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Introduction to Psychology

Activity 3

1. What event led to the rise of clinical psychology as we know it today?

- During the World War II, the need for psychological treatments were greater than
professionals could provide. Mental health professionals began providing these
treatments for psychological distress for the soldiers, this is now called PTSD or
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

2. What topic was the main focus of research for the earliest psychologists and why?

- The topic that was the main focus of the research was mainly on sensation because it
is the central of experience and the researchers believed that “sensation” queries or
questions can be answered.

3. Why did psychologists abandon Titchener’s structuralist approach?

- The reason why psychologists abandoned Titchener’s structuralist approach is due to

the fact that the mind is vast complexity, and trying to narrow it down to its core
functions was an incredibly complex task.

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