino Acid Molecular; each of the 19 different Amino Acids has a unique shape so that when linked together in a chain the resulting proteins fold into elaborate 3-Dimensional “Wire Sculpture”. The protein sculpture’s pattern is determined by the sequence of its Amino Acid Links. The balancing of Electromagnetic charges along the protein’s chain serves to control the “Final” shape of the sculpture. In the manner of a lock and key, protein sculpture compliments the shape of environmental molecules which include other proteins. When proteins interlock with the complementary environmental molecule they assemble into complex structures similar to the way cogged “Gears” intermesh to make a watch. 4H5O84-A Munwap-u “Nwwaupians” of DA-TaOR% Wu-Nawap that very word: @RAPHM Kaayuf “Morphing” and @RPRRAPCY Kayafuyee “Morphic”, you must overstand that the primary components of life are orchestrated by something or someone. The Morphic Resonance thinkers say that, even though you appear separate you are bound together in a common field and it is within that field that communication among cells, DNA, particles and on takes place all life is living is one existence. While the Euro-Science explain or try to explain gravitation and outline what they call invisible force of Dark Energy, Dark matter, Neutrino which they claim holds all things together. Dark Energy being a form of energy that permeates all space and can affect the rate at which things move through the universe and counteracts gravity. Dark matter is barely detectable due to its low radiation emittance and gravitational effect on things surrounding it. The same scientific reasoning or hopes, faiths, beliefs, and theories also tend to divide everything into separate mechanistic and material categories. The same as DNA they now know that in fact there is only one race, the African original Black man of South Aftica from whom all others came; yet, 89, 90. 91. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. he will separate people into SRIRXR Salal-u “Races” and give each: names, countries, dialects and say humanoids are separate people not to admit the SHAH ARDS Laben Salal “/hite Race” came out of the Black race just as the #H¥3e7-A Muhmar-u “Reds”, €7787-A Musmar-u “Browns” and {A¥H87-A Musiar-u “Yellows” all from the original GRaes dkARA Khamem Zazaz “Black man”. The very {AMX Madat “Word” Race from French Razza same as Razor cutting apart as in separating people because he found out that the 4A 3&8 X-H Laben Shakhas-u “White People” come from African people, he hates that That everything he was taught by his own forefathers was nothing more than lies. Yet, why is a XXHAS Tofah “Apple” different from a tomato or a SAWRD Nuhal “Bee” from a persimmon flower? At their root they are not. How does the DNA know to make a S&4¥SX Nahat “Tree” or an ant? a JHTRA Gurad “Simian”, a &AD&A Kulab “Canine”, a Porcine ot a Salamander? That very word morphic comes from the Greek word meaning “form” and the Morphogenetic field determines how things take form not only living things yet inanimate non-sentient matter as well; Not overstanding the i®MP7-8) ADA Fater-al Fatar “Natural Nature” matrix on how things are formed at their roots as Atoms or Cells. GR TR@-A Yarap-u “Europeans” have no idea of anything past 6,000 years. They repeat all the time we don’t know who built this or that nor how or why they are cursed with amnesia, the forgetful races’, their maker erased their memories at Adam’s son, Seth’s son Enos meaning “Forgesfiul Mortal Being” While they record, genes play an important part in organizing people into flesh and blood 4HROR4S-A Mukwan-u “Beings”. They don’t and can’t explain how the organization itself takes place. Afler all, Simians 48 chromosomes and Humanian 47 to 46 chromosomes or fruit flies and worms are all very similar genetically. 1. A Guppy had 46 Chromosomes 2. Reeves’s Muntjac has 46 Chromosomes 3. Sable Antelope has 46 Chromosomes 4. Humans have 46 Chromosomes Now Nuwaupians look at that, each has 46 chromosomes yet don’t look or act anything alike in nature. 99. 