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Current technological advances have embodied an era of globalization that presents

changes and changes that need to be anticipated early on. The era of globalization is also
increasing the industry that is also growing throughout the world, and requires various
companies to increase proactively in increasing the products used in machinery, production
equipment and increasing fuel use to support the smooth production. Budiono, Sugeng, Jusuf,
Pusparini Adriana, 2003) (1).

According to the regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. PER. 05 / MEN / 1996
concerning the Occupational Safety and Health Management System in article I discusses the
workplace of each room or field, closed or open, moving or fixed, where workers work or are
often used sources or sources of danger both on land , in the ground, on the surface of the air, in
the air, in the air within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia, the scope of which is
determined by 3 (three) no, namely: (1)

a Place where work is done for a business

b There are workers who work there

c There is a danger of working in that place

Included workplaces are all rooms, fields, yards, and surrounding areas that are parts
or related to the workplace. Supervision of the application of occupational safety and health
legislation is carried out by: (1)

a Labor inspectors (government)

b Occupational safety and health expert (company)

Labor is every person who does work both inside and outside the employment
relationship to produce goods. According to Alkon, 1998 there were 3 elements in each
workforce, namely: (1)

a There is a business that is both economic and social in nature.

b There is a workforce that works therein continuously and at any time.

c There is a source of danger.

The work environment is a driving factor for morale and work efficiency. A bad
work environment (beyond the stipulated NAV) that exceeds human tolerance that faces it will
cause work accidents so that workers in carrying out their work do not get a sense of security,
comfort and safety (Budiono, Sugeng AM, Jusuf RMS, Pusparini adriana, 2003) (1).

Dangerous Sources

There are 5 types of sources of danger in the workplace that can cause workplace accidents
(Syukri Sahab, 1997), namely: (1)

a. Buildings, equipment and installations

b. material

c. Process

d. Procedure

e. Work environment, which consists of:

1) Physical environmental factors

2) Chemical environmental factors

3) Biological environmental factors

4) Physical factors of work or ergonomics

5) Psychological factors

Potential hazard

Potential danger is a condition that allows or the potential for an accident to occur in
the form of an injury, illness, death, damage or the ability to carry out a predetermined
operational function. Identification of potential hazards at work that are at risk of causing
accidents, among others, caused by several factors (Tarwaka, 2008), namely: (1)

a. Component failures include:

1) Mechanical failure
2) Failure of the safety system provided

3) Operational failure of work equipment used

b. Conditions that deviate from a job, which can occur due to:

1) Failure of supervision or monitoring

2) Failure to use raw materials

3) Occurrence of the formation of intermediate materials, waste materials and hazardous


c. Human and organizational mistakes

1) Operator or human error

2) Safety system error

3) Mistakes in mixing hazardous materials

4) Communication error

5) Undertake work that is not legal or does not comply with safe work procedures

d. Influence of accidents from the outside, namely the occurrence of an accident in a industry
due to other accidents that occur outside the factory, such as:

1) Accident during product transportation

2) Accident at the material filling station

3) Accidents in nearby factories, etc.

e. Accident due to sabotage

What can be done by outsiders or from inside the factory, usually things this will be difficult
to overcome or prevent, but this factor is very frequent small with other causative factors.

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