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Reservoir Simulation

Lecture Two

Eng. Jassim Mohammed Jaleel

Eng. Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed

Supervision by:
Dr. Ghazwan Noori
Asst.Lect. Ali Anwar Ali

1. Minimum required input data.

 The grid.
 Petrophysics.
 Fluid properties.
 Soil properties.
 Equilibration.
 Well specification.
 Dynamics.
 Dynamics.
 Output.
2. Simple Eclipse data file contents.
3. The data sections.
4. Conceptually How to ECLIPSE work.
5. ECLIPSE TUTORIAL 1 (3D 2-Phase).
Minimum required input data

1. The Grid
Real reservoirs are of course continuous, and all flow-dependent parameters change
continuously with time. A reservoir simulator, which is a computer program, cannot, however,
relate to continuous variables. It is therefore necessary to subdivide the continuous reservoir
into a finite number of discrete elements, and also to define time development in a discrete
sense. Then at any time, all properties will be understood as being constant within one element,
and dynamic (time dependent) updates will occur only at defined time steps, while all data are
seen as constant between such updates.
The subdivision of the reservoir into finite volume elements or cells is denoted a discretization
of the reservoir, and the set of elements is called the reservoir grid.
The simplest grids are those which are comprised of a number of equal cube-shaped cells. The
grid is then uniquely defined by the size of each cube, and the number of cubes in each of the
major directions, X, Y, Z.
Minimum required input data
Eclipse convention: I, J, K are used for indices in X, Y, Z – directions, and the ordering is
defined as in “normal reading order”, i.e. I runs from left to right, J runs from top of a page to
bottom, and K runs from page to page. In a grid oriented along standard geographical axes, I
would increase from west to east, J would increase from north to south, and K downwards.
We denote the length of the cell (cube) in the X, Y, Z-directions by DX, DY, DZ respectively.
Then the simplest grid is comprised of identical cells, NX cells in the X-direction, NY cells in the
Y direction, and NZ cells in the Z-direction, totally NX*NY*NZ cells. A simple extension of this
grid, is to allow for DX to be dependent on the I-index, and DY to be dependent on the J-index.
(Note that we don’t allow for DX to be dependent on J. Figure out why this restriction exists.).
An example of such a grid is shown below.
Minimum required input data
2. Petrophysics
In the reservoir porosity and permeability may have large variation. In each grid cell we define a
value of these variables that is a representative cell average value of the property. Although
permeability is a tensor variable, Eclipse only allows for the diagonal elements Kxx, Kyy, and
Kzz, called PERMX, PERMY, and PERMZ. Also, the mixture of porous and non-porous material
is handled by the net-to gross parameter, NTG.

3. Fluid properties
In this introduction we look at the simple case two-phase flow with water and undersaturated oil
(i.e. the oil pressure is always above the bubble point pressure). Then the required data for
defining the fluids are,
 Density at surface conditions.
 PVT relations (volume factors, viscosity).
 constant gas resolution factor.
 Relative permeabilities krw and kro as functions of water saturation.
 water – oil capillary pressure.
Minimum required input data
4. Soil properties
These are simplified in most reservoir simulators, and typically are comprised of some
relationship which define how porosity (or pore volumes) and permeability change with fluid
pressure. The simplest and most used assumption is constant compressibility.

5. Equilibration
The initial reservoir state is defined by the pressure and saturations in each grid cell at the start
of the simulation. It is convenient to let the simulator calculate the initial state based on the
reasonable assumption that the reservoir fluids are in equilibrium at no-flow conditions. We
then only need supply the depths of the oil-water and gas-oil contacts, and the fluid pressures at
a reference depth. The simulator can then calculate the necessary state from fluid weight versus
depth gradients.
Minimum required input data
6. Well specification
Wells are the most significant means to add or remove fluid to/from the reservoir. The
definition of how wells should be operated in a production scheme can be very complex, but at
least we will need to describe the well positions, at which depths they are open to the reservoir,
and the production or injection rates.

7. Dynamics
The reservoir production scheme is rarely or never static. During the field’s life time, wells will
be added or closed, well rates will be changed, and operating constraints may be added or
removed. All such events are handled by defining a series of milestones, dates at which
operating conditions may change.

