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m o ỵ ạ t lọ n P oỊỊcy 1 9 8 6

;.'ir.3V3tịQfi is a program af eeonomic rerorrn and a social Vietna m Communist Party initiated in the.298ữs. Doi Moi poíiey was
cr:':i3Ìiv'ịmpíemeníed from the Congress o fth e Communist Psrty o f Vietnam was VI, in 1986 .
/Íi'mov3tionecono0jfcs is done first. In the eariy 21st centtary, Vietnam has started ìrnplementaìion of OoiMoi on the oíher hand:
;-.ođal, political thinking, mechanisms, culture ... However therẹ h no poiiticaỉ changes than the economy.
DoiMoi in Vietnam simíỉarto the new economicpolicies of Soviẽt7leader Lenin period (1921-1924), lỉberal Reíorm and Innovaỉion
ỉn Chìnain Laos.
1ỉfc ìdtioloMÌcaì.gị&jIiil(--l_of,ỊjTnovgtiQr._ ____ ___ _
fidỉt] Markeí Economy

FJiowẹrs,of. StạỊinisro (not to be ,confused with the origĩnal Marxists) repeateđly empha$ized that the market mechanism is a
niĩchanismior pọqr pẹríormance, need to be repỉaceđ by the mechanism of conscịous planning. One of the purposes of the
aboliỉion of private property System is to terminate the market coordinates produầion and blỉndly.groping, to replace it by
conscious plan. [Citation needeđ ] 1

ũscar Lạnge hạs.sketcheđ ạn ecpnomy companies oyyning public can maximỉze its protíts or nperatìng under optimiied
ibnnula close. Centralplanningágency tries toésiạbiísb theequilibrium price and market dean by sỉmuiatingthemarkềt ■
(•sehanism: when đemánd increases, it incrsaseđ prites and redùced đemand tosee it off đown. He assertsthat such a system
:=paỉ)Jeof òaianeingsuppiy anđdamand. [Citatíonneeded]

•ỉovvever, Prieđriẹh von Hạyek rẹjectađ the iđe.a of Langs wỉth arguments: the reaí ^robíem óísoclaỊisrii !S notv/hether it hàs
'sísblísheda price baỉance or noí thai isthe probỉem Withthe What incentive tọcỗíỉect anđ quickỉy applythe necsssárý
ntormation is scattered, míxeđ up In dHTerent placếs. The iníormatión is scatíeréỆHạyek called partiaỉ knovvledgé, the
<n3w!eđge is own§d andyssd by each indMdua) best [dtation heeded] ' ' '3

n the essay "The use of know!edge in society” (The Use of Knovvledge in Sodety) ptblished in the journaì.American Ecọnomic
levievv irt 1945, Hayák suggests that ẹconomic planriiíig provèd less effective than liberạlizaíion because ẹconornic planning can
ìct solvs the problèm oí the price system is a sýstsrn that he!ps people spontaneousiy transrriit the necessary knov/ledge frorn
me persorì to anotherto work wỉth ịnớiviđuaỉ plans separatély/Thus, Hayek maintainsthat the economy needsto opsrsteon

Ediị] Themsrketeconomy and socialỉst íhsory ?

)n íhe othsr hanđ, shouỉd not be mỉstaken íora market economy ìs oníy assọciatsđ with capìtaììsm, but sotíalism is noí. This .
cncspt comss from the economic mođel oĩSovỉeì subsidies and Eastsrn Europe beĩors, ỉn facỉ, sccordirìg to Lenin‘s theọr/ cĩ
ũdaỉism ís-íhe transííion between capítaỉism, communism ađvance. ỉn the economíc mođeỉ is a mỉxture, mix faetwesn eìronomic
tstẽ,.thecolleciive economywiththeprivảíecapiíaỉisteconómy.Ãccordínglỹ, Lerilnproposẽđanevreconornicpolỉcy(NEP)r,
:ncfer which the S ta te ạỉỉovvs som e markeỉ exỉsts, the State ỉndustry ìs compleíely ĩreẹ íũ ma ke economlc decisions her. After
-ĩnín dỉed, Síalin âboỉisheđ NEP and modeiing econornic subsidies, which many peopls íhinlc sociaỉism is oniy associaísd wrỉh
conom icsubsldies.

^afirst thẹory-ỉ)f:ioẹ|:g|jSt rnarkẽt ecọnqmist Enriep 8aronẹ;lta!ian ralsed ỉn 130S ỉn híp-*‘ỄÌ ' : ; ;
'ốf éiộrnàlẹđégU'-Ẹci^ó^íst!^--Wp.^,-Sẹptịệm;bẽr-';ơrtob^^
aroná gave 3 m ath em atical model oĩa coỉỉectíve econom vln which the rnonetarỵ commodíìy relatlons in'the econotny can be
5ivu*a ts^ be adjusted so that íhíe.colieci:ive.weif3re gain optiiTial.levd. ' .... ■

1 1S29,- ỉred ỉviBiivịiỉe íavỉar Amerícans ỉn íhe work “The Guidanca or Proẻucửan in a Xá State,'’ ioiii nai of ĩhe Arneritan.
:oíiora:c Revievv, 1 9 I ĩ), pp. 1 - 8^õ ĩe đ econo.mi&conditíans.for.soc.iai RepubiicẢssembỉy coưíd, in theory, be effective in
3 ilo caì',g rssources.

Bssed or^the m ode! o ỉ Barone, in 1936 ìhe Paiìsh econom ỉst Oskar Ryszard Langs published his book calỉed econom ic íheor\ ;
socialism in which he com bines econom ics vvith Marxisĩ econom ics neoclassica! school. Lange supporteđ the use òf market I
instruments (prices) and also supporí the planning. Lange said.ĩhat the planners can calculaíe and set the prices 3nd vvaiting ị
the response of the market to adjust accordingly. Thus the economy will be more effective ìnstead of letting the markẹt deci Ị
completely. I

History of vvorid eco n o m ic đeveiopm ent in Vietnam and that sociaỉism combined with market íactors a!so known as road ị
Tuesday (as distinguished from the other two roađs is a free markệt economy {or capitalist economy) and economic Central
planning. The countries of Eạstern Europe and íormer Soviet Union have left the planned economy to switch to market I
economy. The developed capitalist countries inđuding the USA, UK, Gerrnany, France and Japan in the 20th century aìso adjuí 1
its econoraic model by increasing ths iníervention of the State apparatus (mixed economy). SociaỊism is the way the market
. đeveloped economic mainstream of some thẹ wor!đ's most developed countries in Northern Europs such as Svvéđen, Rnland,

Perspecíivgs ọn in.novạtion of Vietnam's economy reỊies heavi!y on íhe reform experiences of EasternEurope and Ghina.
[Edit] EeonomìcRenewá! •

QuanDoiMoi economĩc point has been períecteđ građuẩiiy in the implementatiori prócess. ĩốdáy/ thé DoiMoi economic State c ị
Vìetnam are deíined as: The process of ecorìomic transition from centraliy pianned economy to a leve! of multĩple elements,
operatỉng undẹrtbe market mechanlsm, the rnanagẹrnẹnt of the State, under thedirection cif sóđaỉism.
.Charồtìéristlcsc^lcorĩomicỊỊỊỊiỊỌvạticàn . • • Ị

•>State to accépt ih ệ exỉstence of legai equa!rty and many aconòmic sectors (National Congress oí the Communisĩ Party of Ị

' Vieínam W3SIX reguiations have slx economỉc secĩors; State ssctor^ coỉỉccìive sactor, the ỉnđividua! smaHhoMers, the prh/ats ị
captelist, Stats capiíáiíst scon-omy, economk,. ỉersign-ỉnvested), varỉous rorrns of ownership (ownín§ the whole peopỉe, 1
coilectỉve ovvnersbip, possésslon privạte, mixsd ovvnership)'. Hovveyẹr, the State sector rsmains th€ leading roỉe.
Mechanisms are economic and socâaỉ market economY, a schooỊ of economics thai iìs representatiyẹs ọọ the Paul Sámuelson-
ths Nobel Prize In ÈcQnolmicsin 1970- wíththetheory of mlxád.economy. Itsargumentisa markst economy butthe
management óf the State, the sconomy is operateđ by íwo hands: market and State. This has thẹ ađvantage. that it prọmõtésth€
optima! ailocation o f socia! rssources lọ rriaxíữỉỈ2e proíiis through- CĐmpetition, on the oíher hancỉ7ỉhẽ Statẽ's rnanageíĩieht to i
nC-íp Óíoid tỉ)g íaiỉuresof the market as abuse devsloprtrĩent, inequaỉỉtY; economic cHsis... I
Sociaiisí orientaíion: ỉn the opinỉon beíors DolMoi, Víetnam State íhat the market economy ỉs the econorriy óf capitalism a nđ Ị
not períormỉng weỉi. Âfter. DoiMoi, the State ữỉ Vletnam asrnạrkst economy is the. commọn achlevernẹnts of human befhgẳf not ị
coníỉict with soclalisTO. Sỡcialist orientation reỉsrs to reíain the lẹađing roíe of the State sector in the economy, because in thê
viewof Marx on sociallsm, aH m.eans of producỉion areowneđ by the peopiẽ and State sociaiịsm as State rspreseníative fòr thẽ
Economy shiỀsđ ĩrosn a closed, cioseđ, open to integraíỉon w!th the wodd.

’ỈEdit] The Economic Renewai ■ -

Psrlod, the early ISSOs, economic crises aníỉ sociai expiosỉon, iníiation rose to 3 galloping espéciaỉỉy arter two of wạge-prìce .■
sđjustmení ambuní. . : .
from 1,2 to 19 Juỉy 1983, Lg Đuan was on hoKđaylnthe formerSoviet Union, thres senỉor íeaders óf Víetnam asTruongChinh,
pham Van Dong and V o Chi Cong is on vaeation in Da Lat, Nguyên Van Linh (at it w as Partỵ Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City) has
orgaribed c o n re rsn c s ” Da Laĩ” * he and severaỉ dirsctors of th e businsss profit3bl« proổưcĩion has cỉỉrscílý m a i 'vviíh ssnior
Isad erĩ [trorn 12 ĩ o i s iu ly ) to rso o r: on prodưctlcn, business 3 nd w is te 5 to pĩTiposa. iiỉly 17 , Nguyên Van Linh ihviì-ỉ í h '3 ]?3CÌ5r>-

vlsited Processing íaciiities silk and tea íactories iii Ho Chi Minh City a t Bao Loe. .luly 19, Nguyen Van Linh has its ovvri •TieeUns’
vviỉh the leaders of this, he reported that all theirpersonal íeelings are burning. "Dalat Conferẽnce" took place in just i.''i time ro
a weềl(. Ideoíogical content of the meeting in the event of Van Linh has been applied in the preparation oí documants '
1986: ỈNiaíÌQrta! Congress of the Communist Party was Vi Vietnam Innovation officÌ3Ỉly implemeníed starting iiTìplemenUtior, !
inđustriaiỉzation and moderni23tion. •
01/03/1987: dissoluiion ofthe checkpoints on the ròute goods to promote the circulation ofgoođs.
18.05.1987: General Secretary Nguyên Van Lính and Chairman oíthé Council of Ministers Do Muoi visited the Sovieí Union.
Vietnam urged Gorbachev reĩorms/including trade wỉth capitalist countrỉes.
"~0ò/U4/4ĩ988: Politburo Resolution on Innovation 10/NQagricuỉtural economic mãnagemení (alsc !<nówn 3S Securities 10).

24/05/1988:19 northern provinces to hunger. The government officĩaíly requested the United Nations emergency humanitariai
12/06/1988: Policy Resolụtion gave up cooperạtion to inqrease agricultural production.
1989 Vietnam hạs expọríed ríce ranks third wor!d (after,Thaỉ.ỉand and the United States)
1989: CHina incidènt Tiảnanrnen Square: In 1991, the Soviet Union collapseđ. Hovvever, assessmént of these events, thè
Communist Party oíVietnam has dẹdđed to coptinue to renewthe chosen path.and s,til! rriake socialism.
1990: Company Lavvanđ tfe Law on private enĩerprise formed to institutionalize íormal and more comprehensive development
policy the private sector p]. start the policy ịrnplementation ofequitizationof State enterprises.
■May 19SQ: Ordinance ori State Bạnk of Vĩetnam.ãnd thẹ fọ,rmaj bạnking;ordinance bank:transferfrom onè to ttoo gíade levéls
1993:nornnalỉzắílcin oí íinanda! relations wiíh iníernaìiona! Ễnancial institutions;
2000: Uw lón Enterprises was bom.
2001: íọe Làvyón Porelgn ỉnvesỉrnentinVieínanv ■ '.'~T ■

2002: liberalisation oí VNĐ ỉendiíìg ỉnterésỉ. rates for crediỉ instituìions. t .r, ,
2005: Cornpẽtiỉiọn Law offiđaily takes efféct.
2006: National Còngress Party X was the Vieĩnam Communist Party membersto acceptthe private ssctor.
07/11/2006: Vietnamis the 150tfa ofnciaỉ membaroíthe Worỉd Tradẽ Orgafiizaỉion.
Li mỊ t al ỉ ans V
The impiementation of rríarkẽt economỳ, but dueto lack of management experience should đivide betvveen rích and poor,
envỉronmentaí poỉiutỉon and other social éviís took piace wíth íncreasingspeed.
Economy, but growth competitiveness ĩndex is Iow, causing yvasĩe. QÍiẹsou^cẹs.
The economy ỉs stiỉ! in the group c í economỉc deveìopmení. In the ecónorrịic structure, iabor and agriculture stĩll accõurits fọr
nsarỉy 70%(2010), theeconomy is still mainiý consists of smalì árid medỉum énterprisếs! The State enternrises operate
ỉneíỉỉđentiy. •
Some rnarkets havè nòi been fu!Iy establisheđ as the capita! markets, money markets, labor markeìs, Science and technology
marksí... A number of iavvs and administrative reguiations necsssary fòr the market economy has noí béen deíiheđ or are
deíineđ but-not irnpỉenisnted, resụitingírrcorrụption, authoritarianism-v.. transparencyasindicátorsofbusiríessenvjrQnment is.
ỉow. . .■ , ■ -
Afíer 20 yẹars ọĩ PoìỉiAol Vìetnsm dong currency is noỉ abỉe tữ convert manỵ countries and organizàtions did not recognize :
Víẽtnạnị-aSíSỊCỌụnậiyMth mapkétecẸnoniy;- . ;-: i í ' ■> :1
pọlitical ínnovation - ■: ■
!n vlsw ofthe Comrnynisí Party õf Vletnam, ínnovation Is notto abanđon the ỉmplerTÌạnỉaíion of sociaíism, the Communisí Partỳ
ofVietnam leadership remained singie. Innovaíión is just going to íhe transltion períod ọísodalism.
Sũ far, DoiMoí in V letnam , poiitical lesdershlp is moving from subjecíive economy, pnly the will to respect the objectỉve lạw of
.themarket. ..

