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9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

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What is PERMA?
The technical de nition

PERMA is an acronym for a model of well-being put forth by a pioneer in

the eld of positive psychology, Martin Seligman. According to Seligman,
PERMA makes up ve important building blocks of well-being and

Positive emotions – feeling good

Engagement – being completely absorbed in activities
Relationships – being authentically connected to others
Meaning – purposeful existence
Achievement – a sense of accomplishment and success is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 1/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

Huh, what does that mean?

What do each of these mean in practical terms, and how can we

recognize them in children? Moreover, how can parents help cultivate and
strengthen these ve key building blocks in their children? To answer
these questions, let’s take a look at PERMA in more detail.

Positive Emotions

Positive emotions are among the many components that make up

happiness and well-being, and one of the more obvious layers of
happiness. Let’s begin by distinguishing between pleasure and
enjoyment. While pleasure relates to satisfying bodily needs like hunger,
thirst, or taking a long sleep after a tough day, enjoyment comes from is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 2/16
9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

intellectual stimulation and creativity. We see enjoyment in action when

we observe children screaming with delight as they run and skip in the
mud, or build snowmen and throw snowballs at each other. Enjoyment
also involves being intellectually challenged and standing up to it. When
10-year old Jack was able to put a jigsaw puzzle together, which requires
concentration and careful guring out, smiles of contentment and
enjoyment spread over his beaming face.

Positive emotions are good for children because they stretch the
imagination. When children do something they enjoy or nd interesting,
they are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges, and
spontaneously search for more creative solutions and opportunities.
Positive emotions can also help undo negative ones; reminding Laura
about the wonderful time she had at the beach yesterday is likely to
offset her stress from a challenging day at school, for example. Generally,
children are likely to do more of the activities they nd stimulating and
that bring enjoyment, and the effects last longer than those that generate
short-lived pleasure.


Everyone has had the experience of becoming so absorbed in work or in

reading a book that they completely lose sense of time or forget an
appointment. We’ve also seen children becoming so involved in play that
it’s not easy to get their attention, or to get them to stop. Achieving this
state of ow or total engagement is natural, especially when people are
involved in activities they love and are good at, such as dancing, playing
sport, or pursuing creative activities and hobbies. is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 3/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

Although engagement in enjoyable activities comes relatively easy to

most children, it is still important to provide opportunities for children to
take part in activities that offer them experiences of engagement or ow.
Such opportunities might involve putting together jigsaw puzzles,
drawing and coloring, playing with toys, or practicing ballet or a musical
instrument. The fact that such activities stretch the child’s intellectual and
emotional limits and endurance, as well as require concentration and
effort, is important. So, next time 5-year old Simon is completely
absorbed with his train set, think twice before interrupting him. This level
of engagement is healthy and productive to nurturing happiness.

Since modeling the desired behavior one wants from others is more
convincing than talking about it, it’s also advisable that children see their
parents engage in enjoyable but challenging activities. When children see
the contentment it gives parents, they are more likely to persist and
search deeper for creative solutions to challenges, be it on the sports eld
or when practicing novel musical notes, for example.


Happiness and psychological health are inextricably linked with close,

meaningful, and intimate relationships. Fleeting social relationships with
strangers as well as longstanding ones with peers, siblings, parents,
extended family, and friends are all sources of positive emotions and
support. According to research, one important function of social networks
is that they can spread happiness, cheer and laughter like wild re.

Encourage children to form friendships and to show willingness to be a

friend who can be trusted and relied on. Children are at times more is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 4/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

comfortable with sharing aspects about their lives and feelings with
trusted peers rather than adults. This is necessary and ought to be
respected by adults, since we tend to measure our successes and general
quality of life in comparison to peers rather then the older or younger
generations. Parents that have a circle of stable friends are good role
models for encouraging children to form relationships of support with


True happiness, according to the psychologist Rollo May, comes from

creating and having meaning in life, rather than from the pursuit of
pleasure and material wealth. Loving someone and being loved is a
meaningful phenomenon, for example, because such acts inspire people
to live for, and take care of, someone other than the self. Living a
meaningful life is, in essence, related to attaching oneself to something
larger than oneself. It instills the sense that there is a larger purpose to
life, and being a part of it confers meaning. Having such connections with
something bigger is also an effective barrier against depression. Research
shows, for example, that religious or spiritual people generally have more
meaningful lives because they believe in and worship something greater
than themselves.

Taking children with you to help distribute presents or food parcels at the
local shelter,  offering assistance at soup kitchens for homeless people, or
volunteering to help clean the park are some examples of taking part in
activities that go beyond merely living for oneself. These bring ful llment
and meaning that enhance well-being. Parents who dedicate themselves is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 5/16

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with passion and action to something larger than their own lives are
teaching their children the value of a meaningful existence.


