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Mabini Campus

Final Exam (1st Half)

English 10

S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: _______________________Grade and Section: _______________Score: ____

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and answer each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the
blank before each item. (20 pts.)

____1. Which sentence uses the emphatic form of the verb?

A. His father is traveling frequently.

B. His father travelled frequently.
C. His father does travel frequently.
D. His father is a traveller.

____2. The following are the things to consider in choosing an appropriate attire in public
speaking EXCEPT:

A. audience B. formality of the event C. venue D. personal preference

____3. Which of the following refers to a noun, pronoun, adjective phrase, etc. that
describes the subject of the sentence?

A. adjective C. subjective complement

B. predicate complement D. adverb

____4. Which of the following refers to the statements that narrow down a topic in a
form of explanation, examples, or evidences?

A. claim C. general ideas

B. specific ideas D. generalization

____5. Rose uses various strategies in extracting meaning from audio clips that she
listened to. What process does she employ?
A. active listening C. activating schema
B. interactive reading D. public speaking

____6. Your teacher asked you to synthesize the lessons discussed and explain the
concepts using your own words. What listening strategy would be best applied to get the
task done?

A. listening for the main idea C. summarizing

B. drawing inferences D. listening for specific details

____7. Khan was able to take down the pieces information he wanted to know when
listening to the news report. What listening strategy helped him accomplish his goal?

A. listening for the main idea C. summarizing

B. drawing inferences D. listening for specific details
____8. Before listening to the broadcast, Alisa already has expectations and inferences
about the material that she is about to listen to. What listening strategy did she do?

A. listening for the main idea C. summarizing

B. drawing inferences D. listening for specific details

____9. Teacher A asked her student to go beyond what is presented and said in a
listening text to have deeper understanding of the material listened to. What listening
strategy does Teacher A want her students to develop?

A. listening for the main idea C. summarizing

B. drawing inferences D. listening for specific details

____10. Student B was able to identify the purpose and intention of the speaker in an
audio she listened to which helped her get the gist of the listening material. What
listening strategy did she use?

A. listening for the main idea C. summarizing

B. drawing inferences D. listening for specific details

____11. What type of essay aims to present and support a claim through the use of
effective reasoning and evidence?

A. informative essay C. argumentative essay

B. narrative essay D. satiric essay

____12. Which of the following helps the readers know the writer’s belief or opinion
about an issue he/she is writing about?

A. generalization C. opening statement

B. thesis statement D. title

____13. The following are statements use to mitigate disagreements, EXCEPT:

A. “I beg to disagree”. C. “You’re definitely wrong”.

B. “You may want to consider this”. D. “I’m afraid I disagree”.

____14.Which of the following sentences means the best song may be written before
you were born?

A. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.

B. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.
C. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.
D. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.

____15. Which of the following sentences means the uncertainty of the time the best
song was written?

A. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.

B. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.
C. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.
D. The best song was probably written in the 1980’s.

____16. Which of the following helps you look for specific details presented in a reading

A. scanning B. skimming C. reading D. note-taking

____17. Which of the following requires you to understand the main ideas of a reading
A. scanning B. skimming C. reading D. note-taking

____18. Generally, the following are the reasons why writers write, EXCEPT:

A. to persuade B. to reprimand C. to inform D. to entertain

____19. What is referred to as the informal definition of word that involves artistry and
human imagination?

A. technical definition C. operational definition

B. creative definition D. context clues

____20. Which of the following refers to a speech delivered by a speaker who has been
given no time to prepare beforehand?

A. extemporaneous speech C. impromptu speech

B. memorized speech D. campaign speech

___ 20. Celestina uses vague and tentative language in order not to offend anybody on
her pieces of writing. What technique does she use?

A. arguing C. story editing

B. hedging D. hodging

___ 21. John prefers to read the dictionary over other books because he likes to get the
direct definition of words. What type of definition does the dictionary basically offer?

A. informal definition C. formal definition

B. Creative definition D. personalized definition

___ 22. Which of these elements of fiction refer to the struggles experienced by the main
character in a story?

A. climax B. POV C. conflict D. plot

___ 23. What do you call the original sources of data that a person collects to gather

A. Primary source C. blueprint

B. secondary source D. transcription

___ 24. What type of speech aims to poke fun at a person in a friendly manner?

A. Roast speech C. keynote address

B. acceptance speech D. welcome speech

___ 25. What type of speech is delivered to introduce and establish the credibility of a

A. acceptance speech C. keynote address

B. speech of introduction D. toast speech

___ 26. What type of speech is delivered after an award or recognition is given?

A. acceptance speech C. keynote address

B. speech of introduction D. toast speech

II. Modified True or False

Directions: Read and identify each statement as true or false. If the statement is correct,
write TRUE on the blank. However, if the statement is incorrect, underline the word/s
that make/s the statement wrong and write the appropriate word on the blank provided
to make it correct. (30 pts.)

_______________1. Speaking in a nervous manner will help a speaker project a

perception of confidence to his/listener.

_______________2. The last part of a speech allows one to emphasize, restate, and
summarize the ideas presented in the speech.

_______________3. Listening is a passive process.

_______________4. Supporting details are pieces of information that expound a main


_______________5. Active listening is concentrating on every word that a speaker says.

_______________6. Guy de Maupassant wrote “How MY Brother Leon Brought Home a


_______________7. Loud reading is the process of analysing, synthesizing, and

evaluating a text.