n the fié!đ o f rôreign affairs; Vietnam shifted Ĩroiĩi íocusing cooperation with tha sociaỉist countries to focuặ on multiỉateral
iodperầtioh, to b ẽ friẻ riđ ali counirỉes, in view of eọuaiity, rnutuaí benẽíỉt, can nct inísríerence in tHe iníernal affairs o f each

Gihsr, V ietnsm normalÍ2Sú' rs!íiíions vviíh íh c United S tates. joìning th e rsgionsl o rg an iiaíio n ASEAN, APEC, VVTQ ...
19134: Start o f im p iam en ĩaỉio n q u sstỉo n s o f th e cieputies for th e m e m b srs of ỉh c G overnm ent.
PartỳCongress took th e íirsĩ extensiva com m ents of the straía, for th e firsỉ tim e a!low inđependent csndidaỉes, party memb
in the Paĩty Central C om m iìtee.
ínnovation on th e cultụre in Vieỉnam, known as Qpen-minđed., sịmiiar Glasĩnost policy of Soviet Russia. This process began wi
economic reíorms buĩ then stopped in ths 1991 decade.
Innovatíon on the other hand is stili ongoing and has no scienỉiíic revievv on 'chis issue. For example, Vietnam is impiementinẹ
educational reform: moving from policy sducaỉion prograrn (whìch ỉs the traditionai Asian way of education) to approach
eđucation learner-centersd initiative to increase school birỉh and disease aítacks ỉhe msrits. ì

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During the development of commodity economy to market ecendmy.has gorie through many stages of developmẹnt with man’

longer a íree marketeconọmy as beíore, but a mixed economy *‘which glve preĩerehtialtrestment prevẹnt sụch 8 principlí
Howdear and consistentH5^"—
(n Vietnarn, it’s uríderstandabỉe Essantisl orìentèd market ecoriơhny is a sócíaỉist márket ẹconọmy, Ịụst íÒỊÌoyy thẹ rulespf,qnarke
2CGnomv. rìrĩvpn snrìaĩicrn Thk \A/hiỈP nav/ĩnơ nttôntlnn tn àmnhrnir crrn\A/*h attarhec croat

'ninimizeđ/ and then eliminating poverty among the peop!e. Acíuaỉ process innovation over fwo dscades has he.ỉpặđ Vietnarp
nas made greaí progress. 1
/ e í Innovation prồẽess stili poses new problems for both theóry and practice. Ãccordiog tũ..D[YTrạn pinhf hien/£háiírftáh óf
Vietnạm's economy, b®fors the XI Party Congress íhat "ìhe đèveloprrient of a market economy should be.orientèd to understand
10Wto dear? ĩhỉs i£ the tỉm e ! think the table is a p!atforcn to điscusâ bỉg ideas."
-omrĩiunist Party o f Vietr.síTỉ has ideníirisđ: thỉs- ?s sdf-builí iTiodaỉ,. thsre is no speciíic íormat so the process of buiỉding deíecỉs
nevitabiy, to identiry deíecís and has besn ađjusted in eầch sìage. In Congress X! th National Party, the Party’5 new plaííorm,
Tìode! market ecoriomy sodaHst orientation wỊỈI contlnue to fae improved to match the new trend of the times, conslsterit vvtth
he voluntary people's expectations atthe same time critici2ing the views of sorne people believe that Vletriạm's economý is
iow “noì just one", "sociaiism ouíside but ít is capitaiisnn". is deliberaỊeỉỵ distorting the íruth

w ìn t h w V ả e tr ĩã m w a r 1 9 5 4 ° 1 9 7 5 ? . - •
Q u estio n ĩ:

1, Long history íỉiled wiíh lots of resistant war Bgsinst foreign invaders:

Vietnạm 's histo.ry from an eạrly age is a national history characterizếd by uninterrupted struggles agáĩnst foreìg'n
-tevaders. Tha Norĩhérn KíngdonVs dominatĩon-ta5ted-e-ne-t^ousanể^yea-FĩrTfíĩs-waj ong ofìha fìsrcsstttkriá-énể------
perfođsof hardship in VietnanVs hỉstory of nationa! đevelapment of differạn.t tribal peopleinhabitíng Vietnainnesa
soil. Hovvéver, the Viet people managed to mainíain their particular cultural ídểntity. Such rsvolts v/hich werè led by
Hai Ba Trung (the two Trung íadies], Ba Trieu { Lađy trieu) and Ly Nam Dé and ẹspecialiy the historic vicíory at tha
Bach Dang rivsr in 938, under the leadership of Ngo Quyen vvhich íỉnally lad the vietnamese people to a cõmpiete
victorý1and theỵ.regaineđ their national inđependence. National Construction and Defence for nationaỉ
Independence lậsted aboút one thousand years( from the early 10IhCenturyto ths Middíeoí thé 19v centurý). This
per|ọđ“á1so witrì|ỉss several íiôrtíỂ ítrụgglẹs lạuncheđ by tha Vĩetnamẹse paópie agairiit th® Ndrtheirri ẹi^re^ọrè. The
war òf resisỉạnceỉndưạeẩ^ỉhé^àítlêẳỊâÌnst thếToriííànìnylnthe^iì**1cềnttiiỸ; threé sèirâỉ^e wáfs áfểẼ^ífee‘
Ihỳa^fc:MonjgorAiróýJniheJá* ariđthís ces^£a#iõfe.«r8àỊhst the Mĩnlt.amiy irí ^Ã'ằấM'i^!ri±tâvâ^^BJìate
17a century, the Vietnamase feuđál riation was faced wiỉh 3 socĩa! and econớmỉc crisỉs ỉbatỊad tọ an ánneáátlon of
the couniry iĩito íwo parìs. Họvveyer, tha yịctory qf the .Tay Son revoỊt at thạ cịose oíthe lậ^century rsụnl,fụ|d;the
cọụnỉry. Ịn.the Srst half of Ị9th cenỌiry ,Wguyẹn dynạsty contín ưeđ to consGÍịdạie oatlonạỉ iitííữcạíỊon; Atỳhe
prasent, the Vlẹtíỉamsss psopI-3 ars trýing to devélcp theỉr natỉóna! economyina veryỂifíỉcùlt"siiưàíòn.áoằĩỉỹ.-Ểué
io the dictatòrãỉiip of the Vietnamese communlst govemment. .

2, Tíỉsrs ars-2 cydes oĩ, d i M i n ị . 3 ềraĩòí cuỉtunat; iirtbe ancíent tỉrrtss, ilsd Rívsr CwĩJizatien sáCEeeđiẩd th»-naỉivê •
prshisíoric cultures, At it apogss, the ancỉení Vieỉ peopỉe's firsi naíions {Van Lang, Àu Lác) àppeáred

3, Vlstnamsse caỉturaỉ hlstor/, spedal accuỉturation: Vietnam rỉcsiyed and improve ciiiíurãl hisỉory through cuiĩura!
exchanging. For exampíe, Sỉnitízaỉion - Dea'niđzatíon. Thsre aretwo kindsoí exchangeí: norma! exchsngss and
compuỉsory exchangeị assimíiation)

4,ĩhérs wsre speda! đeyslíípmsnt of ậocia! aconomlc íọrmatlọn in Vieỉnamesa hísỉory.

Qúẹstìôn 3: vvhy couỉd Vieínam.ese gain independence and kẽẽp~cũỉỉúfãl

identity afỉer 10 centuries of Chinese đominatỉon?

Miỉiỉary struggỉe and cuỉiurơỉ strưggĩe ( hesỉdes normơỉ cuỉturaỉ sxchonge}

© Accordĩng to Vìetnamese legsnds, the ỉĩrstVietnsm esẽ descenđed ỉíom the drsgon lcrd ỈẼC Leng Quẫn 8nd the
heavenỉỵ spỉrit Âu C0. ÍẼC Long Quắn and Ấu C0 had 100 sons, and the-eidest ane bscarnê the ílrst in ths lineí of
earỉy Vĩ^tnam ese ỉỉna oỉ kings, coliectivgịy known as Hùng VHSng. Under Hùng kíngS; the-đvỉỉization that wơuíd later
bscom s VíHt Nam VV3S callsd Vẫn Lang. Thẹ psopỉe of Vẫn Lang were calỉsd the ƯBc. The modern V kinam ese
ỉonguage ỉs a m ernber o f Mon-Khme ỉơnguơgeỷamỉly, m ỉxeđ wìth many elements sìm ilo r lo Contonese.

® 5/ thc 3 rd century BC; another Viet group; the Ắu, emìgrated from presant Southern Ghins ta the Red River dslta
and rn/xsd with the indỉgsncus văn Lar.g popuỉation. ỉn 253 Ồ! C, a new kingdom called Âu Lac v/as formsd by
Tibuc Phấn in Mpỉtb Vistnam. Phán prociaìmed himsaỉí Ãĩì ĐSSỈag VẼSng. Ấ h sĩ 3 ỉong w a ĩ vvỉth ỉhă Chỉnese Qỉn
dynastỵ, An DGẩẵng vasng was ẩnaly đaĩeaíed by a Qin gensra! naroeđ Triau Đa in 2GS BC. Đà prodaimsđ
hlmse)? kỉng when tha Qln empire fe!l to th® Han. He coỉTìbineđ Âu Lac wtìh tefr'rtori*s in Southern Chỉna and
T, named hỉs ẫcíngdom Nam ViBí. Nam means South, and Viet Is a derivaíỉon of Yue, ỉhe Chinese name for tha
Guangdong, Guangxi, and Vietnam regions.

® Dsspits a program o í SinỉcKation, the Vỉets refùseđ assỉmiỉatiổn and rabêlkd Ỉỉỉ 40 ÃO. Âfter her husbanđ hậd basn
exscpteđ fcyiHé£hỊ|isse, a Vieinamesè woifiar» néinèKllhýBBBk hsrsiáíer TiinÌỊ NM3 ìèd an uprĩ$ỉns agalost
tfe®Hềns lỉhẹy wferii«bi«'to đriveolíthe Ghinese ạnđ s e Ị U ọ h (PhứT ạ prốvlncậ). 'in il/b /H a n
, ^ Ị ị ^ r p ộ ấ ,sant^ỊỊ$.gẹiỊệfaỊ^ạ ỸụsẬ ạnđ .trcỊỌps. tp .crụsh |hfi TrSni .rabẹỉiịon. ÀfJ»rtwo ysaré of ígbtinẾ, the
^drownỈỊỉậthfmsa}yes ịn Háỉ riyer. Knowo c<ỉỉt«ctỉvely in
vị[^iệ^§sỊfsil«éíe ầ HfỊBI fịiỊ|^Ìh ệ TÂỊni sisịers areadmíređ as the Àrst Víeinamese patrlots. They are ofỉen
'đềị^sặaẩỊấ^B Ì^ả^eteÌK antìT O lĩlẻli' ^ ’ “ ' / :

• • lệ^ea^iteỉạềr^I^nầráẹseM òrnan, TíÉUíTrinh, srid lnMỊNghc^Titkr QểOe Ọ&,d|sũ''iịẹltt<Hi^'^Ịntt Ẹa*t Wu

» • '''MậỆ^M^i^ÌiỊliệỊnạãíáỡtocík^!#0é íri ittbiptriộd/sủdbas.t^cạéoí-Mạrtliâcủíần ỈHậfép'-$i*đc''i<ỊRg), Phùng

»Ìp |p @ ÌM N jN ỉm -th e'éíÉ ra Ị« iỊt' Ltììt!),-TrlỈỆi Quáríg PhHc {ViSt N/ạang- Vỉet Kỉng), and lỷ r iir n b iltl Si- ■
: •. ì^ ỉilíll& id ^ i #ftt-ldiĩịg of:Vn«se; VỈMTXuèỉi) ': •• • •

• Ồ3tAĐvÂỊthcbattfe onBBdiĐOeg m é ĩú NorthVỈ«lmm,N*aùuY&i

đe?®âteđ Sputh Han navy and est*ýlsh«d the Ngỗ dynasty.
'& íhis d«rrionstratlon !s strong, tiatlonaiism, patdctỉsĩỉ and spedaỉ ãMât'/ of mỉiiỉsry.
ơãdtiion, timely .opportuniỉies, creating a íundam ental ch an ge, to vvin íh s wa'r síep by step, ío ivsrd s cornpleíe vicẾory. -
2. T he p e o p ls and the srmerí íorces have b een prornoiing the patrioíic tradiiion of the riaỉion, a s o n e party ío foỉỉow,
fc)iỉow Prssicient Ho Chi Minh. íoughỉ bravely tenacious, resĩ!ienỉ, selíless work for ỉhs in d e p e n d e n c e íreedom of the
íaỉhettenđ, for sociaíism and ío r ỉh e human righís
lí is the v/ỉctory o f íh e struggle full of hardships, sacriíices, íortiỉude, and heroic endurance; ỉriumph of bravery and
v/isdom of th e p eo p ỉe and th e arm ed ío r c e s / our peop ỉe in the country,- of ev ẹn / tens of millions ọ f patrioỉic cọmpaỉrioỉs
on th e F aíherlsnd-líne èxam p les mentionec! high ỉenaciỉy, indomitable. The previous fall, foilowing ỉhe bike forwarđ
vvith any thorny challenge, to íiriđ thai hií the U.S., found tbat anỉi masking. Our fellow soldiers are oriented norih to

truggỉe tộ ã 'ftộ ^ -sỉfấ í^ ic jr h '^ ^ ịic ệ '^ n ịrib iitệ ịõ“jtfiẹstipengrpQẹíịỉoò %hc|1&§ngtft’ọfỘu'r;fpeồp1ẹi creaịịrìg

