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Doris Delonga, 3.


Books vs. movies

In this essay I will explain differences and advantages between books and movies. Even
though some people say it is more convenient reading than watching a book-based movie, not all
people think the same. Some people prefer reading a book over watching a movie and some like
the opposite. What is the best way? Letting the storyteller tell you a story while you are with
your friends eating popcorn or being in a company of no one but book?

In order to understand why people thing so different, we first need to understand real
benefits of both sides. For example, when reading the book, each individual will have different
thoughts and ideas about the characters. Even though books are very detailed and full of
descriptions, they still have space that needs to be filled in our imagination. People can portray
events and characters differently, that is why we like something or don’t. In addition to this, the
result of detailed descriptions are multi-dimensional characters. They can be portrayed in many
ways (because there is room to) which allows reader to better understand the world and
characters in it. For instance, screening of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s “Crime and
punishment” by Josef von Sternberg in 1935 is not so well done due to missing many important
characters which is the result of movie length limit. Furthermore, reading improves sleep and
memory, reduces stress and has a positive influence on your mental health. That is to say,
reading stimulates your brain, and in general: benefits your health. Books are also portable which
means you can read them wherever and whenever.

On the other hand, movies are significantly less time consuming. What you can read on 2 pages,
you see in movie in just one scene or shot, or even not see it at all, if it’s not that important. That
is the reason why are movies so short in comparison to books. Not only that are movies more
entertaining and easier to understand, they are also more visually appealing, vivid and better for
people who are having problems with imagining things. Because of that, movies are much more
popular, cheaper so as accessible in everyday life than books. As an illustration, “The Lord of the
Rings” directed by Peter Jackson, is a very well-done book-based movie which used all special
effect necessary to represent words of J. R. R. Tolkien. First movie came out in 2001, but
because of its incredible success, it was followed by two more movies and whole another trilogy
in 2012.

Different people prefer different things. Whether it is reading a book or watching a movie
on a specific subject, I think it is essential that everyone knows what are they interested in and
what kind of experience they want. As long as it’s entertaining and by personal condition and
wishes, there is no problem with picking one instead of another.

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