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Year Title
Chapter 14 Taxonomy & Biodiversity
14.1 Taxonomy 2017/18 18. (a) Describe the importance of taxanomy in biology. (5m)
14.2 Diversity of Organisms 2012/13 (U) 18. (b) Describe the main characteristics of the following phyla
(i) Mollusca (5m)
(ii) Cnidaria (4m)
2014/15 (U) 18. (a) Describe the unique characteristics of phylum Chordata. (5m)
14.3 Biodiversity in M’sia 2016/17 18. (a) Describe three levels of biodiversity in M’sia. (6m)
14.4 Treats to biodiversity 2012/13 18. (a) Describe the negative implications of human activities towards
(i) biodiversity (6m)
(ii) environment (4m)
2017/18 18. (b) Explain the human activities that threatens the biodiversity in M’sia, and its
consequences. (10)
14.5 Conservation of Biodiversity 2012/13 18. (b) Suggest some positive actions which could be taken to help conserve biodiversity
in M’sia. (5m)
2014/15 (U) 18. (b) Describe in situ & ex situ conservation efforts to protect species diversity in M’sia.
2016/17 18. (b) The National Park in Pahang and The Royal Belum in Perak are examples of in situ
program for biodiversity conservation in Malaysia. Explain the importance of both
areas in sustaining biodiversity in M’sia. (9m)
Chapter 15 Ecology
15.1 Levels of Ecological Organisation
15.2 Biogeochemical Cycles 2012/13 (U) 18. (a) Describe the involvement of organism in phosphorus cycle. (6m)
15.3 Energy Flow 2014/15 (U) 19. (a) Describe the flow of energy through ecosystems. (6m)
15.4 Population Ecology 2012/13 (U) 19. The ecological concepts of biotic potential, natality, mortality and carrying capacity are
important for maintaining sustainable population in a particular locality.
(a) Define biotic potential, mortality and carrying capacity. (4m)
2013/14 18. (b) Differentiate the characteristics of r-selected and K-selected species. (6m)
2013/14 (U) 18. (a) Compare the survivorship strategies used by the grasshopper and the tiger. (8m)
(b) Explain how density dependent factors limit the population size of fish in a small
pond. (7m)
15.5 Carrying Capacity 2012/13 (U) 19. (b) Explain how the terms in (a) are interrelated to balance the population size in a
closed ecosystem. (4m)
15.6 Quantitative Ecology 2016/17 19. (a) What are meant by the population distribution and the population density?
(b) State four advantages of quadrat sampling method. (4m)
(c) To study plant distribution in a forest, various patterns of the plant distribution
should be considered. Explain the patterns of plant distributions. (9m)
Chapter 16 Selection & Speciation
16.1 Natural & Artificial Selection 2012/13 19. (a) Distinguish between the meaning of natural selection from artificial selection. (3m)
(b) Propose how the different types of natural selection may change the frequency
distribution of a phenotypic variation for the size of bird’s beak in a population of
birds over a successive generation. (12m)
2013/14 (U) 19. (a) State the differences between the natural and the artificial selection. (3m)
(b) Explain three types of natural selection and sketch the related graph. (12m)
16.2 Speciation 2013/14 18. (a) Describe bottleneck effect phenomena that contribute to the change in allele
frequencies. (9m)
2014/15 18. (a) What is meant by genetic drift? (3m)
(b) Describe sympatric speciation. (4m)
(c) Describe prezygotic isolating mechanisms. (8m)
2014/15 (U) 20. (a) Describe how founder effect could lead to genetic drift in a population. (8m)
2015/16 18. (a) Describe allopatric speciation. (8m)
(b) Describe postzygotic isolating mechanism. (7m)
2017/18 19. (a) Explain the founder effect and relate it with genetic drift during the formation of a
new species. (6m)
Chapter 17 Inheritance & Genetic Control
17.1 Types of Genetic Crosses & Breeding System
17.2 Non-Mendelian Inheritance 2013/14 19. In tomatoes, alleles for smooth skin (L) is dominant over wrinkled skin (l), and red
flower (R) is dominant over white flower (r). A plant that is homozygous for both
smooth skin tomato and red flower is crossed with a plant producing wrinkled skin
tomato and white flower. A test cross is done on F1 and the progeny produced are given
Smooth skin, red flower 295
Wrinkled skin, white flower 305
Wrinkled skin, red flower 99
Smooth skin, white flower 101
Based on the result above,
(a) explain why such ratio is obtained from the test cross. (3m)
(b) calculate the map distance between the two genes and draw its genetic map. (5m)
(c) draw the test cross above. (7m)
2013/14 (U) 20. Coat colour in cats is determined by a sex-linked gene with two alleles, black and
ginger. When the black male cats are crossed with ginger female cats, the female
progeny are always tortoise-shell, their coats showing a mottling of small black and
ginger patches, while male progeny have the same coat colour as their mothers. Similar
result is obtained if a ginger male cat is crossed with a black female cat.