3 8^ h a t w e re th e ré ầsõ n sfồ r'th e

Jgusĩ Revolution succeeded becausethe pẹopìe oĩ aỉí nátỊonalỉtiés in our cóuntry sóiiciãnty and sacriíicẹ Ịn'battỉe ĩ o t
ỉarív ẩ ceiịtury, h d w th e síyíe rèduce íỉie pạtriotic m o v ẹm en t was ín th ẹ sea of bỉoođ, họvv much th e eỉite só n s o f
e peopỉe who fe!Ị f o r the ỉndapsndence of nationaỉ unity. from In 1930. vvith ths Communist Party leàdershỉp Ì5 the
. 'JP /.° Ỉ9 HC p '£ o p le j o u g h t back vvlth a n e v v s u b sta n c e is m uítipíỉsd, íc rm ín g both th e s trs n g th of 3 p e o p ís to fre e

i-hemseỉves. This causes desp roots ma ke the victory of th e revolution in August Our peopỉe have to write the-histi
of i:he network in Augụst ReVol.utiọn sụccessfụ! party leáder He Chi Minh sncị iẹádens. Your parly and set out
giiicỉeiines democrátic nationa! revoỉuíion right and Science, a revoiuíionary iTiethođ suitable Party led the peop!e
prepase our peopie for 15 years thrõugh íw o exercises are high revolutìpn 1930 - Ĩ931 and cuiminating in Soviet Ar
sỉatic, higb-East dẹrnocracy Ocean ữom 1539 to 1945. Whẹn cọndìíions and íim ẹ of a ĩhousancl years, the Party
and Ụncie back irỉ tim clẹar andaccurate đéterm ined to sẹịze th ẽ opportunities founđ the w h ole popuiation in a
art uprising to sẹize pqwer nationally.
Tlìis is the (ỉirẹệtcause ọf thệ vỉctorỵ pf the Aụgust .RevoỊutioá.,withoụt íhe party cam e irito exístèh cể in ì930j there
no íriurnph òf tHe revqỉutioh in Á u gụ sí1945, becạựse thè Communĩst Pàrtý and tỉm ès from Ho ,Chl Minh ỉs the desigí
constructỉqn IriỊà RếydiỢtỊphịnẨUỆUSt 1945.
1862: June 5. Nguyên dynasty sign a peace treaty cedeđ three eastern
provinces to France, for France to accept free trade in Da Nang, Hue set nuncio, to
preach God's íreedom, and if crop land to another country to give notice to France
kjiows. the two harbors nó "enemy", and assigriẹd "enemy" to one another
("enemy" here undersíand the French, who íìght the French.) Vieínam historians
ofíen call this peace agreẹment as "Peạce ỉn Nham Tuat."
-------- &-...l.8X4.:- March 15: Nguyeĩi- dynasty-sign a peacc trcatý-to'accept"licè)ising~
decision on díplomacy to France} received the French sovereignty over íhe whole
province o f South and High six Men and Laos,.the French freeđom o f movement
and trađe soid in Northern States, delivered by "criminals" hiding on the territory
o f VỊeínahn for France ("crime" is that those against France), France set for Hue
Residení in the.uppẹr pạr ;with poeti7i canẹeled aì! direcí ẽđict bánned. íb ríh e
bishops, priẹsís, .are fi;ee to .preagh ,ifì ‘thê Vietnam Gia--Gar everỵwhere and vửhéri to
.inv ặwạy, wjtỊi ;np nẹed ,to .declare interests in Viẹtnam. Viẹtnam historiânổ CaM
thịs. pếape\ạgrẹẽrneiiit ạs."Peáce in Giap Tuat." .Wiỉh peace treatyi bóth sidés also

•® 1883: Auậust 25, đynastỹ'3ign a peace treaty acceptable given the riglự to
cọmmuniòate witỉp alỉ- íor&ịgỊ .coiân^ies, incluđing Ghỉna, tG *France, the Sởúửi ís
"thjese guỵs protẽcíỉon" ọf ;;Frạnce„ làniiexeđ '.-thố provỉnces of Bỉrih TKuằrrịri
. Southern-States, írạncs has the right plạce at the:Hue Reầideritcomménts and kingr
of France is right ío put Resident in Hanoi, Hâiphong anịd other prỏvinqes òf South .
K(5f|ITpỊãẹe4“ũãđcf "cọiỊĨrồr ệỊgprt
Vỉeteặrri-ese-South-acpéptèd tb;eạppoíníwnt.of't).M ciaís-of 'íh'e F^.ỉich ‘ỉií Tonầin, '
the Riain 'írâde to Prance, suiyect ío the French soldiers aí Fort whẹrever founđ
necessary. to receive U.S. cuưency is the- currency of South Vietnam, France
offêrs trainers, engineers, etc. for Vieínam (Article 24). Vietnam historians caỉl
this peace agreement as "Peace in- You smeỉi." The French câlỉ ít . "Peaẹe 1
Harmand" because the French represẹntative .to sign this treaty is Jules Harmanđ. !
Under this treaty Vietnam s-oil loss, loss of ciíízenship, Ịoss ỏf soyerẹignty on
diplomatìc affaừs, miliíaiy, íìnancial and mbnetary.'
* 1884: June 6, dynasty. sịgn a peace treaty bụt the main thing is: Viétnam
"and receive proiẹcíion under France, France on behalí of the South -in, dealing
vvith íòreign countries and for the support of íhe South the foreigners. TrVieínam"
historians caỉĩ thịs pẻacẹ ágreẽmént as "Peacè of Bọdy Armor year ". Prench ạall ií
"Patenotre Treaty", under the namẹ of the French representatives sisned a peạce
treaíy, the Juỉes Patenoíre. This Treaty makes cỉear the position of Vietnam vvere
pr.otected. ■ ■■ \

-ỊVĨaiĩì c h a ra c te rỉs íỉc s .o f'V N " " fiỉs to ry

Loag hisíory íĩỉỉeđ with ỉoís of resisíant war againsí íbreign invađsrs:
Vietnạm ‘s histọry.írom an earỉy age is a national hisíory characíerized by
uninỉeiTuptẹd sỉruggỉes asainst íbreign invaders. The Northern' Kinsdom:s
W h y V ì e t n a m e s e c o iild WỈ!Ì in V N w a r ?
Have coníĩĩm ed that íhere is no efficient heỉp of the S ovieíư nion and China can'
hardly imagine Hanoi vvas abỉe ỉo y/in before the United States. Hovvever, íhe vvar
means tha ỉ VietnanVs communist íórces received from the íwo communist pov/ers
can noí be sure this is íhe means o f war thai the United States property in the fíe!d
both in quantity and quality.
The assistance vỵhich the Soviet Union and•China to Vietnam during the war with
America is particularỉy impỏrĩant but clearỉy it wás not a decisive factor in the
yictory 0:f Vietnam.
Should have been nọ Vietnam War and yes no matter the United States hađ Ịost
superpó\ver if it did nọt deliberately make mistakes in reviews for the pricỂ
ỉndeed, the United States including France and 80% for military expendịture aí the
end o f the Second Indochina War éndeđ not savé mòsí bopular o f tlie Freíich
defeat at Dien Bien Phu in .1954 from the mornení which đernonstrated the .,
ađvantage o f war .is not the meaiis to enốure the vicíory of the militaní communist
In oíher words, pẹrhạps the Yietnani Wár couỉd have bèéủ avồiđeđ if America hảd
nôt prẹvÌQUsly receiveđ trẹaíiiiení Giap’s soldiers aíe rữboís- ờf China and thè
Sovỉeí Ụnion,.or merọenaries for coitìraiinism prođủẹtỉon, if thẻ ưriitsễ States h is
used ío unđersíand íhe Viẹínaraesepeopỉe.
Wỉịen. conđuctÌỊỊg-tìỉẹ .war in Vietạàiriị the U.S. hậs prọviđèd the- còĩẶmiỊntsís in V
V ietnam ảĩiđ their supporíers incom rnunism , íhat thesế peoplè are drivén by a
singỉe' ideology are communỉsm. Faía! misiakes of ĩhe United States íhis is where:
the V ietnạm ese have thẽir ov/n ideoỉ should not have roorn for another
iđeoỊogy, Y/hich is tìiat communism,’shelter,.
Thus, the United States entered Vietnam is to intercept communisí iđeology buí ío
acíually engage the ideoiogy o f the Viétnamese, the United States that is riot
calcuỉateđ to match beíore so'faịỉure is inevitable. ■ '

W hy d iề V ỉetnarneseỉost ỉndependence to the iieitce of F reh đ i • '

co n o lon iaìỉsm in 19th ceiiíiiry?
M ạjor events leading toíhe.imposiíion of the Fren£h protecíorate over Vietnarn:
• In ỉ 847: in Apriỉ, in Dà Nang, shot sinks French Íleeí off.Vietnam naval
f o r c e 3 v n c V u đ in g \r\ coppeT 'Ycsse^s - ’
® ĩn -1 8 5 8 : in Sepíember, aỉso in Da Nang, the Prench bombardmenĩ and '
lanđings at Danang. :•
® In 1859:,in Pebruary. French forces occupieđ the^ĩia-Đính. ■ "■■■■::•
® In ĩ 859: in Apriỉ, Prench troops bombarded the City.
® 1 860: French íroops occupied the three provinces.ọf íhe Souíheast States.
Ị 1/ What are some rnain characíerisíics of YNese Culture and History?

+ Long history íĩlled w a lot of wars which axe resìstaỉit wars agarnst íoreign ínvađers:
Chiiiesẹ, French and AriỊerican.

. Aslegend, vỉetnam hạd established over 4QỌ0 yrs ago, but over 1000 yrs, Chinese ruled
our countiy lcnown as Nam Ỵiet as ạ vassal State*ữom Ị 11B.C untíi Ée 15* centuịỵ.

. France íirsí uniíỉeđ Vietnam in 1887. France established its iníluence earlyỉa ihèề9tài '
centứrỵ, endv/iíhixi ỗOyẹars it coáqụeíeđ tlie three regiọns inío whlcà the coụntiy was
íhêầ điviđeđ—Cochin-Ghỉaainthe sơuíh, Annam in the cenừal region, and Tonkin ỉn the
l noĩlh. The Batửe ộ f Đỉèn ©1^ PhtXviá Ĩ954 marked tfae end of French Ínvolvemení in '

,A ốeĩthaí, Americạìjịiimp,ẹ.đfcto.Viậíáagiírom.1954 huíthe.resụlíissiílltiàe.samộ.ạs' ;

F re n c i.In 30/4/1975, Vịekia3jỊ-e,oijạpÌẹls|ỵ.;tìÌ3«ạ,à í ế ( i ' ■-V; f

+ S p ẹcM -ciiỉíụ ĩal:tcí^tìl]^ tíầR r'S ^ Ị^fef,’^ l ỗ | » s ^ Ị i ĩ i / 'ổ . É

. Westeni3zatípri - Dewesícmỉzaíỉon

. AỊíỊioỊigh they vvere unsuècessỂbl in assịmỉỉatmg the Viẹtnaniesetoía]]y, the GỊdnẹse ổid
exeĩtapeím ạneỉìt ỉĩifIuẹneeonVieínấmẹseầdmimsừaíỉoĩ3/law,educaíion5liíeratee,
ianguage, and cultúre. Thieir grèatest úạpací was on tàe Vỉetaasiese eliíe5wiílỉ wằom the
■_Ghmesgíađmmisừatory hađ thg most contaci Theeíĩecta of.íhis.‘SimsizaíiỊÈ)nwers much
ỉsss mteasive ạmong the commonpéople, who rẹCaỉneđ E-Ịaige psrt o iíh ệk prẻ-
Smisization cuiture .aád langụage, Leaming and lỉteĩạtere Aourisiieđ as the Viẹtàamsse I
exprẽsseđíhemseỉvẹs boíh in cỉassicalChiness wdttêũ in Chmess characíers mâ l a .
Vleínanicse wrìUen iũNổm script, a script deriveđ &om Chinese ideograpÊs. ;

. In 1ố * céãíụiy, ứie Poríũgoese were the iĩistEuropeaas tơ eníer the area. The best • '
knọ-vvii o f the early missiọnanès wảs Aỉexandre đe Éhodes, á Ĩĩéãch lesuii w!io was seat
tó Hanoi in 1.6273Whẹre ỉnsquickly lcameđ thè language ànả begaẩỊteacìmig in
Vlănamẽsè.' Heỉs CTBáitẽđ1^£'p«rf©âăỊ|'8 rồmẵniĩ^í' systeáí bỸỶmtìiigibé ^etnamesẹ
Iangifeg 5 (Quốc ngữ), -p/hlch v/as probabỉy developeđ as the joỉiỊt ỗÍĩorí of scYcral
mỉssỉonaries. ỉncluđing’Rhođes,. ’■
He wrote the first catcchism in Vietnamese and published a Vietnamese-Laiủì-Bortiiguese
dicíìonary; íhese works weré íhe first books priníed in quốc ngữ: Quốc ngữ was ĩỉsed ..

