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Southeast Asia imperialism


In the late nineteenth century south Asia was in completely liberty except for the Philippines and
the Dutch east indies. That is why in 1819 western powers such as Britain and France saw their
opportunity to obtain raw materials that before were obtained in china by the trading of silver.
But in 1819 in the rule of sir Thomas Stanford British obtained and stablished a colony in
Singapore, which was a high ships traffic space in where the ships could go from or to china but in
then in few decades after Britain decided to overtake Burma, The modern Myanmar, because it
was an strategic move so they could protect their lands in India and also own a land path from
Burma to south China, But because of the difficulties and raw lands of the frontier of Burma and
China, Britons Activists made Burma monarchy collapse son then Britons could get this territory
without any conflict in 1824


As a rivalry was playing on from France against Britain and with the recent Britain victory in
Myanmar France Decided to continue with the colonization in Vietnam in which they had
previously send missioners so they could spread Christianity so later easy colonization of the land,
but as France was afraid of Britain Monopolizing the trade with their new ways and roads, France
obligated Vietnam to accept their “protection” and forced the Vietnam ruler to let them stablish
themselves in Saigon City, and in the next 30 years France would spread themselves until they got
the entire Vietnam territory in 1884


The final conquest of the south Asia territory happened in the ends of the nineteenth century in
1898 in the Spanish American war In Manila Bey and as The United States won the actual
president George Dewey said that as a moral obligation They had to overtake the Philippines so
they could get abolish the Spaniards from that territory, but at the same time Emilio Aguinaldo
was the leader of the independent move that was trying to independent the Philippines, but then
USA came and got Spain away from Philippines so they could colonized, but Emilio Aguinaldo tried
to defeat the US forces with some guerillas forces , The us and Spain and the US signed the Paris
treatment making Spain sell the Philippines to US so the Hispano-Estado Unidense wars could end


As the British did not had success in the colonization of china because of the big amount of
conflicts and resistance of the Chinese persons Britain decided to use their influence in politics and
military affairs created by the trading British company to overtake this lands so Britain took
advantage and took out France and finally claimed the Indian lands as their colony and from
there they could got the resources they wanted to have from china

China got insulated from the rest from the world as they did not wanted to adopt western
cultures, but they had left the port of canton so they could trade among other powers, put then in
1839 in the opium fiber was flourishing and this narcotic was getting dangerous as the population
consume it in excess, that is why Chinese government tried to abolish it but and restringing the
commerce of it with Britain, but the Britain did not agree and easily defeated the Chinese forces
and made them open 5 new commerce ports and pay and gigantic indemization to the Britain, but
then Britain made a reform and make china open 11 new ports and stablished some other rules.
Between 1870 and 1914, some western nations invaded a weak china, like Germany who took control over
the Shandong Peninsula, “Russia obtained control of Manchuria and a leasehold over Port Arthur,
and the British took control of the Yangzi valley”, this made that a secret national society known as the
boxers started a failed from 1889 to 1901 rebellion, but thanks to this the population saw that they needed
a reform and that China had to liberate themselves, and they did it in 1911.

Japan was the only Asian country in not been colonized, because at the beginning they were able to
expelled Europeans from Japan and as a consequence They closed all mechanic treatments with the rest of
the world , and only let the Dutch trade with Nagasaki, but then Mathew perry convinced the Shogun to
open again the ports and started the call Meiji restoration which searched for a complete modernization in
China, where armies and new military forces were create, which then would help Japan won all Chinas
territory in Korea. Also the country gained the control over the Pescadores island and Taiwan by defeating
the Russian y the Russo Japanese war

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