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VISUAL ARTS- these artworks are perceived by our eyes which may be classified into
graphic arts and plastic arts.
GRAPHIC ARTS have flat two-dimensional surface such as painting industry. It
encloses commercial arts that are displayed for advertisements. PLASTIC ARTS are
visual arts which have three-dimensional forms and it covers architectural designs and
construction of buildings and other structure. It also shelters landscapes of garden,
playgrounds, vines and ground covers.

PERFORMING ARTS- it refers to form an art in which artist voices, bodies or

inanimate objects to convey artistic expression. These include theater, play, dance and
LITERARY ARTS- it refers to any collection of written or oral works. These includes
short stories, novels, poetry and dramas.
POPULAR ARTS- it emerged in reaction to consumerism and combined popular culture
and contemporary materials to create fun and modern works of arts. Example of these are
film, newspaper, magazine, radio and television and they are characterized as gay and
GUSTATORY ART OF THE CUISINE- it refers to a type of arts in terms of food. It
can also be called as food decorating or food plating. Basically, it involves the skill in
food preparation.
DECORATIVE ARTS- this art concerned with the production of highly-quality objects
that are both useful and beautiful. These includes beautifying houses, offices, cars and
other structures. They are also called applied arts.


PRACTICAL OR USEFUL ARTS- are those human activities directed to produce
artifacts and other objects use in house chores. Example basket weaving agriculture
LIBERAL ARTS- involve the development of man’s intellectual reasoning. Example
mathematics, astronomy, grammar
FINE ARTS- visible in human eye. Example painting, architecture, painting, literature
MAJOR ARTS- are characterized by their actual and potential expressiveness and by a
purely disinterested purpose. Example music, poetry, sculpture
MINOR ARTS- are works connected with practical uses and purposes. Example interior,


PLASTIC ARTS- are developed through space and perceived by the sense of sight.
Example painting, sculpture, painting
PHONETIC ARTS- are based by sounds and words as media of expression. Example
music, drama, literature
KINETIC ARTS- make use of the rhythmic movement as the elements of expression.
Example dance
PURE ARTS- only one medium of expression. Example sounds in music, color in
MIXED ARTS- use two or more media. Example the opera

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