+ 2 cịycles o f VNese civilizạtioĩìs iạ cultuĩe: 'V ănL ạng- Ẳụ i ạ q clvil (Reá r i m )

■ ' Đ ạl'¥iệt’Ci-vil:' Lỷ - Trần - 'Later £&'• ■'

. R ed river civilizaíion is known as the íirst and tmiqụe civiỉization iỉi VNese GUỈtũre, not
a branctì of'CMa@sề cultiars. Ksắ M ¥er ©ivili2ếtiíỉHÍ>aẩ'íêắ :€ aíW®t-ri«ế''ágrísi5ltisè3;Wi&
vilỊage conSguraiion a? Asia typs M & & £'đỉiStt& 'betw tím 'Ịik8Ế 6Ì waslow. "

State' am-nssđ Đại Việí, m đ s ĩ ữìG rate o f many natíoầal fsuda! dynastics siađì as Lý •
Dyũasịy, Trần Pynasíỵ and Latsr Lê Dynasíỵ,... v/ỉth. eesỉralkeđ ađminlẸtratioạ, sừong
s m ự . Í 0fcss aađ a higMy đsYdopeđ ẹcooomy:a&ể -cylturẹ. Vieínạmbeeam© Ẹte0QH»;®d
all ethiiiẽ gĩoups became morể ráiited anditìê comỊỈsy moved iatO'&B©w prospẹĩờas
p eried . Buđdhism aáđ Coniucỉámsm eatersđ Bại: .yịệfcaađ.|3fOttght wi!ỈLtỊỉmmạpy ; ^
poptíiar cialtaaral-feate©s aad (distiiỊc -forms. N©B<stMẹ55s Vietaam .stẫll prgserveđits -àụm
langaâg® snđ a dcvelopsđ sgsiculte© ỹMIkatỉỌQ. . . - •

+ V N e se hađ speciai dsveỉopnisní o f socỉo-ecoảomis Ỉonnaỉion: Pĩỉmitívệ C ọm ãỉp® ”

Sỉav§s 7 ->FỗuểaẸsia ”>.Capitalỉsm -> SocỊỊalỉsm. - '

•Soeio-ecọaomiẹformaiion ỈJ,aỊỊysteĩD, ẹy^y si<d®Ị.ktí®ĩactÌDp eadi o&erio 6rẹate

GâBìpsủga râles aaể the objectỈYe developmeat oĩsocisty. The odginaì causs o fík e .
moygĩiieHt of sociaỉ development Is Ịhe déveiopmsaí o f Ịtcệẹẹ qfpĩođũcỉk>B. Thặẩ ,iss'ÌcỊíee
o f productioncỉỉanges l«ađ torelatioB ữĩprodĩictioQ ữhmgỆế, too= -Ónce3-r®Istioa-ef''-; ■
proểnotỉcB càanges, ìt makcạ sociaỉ sừactìỊre change. And ỉt wqtìid cause f
- s S- ______■__________• - Jf____
o f a ne-w and beíteĩ socio-cconomic -foĩma'doE.
) \v / / -{ V-VV-v. ị
_.J ' \ ' -
ìRStinn ': w
wfaat w ere socio-ecQDomic
h » t wp?rp sn nỉn-p.n onD rnỉr. cũíturải ừ ansíbrm ation in vn ư nder
rJ ìĩh ìrã f traĩisíhrrriatỉryr
the ửench explốitation program sí ử o m the Iate 19tfa centuries until earlv
; - ^ •;;;;; - i i Ể l l i i i p l l t ' : ■: -vỉíí: =vi" ■

-ị~Ầ- Historical background:

In 1884, íhe French colonỉalists completelỷ occupieđ Vietnam and impósed

-_______ :__ỉhair.coìoniai-.yoke-on the. whfìl.a.-otJnrỉachỉna. From.this ..mornaE^&staàm-
became a semi-feuda! colony.

tropỈGal agricuỊíurál Products to be transpọrted to France.

Co Content of èxpioíỉation Droárams:

The objecíỉves oíịhịs explọỉíaỉion programs is ỉo seảrch fd r" super monopóíy

iní e rẽsTlr^cõlữnies and search for naíurai resources and ctìeàp ỉabor.

The re are 2 kinds of coíonies such as còlonies for seíỉlemení ( iĩnmigrstion)

and cotonỉas íor expoliíation ( sùpper intsrest).

Thìs ob]8ctive contenís poliíical policy, culiural policy and economic

. expíoitation ( main content).

At thai time, vỉetnam wãs divided ỉnto thrse parts: ToỹkỈỊì, An Nam-,an<i_
C ochinchins. ( Ể l Ìl )
" ) -
About educa.íion, Prench ỉrỉsó to keep viétnarness unđerđsveíopment. í here
Bmpám, ỉníẩusty. tranch iỉmịieđ ĩttạnụíaãory and explọỉting IndiỉSỉry. Tíì-sy
.and th®
ÌOŨUS ©n t h e N o r th f o r c o a ỉ a x p lo tt a ịả s n a n d &Qnye m in e r a ! r e - s o u r c e
S outh for rỉce export. in 1932, v rrè e c a m e the 3rđ rice expỡítirig. coư ạtry in h e
wor!d. Rịce was “exporỉeđ” white the population suffered starvaỉâon ânđ

Intem aì.and exỉemal .commồccộ 'helpeđ to increase Prsnch traders.'T hat

teisểeđ tỏ éstablỉsh bank of ỉndọeỉalâĩía ỉn. Hanoi and salgọn. • •=

Frọim 1958 to 1960; The task of ạòciàlist transtọrmatlon and eeonomiG

devèlppment was íocused. ỉn the inđustry secíor, reíorms wẹre Cặrnẹd out
toyýâras prỉvate $apỉíạl epmmerciàl industry. Agrièăltưre and ^andicrạỂs ỳtere
orgâintíẻa íntoGốópốratìvểẹ. ^ ^ ^ ' •• -

In terỉTíỆ of the teaiĩne/Qf Dbssessỉon. aí the end of íhịs periọd, QỉỊiỵ twừ ỊTiạịn
••-Torfiàsrofjpt)s^sifồli.-ệxỉệíetỉ ỉn Nprth VỊệt Nto),•rtàrnôly s ồ íô !©wn«*MÌp^iẽd
ộ đ l Ị i ^ S ^ ế r ............ 7 ' ' _

Fré^'1fềj/tọ3;fÌẵ;!'im ,ị5lẻrt?i'ẹn|ftỉon of the flrst ;0vẹ-ýear;^!an; ọọ ..^CÌQ“

e c ò y q m íc ^ e y è lo p S tn t^ s .p ặ r r ìẹ lá o u t./^ ' ■

D u ríngth âtím ẹ, therew ?s 'ặ 'df%i:friỉẹbon, ỉn; ệộclầ! ;dãss 8Ũộh aẹ:-Ìan#Ị©r4.
peầsiahtí snđ 3 ’ti@ wcllsố£$..ệ^rllèri'#^ .ầ ạ ìístịa rỉế ịb ỡ ụ ^ ếls^ }.’f '•

At th e time of transíormation, yịetnam cuỉíure had an appeareanọe of

we-3ternỉzaíjOỉì and d£W3stemĩzaíỉon ỉn art, ianguage, reỉigion, a n đ ê đ u c â tỉo n ./'

New arỉ from vvesỉern WỔS fecognizeđ such as morden and baiỊet dance.
B esld es not ũntỉl th e Ì9 3 0 s diđ the re dẹvelop á truỉy satỉsfạp to ry
la n g u a g e for m odern prose vvrỉtìng, ín pártỉcuỉar th e capaCity to
h s n d i e vocab.ụ!ary and sỵritactỉc stru ctu res. Lítẹrary histo rỉan s and
c ritic s alike havé em p h asised th e g re a t contribution m ade tò thỉs

Ấ b o u t religion, catholieỉsm increased com bined with trâditioná!

re lig io n - buđdhỉsm in viet nam .

M o re o v e r, education 3ỈSO W 3S infỉuenced by vvestern educatiori.

T h e re was devided into' prỉmary," secondary, hỉgh schooỉ ạnó -
unỉve-rsỉty.- .

H o v v e v e r, vietnamese at th a t tim e aivvays try to stuggle aaalnst for

k e e p ln g vietnamése ỉdentities.
9: T he w ay ■Vietnam ese p e ơ p ìe w on th e r e s ỉsta n t v/ar agaÌDSì Prench co lo n ia lism (1 9 4 5 -1 9 5 4 )
$:■■■■ a. Historical background:

- On December 18, 1946, the French presented an ultimatum thạf req’ụred the Vỉetnamese to disarm the
naậonaỉ defense íorces and ỉet them ovarsee Ha Nòi. Being ìn the precarious sỉtuation, On December 19,
1946 Ho Chi Minh dehVered "the appeal to the nation for the resistance".

b. "Balance of povver" analvsis

Dacíded to fịght against Freach Vietnam íaced manv đisađvantages: poor econornỹ, lack o'f vveápon, non-
trained army...the only advantages were our pẹople^ patriotism and the justice-õf thè war: résỊstant vvar.
^4eữftwkHe-ỡưr erreiTry W3S rìch anđthe h n r â t i t a r ỵ l b w ell ữaìiĩểđãTĩd íì/ell-eqú]p‘pffd, they alsu lialT
experiencés for ỉnvađing. Howeveri they conducted an mjustice war: aggressíve war.

c. W arìinesofVietnamese people |ustííieđ how we vvon

To còpe wich the "beat fast, win fast" strategy in the aggressỉve war of French, w e folỈQwed "thẹ people
war''on the basis of:

1 / entỉre peopíe: the vvar used the pòwẹr ọf the.ẹntịr-e p.eopỉe

2 / cọmpreherisive: tookpìace on allTielđs: econbnịy/politic, díploma-cy, culture;4deoỊpgy..;.

3 /Io n g tẹfrn war; .lasteđ forloụg tarm. , / ..,3.:;.,.

4 / bốíore 1950: Self-suffỉciencỵ and aíter 195.0: Bạsingmạínly onours.elves ...

■ỹye.developed am llỉtaiy forcs wỉth 3 k

Guếr|ỉlaarrny ........... ~ “ V' '

* .KỊegulằTãrmý ", * * : ' ' ' ■ -VA ", :

The long iertn war strategy whlch ùsèd the ađvaạíages of guerriỉla. army istpp. ;F-rê0Chxữl'ữnistổ-''frorn
practíđng the wbeạt'fast, win fast" strategy”; prolong tha war in-order to strengthẽn our íorce and .
improve our country on all íxelđs: politỉc, ideology...andl economlc conđition espedaỉly. Besides,.the locaỉ
arm y Íoughí: and vvorked simultaneously to support the army as a vvhole.

p n October 7,1 9 4 7 ,1 2 ,0 0 0 Frerich assalĩlt Vỉet Bac, but thèy were completeíy'defeat'ếd. This piit a stộp to
•the “beat fast, win fast” strategy. . •. ”

Aftẹr that French practíced rural pacỉHcatíon: occupy land and people.and organÌ2é'defensive'system
alongChỉna-Vietnamborđen ' ■ ..‘í .........

ỉn Octobsr, 1950: VCP launcheđ the border campaign to attack China-Viẽtnam bórđer dèíensíve sỳstèm.
T he campaỉgn ended vĩctoriously.

A fíer the Border victory, our miỉitarỵ grew stronger and stronger and hađ gaĩned the active posture for
attacking'while Prench was put in passiveỉy dsíensive posture.

VVĩth the victory in che Front campaigĩi Vĩstnamese Communist Party launcheđ differeat campaigns on
ỈHrgerscaỉe: Route 18, Ha Nam Ninh, Trung Du and Upper Laos campaign.

On May 1, 1953, to convert the situation the General Na va pỉan v/as implsmenteđ. To deaỉ with the
eriem yrs conspirades, in SeDtember 1953, campaign 1953-1954 was projected. After 56 đậys," thẽ
csm p aig n endsd ir, ths victcry cf Viecnam. The resỉstsìit war ended victorỉously.
5 ,. W íìữ i w s r e th e m a ín re a s c n â f o r V N ese R e n ữ m iỉò n ? ■

ỉn ths psrioá 1975-1985, Vietnam ’s economy wasfaced with avary difjịcuksừuũtion: Vietnam 0 4
not onỉy ỉack siaffs wịth expertíse in econọmic management in gensraì, but QỈSOwas under
prẹssure to end compìex environmsnt o f économic deveỉopment: The àidfor Vietnam to bsat . .
America Ịiad been cut, dropped suddenly; riotSj agitations and Scirríng revolutions ẹmerged in '
rnany placẹs, especiaìly in two regions òfths southwest border and the north. The needfor budgets
increased dramaticaììy - especiallỵsocict! policy spending and constrùction spendìng; ỉìfe ofpeop!e
in general and of pụbìic in particular became inherert tíy mors àiffìcuìt to institụte aìi ỠÌ8
manpower ofhsìpíỉìg thè rtũtìon combat to escạps the disastsr "cQoked meatpot" ofpirates
Ponpotgenoàde As a result, budget defiật was constantỊy ỉncreasing, averagely in theyears
1976 -1985 to 30% ayear. Â ĩarge portíon of the money-issuing bahks became major ĩĩìoney. The
average cash defìdt thus íncreased, 1.5 times higher than the prèviausyear.
A centraìized buneaucraticsubsidy ih the economy generalỉy, as was proìongsd too much without
the pẹriod o/economic devẹịọpment in peacefuỉ í/me, shouỊd be highly concentrated but the
contentcould notbe contráỉled over and subsidteed as be/ore. The scenario was: The economy had
two prỉce Systems, two distríbution and redistribụtìon sỵstẹms. ỉn thẹ ỊÌe^ạde ẹ/the Bõth eentury, in
80 banks, there were ssvere cash shortứgès,whèrèàs ìrựlation outsidẹ cQĩìtinũousIy incrẹased
culmịnatiag in 1986 up te 774.7% dụeto ph$ ậẹịa}?ẹd;ịrnpaetũfvarhúsfaetórằfro?n 10yéarsof
cumuìativeỳỳòr;Béiausèòf thè sếrious rỉàture o/the economic cnsis ỉn the ẹqrỊỵ@ỊQ!ịaf2.Ọ.th
century - especially in thefiefdofftowdistrìbupọrt thạựocùsésìts ỀXprìssion teriỹiềsitẽằin the
three most sensitivs arềãs: Prìce - Wạges - Monẹỵ. The Vietnamesegovernmentđẹcided to conduct
an overaìỉ price adjustmeht -Wages - Mmeỵfor thefo!ìowiĩiỷ purposes: To adjust.the purchasing
power oỊmoney, to regulate the income ofa bịgsection ọ/those whò do inỉqưỉty ũhd ccmcéĩlatiori
o/monẽy thatare in the hands of the enemy as à means õf economic sabotàgs and atsame iime to
exchangs currsncy to thegeneral examỉnationJ)f the cash/iind agencỉes, factpriss, eĩìterprisss anỡ
economic organíiatìoìĩs... Accordmạìy,ũt6amon 14/9/1 ỹSS^theStaiăĩmdìũtỊhọĩige monẹy
orđer thẽfóurth tíme aỊter the estạbỉịshmentọfNHQG VN (1951J atạ ràiètòụe ýỉẹề-ìỉam đong
wi,tktẹn new VietNam dõìĩg. Mpwever, due tộ mạny/actors rnt ahtícipaềsđ soon a/têr the
ềxchàĩỉÌ3e,nQí;ónỉy therê'Was lèss unrestrìctếả cạsh in cỉrculatíon, but also it issued in ìargs
numbers to mềet the needs on waga and ỉncoms to buy and hold sourcss to covsr the staès buíìa-ĩt
deficỉt ỉn just ovsr thres monthsfrom the dũts ofexchũngs, ihe Bank issued a tota! estimated mass
0/1.38 cimes the vaìue ofmoney rsleasedỊor the previous sxchange. Spending needs continụed to
ìncreợse; rnọre mọỉiẹỵ.wasgenerạted. The picture ofthèoìd economỉc àrisisứiatis exacerbated bỵ:
Lack o/m oneyỉn thebank; mfỉation in circuỉatìon materỉaĩs; goods mostly graduaììy sỉipping f'rom
thẹ hand State. The cìrcuit "underground econọmỵ" wạs inteme fiow: the black marksị usury,
"ụndergrounđ markét”, “breakỉng barriers", "shíeỉds" etc. Thsse were phrữses of à ẩisturbỉtìg
phenomenon which appeared in popularsocial and ecùnomk lỉfe of Vietnam from the previoụs
yeàr a n d resụmẹd ứtè morẹ 'seiỊợus end in 198S-, 'bẽgỉnnỉng ĩn Ũ Ô 6.'
P R E N C H C O L O N IA L IS M X m S -^ g M ỵ p /y Ị A

