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Friday, 17 April, 2020 11:02 AM

1. Amoeboids (Phylum Rhizopoda) 2. Forams (Phylum Foraminifera) 3. Actinopods (Phylum Actinopoda)

>Mostly are marine plankton organisms

>Moves by pushing out temporary >Marine organisms that secretes with long, filamentous cytoplasmic
cytoplasmic projections called chalky, many-chambered shells with projections called axopods that protrude
pseudopodia from the cell surface. pores through which cytoplasmic through pores in their shells.
>Pseudopodia are also used to capture projections can be extended. >Prey become entangled in these axopods

and engulf food by phagocytosis >The cytoplasmic projections form a and engulfed outside the main body of

er as
>Reproduce asexually by binary fission. sticky, interconnected net entangles actinopods.

>Example of amoeba is Entamoeba prey. >Most of actinopods e.g. Actinophrys have

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hystolitica, which caused human >provide food by photosynthesis. algal endosymbiont
dysentery (severe diarrhea with blood and >Most foram species live on the

>During binary fission, the test usually
ulcers in intestinal wall) ocean floor, others are part of the
rs e plankton. e.g. Globigerina, a common
splits in half, and each daughter cell
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regenerates half; sometimes, however,
organism in plankton one daughter cell gets the whole parent
shell and the other grows a new one.

4. Zooflagellates(Phylum Zoomastigina) 5. Ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora) 6. Apicomplexans (Phylum Apicomplexa)

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>Move by lashing flexible flagella (located >Cell surface covered with thousand >Lack of specific structures e.g. cilia, flagella

at anterior end). fine, short, hairlike cilia that extend or pseudopodia.

>Some engulf food by forming pseudopodia through pores in pellicle and permit >Possess an apical complex of microtubules

like amoeba. movement. (only visible using SEM) that attaches the
>Heterotrophic. May be free-living or >Many have trichocysts, organelles parasite to its host cell.

endosymbionts. e.g trichonymphs live in that discharge filaments to aid >At some stage in their life cycle, they
the guts of termites. trapping and holding prey. produce sporozoits (small infective agents

>Some parasitic zooflagellates cause >Ciliates have two kinds of nuclei; transmitted to the next host).
disease e.g. Trypanosoma; causes African one/many small, diploid micronuclei >Many apicomplexans spend part of their
sleeping sickness and transmitted by tsetse that function in reproduction and life cycle in different host species.
flies. larger, polyploid macronucleus that >Plasmodium sporozoits enter human blood
control cell metabolism and growth. through the bite of an infected female
>Most ciliates are capable of a sexual Anopheles mosquito.
process called conjugation and also
reproduce asexually, by binary fission.

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