(a) Using suitable symbols, construct two genetic diagrams to explain these results.
(b) State the genotypes and the phenotypes of the progeny that may result from the
mating of a tortoise-shell female cat with a black male cat. (4m)
2015/16 19. When a grey body (B) and normal wings (G) Drosophilla are crossed with a black body
(b) and vestigial wings (g) Drosophilla, 1000 offspring are produced. The grey body
and normal wings are dominant over the black body and vestigial wings.
(a) When a test cross is conducted between a heterozygous and a homozygous
Drosophilla, predict the expected results if the alleles for body colour and wing
shape are not linked. (5m)
(b) What is meant by
(i) gene linkage (1m)
(ii) crossing-over? (1m)
(c) Draw the diagram showing a crossing-over between chromatids of homologous
chromosomes in Drosophilla to exhibit the mechanism of recombinant for the gene
linkage and determine its parental and recombinant genotypes. (8m)
2014/15 (U) 20. (b) Describe the inheritance of ABO groups. (7m)
17.3 Genetic Mapping
17.4 Population Genetics
17.5 DNA Replication
17.6 Gene Expression
17.7 Regulation of Gene Expression
17.8 Mutation 2012/13 (U) 20. (a) With an aid of a diagram, describe the non-disjunction of the sex chromosome in a
human male which occurs during meiosis II. (12m)
(b) A non-disjunction of the X chromosome in a human male occurs during meiosis II.
The resulting sperms fertilise a normal ovum. Use a Punnett square to show the
genotype and phenotype of the resulting offspring. (3m)
2014/15 (U) 19. (b) Describe how an error during meiotic cell division could lead to Down syndrome.
Chapter 18 Gene Technology
18.1 Recombinant DNA Technology 2013/14 20. (a) DNA cloning is a process of producing multiple copies of identical DNA. Describe
the process of cloning. (7m)
2014/15 19. (a) Explain the production of protein from mRNA using genetic engineering technique.
(b) Differentiate between cDNA & genomic DNA libraries. (4m)
2017/18 20. (a) (i) What is meant by cloning vector? (2m)
(ii) Describe the characteristics of a cloning vector. (5m)
(b) A scienctist wants to clone INS gene for the production of human insulin.
Describe the cloning method which uses the cDNA library to produce insulin. (8m)
Chapter 19 Biotechnology
19.1 Roles of Biotechnology 2012/13 20. (a) What is meant by biotechnology? (3m)
19.2 Application of Biotechnology 2012/13 20. (b) The person who suffers from sickle cell anaemia inherited a mutated β-globins gene
from their parents. The gene produces abnormal haemoglobin called haemoglobin S
(HbS) which causes the red blood cells to be sickle-shaped and impairing oxygen
delivery to the tissues. Explain how gene therapy can be applied to overcome the
sickle cell anaemia disease in this patient. (12m)
2013/14 20. (b) Differentiate between chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis. (8m)
2014/15 20. (a) Describe amniocentesis & state one of its uses. (8m)
(b) Describe three characteristics of cloning vector & four characteristics of bacteria
host cell. (7m)
2015/16 20. (a) Describe the application of biotechnology in
(i) improving the quality of agricultural products (6m)
(ii) medical field (4m)
(b) Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) disorder is caused by the inability of
bone marrow cells to produce an enzyme related to the disease due to a single
defective gene. Describe gene therapy procedures to treat SCID. (5m)
2016/17 20. Agricultural biotechnology application manipulates the genetic make-up of organisms
which are used in the production of the improved agricultural products.
(a) State three enzymes that are used in ene cloning. (3m)
(b) Describe how genetic manipulation can be performed to produce a tomato plant
with a new trait using Agrobacterium. (12m)
2017/18 19. (b) Two men claimed that they are the biological father of a baby. Describe how DNA
fingerprinting technique can be used to settle the dispute. (9m)

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