T h e F ỉr s t W ar of R e s is ia n c e |Ĩ 9 4 5 - 1 9 S 4 )
Th.e war of resistance agaiast French colonialist aggression vvhich b.roke out on September
25 1945 in Nam Bo, and spread throughout the countxy aíter December 19 1946, marked a
deổisive stage in an alraost century-long struggle to regain íhe naíion's ịnđependence and
democratize the country. While axmed struggle came áhead of all other concems, economic
reconstrụction, educational ađvancernent, and the esíablishing of new administrative
structures remained as the major tasks. While national liberation was the prime objective;
the democratic objectives were no less ừnportant, all thẹ more so since the struggle was léd
by a party of the working class and the fact that the worker-peasant alliance constituted
t h e v e r y f o u n d a t io n s o f íh e U n ite d n a t io n a l fr o n t.

D ie n B ien PỈ1U .
Unàer the ỉeadershịp o f the Indpchina Communist Party and Presỉdent Ho, the
carrìed out a resistance struggle to protect their mdepehdence. The victory o f Dỉen Bien Phu
ended thẹ Vietnamese resistance war, liberating haỉf ofthe country.
It was in th is revolutionaiy atraosphere th a t the Vietnamese command deciđeđ its plans for
...the winter-spring campaign of 1953-1954. As had been íoreseen, the Ẽerce assaults
lạụnched b y the enemy into the liberated areas at Lang Son and Ninh Binh brought poor
resiilts, .and the Prench.forces .soon withdrew ,aíter sustainhĩg heavy lossẹs. Throughout the
i 953-1954 wỉnter-spring campaìgn, íĩghtmg had been íĩerce on all íronts.
The deíeats a t Dien Bien Phii andÀL-the winter-sp:ring campaign cornpleted the French
govem m ent to sue for peace. r~"'


the One h ạ n đ and sócial philosophy, ethics, and hum an dignitỵ on the other" toward sociai
reconstruction and imprôvement[4] or as álso emphasizing muỉtidisciplinary methods from
such fields’ a s sociology, histoiy, and political Science. [5] In criticking rnainstream économics
íb rits alleged. faulty phiIosopHical premises (for esample the pursuií of self-interest) and
neglecí of dysíuncíional economic relationships, such advoca-teẹ.tend to.classiíy social
economics a..s heíerodojr.[6] ' ‘ I ■■'■■■■

or mobile p h o n es, changes in laws, changes in the physical environment (sucỉi as increásixiỊ
crowding wi'thin cities), and ecologica] changes (such as prokmged droiight or đeclinirxg Ẽsh
síocks.).fcitcLtion needeđ These may aiĩect pattem s of consuĩĩiptĩon, the distribụtion of
incomes .aiỊd wealth, the way in tvhich peoplẹ behave (botỈỊ in terms of pụrchạse decisions
and the w ay in which they choosè to spend theừ time), and the overall qualiíy oíliĩe. ■.
The goal of socio eco n o m ic stu d y is generally to bring ab o u t socioeconornic đevelopm ent,
u su ạ liy in t s r m s o f im provem ents in m etrics sú c h as ỌDP, life e'xpecíanc3r; literacỵ, levels o f
e m p l o y n ie n t , etc.ỉcita tio n n se d sđ ì

A lth o u g h h a r d e r to m e a m re ch an g es in lessrtangiblé íactors ạre also consiđered, su c h as

p e rs o n a l dignilr}-, íreedom of association, p erso n al saíety an d íreeđom írom feaj of physical
'ih a r m -a n d -tlie extent-of p.articipation in civíỉ society
/ ị h' • c ílA /^ /tiịO ạ Ị- / ỉ ỡ c i Ci,( iL e ỡ ^ n o

sị^yxcncx^cD n jũ
r>. V^l(iìc4cf^f.

15 I.
7^' !p
TnocbU^ ^ V Ị v ^ — \ £> Q> cà V ?c X

\ C - J " _ v “<* - N ^ A
______________ <? i < j Ị . i'u J i- £ a / r ia ò \ __________ \ © ® k_ 0 \ A ^ A

I V ^ iy ^ V p p r^i
A " ° x ^ 6/1

•|?ìí rnTXlyẨi J[) ^rệậỉ^Ệ Ậ ,a 4 ^ x lc t|Ị s roCiCL^iíoừrr) ổ O Ờ o Ẳ ìc m

s la ư ir y •

-■— — — ■---■.^.$•11)0 ,• ^ .'tíịclĩ- q j “ oêaaj /Q C ie Ắ ^ j n ; crtci Q?-cocL£Ắ ^.

Ạ.CLD E: ^uSaah c.. Q y Ợ ỈcẤ <Cồ &ỉ ẵ À ỳ l'n 'm-w /oc.^_ ■

^ ■ ^ ỉíìA S l / 4 s ^ y ~ - .. . C o í o t ỳ t ^ eafđaêe$HỴ

. . . . í{-lỏ i i i - \ . . ,.......
- T- , .....;,-^ -ò - .^ c ... _ _ _ ^ . p . 3 - ^ ..... ^ - 4 -— - Ị Ị ^ z z r ~ j ^ ~ ~ . r,.,
. Tủ O 0 o .

5 ciì
V e ữ 4? A c : 0 o - 5 ^ r ^ £ ^
Ci è £ i Oữ
°,-Cl0°^ o. 0n no(Sor>)
7T:í-,r ot —^ -S - .- r ^ ^ 1 - ~ị--J~ 'T.* ~ '1-'
■ : p• z0
_ 0° 0 á- Q -P-O- ^ o-3qT< .>£s.<V
£«í*% • O CvCị-C^..
Vỉ-n 0« v* < -0 gfc<* o ,o
\ V 1\: X \ \ \ A u

. ..
pẮĩratKvẨ. 5%ioiio. Yìw?dc c| Aemt l e i í V ^ à ^
pTl^cíu CUO~rv
ecC o^aM í
/ ị
Tkụóc-dỊict .túỊtt
O ne sen aester in iength(3 c re ẩ lís5 1Ị w eeks, th e firsè sem ester)
■ (V isừ m m ỉ N ữ êm ĩsa ỉ U m yersỉtv-E ĨC M C S I n U r n a tm n u ỉ U n iv e rstíy )

—-..Le M au Han,Tran Ba De,Nguyea Van Thu, ... Overvịew of V ìeínam ese
HỈSĨÕĨ37—(-RaiiHiẳọĩĩ^Lich su Viet Nam ), Volurae !, 2, 3 Publisher óf 'Educaíion,
Haaoi, Ì998. ~~ '— ——
-Uy Bàn Khoa Hoe.Xa Hoi Viet Nam, HistoĩỹoTVĩẽrNainrVoLl^ndllỊ^Social
Sciences Pubiisher, Hanoi, 1916.
-Tran Ngoe Tằem, Punđameníais of Vietóamese 'Oulture. Social sciences
Publiiher, Hanoi, 1996.
.-•Mgtiyen 'Khac Vien, VIET NAM - A Loữg History. The Gioi Publishsrs,
Ha»oi,;i 993. . •

-Oscar Chapràs,-A Hisìorỵ of Viet Nam ÊroÉs 'Hông JBang to Tu DuC. -Grẹenwoođ
, Press, Connecticuĩ, 1995.
-Stanley'Kaáow,-VietaaiH: A ỉĩistory. The ViMng Press, New York, 1983.
- i&yĩĩeè-ỗ.- W ẹm ẹf ạad Ị*ụụUoâii' Htiyrth' (éd.)» .The Vieínaaaĩ Wạr- Vicinamesc
anđ AraeácạiiíPẹrspecâyẻs. New Yorìc: M.E, Sharpe, 1993.
- A. B Woodside, víetnam/aàd íỉáe CMiaẹse. Moềẽl: À comparạtỉve study o f
V ieínam ese and Chinese goveraxiieat in the ílĩs t half ọf the nỉnếíéeổtli 'cenhiry.
Cambddge, MA: Harvarđ Unìversity Press, 1988.

-To provỉde the &ỈIỈÙ«U1S with fo.3?$ic undersianđing. of the Vieỉnaraese hisíory and
culttarẹ Ễrois ỉústoxỉcal perspecỉives.
....-------^To eqũip stuđeĐts wiíh the sírategies and methods requiređ' 'to- récỏgnize d@epỉy
the ĩunđameũtaỉ Íraasíonnaỉions in Viéỉnamese Ịtisĩọrý ĩmm the prìmỉứve. era íill EOW
■&ĩìđ the various elemenĩs of Vìetnaiạese civịỉỉzaĩỉon and cuỉttỉĩe.'
"To ẹucoKrage â positìve aldĩụđe ĩov/arđs, Vietnamese Studies as a regioeaỉ
studies, to buiỉd up the stuđenĩs’ coníldence iia isd«pesdeo( researeh Ọfi Vi*taamese
bistory and ẽullare as weỉỉ as to raise' tỉieir Mstorical, socio-cuỉtuial awareness.

 S S E S S M IN T ỉ .
■The contìnuỏus assessment, iaciadrag ciass aíỉenđance, the miđ-year tẹsl, papers or
reịporis and íiEâỉ. exaĩi?.iaatìoR: wiỉi be asícllov/s: - ■ .
- M i d - t s r m t ẹ ỏ t ( w r i t ĩ e n ís s l ) 30%
-Papers or reports lo Ịto0 '. 20%
-Final Exanùnation (Wĩitíen ĩesí) 40%
The mM-teriĩĩ and íin a ĩ examiiìâíions will be conđucĩed during ưniversity
exam ìnaĩionperiods.


The Gourse deals with xnany various íopics òn Vietnam ese history ạnd culture
vvithin 11 w ceks with plan of contentas follows:

W cek 1/ Introducíion to some ĩĩiain chạracteristics of Vieínam ese ỈỊÌsíọry and

culturè. .

W e ẹ l 2/ Van Lang -À u Lac State and thè íirst civilization o í Vietnam Long
Maich to indepeadence (1 sí B .c century to lóth century A.P).
. SÌHÌcizatioiì and Desinicization during the dominatibn by CMnese íeudaiism.

Week 3/). The eèntraliỉieđ iữđẹpẹnđerit Statếs (iữỉìi to 14th..ẹệ0%ựị§sj.Dai Viet

CiviỊừation ( Ly-Tías- cálteral era).A nẹw stage i-ĩĩ'--ữiS'fétìdiầ Ĩ;mõồaĩ|?ỉiy: the Le
đyạasĩỵ (Ị5Ổ1 tó Ỉ7ÉỈ1 ■^centunês); The peasant;wár;and-t!ae*T*y-$©n-.ệra (17th to
18th ceataries).

W eek 4/ V iei Nam under Nguyên Bysasty; losing iís indepẹnđènee. Socio-
ecoỉiomÌG transíormation in Pirench Indochina .

W eek 5/ The People's struggles agaLost the French đomination in ĩhe late 19th
and the early 2ũih centuries and Founđing of íhe Victủaiùoaó Coiikiựùiiiist Túiíy.

W eek 6/ The National Demọcratic Movement 1930-1945, the 1945 August

Revolption ạnđ thẽ íormation of Dcmocratìc.Republíc of Viet Nam,

W eek 7/ “The R esistantW ar agaịnst Prench coỉonialists” (1945 t1954X -

W e e k 8/ The 1954-1975 Resistant W ar against American fof Nationai

SalvatiohM(The Vieỉ Nam War) (1). ..

W e e k 9/ T h e l954-1975 Reslstant War against American for National

W e e k 10 / R e n o v a tio n in V iẹ t n a m ( “ D o i m o i " ) .

