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Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current-voltage characteristics

S. K. Cheung, and N. W. Cheung

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 49, 85 (1986);

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Extraction of Schottky diode parameters from forward current-voltage
s. K. Cheung
Department oj Material Science and Engineering, University oj California, Berkeley, California 94720
N. W. Cheung
Department oj Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University oJCalifornia, Berkeley, California

(Received 20 March 1986; accepted for publication 16 May 1986)

It is shown that by using the forward current density-voltage (J- V) characteristics of a Schottky
diode, a plot of d( V)ld(ln J) vsJ and a plot of the function H(J) vsJ, where H(J)-- V - n (kT I
q) In(J I A ** T2), will each give a straight line. The ideality factor n, the barrier height rp B, and the
series resistance R of the Schottky diode can be determined with one single 1- V measurement. This
procedure has been used successfully to study thermal annealing effects of W IGaAs Schottky

The forward current-voltage (1- V) characteristics of a V = RAeffJ + nrPB + (nlf3)ln(J IA **T"), (5)
Schottky diode obeying the thermionic emission model are where
given by
f3 = qlkT. (6)
Differentiating Eq. (5) with respect to J and rearranging
Most practical Schottky diodes show deviations from terms, we obtain
ideal thermionic emission behavior. A dimensionless param-
eter called the ideality factor, n, is usually included in the 1- V d( V) = RA J +~. (7)
d (In J) etf f3
relationship to take into account nonideal diode behaviors'
Thus, a plot of d( V)ld(ln J) vs J will give RAetf as the slope
1= Is[exp(qVD)/nkT) -I], (2)
and nlf3 as the y-axis intercept." To evaluate rPB' we can de-
where q is the electronic charge, VD the voltage applied fine a function H(J):
across the diode, k the Boltzmann constant, and T the abso-
H(J)=V - (nlf3) In(J IA **Tl). (8)
lute temperature. Is can be expressed by
For Eq. (5) we can deduce
Is = AetfA **T2 exp( - qrPBlkT), (3)
whereA etf is the effective area of the diode, A ** ( = 8.6 cm- 2 (9)
K -2 A) is the Richardson constant, and rPB is the Schottky
Using the n value determined from Eq. (7), a plot of H(J) vs
barrier height of the diode.
J will also give a straight line with y-axis intercept equal to
The effect of the diode series resistance R is usually mo-
deled with a series combination of a diode and a resistor with nrPB' The slope of this plot also provides a second determina-
resistance R through which the current I flows. The voltage tion of R which can be used to check the consistency of this
VD across the diode can then be expressed in terms of the approach. Thus, performing two different plots [Eqs. (7)
total voltage drop V across the series combination of the and (9) J of the J- V data obtained from one measurement
diode and the resistor. Thus, V D = V - IR, and for can determine all the three key diode parameters: n, rp B' and
V D > 3kT Iq Eq. (2) becomes R.
We have applied our proposed procedure to character-
I = Is exp[q( V - IR)lnkTJ. (4) ize WIGaAs Schottky diodes annealed at temperatures
A method to extract the series resistance R of ideal ranging from 100 to 700 0c. The diameter of the tungsten
Schottky diodes (i.e., n = 1) was first proposed by Norde. 2 metal dots ranges from 0.02 to 0.12 cm. We have observed
For the n> I cases, Sato and Yasumura 3 had modified that the reverse leakage current of the as-deposited and an-
Norde's approach to extract the values of n, rP B, and R from nealed diodes at a given voltage is directly proportional to
the forward 1- V data of a Schottky diode. Their approach the geometrical area of the metal dots, indicating that the
requires, for a given Schottky diode, two experimental 1- V edge effect of the diodes is insignificant. Hence, we have tak-
measurements conducted at two different temperatures and en the geometrical area of the diodes to be A etf . Figure I (a)
the determination ofthe corresponding minima to the modi- shows the plots of d( V)ld(\n J) vs J and H(J) vsJ for the
fied Norde's function. In this letter, we present an alternate as-deposited W IGaAs diode. As expected, both plots give
approach to determine the values of n, rp B, and R from a straight lines. The values of R obtained from the two differ-
single 1- V measurement. The proposed technique was ap- ent plots agree with each other within 10%. The values of n
plied to characterize W IGaAs Schottky diodes subjected to and rPB also agree well with those values obtained from the
various annealing temperatures and the Mo/Si Schottky di- simple consideration of the linear region of experimental In J
ode presented by Sato and Yasumura. 3 vs V plot. 4 Figure I (b) shows the calculated and the corre-
Equation (4) can be rewritten in terms of current den- sponding experimental In Jvs Vplots of the as-deposited WI
sity J( = I I A etf ). Thus, GaAs diode. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show similar plots for

