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1)the importance of friends in my life

2) free time activities with friends

3) socializing with friends

There are people in this world that prefer to live on their own, to enjoy the silence and comfort of being
alone. For my part, I cannot imagine my life to be like that. I really think that friends are very important
in my life and I like to spend as much time as possible with my friends. It is hard for me to enjoy the
splendors(сплендоз) of life without having anyone to share(шаа) my feelings with.

When I have free time I meet my friends. Sometimes, I play volleyball or other active games with them
at the school playground. In summertime I also like playing tannis and I’m rather(роза) good at it. We
also often visit the pool together, and in the summer we go to the river.

At weekends I go for a walk with my friends. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the pizza
place. However, my favourite pastime at weekends is bowling. I like this game. I think it is not only
entertaining but also social. Bowling unites (юнайтс) like-minded people and gives a chance (чанс) to
communicate with good friends, instead of sitting in front of the computer.

While with my friends, we can also have discussions and share opinions on our future plans, our ideas,
our thoughts, and our problems. Although we are all different: we have different hobbies, outlooks on
life, we always try to support each other. I strongly believe that friends, family, people around you are
important part of our life.


1 comparison of teenagers the last and now

2 interests and entertainment for teenagers

3 entertainment in my life

Many people are convinced (конвенсд) that youth (юсс) and happiness are synonyms (синеномз). It is
the time of parties, dates and entertainment. Previous (привиэс) generations of teenagers could still be
seen in the streets jumping, running around and playing active games. Today, teenagers are mostly seen

For many teens Internet has already become an integral part of their life. Some study online, others play
games. Some listen to music, others watch movies or read magazines. Many enjoy spending their free
time doing things like shopping, going to parties, being with friends, gaming and using social media,
reading and going to the beach or park. It all depends on individual interests. Fortunately (фоченетли),
sports culture is becoming rather popular among (эман) modern teens. Almost in every district there is
a gym (джем)or sports club, where they can attend trainings or simply run on the treadmill.(традмл)

As for me, despite (деспайт) the fact that most of my time is busy with the study, I also find the time for
entertament. Without music and sports I cannot imagine my life. Also I am a great cinema-goer (гауа). I
see all the best films that are on. When I have free time I meet my friends and we play volleyball or
other active games. Sometimes we go to the cinema, sometimes to the pizza place. However, my
favourite pastime at weekends is bowling. I, like any teenager, like to play video games and spend time
on the Internet. Unfortunately I live in a small town and here is not much entertainment.


1)Leisure time today

2)How to spend your free time

3)What i'm doing with my free time

Leisure (лэжа) time is considered one of the most problems experienced by young people in our time.
They spend their time playing or sitting in front of television and computer screens without doing
anything useful.

I'd like to notice (ноутес) that there are two main ways of spending free time: the one is to do some
physical activities , for example, football, swimming, hockey, skiing; and another way is to enjoy
something relaxing at home or in special places: reading, watching TV, knitting, engaging (энгейджин) in
hand-made. At any rate, hobby is a matter (мата) of taste, and everybody should choose it according to
the personal preferences.(прЕфренсиз) Here are some variants How to spend your free time:

- Just tidy up;

- Try new recipes (рЕсепиз)

- Photography, drawing, painting, playing musical instruments

- Communicate more with other interesting people;

- Read something exсiting, encouraging,(инкареджин) or anything that will enrich (энрич)your


- Go out with your friend

As for me, I like to pass my leisure time both in active and passive way. I really enjoy reading or watching
films, because it's always interesting, helpful and helps to relax. Also I am fond of active sports,
swimming, skiing or riding a bike from time to time, when it is possible.


1 the meaning of a hobby in our lives

2 what are hobbies

3 my hobbies

Hobby is an activity that you like doing. Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of people don’t have hobbies for
different reasons. We work too much, spend too much time in offices and traffic jams (джамз). But even
in our fast paced world it is very important to find time for things you like as they give you relaxation
and positive emotions.