Weefc 11/ Seminar ( “ Some key characteđsties of Vietnamese History and

C ulture’’).
I) What'was social economic - political transíormationin Vietnarndurỉng theperiơd of
_ 15lh - 18,h century? ,
( 2)) VVhỵdịd Nguyen couil lose the irtdepenciếnceof Vietriam to íhe handof the Prench
: cploníaiism in VN? Vf ỊV
3) In whatways did the French explỏit VN? V
(4)) Vyhaỉ wạs .sociọ. —economic culỉuraỉ transíormations under the Prench dominaíion?
Whãf wsrè r.ệasons íorthe fai!ure of national movement against Prench colqniạlism
• beíore the íormation of Vietnạrnese communiỉy party (1930)?/" fcậễS|. ừ
• V 6) What the íormaíion ofthe VCP anobjecjtịve histọricál evení? / 1
Why did wẽ sãy that the August revỏiưiion (i 945Ì was ibe.lest'It n ílnng prnpnrniĩnn-
trộm l ốấò untii 1945?
8) How did president Ho Chi Minh overcome diffículties and dangers soon after ỉhe
August revolution (1945 - 1946)?
K" 9) How diđ the Vietnamese people win the resistant war againsỉ French coìoniallsm?
'^ ^ > H ow đid we win the VN war? (1954-1925))........ ............
II)W hy did Vieỉnamese people win the VN war (1954 -1975)?

CÂU 2: Why diđ Nguyen court lose the independence of Vietnam to thẹ hand
of the Frenđì coloniaỉỉsm ìn VN?

Vietnam lost iis inđependence-Nguy8ĩi dynasty assumed responsibility íor this

tl o 5S
In 1884, Nguyễn court sign Patenoter agreement, recognizeđ official
ciomination of French in VN. . -
Iỉ was the domestic and diplomãtic policies of the Ngtiyen dyiiasty that led
Vietnarn to the edge of a severe crisis and critical recession. The dominatíon of
Nguy en dynasty spiritually and materially destroyed alỉ the forces of the'
Vietnamese people. This vvas a good chance for VVestem capitalism's invasion. They
searched for coỉony with cheap labor, naíural resources, new territory íor
JmiTiigrâtioiì. . __ — —-
The only way the country could be saved was through devslopment such as
increạsing the spiritual and material íorces of the country adjusting the relationship
bet vveen landlords and peasants; íeụdal class ạnd new economic cỉẩsses, adjiisting--
the military system, and implementirìg the natiọnal unity through reíorms thạt could '
possibly resolve this problem.
The Nguyen dynasty was helpìess in such irnperative Droblems. Severa]
proposaỉs submicted to the đynasty to reíọrm the counlry wère ignốređ sưch as
Nguyen Truông To's proposaỉ. The contradiction beívveen the đynasty and the
peopỉe becarneserious, mairtly betvveen peasaríis and feuđal lariđlords. (Severaỉ
sỉruggỉes against ihefeúảaliếm Qccurreã).
Whẹn the f ren ch capitalisís begantheir iiivasion in Vietrtam, Nguyen đynasty
quidkìy ỉ©st its leadẹrồhip rolè in the struggỊes and contiriuously compromiseđ with
thé French and còmpleteiy lost their inđepexidence when they surrendered in 1884.
The Nguyen dynạsty faiỊed in.its largest responsibility to the people by allowihg the
country to lose its m dependencẽ.
C Â U 3 : T h e P re n c h E x p lo it a t io n QÍ V ie t n a m

Background about Colonialism Characteristics:

In the nineteenth ceníury French follow the capitalisrn system deveỉoping through
two stages: Free competition and imperialism._____ _______________ L___________

In the íirst stage, the free market determines the producííon, đisíribution and price
of goods and services. •

The impeiịaíism staậe whịch characterizes iirsíly by large businesses andseẹkingíor

a huge source oí human resource, natúral resources and markets in cólonies;
seconđly, :mdustrialize cQuntries with ex‘cess populat-inn searching better livirig
conditiọns in otlier Couniries (dồĩonies fòr imhiigratión). Hence, CoIonizaỉion vyas
executed to serve those needs. Viemam, vvith its large rnàrket, abunđaní ánd riộh
natural resoụrces bẹcame "tlie eyeshot" of the French Capitalists.

French implementeđ the "colony for exploitaíion" strategy in Vietnam sứice 1884 to
1930- -The motto of the exploitation was thai': The existence of coìony was for
metropolitan country. Colony had to serve for .the đevelopment of metropolitan
country. ĩỉ was the place where provideđ meỉíopoỉitan what they neeđeđ and
consumed v/hatsvsr theỵ wanted.

Vietnam then was cóloríized Ịn a combination manner in .direction of more benefỉỉs

to French: Vietnam was tumed irito a colonial capitalism country with half of its
traditional society; social economic reỉations...were chsnged by the French
Colonialists and half were kept as before.

b- French ĩxploitation of Vietnam

The French exploitation of Vietnam caii be divided into iwo phráses; thẹ first................
exploitation from 1897 to 1914 and the seconđ expỉoitaíion form 1919 to 1928. In the
first colonial exDỈơitaíioỊi, mining accourtteđ fòr the top positìon, ĨTi the second
colonial exploitation, ií was agricuỉture.

C ontent of the exploitations: .

In Economy: • • • -■ 7 -•

T h e French colonist implemented the "economy Xĩúỉked" by which ỉhey tried to

expỉoit all resources in Vietnam (laboxahd natural rẹsoụrcẹ) to enrich their CQunlry
a n d theiĩỊselves: In íhe pre-capitalist economy stage, French íocused on agriculture and neglected the manuíacturing industry. French colònialisrn levied high tax
on the ỉanđ íhey ieased to íarmers. Even though it was an oid kind of exploừation, it
w a s sỉill th e iTiosỉ b e n e f íc ia ỉ o n e .

The French used regỉcmaỉ expỉoitation strategy in which Middle and small ỉandlorđ
was maintained and great landlords were dẹveloped in thẹ South of ViêtnaTTì fór the
deveỉopiTient of agriculture while exploiỉing industries such as: xriining rnineral and
coạl are impỉemerứeđ in íhe North 0í Vietnam.

The colonists also cons.iđer Vieíriam as part óf ĩrench andthereíore, Vieínam hađ tc
supply rice for the world market not Vietnam market.

Besides> in the 17"’ and 18lh centụry the French capitalist also prevent the
development of capitalisin in order to lim ií the industrializatìon ĩn Vietrtam.

"Multi-ỊĩỊọđe oí prođucíion" was mạintạìneđ. The old relations: Ịeuđalis.m, Asĩạỉic

m ode of production (wịth public ownership of land) togethệr with the ỉremaĩning of
ọìđ .roọđé *such. as: sỉávery w?s TTỊạintaiTied beside the new 1-eiation:
colonial capitalism.

Ixl Pcliỉics: ÍCÓj-’ -ị ì

Contiriue to maintain the íeuảaì regime :

In order to íácilitate the fừsí expỊpitation Ịn Vietnam, íhe French paid attention tò the
twò m ain meaồures ỉhaỉ w ere "partiỉion tò rũỉe" and "bĩoòdy sưppression".

French colorústs also exploit the contradictions in Vietnaxn which inchiđe:

coniradiction betvveen Caỉholic and non-Catholic; Majoriíy and minorií sow
đivision among Vietnamese people to rule thexn easily.

In Culture:

AI1 educational policies at this time tried to ỉimit education maỉnly aĨỊĩied. at
facilitaiing thẹ first exploitatiồn of the Prẹnch, and enlarge íhe Westemìzaiion, ;

In Socieíy:

' Colorústs implemented the strategy "impovering peasants" and utilized feudalisí
ckss; especially landiord class to co-dominated and ruỉeđ Vietnam; ' ~ - - -' -
'\ CÂU_4:)what
' / were socio-economic cultural transíormations under the French

Socio-sconomic Ciìỉíura! Transíormations unđer íhe JFrench Domỉnation

In economy: under the impact of the colonial exploitation of Prench coỉonists,
Vieínam's econọmy shifted from. an. Ịiidependent natỉon íeuđal econorny to a semi-
íeudal rnlnny. This was an imbalanced betvveen lieavy industrv and light industry
and beíween đifferent regions and parts of the country.

c. Positive:

ỤrbanỊzati<m: In Viet Naịn, the Prench procéss of colorũal exploitáticm was also a
process of Íormiíig cities ảrid concehtration of population into them.

. : AgricụỊtụre: Undér the FrfincỊi capitalịst's clominatitm, agriculture was ỉhe Ịạrgẹsi
invẹstment sectoi', mainly flowin.g into the area of iubbếr plahtatiòn ahd inining
industry. In addition to the rubber plantatiọns there were the rice plantations, tea,
coíỉee, pepper p l a n t mệ ấ r i i n g that investors have been exploiting the strength of.
tropical đoĩủain. .

Indusíry: This pẹriod álso raarkeđ the emergènce óf an industry with two
comportents: heavy industry and light indusìry which were developed uíídé,r two
main directions:, íactoriss which have exịsted bẹíoré and Huiỉá more iactories and _

Hanđicraíí: the handicraít saw marked changes under the ihíluertce of soxnẹ íòreịgn
technologies. Tlie French policy of colonial exploitation helped speeđ up prođuction
in some traditionaì handicraft sectors and expanded consumption market boíh at
home and abroad.

Transportatioĩi System: For quick colonial expỉoitation of Vỉet Nam, the Prench
cónstnicted a railróạd ổystem from Hạ Noi to the North and the Southern part. The
System oí auto roads, -wa tervvays, air routes and ports were also synđựonically buiìt.

Commerce: The devalopment of transporíation system íacilitated productiori,

circulation, export and import of goođs. Exported commódities weíe mainlyraw
materịals and agriculturaỉ proclucts; ịmported mainly industriaỊ goođs, technologỵ,
consumer goods from the Prench. . .. .......

Banking: The đevelopment of the bankmg sỳstem associated with the proceâs-oí
goods írade exbansion. Inđochina Bank acts as the Central bânk, responsible: for
issuing all the rnoney for the Prench colonies in Asiạ. - -......■

d. Negative:
The m d u stry and in írasíru ctu re deveỉoprnents only- servecỉ the exploiiation of Prench
colonists. Aỉl the products prođuceđ in Vieínan-ranđ Vietnam resources vvere moveđ
to Prance, it transíorrxìalìons b ro u g h í a greaí deal of beneíits to the French. VietnanVs
industry was kept m poor sỉtuađon and obsoỉete ỉẹvel

ỉn socỉety:

The Prench expỊoitation also resulteđ in changes in social cỉasses

In thè early oí 20ỉh century, social classes in Vietnamese society have basicaUy
changed. The Vietnamẹse peasantry and handicraftsmen was impoverished. In the
countryside, land owners and rich people became richér. Mosí of Vietnamese
vvorkers originated from peasants whose lives were closely attached to the land.
They became vvorkers through many ways. Vietnamẹse vvorking class had to
undergọ^ặ long process rẹlating to colonial rụle. ĩt was the firsí lime in Vietnaínese
Mstory Ịhere came a new đaiss that playệd an cruciaỉ role in hatioríal sáivation
]-MỊỆỂặÊÊtặị'': 'ỉ: 5 íM'-.""í-i.fÍi-ív: í ■^ - V ^ ^ ^

In the early years oí the 20th century, most of the Vietnamese bốúrgeoisie used
to be, agsnt or íeudal. lanđovỵners.. who đevelop th.eir bụsiness.ịnto
Câpitaỉism. *
Iji the early_y:ears. o f thịs century, th.ẹ size and sigĩứãcạnce oỉ ịhe VietnsỊT.ese
bourgếoỉsie wẽrè negligibỉe. lỉ hovvever then had chances to đeveỉọp 0 d tỊeạame an

. Basỉcaỉỉy, the old pròduction reỉation and feudal expỉoiíation srili dominaíed.
Sodal conílicis grew dramatically, confỉicts between Prench and Vietnamese,
lanđlords and peasants.

. In Cuỉture:

The French broughí European-style adrrúnisíration, Chrisdanity in thẹ fọrm of

Catholicism. Westemization process appeared.

France brought literary works composeđ by Europeàn iđeoỉógists ỉo VN. These

w orks only reaching Vietnamese schoỉars through Ttatiorral'writing. ■ " . - - .-
these books proviđed peopỉe with geographịcal knọvỵdeđgẹ and the world,history to
help people widen their rrũnds. These above Progressive idẹologies alsọ had greât
eííects on ầ new generaíion who'is searchmg íớr new vvays íor naỉional saỉvaíion.'
CẢU 5: Réasons for thè íaìlu re of n atio n al m o v em en í ag ain sl French coloniaỉism
beíore ỉhe íoixĩìation of the Vietnamese Communisi Party.
ỡ*/ Struggles for national sovereignty of the Vietnámese from 1858 to!884 and
the rtatÍQnaĩ patriotism and heroism

Dưring the process oí 'national construction and đevelopment, the Vietnamese

people’s spiĩit of fighting against foreign invaders was coníirmed to be a vaĩuable
During the struggles against the French colonialist in thé íirst half of 19th century,
Vietnamese people proved to be patriotic, brilliant and bravẹ. Under the leadersỊiip
of !he đynastỹ, they voluntarilý ignored their classhãtređ to deíend their country.

Ạfter the íirst attack of the Prexich (18??} '■o th? NoríH second
attãck toThuan An (Hue), the entire countiý waged the wars oí resisíance.

In. Central Vietnam whẹrè the Frẹnch colonialist had not invaded, people established
Ỉhevỡỉurttary anny- witìi the target"anti-'French coloniálists and dynasty".

The Patenot agreement marked a fall of the íeudal State of Vietnam, but -the
. ________________ _______1 _ > - ì - _ _______• _____ í . T ? . . _______ 1- - 1 • _ 1 _____ __________________________ ______________

tasks were considerably íocused. ĩt vvas " Can Vụong movement".

^ National Movemen t againstthe Prench:

Late-19lh National Movement:

Movement against the French invaders persisted: Can Vuong (Loyalty to imperior)
movement (1885-1896) leaded by Ham Nghi and Toh Thạt Thuyet lauriched an
offensive in the Prench army barracks next to the títy of Hue (1885). Although the
movement was deíeated, the Can Vtiong movement cpntinued to grow especially in
North and North Central of the State; Somẻ typicaỉ uprising incluđeđ:'Ba Dinh bỷ
Pham Banh and, Dinh Cong Trang (1881-1887), Bai Say bý Nguyen Thien Thuat
(1883-1892) and Huong Khe by Phan Dinh Phưng (1885-1895) and the úprising of
Yen The peasants headed by Hoang Hoa Tham and lasỉed m til 1913.