85 Appl. Phys. Lett. 49 (2), 14 July 1986 0003-6951/86/280085-03$01.00 cs 1986 American Institute of Physics 85
the 700 DC annealed W IGaAs diode. Except for low voltages surement is needed, (ii) it is convenient to check the validity
( < 0.05 V), the good agreement between calculated and ex- of the diode-series resistor model because deviations from
perimentalln J vs V plots as seen in Figs. I (b) and 2(b) straight lines can easily be detected, (iii) the procedure also
implies that the Schottky diode indeed can be modeled quite eliminates the task of determining the minimum of the
accurately by the series combination of a diode and a resis- Norde's function. We have estimated that a few percent un-
tor. For the low voltage regirpe, however, other current con- certainty in the determination of the Norde's function mini-
duction mechanisms (e.g., recombination current) domi- mum can lead to as much as a 40% error in the evaluation of
nate and a different model has to be invoked to explain the the series resistance R.
diode behaviors. The parameters extracted by the proposed From Table I we note that the value of R of the 700 "C
procedure for W IGaAs diodes annealed at different tem- annealed W IGaAs diode is much higher than the values ob-
peratures are summarized in Table 1. tained for the low-temperature annealed ones. We have used
As a further test for the proposed procedure, we ana- other analytical techniques to characterize the diodes. Our
lyzed the J- V data of the Mo/Si diode measured at 297 DC by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) analysis 4
Sato and Yasumura.~ The results are shown in Fig. 3. The shows the diffusion ofW atoms into the GaAs substrate to a
values of the three diode parameters derived from Fig. 3 depth of about 500 Abelow the metal/semiconductor inter-
(n = 1.1, <PB = 0.68 eV, and R = 3.2 .0) are in good agree- face after annealing at 700 DC. Bright field transmission elec-
ment with those determined by Sato and Yasumura tron micrographs indicate a flat diode interface up to an
(n = 1.l2, lfiB = 0.68 eV, and R = 3.3 .0). The advantages annealing temperature of 700 DC. We have attributed the in-
of the proposed procedure include: (i) only one I-V mea- crease in the series resistance of 700 ·C annealed diode to the

n = 1.4
R = 145.6 n from (1) 10'

2.4 X 10-'
R = 161.5 n from (2) 0.9
<PB = 0.58 eV £.
-1/ O.s
/ §'
00000 0
FIG. 2. 700 'C annealed WIGaAs Schottky
- - Calculated diode. Ca) Plot& of d( v)ld(ln J) vs J and

07 I
H(J) vs J. Cb) Experimental and calculated
In J vs V plots.

6.08X 10- 2 06

10- 0LLl.-LL0"=2L..W.-"::0.LA.LJ-JWO:-'-:.6:'-'-'--':"0.'='S......."::-'1.0

(b) V (volls)

86 Appl. Phys Lett, Vol. 49, No.2, 14 July 1986 S. K. Cheung and N. W. Cheung 86
TABLE 1. Extracted diode parameters for W/GaAs Schottky diodes. 2Xl0"' 9XlO"'
n - 11
Annealing R-320from(l)
temperature R" Rb ,pR R - 3 5 0 from (2)
1.6XlO-' 8.6XlO"'
eC) 11 (n) (n) (eV) "'B- 06BeV
As deposited 1.13 18.8 20.8 0.56
100 1.14 4.9 5.4 0.57 ~
0 12XlO-' 8.2X 10"'
300 1.12 3.8 4.3 0.63 2.- ~
600 1.24 6.9 7.6 0.56 S- o
E 2.-
700 1.40 145.6 161.5 0.58 :0 I
5' 9.2X 10' 7 8X 10-'

"From d( V)/d(ln J) vs J. :0
h From H(J) vs J.

5.6X 10-' 7AX10"'

electrical compensation of the substrate dopants by the in-

diffused W atoms, leading to the formation of a diffused and
highly resistive layer at the W IGaAs interface and the ob- 2 X 10 ~ OOw.....2~0.w.4'-'02~0~.80'-'1~~1'-'2~~1.L.16~.L.J20 7 X 10-'
served deviations from ideal Schottky diode behavior of the
J(A/cm 2)
700°C annealed diode (n = 1.4).4 According to our RBS
results, the onset of W in-diffusion occurs at temperatures FIG. 3. Plots of d( V)/d(ln J) vs J and H(J) vs J for the Mo/Si Schottky
diode measured at 297 'c by Sato and Yasumura (see Ref. 3).
around 600 dc. The initial reduction in series resistance
when the as-deposited diode is subjected to annealing may be
attributed to the thermal removal of an interfacial native
oxide. We are grateful to Kin-Man Yu and Ih-Chin Chen for
In summary, it is shown that by using the forward J- V enlightening discussions and continuous encouragement.
data of a given Schottky diode with known area, two linear This work was supported in part by a MICRO (532432-
plots, namely, d( V)ld(ln J) vs J and H(J) vs J, can be gen- 19900) grant from Lockheed Missiles and Space Company.
erated. From the slopes and y-axis intercepts of these two
plots, the values of the ideality factor, barrier height, and
series resistance of the Schottky diode can be determined.
These extracted diode parameters can then be used to gener-
ate a calculated In J vs V plot for comparison with the experi- 's. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Del,ices, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York,
1981), Chap. 5.
mental In J vs V plot of the Schottky diode. The good agree- 'H. Norde, J. App!. Phys. 50, 5052 (1979).
ment between the calculated and experimental plots 'K. Sato and Y. Yasumura, J. Appl. Phys. 58, 3655 (1985).
observed for different diodes confirms the validity of this 4K. M. Yu, S. K. Cheung, T. Sands, J. M. laklevic, N. W. Cheung, and E. E.
approach. Haller (unpublished).

87 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 49, No.2, 14 July 1986 S. K. Cheung and N. W. Cheung 87

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