8. Output
The simulation would be rather useless if we don’t require some sort of results from the run.
Such results can be either text files, spreadsheet files, or files intended for graphic visualization.
Since the amount of possible output is enormous, only data items required by the user are
written, and at user defined times only
Simple Eclipse data file contents
All data needed by Eclipse is collected in an input data file, which is an ordinary text file. The
different data items are identified by keywords, and most often followed by the associated data.
The keyword data is always terminated by a slash (‘/’). In some cases data occur in groups,
where each group is terminated by a slash. Exactly how this works in practice will become
clear when we look at the keywords in detail.

Data organization
An Eclipse data file is comprised of eight sections headed by a section header. (Some of the
sections are optional). These sections must come in the prescribed order, but the order of the
keywords within each section is arbitrary (except the SCHEDULE section where time-
dependency is handled in the order it is defined).
The data sections
1. RUNSPEC (required)
Run specifications. Includes a description of the run, such as grid size, table sizes, number of
wells, which phases to include an so forth.

2. GRID (required)
Defines the grid dimensions and shape, including petrophysics (porosity, permeability, net-to

3. EDIT (optional)
User-defined changes to the grid data which are applied after Eclipse has processed them, can be
defined in this section. The EDIT section will not be covered in these notes.

4. PROPS (required)
Fluid and rock properties (relative permeabilities, PVT tables, ...)
The data sections
5. REGIONS (optional)
User defined report regions, or e.g. regions where different rel.-perm. curves apply can be
defined in this section.

6. SOLUTION (required)
Equilibration data (description of how the model is to be initialized).

7. SUMMARY (optional)
Results output is primarily of two types:
 Scalar data as a function of time (e.g. average field pressure)
 Data with one value pr. grid cell (e.g. oil saturation). These are only output at chosen times.
This section is used to define output of the first kind, by specifying which data items to write to
report files.

8. SCHEDULE (required)
Well definitions, description of operating schedule, convergence control, control of output of
the second kind described above.
The data sections
Conceptually How to ECLIPSE work

Any line in an Eclipse input file that starts with two dashes (--) is treated as a comment.
It is strongly recommended to use many comments, the advantage is easily seen when returning to the file for later
updates. (Note that the two dashes must be in column 1 and 2, no leading blanks.)
Conceptually How to ECLIPSE work
Prepare an input data file for simulating the performance of a two-phase (water/oil) three-dimensional
reservoir of size 2500' x 2500' x 150', dividing it into three layers of equal thickness. The number of cells in
the x and y directions are 5 and 5 respectively. Other relevant data are given below, using field units
Depth of reservoir top: 8000 ft
Initial pressure at 8075': 4500 psia
Porosity: 0.20
Permeability in x direction: 200 mD for 1st and 3rd layers and 1000 mD for 2nd layer.
Permeability in y direction: 150 mD for 1st and 3rd layers and 800 mD for 2nd layer.
Permeability in z direction: 20 mD for 1st and 3rd layers and 100 mD for 2nd layer.

 Rock compressibility at 4500 Psia: 4E-06 psi-1

 Oil density at surface conditions: 49 lbs/cf
 Water density at surface conditions: 63 lbs/cf
 Gas density at surface conditions: 0.01 lbs/cf
 The oil-water contact is below the reservoir (8,500 ft), with zero capillary pressure at
the contact.
 Drill a producer PROD, belonging to group G1, in Block No. (1, 1) and an injector INJ,
belonging to group G2, in Block No. (5, 5). The inside diameter of the wells is 8".
Perforate both the producer and the injector in all three layers. Produce at the gross
rate of 10,000 stb liquid/day and inject 11,000stb water/day. The producer has a
minimum bottom hole pressure limit of 2,000 Psia, while the bottom hole pressure in
the injector cannot exceed 8,000 psia. Start the simulation on 1st January 2012, and
use 10 time steps of 300 days each.
Ask the program to output the following data:

 Initial permeability, porosity and depth data (keyword INIT in GRID section)
 Initial grid block pressures and water saturations into a RESTART file (keyword
 Field Average Pressure(FPR)
 Field Water Production Rate (FWPR)
 Total Field Oil Production (FOPT)
 Total Field Water Production (FWPT)
 Well Water Cut for PROD (WWCT)
 CPU usage (TCPU)
 Field Oil Production Rate(FOPR)
 Bottom Hole Pressure for both wells (WBHP)
 Grid block pressures and water saturations into RESTART files at each report step
of the simulation (keyword RPTRST in SCHEDULE section)

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