Resuỉt: all of the movemenís íailed - »'■■■■

Earlv 2Qlh Centurv Movement:

Th'e‘first was the Dong Du ("Go East")-Movement started in 1905 by Phan Boí Chãu.
Phan Bội Châu's plan was to senđ many excèllehtyoúng man to ỉearn in Japarv then
retum to VN and become ỉeaders.
Seeonđỉy, Phan Chu Trinh, who íavored a peaceíuỉ,. non-vioỉení struggle to gain
indepenđence, led ihe seeond movement Duy Tan ("Modemization"). He stresseđ
the need to eđưcata the masses, mođemize the country, fosíer unđerstanđíng and
toỉerancè between the Prench and the VieữỊarnẹse, and a peaceíul ixansition of

Resuỉt: Both of íhe movements failed

National movement after the World War ĩ

Therẹ were many nẹw tỹpẹs of movements appeáred aíter the World War I:

Síruggle of_ smaỊỊ bourgeois class:. They established iseveral political

organizatịons and French pưbĩishẽrs sũch as: La Cloche fêlẻe, Lé Nháque, La jeune
'„z.\ .Ị Ị- ........i_li- -----7------- ^-------- ’•
xney ảlồố lặuncheđ manỷ pplítícál struggles ạnd meèting like the meeting wỊỊỊỊch
cặllẽd for râíeằsMg T^ari Bbỉ Q iàu (1825) and the inêeting cằlỉed for reieásing
Nguyên A n Ninh patriot (1926).

In 1927-Í930 National Movements associateđ with the estáBlishinent and operaíion

of the vieỉnam Natiònálisỉ Paịty (25-12-1927)

On 9-2-1930, Yen Bai upiising held by Nguyẹn ThaỊ_ỉỉoc broke oưt, the center is the.
town of Yen Bai which attackeđ the barrácks õf Ffẻnch ixisurgents.
Eesúlí: alỉ of the movemsní íaileđ or felt into crisis

In sununary all of íhem ovem ent agạinst the French colonists during this time íaileđ
or felt into crisis.

Ệy Reasorts for the íailure of the movements:

Subịecdve reasons: _ -

Crisis of the good ỉines for nationầl salvation

Crisis of the leadÌỊig rule of pro«T»==’vé class ■

Limitation m methodology

Crìsis o f the good lines íor naíional salvaiion

Most o í the movexnents hạd no síratẹgy. Some of them hađ but not good strategy,
For exam pỉe: Phan Boi Chau sữategy of ủghting agaỉnst the Pitench thanks to the aid
from Ja p a n to regain the sovereigníy oí Vietnam. But if Japai\ had helped Vietnâĩn to
•gain b a c k cur s-overeignty from French no One can guarantee that our country wiỉỉ
n.ot be colonizeđ again by JaDarv; the Duy Tan movsmenỉ aímed at renovating the
country to íree it from the restraint of the obsoỉete íeudaỉ ideologies. But under the
French domination this seemed to be an uníeasible strategy; the lirrùtation in
Nguyen Thai Hoc straíegy was that Vietnam at that time had two basic
contrạđicíịons: the national contradiction betw een Vietnamese people and Prench
colonists versus ihe class contradiction between peasants and ianđỉorđs. Nguyen
Thai Hpc realizeđ only nạtipnal contradictìon ỉhereíore; 90percerii; of the population
(peasants) couldn’t join hịs party.

Qbjective Reasons:

Socio-economic condition: The history limitation also contributed to the íaiỉure oí

those movements:'leạdmg class đuring that period was .Coníucianist in transitional
period. However the íeudal ideology irỉ Vịetnam was not suitable for successíully
solve the revolutionary mission;

Besiđes, the bỏurgẻóisie hađiVt grow strong enouglì (economically artd politically) to
becuiné Ihc leạđing cìass.

GÂU, é: The Ĩoĩm ạtion.jọi^^ẹfaíainesẽ Comsmưiist Parỉy ạs an Obj‘ective

Histọrical Event. C-C )

Tiiis period recognizếđ the simuìtaneous existence of 3 parties: Communist Party of

Indochina> Coĩĩưnurúst Party of Armarn and Corrựnunist League of ĩnđochina.

■ In Ẹebrủaỉy19307 Nguỵẹn Ẫi'Ouoc tieTỎ ẩ caníereiicẽ bringìng togetĩạer three.pạrties

in Kowìbon,'Chỉna. Qn 3 PebruaTỹ, tlíe'ỏừ’ee coinĩhímỉsỉ parỉiss wẹrế mergeđỊịnỉo á
United party nam eđ Cọxamunist Paríy oílnđochina.

The Formation of Vietnamẹse Communist Party is an objective historical event

because Viétnamếse CoưưiuiỊìist ‘Pártý was íormed unđer the basics of fuỉl

‘+The Marxigĩĩi -Lexiiĩiism prepagandạ and absorptỉon: •

In Prance: Nguyên Aị Ouoc founđed the Assođatỉon of French colonial people,

pubỉisheđ the "Ngưoi Cung Kho” nevvspaper and wrote ỉnaríy articles to denounce
the crixnes of colorùalism, urging the people of cọlorũal cquntries stand up against
coloniặl invasion, sptead Marxism-Leriinism.

ĩn Soviet Union: Nguy en Ai Quoc worked fơr the - International -communis-t

movement, wrote nevvsoapers, paríicipạíed Ịn many inỉemaỉịonal coníerences/.
presented a panel discussíon about the revolution for national liberation in arcolọnial
country.. and calleđ for supports of the partịes ữi ‘the wo-rlđ. Hence, Theory- oi.
national revolution vvas so formeđ. >
In China: N guyen AỊ Ọ uoc esỉablished Thanh 'Nien Cach Mang Dong Chi Hoi to
propagaỉe M arxism -Leiiinisrn ừứo Vienam, combine M arxism w ìỉh the m oveinents
oí working class, the patrioiic movements in order ỉo esíabìish a politicaỉ party in.
P ublished Timnh Nisn nevvspaper an d taưghi M arxism -Leninism for rev o lu ỉio m ries.
Aỉỉ of hĩs ỉectures were gathered to compose the Dìỉong Cach Menh book (1927) stateđ
th e basic iđeas ab o u t strategies and ỉactics of a naíional liberation revolutionary.

The peneiration of Marxism -Leninism into the working class movements as well as
pátríotic movements resulted in the arrivaỉ of đif£erenf revolutionary organizations
which gradually adapted to proletarian tendencỹ.

+The growth of Vietnamese working clầss:

U nder thẽ irtíluences of the national democratic revoluíion in China, and the
operatiori of three commưnist parties in Vietmm/ -the-movements óf working ọlass
developeđ strongly.

.1926-1927: many sírikes of workers/ empỉoyees and síuđents broke out: the strugglé
' of 1000 Nam Dinh íactory workers, 500 workers ốf Gam Tien rubber pỊantâtions and
m any other struggles: Phu Rieng rubbér plantation, Ray M a...

1928: Strikes of workers of Mao Khe, Loc Ninh, Ben Thuỵ, Sạigon, Hai Phong, Nạm
Dinh ’

1929: 40 workers’ struggles -had erupted in ỉhe whoìe .country. Charactẹrisíịcs of

strugglss: incrẹầse 311 riurnber, thrive in qualiỉỳ. The straggles werè hốt méreĩy
économic struggles buỉ also political struggles.

The movemants had a cỉoss association v/ith many branches and localiíies and were
puỉ u n đ er the leadership oí the Cong Hoi Do organization. Especiạlly, therẹ was
cooperation between the Cong Hoi Do orgardzáí:ion and the labor Union in the
movem ents. This demonsírates that Marxism-Leninism Were widely spread in the ,
revoỉutiọn, revolutionary cọnscịoụsness was ũnproved and the revoỉutìonaxy
m ovem ents were self-.cọnscious noí spontaneous.

+ The nationàl movements: '

A loí: C an Vu ong movement, G oe Ls Movement, Mođernization, Yen Bai uprising

ía iỉe d nẹed a communist party

+The n atio n al ỉiberalioĩi movement in Vietnầm quickỉy deveỉopeđ inío a part of

the ỉn íem aíio n al working class and proleiariat.

-Liberaíing the naíion, ỉiberating the peopls from the very harsh oppressíon and
e x p lo ita íio n , construcỉip.g a n ew society was the chosen w ay o í Vietnam.
CÃU 7: The August Revoỉutịon (1945) was the resulỄ of long'preparatỉon from 1930
until 1945.. I'ì ỉ ì / l'\
\1 Oìữ-ĩC-ch^L- &trA.đ,4'íiír{\ lỗ 1/^Ni )
Augusí Revolution was the result -t>f 15 years of national liberation movemerư,
•through tvvo generaì rehearsals of the 1930-1931 and 1936-1939 high times, and the
direct movement to save the country from 1939 tũ 1945 in combination with the
favorable xnoment when the Pascism collapseđ.

'High tirne 1930-1930: with the prominent Xo Viefc Nghe Tinh m pvem ent. The high
ỊỉễSL^~iline mobjlized an ẹnormòus population to ioin, took place on large scale with rnany
iorms aLstruggle which:

- First, ạsserts ỉhe íactors ensuríne the victory of the revoIutior<=.

- Ạssẹrt thẹỊeađẹrship rọle and ability of proletariat.------ -------- ——-— ...... , ,

' *• Demomtrâtedrihãtrtìie Commurugt Farty's revolutionary iines were coưect and is

vvidelv suDTỈortsđ.

- Affừms the only vvay to win wás violent rèvolụtíon. :

- Through practical movement, members ọf the PCV were traineđíor the followộag,

Was the íirst successíuì step crucial to the development of the followừìg
revohitions of Vietnam.

the masses. Through this high timẽ cadres vvere traineđ and qưickiy grevv irì
number. The revolutionary lines were improveđ, the battle-íỉeĩd was expanded ariđ
révolutionạry íorcẹs wsre strengthened. . ' -

High time 1939-1945: ■

a) The mitial preparation £or the August General uprising ' ..................... ..

Right afỉer his rétum ío Vieíriam, Ho Chi Minh set up "the experimental Viet Minh
Front" whiđì enticed lots of people join the national salvation. Then the Vỉetnaín
Independence LeagUe vvas founded on May 19th, í 941to ỉỉ&eratế thả coíinfry'ffom"
Franco-Japanese domination, establíshing revolutionary base and preparing‘forces
Aíter the íailưre of the Bac Son U prising, íhe Party.had in ỉen tio n to re-estabỉish The
Bac Son-Vong Nhai revoỉuiionaiy 'base. The remain of the Bac Son guerrilla was
’ " developed into íhe M ilitary A ssociaíions for N ational Salvatíon. The m ain tasks of
t'his uniỉ w ere to directly fight ag ain st the en em y and caỉl for p eo p ỉes' partidpatìori.

Uníil 1942, ỉhe Vi e in am Independence spreacỉ nationwiđe. On this basiS/ in

December 1942, Tíie Viet Minh Congress heỉđ to vote for members of the Viel- Minh
Central Conunittee of Cao Bang 'ihen was deveỉoped into the Cao-Bac-Lang mtex-
provincial Central Comrriittee.

The revolutionan/ bases establishnĩent, the Vieì Nam ỉnảepenảence League /oundàtion ạs
iữeỉl as Ị'orces rein/orcemẽnỉ was the very fừsi comprehensive preparation whiẻh bon grènt
sỉgnựìcance to the Vieịnamese revohition.

b) The consecuỉive preparations -— .....

Early 1943, a program of actian in the eđuoationãĩ fieĩd arơuccđ grca í* rr»frr»jrp<ỉf jn
patriotic cỉasses; simuỉíaneously political bases in dties and pìạins wẹie established
to aỉtack upon the headquaríer of ihe erienĩý when there cairie a chạnce..

In, a groaap of intellẹetuals and people frọm the midđle-class íounđed the.
Viet N am Democrạtic. Party thanks to the help of thẹ VỊet Minh tò expanđ thẹ Viet
Minh íront, reiníorce the armed íoirces againsi the íascism, and bankrupt the plan of
sovving di vision among theVietnamese peopies.

Mồ-réovér, the ĩndòcKihá Party íntenđeđ .to expariđ the revolutionary fro'nt by
contãcting with patriots from outside to gain their supports.

The iTì&ss struggle was consiaiìtly expanding. The Viet Minh iried to dravv the
masses into actíons on two levels, rnilitary and politie.

In D ecem ber 1944, the Party deciđed to set up the Proganda and Liberation Arcny in
Cao Bang. The propaganda came íirst then national ỉiberation.

c. The w orld sitixaíiorỉ: ■

On M arch 9th, Ịapanese troops disarmed the French without meeíing any real
resistaiice. This was a good chance for the Vietnamesế revoluiion to surge up. A rtew
revolutionary movement called "Uprising against the Japanese": AcỉÌĐn íaken by the
peasant masses ỉn selzing Japanẽse rice stores brõkề đuí thròxĩghout the couníry to
overcom e the threaterúng famine. Thọusanđs oí peopla wsre mobilizeđ to joứì in this
actịon, which was in fact regarded as a ■polỉịỉc.aỉ rehearsaỉ íor the mạssẹs. Besídes, .
agitations and arxned struggỉes broke 'òut aỉỉ over the cọưntrỹ. Rẽvolútíõnary '
authorities, ạs a result, were set up in many ỉocaỉities and regions. Army coirưniítees
were ío r m e d at various leveỉs in villages,, districts and provmcas.
T o g e th e r w ith g u e r r illa w a rs, r e v o ỉư tio n a r y c o n tin u e d fco be e s ta b lis h e d and
e x p aiìd ecỉ.