100. TOL 102. So, morphogenesis teaches that something imposes a pattern of organization on a field producing specific outcomes in material things or matter, physical. These fields are not fixed evolve. To use the term ARE <€JARS Sayem Mirsam “Divine Design” has nothings to do with the Bible and or Quran. Or the many attributes names made up by them such as: El oY El Elyon rhe Sy) E1 Olam (aby dx) El Shaddai 7d by) El Roi xs bx) El Berith cna by) Elouh mds Sy) Elohim (omy 5x) Adonai cay) Baal, Baalim (Spx o°5px) Yahweh, Jehovah (717) Jah, Yah m) Ha Shem (aim) Rabb a Allah au Tlah ai Aalihat Belle Ar Rahman oe Jesus lesous And this list is very long in the Bible and Quraan yet to say FRBCH ¥=JaRa Zhahen Mirsam "Intelligent Design" or ARPCR STARS Sayem Mirsam "Divine Design" does not mean it was the unseen spirits they translate as God, Lord or Angels.Their own books make it quite clear that the beings and beings came down to <A Nagal-u “Asian” music the key notes are not the exact same. The Black or African can be in harmony with BRAXADA Astral-u “Aborigines” Australia ERV8a-h Dravad-u “Indians” India SR TEOR Nagal-u "Asians" Asia All depend on the drum; yet, not the YHY&A-A Cacas-u “Caucasoid” who are out of sync with all others and cannot blend in to form harmonies. In their hormones they are the unalike creatures, disagreeable ones. Long after, each race left Africa. As one race each was visited by different Aliens, Extraterrestrials from above. The Aborigines had their own visitors who mixed with their DNA. Also the Indians had their own visitors who mixed with their DNA. And the Asians had their own visitors who mixed with their DNA, their genes, their double Helix. And also the Caucasoid had their own visitors who mixed in with their Nordic DNA end even mixed other chromosomes with theirs. The Pleiadeans made the Nordics and bred them with other 7HOR4-RRX Huwan-aat “Animals”. The Baboon, Mandrill 40 Chromosomes. The Canine 78 Chromosomes The Porcine 38 Chromosomes To alter their un-natural nature in order to use them for their own purposes. Caucasoid are more beast than humans so they were called human’s kind, man’s kind, a kind of man, kin to T&A Zazaz “Man”; yet, not really a man. He is a ART&X Dabat “Beast” by his unnatural nature. Making them unlike all others yet they came out of the mountains and caves of PR {s® Yarap “Europe” and raped and mixed their diseased seed to bring forth sub-groups or sub races around the *D Aakhakh Tapal “Ezheric World” the soul world and spiritual world all at once. You still have them yet they are latent in you. It is very easy to ascend to the spiritual realm during 52084 Nawam “Sleep” because this is the time the ABORE-a) FaMAt Kaaah-al Khaiat “Spiritual Body” is active and the FRORO-8> FROSO Khaiai-al Khaiat “Physical Body” is inactive. Once you regain the right knowledge on how to use your higher senses 6-7-8 and nine from your lower senses: See, Hear, Taste, Smell and Touch you will be able to raise X8E0HA-REX Tahzuz-aat “Vibrations” of your physical-you to the spiritual level going higher and higher until they can pass through the etheric being freely taking the physical-you with it through the wormhole, that is turning you inside out. 40 237. 238. 239. 240. 24]. 242. 243. 244. Another path way Nuwaupians is that just the THORS OA ASORE Badah Wu Kaaah “Soul and Spirit” ascend leaving the FRUAD Khatat “Bod behind. To overstand the first method, imagine you are a pebble dropped into a pond, relating whirlpools on the surface of the ©375¥ Mayah “Water” and radiating outward from you in an even greater circle, a whirl wind hovering above the water. Your two eyes become one, a middle single #%% &0R7 Paa Patar “Divine Eye”, third eye opens you make a buzzing sound as if a hum. A-Nun A-Tum A-Tun A-Mun You tune all illuminations in, you repeat the buzzing sound in your upper nasal sent from your third eye and you breathe, with the sound from into your tight nostril from outside of the body to the third eye and inside then breathe from your left nostril outside all the wall repeating the humming sounds of A-Nuun, A-Tuum, A-Tuun, A-Muun until you feel and hear the whole body vibrate. You have these 4&¥&3-aAxX Sakham-aat “Powers” still, when the Barathary gland was removed from your hippocampus part of the brain; yet. small parts were left in order not to damage the surrounding THARX Ghadat “Gland” so you still have flashes of things, see things, hear things and feel by your higher senses. Your higher senses are: J. Telepathy 2. Clairvoyance 3. Intuition 4. Psychometry. You lost these when some of the Anunnagqi, great scientists namely Nergal, Ninti daughter of Anu, Arishkegal wife of Nergal opened a part of your ancestor’s brain and removed a gland known as the barathary gland which was not originally called the barathary gland. It was called that because the Hebrew, Chaldean word taken from the Sumerian word Bara which means “beginning of a thing or to bring about to at new, to remake, or make. It was removed from the Hippocampus area which is located in the Cerebellum region of your brain. 