_______________8. Round characters remain the same throughout the story.

_______________9. Climax is the struggle presented in the story.

_______________10. The attitude of the author towards the subject matter presented in
the story is called mood.

_______________11. An effective speaker always prepares for his/ her speech.

_______________12. Public speaking is an art which requires rigorous training, constant

practice, and years of experience.

_______________13. Listening to constructive criticism help you become a worse


_______________14. One way to increase stage fright is by displaying genuine

enthusiasm when sharing ideas.

_______________15. Confidence and sincerity are fundamental to the success of a

III. Identification

A. Directions: Identify the type of logical fallacy used in the following statements. Choose
from the word box below. Write your answers on the blank provided before each item.
(10 pts.)

Appeal to ignorance Ad Hominem

Begging the question Appeal to authority

Hasty generalization Appeal to ignorance

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Slippery slope

False Dilemma Appeal to pity

______________1. Katherine loves Tom Cruise. One day, she meets Tom Cruise and
tells her unicorns live in New York City. Without searching to find out if fairy tales have
spring to life in the place, she believes it to be true.

______________2. People have been praying to God for years. No one can prove He
doesn’t exist. Therefore, He exists.

______________3. I know we don’t love each other, but if we don’t get married, it will
crush my mother. You know she has a weak heart. Do you really want to do that to her?

______________4. If aliens didn’t steal my newspaper, who did?

______________5. In Cebu, only two schools offer airline courses: Indiana University
and Royal Christian College.

______________6. If we allow a 14- year old to have her first date tonight, what’s next?
A wedding, kids?

______________7. That face can’t be good. Kim Kardashian is selling it.

______________8. Right when I sneezed, the power went off. I must’ve caused the

______________9. The result of the study showed that 38 out of 50 students in schools
in Cebu City were musically inclined. This means that majority of the students in Cebu
City are excellent singers.

______________10. If we don’t adopt that puppy today, they might put him down. Do
you want to be responsible for that?

B. Directions: Unscramble the words in the box to form the correct word, then identify
what is referred to in each statement. Write the correct word on the blank spaces
provided. (30 pts.)

Ebtautslar resaupevsi xstet cibupl gsinkpae

_________________ _________________ _________________
Cakedfeb Soptha tseho
_________________ _________________ _________________
sethis tetmantse Noissaret golos
_________________ _________________ _________________
portpingsu intspo Itonegnreaizal rmusmay
_________________ _________________ _________________
Hrsinpag Itonatinon ingpretiwr
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________1. This is a comprehensive statement about a topic derived from
pieces of information read or observed.
_________________2. This refers to the evidences that prove a certain claim.
_________________3. These are points that disprove the opposing points.
_________________4. This refers to the appeal of emotions.
_________________5. This refers to the audience’s verbal and non- verbal reactions
which signals a speaker how a certain message is received.
_________________6. This is a piece of writing which mainly aims to convince.
_________________7. This refers to the appeal of credibility of the speaker.
_________________8. This refers to the appeal of sense.
_________________9. This is the main argument of a convincing essay.
_________________10. It is condensed version of a long text.
_________________11. This is the first step in writing a text.
_________________12. This helps emphasize the important points and express
clearly the meaning of words
_________________13. This is a strong declaration of a position regarding an issue.
_________________14. This refers to the rising and falling of voice when speaking.
_________________15. It is a process of communicating information to an audience.

C. Directions: Identify each statement as claim of fact, value, or policy. Write your
answers on the blank before each number. (10 pts.)

__________1. Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to many illnesses.

__________2. Honesty is the best policy.

__________3. Television news casting influences the way Filipinos think about social and
political issues.

__________4. The CBRC is an excellent review center for students preparing to take the
licensure examination.

__________5. To attract more non-traditional students, this school must review and
revise its course offerings.

__________6. The existence of nuclear weapons has prevented the outbreak of World
War III.

__________7. Obesity can cause heart disease.

__________8. The job-matching features of the have been very effective

__________9. The government is intensifying its policies to address the job-skill

mismatch in the country.

__________10. America should protect its domestic industries with tariffs and quotas.

D. Directions: Identify the rhetorical device used in each statement. Write your answer on the
blank provided before each item. (15 pts.)

______________1.  “And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain.”

______________2. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let

freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening
Alleghenies of Pennsylvania..."

______________3. On my first morning on the farm, I was awoken suddenly by the cock-a-
doodle-do of the resident rooster.

______________4. "To err is human; to forgive divine." - Alexander Pope.

______________5. The children were flowers grown in concrete gardens.

______________6. He likes television shows that have deep characters, interesting stories,
and good actors.

______________7. “The child is father of the man…”

______________8. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw.

______________9. Then come, sweet death, and rid me of this grief.

______________10. It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing hats and jackets.

______________11. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

______________12. The rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora's box of crimes

______________13. “Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her.”

______________14. “What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young.”

______________15. "Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing."

IV. Analysis

Read the following selection and determine the general and specific ideas. (4 pts.)

Jealousy is a powerful emotion that can lead to horrible circumstances.

Sometimes, people are not even aware of what they are doing when they are doing it,
but their emotions take over and make them do terrible things. In Arthur Miller’s The
Crucible, jealousy and revenge take hold of young Abigail Williams causing her to wreak
havoc on an entire town. Ultimately, it is Abigail’s actions that result in the witch trials
and the killing of many innocent people.





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