The Upriùing ãgainsỉ the Ịapanese luas the mosí comprehensive and praciical preparcỉtion for
the General Uprising. Everyone ĩuas r.endy to.grásp this decịsive opportunity to stãnd up and
seize bàck national inảependence.
. , J8?ự>
L szesĩ'deni:
L L . .H . .o C hi M in_________
h overcom ing d iííic u ỉíie s a n d đarỉgers soon after th e
.'T%ngusFRẽvoIuíioni {1945-1946} j- ị <x/ịJa/ • " -

Eco.noỉBÌc: Being dominated for almosí 100 yeais, the economy of Vietnam was
* ro ỉten ắn d obsoỉete: alm ost tw o m illion peopỉe died of the íam ine in 1944; M ost oí
the ianđ was abanđoneđ and factories stopped working. People were being
threateneđ by another íarrùne.

The counỉry ran out of money. There was only 1.2 million Dong left in the Central
Budget, bụt half of this could not be used. The Revolutionary Government could not
con troi the bank. •

• Socieíy: Over 90% of the entire populaticn v/as iliitsrate. Superstitiprv gaxr.bling; and
drug adđictions were very popular. .............-

M íiltary: The newbom army was poorly armeđ; however, there were a lot ọf
enemies in the territory of Vietnam. Twenty thousand soldiers of Chiang Kai Shék
and OverlO.OOO Bristish -and Indian warriors occupied to support íhe French
invasion.. - -

Diploxnacy: the country had not been reeognized by the wórld. No support íroiti
íoreigrier countries, especiallỵ, Sovieỉ Union.

b) T h e síruggie againsĩ starvation: ,

The governm ent encouraged people to assist each other. Following Ho Chi Mình
exam ple; the Vietnamẹse people voluntarily did noí eat to save rice for their
com paíriots every ten days.

To 'erađieate the íarnine; Vietnamese peọpls speeđeđ up production. The

govem xnent coníiscated ỉartd from the imperialists and traiỉors to reallocate to '
peopỉe and reducing 25% of the land-tax for tKe íarmers. Thaaks to those rneasures
the fairxins was driven back.

c) Pinaxiciaỉ recovery
r '

G overnm ent láunchếd "The Inđepenđent Buđget”, "A Gold YVeek". People
v o lu n ta r ily contributed money> goỉd, jewelry and vaỉuable- souvenirs" 'tồ t h ẽ "
revolutionary govem m ent In a very s.hort time 370 kilos GÍ goỉd and 20 million
Dong W ere coilecteđ.
On September 8, 1945,-H o Chi M inh signẹd a decree o n estabỉishing mass education
and called peopỉe to engage in the iỉliteracy eradication m ovem ent. Almost 30.000
classes vvith 81.000 le a r n e r s were openeđ in M arch 1946

e) Dipỉomaỉic policy against French and Chiang Kai. Shek

Key points: Avoiding being attacked by many sirnultaneously

Tactic; "utilizing contrndiciion among enemies, makirtg concession on the basỉc afkeeping
principles” ______'; \;f :; ——

From September 1, 1945 to March 6, 1946: beating French in the South and
negotiation w ith Chiang I<ai Shek in the North.

maiạng clear that Ọ ũang bneK agreed íor rrencli. to come to Nortli VN we
signed the primarv agreement with French colonists on 6 March and írorn then to '11.
Dec,1946 ốurstrategyvvas "Negotìating y/ith Frejnch, sweeping Chiang KaiShek out
ọf Vịếtnam"

CÂU '9: -The -~waỵ' Yi-sìnamese peopĩè won the résỉsỉant war' agáinst 'JFrer»ch
coiorììalìsm (1945-1954) _J.
Ạj h. Historical baọkgrounđ:

On Decernber 18, 1946/ the French presented an ultimatum thàt rèqúiréd ổie
■Vietnàinese to disarm the national delense íorces and let them oversee Ha Noi. Bèing
in the precarious situation, On December 19, 1946 Ho Chi Minh deliveređ "ihe
àppéạl to the nation for the resistance".

1j i. "Balance of power" analysis

Decideđ to fight against Frertch Vietnam faceđ many disadvantages: pporeconomy,

lack of weapon, non-trained army. •■the only ađvạntages were our people's
patrioỉiồm and the justice of the war: resistani: war. Meanwhiỉe our enemy was rieh
and their xxũiitary force was well tiained and vvẹll-equipped/ they also had
experiences for ihvading. Hovvever, they conducted an irỳusỉice war: aggressive war.

j. War lines of Vietnamese peo-pỉe ỷustiíieđ how we vvon

To cope with the "beat fast, win íast" straíegy in the aggressive war of French, we
followed "the people war" on the basis of:
• •I 1 I 1 -'Ỵ---- 1- ......
I II 1 •.

, C^ntire-oeoDỈe: the vvar used the povver of the entixe people

2ệ comprehensive: took place on all íields: econorny, poliỉic, diplomacy, cuỉturẹ.

ỉong.term war: iasted for long íerm.

ibeíore 1950: Seỉf-su£ficiency and aíter 1950: Basing mainly on ourselves

W e developêd a m ilitary force w ith 3 ỉã n đ s o í army:

- G uerilla arm y
- Local army /
- Regular army ^

The long term war strategy which used the advantages of guerrilla army stop French
colonistsJÉrom practicing thè "bèat fast, win fast" strategy"; prolong íhẹ war ịn order
to strengthen oưr force and impíove our còuntry on àỉl íields: politic, ideology...anđ
ecorỊomic conđỉtion espeđally. Bssidss, the locaỉ army íoughí and worked
simuỉtaneously to support the army as a whole.----------------- -------------- —•'— ?

On ơctober 7, 1947, 12,000 French assault Viet Bac, but they were completely
deíeated. This put a stop to the "beat íast, win fast" strategy.

After that French practiceđ mral .paciíication: occupy ỉanđ. and peoplé snd orgănize
deíensive sysỉem along Chừià-Visínạm border.

ỉn October, 1950: VCP ỉaunched the borđer carnpaign. tó ầttack Chiiía*Vietnain

borđer dsíensive system. The campaign endad victoriously.

Afỉer the Border viciory, our miỉiíary gr-sw strongsr and sỉronger and had gainsd the
acdve posture for aítađđng w hile Frejich was pui in passively deíensivẹ .postuxe..

VViỉh the victory in the Front campaign Viẹtnamese Communist Party launcheđ
different campaigns on largsr scale: Rouíẹ 18, Ha Nam Ninh, Thm g Du aríd Upper
Lạos campaign.

Oiì M ay 7, 1953, to cohvert the siỉủatíon the General Na va plan was impỉemented.
To đ e a l with the enẹmy's conspirades, in Sepíember 1953, campaign 1953-1954 was
projected. Aftếr 56 dayS/ the campaign ended in the victory of Vietnam, The resịsiạnt
war e n d e d victoriously.
CẢU 10: H ow did w e w in the V ietnam War? (1954-1975)
I. Why did the u .s invađe Vietnam?

According to Mark Brađley, i£ vve resumecỉ the good relationshìp with America aíter
August revolution we could avoicì the war.
Hov/ever, many beliéve thai the Vietnam War is tmavóidablồ's not simply
a war beỉween 2 countries instead it was a war betvveen capitalism and sođãlism in

- Vietnam has an im p o rtan t s tra te gi c position vvith plentiíul resources.

-'Àfter Wôrld War IỈ/VietnarrVs achievements in thè riatịonal liberation nĩovements

gave a great impetus to the anti-imperialist movemẹnts in the world. Especially, The
Atigust Revolưtion in '1.945 resiửtéđ in establishixig óf the Dèraocráiic Republic of
Vietnam, socialism mighỉ have a great potentiaĩ to spreađ inSoutheast Asia and
pther regioiỊs Ịn thẹ wprìd.

ƯS hađ indirectlỵ intervened in the war in Vietnam through Chiang Kai Shek's íorce
aĩíd-aiđẹđ French coIoiualịsrcLSÌnce 1956, When the French wạs dẹíeạted u.s had to
take actions on their own to prevent socialism from expansiõn. ........... . ‘.....

II. American invasion and the way Vietnamese people Wờn the war

Dụring iís invasiop U.S had practiceđ maxjỵ. strategies:

The orte^iđẽ war or Eisên hơuse strầtegy

The Aexibỉe response mcluding 3 wars:

o Special war

o Local war

o All-out war (didiVt happened)

O u r strategies:-having n o army, Việtnam used the poHticạl íorce. and guẹrrỉlla -

mainly which indudes mass struggles against 1-sịde war. The most typịcạl Ịs Dong
Khoi uprising. ■ , .

In the soecial war we practice the people war wiíh the íormula as foIIow:

2 feet: political force and miliỉary forcé

3 arrows: military ạttack, political attack, irtobilization of enemy

3 regions: mountainoũs region, rúralanđdélta-rẹgiQn,-urban.area

3 armies: Guerrilla army, Local army, Regular army

B e ío re 19 -6 8 : c o m b in a tio n b e tw e e n o f f e n s iv e a n d u p r is ir ìg

From 1986 to 1975: com bination beíw een general offensive a n d u p risin g

3 íronts: rnĩlitary íxon!:, political froni, cliplomatic front

Special war:

-US: By the encỉ of 1964 there v/ere 560,000 puppeỉ vvell-armeđ soỉdiers and many
raids were mađe to erađỉcaỉe the revolutionary íorces

-VN: People in South Vietnạm expanđeđ and developéd their resistance wifch the
■m otto "attack the enemy" in three íronts: military, politics, and propaganđa. In 1962,
m any large scaỉe rạids into u Minh; Tay Ninh :anđ Southwest of Sai Gon Iriađe by
N go DinhDieirt were defeated.

-On January 2, 1963, won at Ap Bac(My Tho) making đear the capàcitv cf Vietriàm
re^òlụtÌ€tnary;tỌ;Winspẹcialwạf. ______ ____ _______

- Orí Juné 1, VN WỔÍI át Blxih Gĩa (VungTảu)V This víctory signaỉed thè íaihirẻ for
special w'ar in Vietnam.

Local wàr:
-F ailẻd in stopping ỉhe spread of peopíe's sỉmggles in Souíh Vietnám in ihreể Ểrớnỉs:
military, politics, and propaganda. ©n:Marẹh,,8/;19:65/ Ạmerịcaxỉ sold-iers wag€ "local
w ar in South and simultánèòusly desírucrively bombed the Noríh.

■- Froxn 1964 to 1967: A m erican soldiers in South V ietnarn increasad íro m 26.000 ỉo
37.000 lai alone 7000 soldiers v/ere stationed at miiiỉary bases in Guam, Phiỉippines,
and Thailand and the 7 FIeet was ready to parỉicipate in the war. . .

-Right after landing in the South, America,opened an attack on Van Tuong (Ouang
N am ), two successive "dry seasons” counter-attacks on areas that were suspected to
bs a t the mercy of Vieínam. The u s vvanteđ to change the sitnạtioxi/won vicỉory and ’
then terminateđ the war. All the attacks. above espeđally the General Attack and
M au Than Offensive in Springl968, hovvever, werẹ deíeated bỵ Southern peóple. Iri
íact, th at was the acknowleđgement of the deíeat of “Local war".

Successive Iosses in the South íront the u s imperialiscs írenziedỉy ụsed -navy and air
íorces to bomb tha North to stop them from suppìying for the South

-On A ugust 5, 1964, the ư s mađe up "the Norỉh Bay event" and bégàn theữ .
đestructive war in Noxth Vietnàm in Febmary 1965: But"Péópĩe in the Norỉh shot
đovvn hundxeds of u s aircraíts and set fire io hundreds of u s warships. Pinalỉy,
A.merica had to stop booming ửte Noríh . . .
-Súice 1969, Nixon períormed the strategy of "praccicaỉ vvarning", and applieđ
"Vietnamizing the war” in the North and "ĩndochinizing war" in the Indochừia. 'In
orđer to implement this policy, Nixon gradually retreated American íorces but'
enhanceđ puppet miiitary in all aspeets.
However, Southern revplụtionary forces v/ere much sỉronger. In March 1972/ the
Southern Liberation Ạrmy carried out the strategic attack to three most important
strategic. areas: Quang Tri, Tay Nguyen, and Southeasterri Vietnam, w'hich
disordered the puppet troops' strategic arrangements and drove :'Vietnamzing the
war“ to the edge oí íaiìurè.

-Ẹađng such losệeồ; thé u s bombeđ the North again in much larger scale. Hovvever,
pẻople in Nốrth Vietnam won the “Air Dỉien Bieri Phu" battle v/ìthin 12 daýs in late
1972 íorcing u s to sign Páris Converitìon đated Jan. 27, 1973. But ư s vioỉated the
ậgréèĩnent âxĩd: sĩippộrteđ Nguýen Van Thieu to inváđe thề iỉberatẹđ 20'ne, evoke a
âr»' ?*’r /* - í' (i c1 t-T-*.

In spring 1975, the General Áttack and Uprisirig leđ to victory after-a.hnost 2-tXTi0riths.._.
-The_____ coimtry became independent and urúfied.
CẮU 11: Wíiy đỉd Víeínamese win the Yiẹtnam v/ạrr
Above all, xt was the viccorv oí the poìiticaì independent strategy oí the
Vietnarnese Communist Party. Thè strategy ịn which the two straíegié íasks were
siĩrỉũỉtạneously carrieđ out mobiliseá Íồrces of ths v/hole riatiòn. ThiiS the
ỉrểmẹnâoiis stf engtK of th s Vìetnamese Revòìution originateđ.
- Thẽ great strerigth ồ ỉ p eo p ỉẹ a n d the vc w as o riginateđ from íHe traditional
patriotism of the Vìetríamese people and the revoỉutionary heroism.
r T^ệ vietory derịyed írorn the effâctiv.e contribution of thẹ Nortìh.
- Thẹ .soỊỉdiarity ạmong peọple oí the three Indochịaẹse coụritries vvho shared the
sạ^Mkgiíll and enen^y was àlso an important cause fọr .tìj|8 yịctoyy.
- T|ỊỊ3ĩ|k§. to the nrặtẹĩịal arid spiriíual sụpport £rom the wòàậj! ẹspẹcíaiỉy the aiđ of
thẹ USSR, Chữvarol'her;sociaỉisi: countries, and íhe national libération movẹnìerìts of
thóse \# tạ loveđ peace and đemocraey ali over the vvorlđ inchiđing thé advanced
'ếtóbỉtmals, . :,:v .. .
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