4l Hypothalamic nucle! Amygdala Cingulate Corpus callosum Hippocampus 246, 247. 248. Diagram 5: Barathary Gland to was removed from the Hippocampus Area The Barathary Gland worked with the appendix and the tonsils The removal of the Barathary Gland cut off your 4 higher senses Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Intuition and Psychometry which affects your 5 lower senses TRROR? Raawuy “Seeing”, 788 2A% Shaamuh “Hearing”, >3esAP Shaamuy “Tasting”, and ¥88O1 Shaaaur “Feeling” and they all affected by your DNA, your genes. The Hippocampus part of the brain whose purpose is well known to modern science is the tissue which held the barathary gland when inside the brain of the RRA® &-A Aadam-u “Adamites” was also removed Before I, Paa Nabab: Yaanuwn, Ningishzidda was able to incarnate into the body of this FRIRA Kharad “Child” they had to see which human (Humanoid) seed I would be planted into and to re-insert the Barathary gland in the child in his sub mental area beneath his chin. So the Barathary gland was not re-inserted in the Hippocampus area of the A&YaT Damagh “Brain” this time yet in the lower part of the chin referred to as the sub-mental area meaning the sub or Jower and mental that which reacts with the O8O&> Aagal “Mind” 42 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. Once Malachi Z Kobina York Ocran or also named Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi was given the barathary gland he was ready for my entrance etherically. The gland allowed communication with the other #4578 7-A Mundjar-u or 5&7 7-A Nadjar-u “Overseers”. So all of this affects the DNA and the PR'FRE-ASX Yakhas-aat “Genes”. This is known by the BRABS-H Aadam-u “Adamite” and they have used the media religion to affect your ORORD Aagal “Mind”, FROST Khaiat “Body” and ARO®S Kaaah “Spirit” to entice you to change your likes to what they can use to make you submit to them and their way of living and laws. Until you think you're thinking on your own or that your making choices, when it's only multiple choice and he decided the choices: the jobs, the fun, the entertainment, the food, the holidays, festivals, celebrations, the educations even the shoes on your feet. You think you like them because you choose them from the only others in the window that he put in there. You're out of your own O#OR> Aagal “Mind”. You think it’s normal for you to work for them then give them an IRS part of your check or pay them insurance to drive your automobile on the ¢€AORA Mikwak “Planet” or pay rent for a space to live on TREES Tahah “Earth” allow them because of a uniform to arrest you, or judge you in his courts and in prison, you or loved ones for however long feels. That is mind control and by his media put you under a hypnotic spell to obey the white race. Nuwaupians just as when you read in their Bible and Quraan their God, Gods, Lord, Lords need someone to worship only him or them, obey him or them, be servants to him or them, the #SAR@-H AD% Aadam-u Salal “Adamite Race” made in theit gods Elohim image “looking like them, white” and likeness to be like, act like them so they also need other races to worship their image, praise them and they need to feel over everyone better than all others and have all others serve them, enslaved to them, work under them - this is in their unnatural genes by way of Genesis 1:26-27 “*And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. ”So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”. And their wickedness and evil ways is also in their genes by way of Genesis 6:1-5 it’s all their Ego, Genetic.

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