Many people agree that hobbies make our lives bright (брайт) and interesting. It is really cool to do
what you want to do, to create something that other people can admire. There are so many different
hobbies and every person is free to choose the one he is interested in. Some people like collecting
things, others like sport, playing musical instruments, making something, cooking, watching films and so

I have several hobbies. Firstly, I like playing tennis. Sport is always good for your health so my friends
and I go to the tennis court twice a week. Secondly, I am fond of handmade things. We do this together
with my mother – she is really good at this! We make wonderful toys which we can give to our friends
and relatives for special occasions. (экейжнз) And one more hobby I have is collecting postcards, this is
very interesting as it gives me an opportunity to get postcards from all over the world, write letters to
people from different countries and know about their language and culture.

1 the meaning of A Healthy Lifestyle

2Healthy Habits

3 my healthy lifestyle

I consider that man’s health depends on his mode (моуд)of life. To prevent (привент) the diseases
(дезизес) it’s necessary to keep some simple regulations: to go in for sports, to eat carefully, to take a
rest and to walk frequently in the open air.

There are 2 main habits that you have to follow if you choose to follow healthy lifestyle. The first one is
healthy eating. If you are eating healthy you must consume less salt and sugar as well as fats. And you
should consume as much fruits and vegetables as possible. The second main thing is to do sports. Such
sports as jogging, gymnastics, fitness, swimming, yoga, aerobics, bike riding .

I’m eighteen years old and the last three years I do my morning exercises. It inspirits (инспиритс) and
gives strength to me for a whole day. I add (ад) dousing (даузин) with cold water in winter. Also i'm
trying to observe (обзерв) a day regimen (реджимен). Every day I go to bed and get up at
approximately the same time. I give special attention to meals. I don’t eat fatty and high-calorie foods
and I don’t drink heavily gas-cut beverages.(хевели газ кат бевриджез)


1)the importance of clubs in the lives of young people

2)clubs for teenagers in our country

3)the club that I visit

Youth organizations give young people a chance to develop and broaden (броден) their interests and to
gain experience in working with others. Activities of youth clubs include recreation, arts and crafts,
music and dramatics, athletics, sports and physical training.

A lot of young people go in for sports, that is why schools and institutes have sport clubs and teams. Our
young people are especially interested in football, basketball, hockey, etc. There also exists (экзистс) a
great variety (верАйтей) of different clubs in this country. They are: theatre clubs, where young people
stage different literary works; clubs “What? Where? When?”, where they can enlarge their knowledge in
different fields (фиилдз) of science and life, and so on.

When I was still very little I joined the club near my house where teachers taught (тоот) us how to do
different gymnastic moves, trained our endurance (ендУренс), they also arranged fun competitions and
team games. When I grew older I realized what sport I wanted to do. I always like single combats that’s
why my parents signed (сайнд) me up for judo.


1)the role of computers in our lives

2)the importance of computer in my life

3)Computer harms our health

Our life would be boring without computers. It’s hard to believe that one device can provide people with
entertainment, news, education, music. With the appearance of computer many things have lost their
importance. People don’t watch TV anymore, don’t go to the cinema very often. They don’t listen to the
radio, CD- or MP3-player. They’ve stopped buying newspapers and magazines.
I often use a laptop to do school homework. Using it I look for useful information online, create
presentations in PowerPoint, print reports, develop the necessary schemes (скеймз) and charts (чатс).
Also in my spare time, I like to process photos in Photoshop on my computer. In addition there is no TV
set in my home, so in the evening together with my parents and younger sister we often watch movies,
interesting talk shows or broadcasts (броудкастс) on my computer.

Probably, not only me find it hard to imagine one’s life without a computer. Despite this, I perfectly
understand that the radiation that comes from the monitor affect my health badly. Computer harms our
psychological (псайколоджикол) state and eyesight.(айсайт) I always try to take breaks during my
work with a laptop: go to another room or briefly go out.


1)the story of the appearance of music

2)Music Which I Listen

3)Modern Music

Doing household chores (чез) or working in the field (филд), women usually sang something. During
mass festivities, they formed round dances (формд раунд дансез) and circled (секлд) in dance to the
sounds of their own voice. So one of the oldest styles — folk music. These rhythms and tunes (тюнз)
were unique (юник) for each country and it was they that formed the basis of many modern folk works
belonging to the genre (жанра) of pop music.

