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Special Physic Teacher

My physics teacher when I was in high school was Mr. Eka Lestiaman. Mr. Eka
who is also the Vice Principal of our school, has a strong look. But when he taught, he
had a joking side and the boring physics lessons were so much fun. As a teacher he
always provides time for students who want to ask questions outside of class hours. He
also presents himself as a good role model to be an example for students. He was never
late and always attended morning devotion on time. He has a big smile and great
charisma. He is always neutral if we have problems with our friends even if we have
problems with another teacher.
In accordance with the Permendiknas No.16 Tahun 2007 about teacher
competence, Mr. Eka has a pedagogical competence where Mr. Eka mastered the
material and learning theories, he is able to follow the curriculum even though he often
changes, personal competence that is able to become a person who can be a guide for
students, social competence where Mr. Eka can place himself according to his role, and
professional competence that is able to accept criticism and suggestions given even if it
comes from the student.
Mr Eka is like a gardener. We are little plants that must be constantly watered
with knowledge.

“Teachers must not try to change their true nature plant, just provide the best
conditions for growth. Some plants may need to be grafted, planting, thinning,
support or other interventions to help them produce good fruit” .

I was excited with Mr Eka cause he will always teach with a variety of methods.
When he did not enter class, we studied independently with the modules he gave. But
every now and then we feel dissatisfied when Mr. Eka can't teach and is replaced by a
substitute teacher.
The thing that I can take from Mr.Eka is, Master is like a gardener and children
are plants.
Clarken says that the image of a compassionate gardener, caring for young plants,
inspires insight and inspiration for teachers as they take on challenging and very
important assignments to educate their students. As a Christian teacher, I want to grow
plants that have spiritual fruitage and true knowledge.
My strength is having good social relationships with my peers. My weakness is
that I haven't fully accepted God's call in my life. I still doubt God's call.
The commitment I have to do in order to change my weakness in Christ is to keep
praying and struggling with God and responding to God's call very well. I had to learn
to accept and want to be molded by God. and as a Christian teacher must have
competence both pedagogical, professional, personality and social competence.
Therefore everything must start from the smallest thing, namely my habit, not
delaying doing something, doing things optimally, be a person who shows God's image.

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