Having explicit goals in life, even small ones like reading for an hour
everyday, and making efforts to achieve them are important to well-being
and happiness. Achievement helps to build self-esteem and provides a
sense of accomplishment.  It also strengthens self-belief.  Parents that
actively set and try to achieve goals, such as daily exercise, for example,
tend to have children who develop similar attitudes.

The mere effort one puts into reaching a speci c goal in itself harbors
satisfaction. Even if your teenager James didn’t reach the school’s football
A-team, it’s good to point out that trying through diligent practice is
something to feel good about. Notice the smallest achievements of your
child – like tying his shoe laces by himself –  and let him know how proud
you are. The more this happens, the stronger a child’s self-belief
becomes, which in turn spurs children to want to try harder, and keep on
achieving. Such self- belief helps to build resilience in the face of
challenges. Importantly, setting goals and putting in the necessary efforts
to achieve them are just as important as actually reaching them; it is OK
not to succeed the rst time.

How do I use this in my life?

Look at well-being in a new light. Visiting a friend that is seriously ill in

hospital is not a time for celebrations, generally speaking, and most of us
would not equate the experience with happiness. However, the time you
spend with that friend can strengthen a meaningful relationship.  This in is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 6/16
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turn may deepen your overall sense of well-being. Remember,  well-being

is not a unitary phenomenon or experience, solely having to do with
feeling good. Well-being has depth.

The awareness of PERMA can help you increase your well-being by

focusing on combinations of feeling good, living meaningfully,
establishing supportive and friendly relationships, accomplishing goals,
and being fully engaged with life.  Further nurturing these experiences in
children can help them go beyond “surviving” to really “thriving” in life.

References +

 GoGlossary!

12 thoughts on “What is PERMA?”

February 6, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Thanks for this information about PERMA.


October 30, 2014 at 12:40 pm is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 7/16
9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

Love the word Permalicious!! Increased my positive emotion by 2

1/2% just reading the word:-)


April 26, 2018 at 6:16 pm

Agreed sister! Mine was 2.68% tho


Paul Adler
January 4, 2018 at 5:14 am

What activities could i begin using with my 12-13 year old

students at school? regards Paul Adler


Carie Terrill
January 12, 2020 at 10:46 pm is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 8/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

PERMA seems intuitive but I think that if we are lacking in any

area such as positive relationships, or meaning in life, you can feel
the effects. I know that has been true for me.
In the classroom I can see how important all of these are to
children also. They do not engage or feel accomplished if they do
not have positive relationships, etc.


Jessica Straczowski
January 30, 2020 at 5:13 pm

I am trying to gure out how I can use PERMA with my low

students that have physical and mental impairments functioning at
maybe preschool level. They need PERMA to feel happy but how
can I make those concepts understandable to students who are
barley functioning?


Wednesday Kirven
February 11, 2020 at 2:23 am is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 9/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

This was very interesting information, particularly the difference

between enjoyment and pleasure. I also notes that when people
do something they enjoy, they’re more likely to persevere in the
face of challenges. This makes me think of my students that give
up right away when trying to solve a math problem. They don’t
“like math” so it’s not fun for them to try to solve the problem.
However, if they believed they were “good at it” they might enjoy it
more. But how do I get them to feel “good at it” when they won’t


Mary Maguire
February 11, 2020 at 6:08 pm

I can get behind PERMA. The engagement will be the toughest for


Janellen Lombardi
February 19, 2020 at 1:03 am is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 10/16

9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

What struck me about this article was how important it is for us to

model these behaviors for the children in our lives. We want our
kids to have healthy friendships. What better way than to model
that for them? Really impactful. Seems like common sense, but
many of these caused me to pause and think, “Am I modeling this
behavior for my children and students?


Susan Amine
March 18, 2020 at 8:48 pm

I love this acronym! I would love to teach this to my students,

especially those who are struggling in their personal lives. I feel
that those who are struggling would bene t from PERMA
considering all the negativity going on in their lives.


June 5, 2020 at 3:15 pm

I really like how this is broken down. It gives a clear understanding

of how a person can focus on one segment of this idea, and notice is an acronym for,Positive emotions – feeling good 11/16
9/29/2020 What is PERMA by Martin Seligman

improvement. I was particularly struck by the “meaning” section.

So often this seems to be the thing that is missing in our lives. The
other areas should help give meaning to our lives, but the actual
recognition of that seems to be where the understanding comes


July 5, 2020 at 8:30 pm

I would like to sit down and take stock of my life and each area of
PERMA. I am de nitely feeling dissatis ed in some areas but am
realizing how my friendships and family bring my life meaning and


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