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Phann Sopheaktra (ID 60180825)

The French colony in Cambodia

In 1863, King Norodom signed an agreement with the French to establish a

protectorate over his kingdom. The state gradually came under French colonial rule.
However, this agreement did do a great deal to re-establish Cambodia as an independent
Kingdom and prevent it from being completely pulled apart and consumed by its neighbors.
The French maintained Norodom’s court in a splendour unseen since the heyday of Angkor,
helping to enhance the symbolic position of the monarchy. In 1907 the French were able to
pressure Thailand into returning the northwest provinces of Battambang, Siem
Reap and Sisophon in return for concessions of Lao territory to the Thais. This meant
Angkor came under Cambodian control for the first time in more than a century. As it was,
King Sihanouk managed to secure complete independence in 1953.

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