Modern music is very variable. The most common modern style is pop-music. Most people listen to her.
Clips of such artists are regularly shown on television and put on rotation on the radio. However, rock,
rhythm-n-blues and hip-hop also gained (гэинд) a lot of fans. Jazz and classics are also still in great
demand among (деманд эман) listeners. Sometimes musicians add elements of not only modern styles,
but also classical music to their compositions.

I can’t say that I like a certain (сатен) style of music, as my preferences are very diverse. They largely
(ладжелей) depend on the mood. If it’s romantic, then I can well listen to the melodic pop song or rock
ballad (балад). If I want to cheer up, then rhythm and blues or hip-hop energizes me.


1)why it is important to protect the environment

2)The Ecological Problems of Our contry

3)events that help to improve the environment

Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with tons of dust and other harmful things. As a
result many species of animals and plants disappear forever, including fish and birds. Many large cities
suffer from factory smog. Their activity pollutes the air, the water, the forests and the land.

Speaking about the problems of pollution I can’t help saying about the ecological problems of our
contry. The main problem is the pollution of air. A lot of people have their own cars and a lot of
companies, especially transport ones, use lorries (лориз) in their work. The car exhaust (экзуст) fumes
(фимз) mix with air and we have to inspire (инспай) this harmful mixture (микста). In the district there
are some heat (хит) stations and they also influence the condition of the air around. The state of the
environment depends upon people. We know that our streets and yards (ядз) are polluted with great
amount of garbage.(габедж)
Today environmental organizations in our country arrange different events that help to improve the
environment. It can be sЕparate collection of waste and rubbish removal (ремЮвл) by eco-friendly cars.
There are also events when people plant new trees or so-called voluntary Saturday work as an example.


1)British Holidays

2)Holidays in Ukraine

3)My favorite holsday

In the British every holiday is celebrated full force and on grand scale (гранд скеил).The main British
holiday is Christmas. Several weeks before the celebration bright (брай) Christmas lights are lit up on
the streets and skating-rinks are open. A beautiful Christmas tree is set up at Trafalgar (трафалга)
Square in London. People spend a lot of time in shops in order to find gifts for their close people. The
British people sing traditional anthems , exchange gifts, eat turkey,(такей) tasty pulling and currant buns
(карен банз) on this day.

The Ukrainians as any other people have their own traditions and holidays. One of the most popular
holidays in Ukraine is the New Year Day. On the day before every family decorates a New Year’s Tree
with shining balls . The adults (адолтс) prepare holiday dinners at home or go to New Year’s parties.
Friends and relatives, exchange presents on this day and say to each other "Happy New Year .

I love different holidays because that’s when you can have fun with your parents or friends as well as
you can get lots of awesome (осем) presents. I like my birthday the most. Starting from the morning
your friends and relatives keep calling you on the phone. They all want to wish you happy birthday. Your
parents are being very tender (тенда) to you and teachers at school don’t ask you to come to the board.
A present for your birthday is always special as well. My parents always try to do everything I want and
buy something I’ve dreamed of for a long time.

Sporting Events

1)the role of sport in our lives

2)Major World Sporting Events

3)The Olympic Games

Sport is the integral part of our life. Many people devote (дивоут) the whole life to the sport, but some
people go in for sports to keep fit and healthy. People began going for sport from ancient times.
Archeologists find rock paintings which resemble modern sports.

For the sports fan major (мейджа) sporting events that only come around once year or every few years
are very important. There are major events held for each of the hundreds of major sports around the
world. The top three world sporting events are apparently (апперентли) the Olympic Games, FIFA
World Cup and the Rugby (рагбеей) World Cup, though (зоу) there are many more major sporting

For a two-week spАn, athletes (аслитс) from dozens (дозенз) of countries compete (компит) against
each other in scores of different sports. The first modern Olympics took place in the capital of Greece,
(гриис) Athens (асенс). The old tradition to hold the Games every four years was also revived. So, from
then on the Olympic Games took place every four years in different cities of the world. There are two
types of Olympic Games: Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Ancient Greeks didn’t have Winter
Games, so the first Winter Olympics were held in 1924 in France.

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