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Nama:Muammar Khadafi

Kelas: XI IIS 1
Tugas:Bahasa Inggris

An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens.

Explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a process, such as the water cycle, or how
a steam engine works.  Other examples could be how a law is made, or why we blink when we

There are three types of explanations:

- Sequential – These detail the stages in an event eg: how a caterpillar turns into a moth.
- Casual - Details what causes the change from one stage to the next ie: How a president is
- Theoretical - Details the possible phenomena behind a natural or created process that is
not fully understood. eg What caused the Nazi's to lose World War II.
- Factorial and consequential explanations explain effects and outcomes of processes. They
are more commonly used in upper primary and secondary contexts.

- Which identify the topic of your explanation. You may pose this as a question at
the beginning with how? or why?

Strong opening statement

- Identifying the process to be explained. Emphasize the process rather than the
particular thing involved in the process.

- Use sequential paragraphs or statements describing how or why something
happens. Show connections such as cause and effect or temporal sequence.
Wraping it up
- A strong concluding paragraph or sentence that draws everything together will add
more validity to your explanation.

- Use graphic organizers, labelled diagrams and even videos you are constructing a
digital text to illustrate your understanding.

Talk about your topics in groups or as a collective rather than as individuals.

Connective language
Use language which link cause and effect.

Get technical and detailed

Use technical language and terms specific to your subject. Use technical descriptions to crate
richer meaning.

Tense and voice

Explanations are written in the passive voice and in timeless present tense

Activity 3
1.Lenticular clouds
2.To explain how lenticular clouds occurs
3.The first paragraph informs us about the general characteristic of lenticular
4.The third paragraph
5.Simple present tense
6.Because the text explain about general facts which should be state by using a
simple present tense
7.Action verbs
8.Because the text explain about how natural phenomenon works. So the
action verbs is suitable to express it
9.And , when , as
10.-Wave:gelombang, ombak
-Temperature: suhu,temperatur
-Atmospheric: Atmosfer
-Vapor: Uap air, Asap

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