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Periodic Trends KEY

1. What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go down a group/family on the periodic table? Radius increases as you go down
2. What causes this trend? Zeff remains the same, but number of electrons increase
3. What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go across a period/row on the periodic table? Atomic Radius decreases
4. What causes this trend? Zeff increases, holds electrons more tightly
5. Explain how shielding contributes to the atomic radius trend within a group. As you move down a group, there are more core electrons SHIELDING the
effect of the Zeff, outer electrons are held less tightly
6. Circle the atom in each pair that has the largest atomic radius.
a) Al B b) S O c) Br Cl
d) Na Al e) O F f) Mg Ca

7. Put the following elements in order from smallest to largest atomic radius and explain why:
C, O, Sn, Sr. O, C, Sn, Sr
8. Define ionization energy. The energy required to remove an electron
9. Is it easier to form a positive ion with an element that has a high ionization energy or an element that has a low ionization energy? Why? Low, since
ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron, it is easier to form a cation (lose an electron) with a lower ionization energy
10. Na+ and Mg2+ ions each have ten electrons surrounding their nuclei. Which ion would you expect to have the larger radius? Explain your answer. Na would
have the larger radius, it has a lower Zeff, so it holds on to its electrons less tightly
11. a. Explain why it is harder to remove an inner shell electron than a valence electron from an atom. Inner shell electrons are in stable electron
configurations. You have to put more energy into an atom to make it go into an unstable electron configuration
b. Explain why sodium forms a 1+ ion (Na+) but magnesium forms a 2+ ion (Mg2+). Sodium has one valence electron, Magnesium has 2 valence
electrons. Atoms tend to lose only their valence electrons.
12. What trend in ionization energy do you see as you go down a group/family on the periodic table? Ionization energy decrease as you move down a group.
13. Put the following elements in order from lowest to highest first ionization energy and explain why: Al, Ar, Cs, Na. Cs, Na, Al, Ar
Cs is the largest atom, so the valence electron is held the least. Argon is a noble gas (stable electron configuration)
14. Why do magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc exhibit slightly higher first ionization energies than the general trend within each of their periods? Look at the
electron configurations, removing an electron from each of these leaves a partially filled sublevel
15. Which element in the third period is best represented by the six successive ionization energies listed below? Explain your reasoning.
1st IE 2nd IE 3rd IE 4th IE 5th IE 6th IE
577 1,815 2,740 11,600 15,000 18,310
Aluminum, 3rd period, 3 valence electrons.
16. Define electron affinity; The energy change caused by the addition of an electron to an atom
17. How does the ionic radius of a nonmetal compare with its atomic radius? Ionic radius of a nonmetal is MUCH larger than its corresponding atom
18. What trend in electron affinity do you see as you go down a group/family on the periodic table? No noticeable trend
19. What causes this trend?
20. What trend in electron affinity do you see as you go across a period/row on the periodic table? Electron affinity becomes more negative
21. What causes this trend? The amount of energy given off after the addition of an electron to a group 17 element is much greater than the energy given
off by the addition of an electron to a group 1 element. When a group 17 element gains an electron, it goes from a high energy state to a very stable,
low energy state. Lots of energy is given off= negative electron affinity

22. Circle the atom in each pair that has the greater electron affinity.
a) Ca Ga b) Li O c) Cl S

d) Br As e) Ba Sr nope f) O S nope

General Questions
23. Which of the following elements most likely has the highest melting point: I, Mo, Te? Explain why. Mo, most metallic
24. Which group tends to form +1 ions? _____________Group 1 alkali metals___________________________________
25. Which group tends to form +2 ions? ____________________Group 2 alkaline earth metals____________________________
26. Which group tends to form -1 ions? __________________________Group 17 halogens_______________________
27. Which group tends not to form ions or react? ________________Group 18 Noble gases__________________________
28. Based on the concept of periodic trends, answer the following questions for these atoms: Li, Be, Mg, Na. Be able to defend your answers.
a. Which element has the highest first ionization energy? _________Beryllium___________________
b. Which element has the lowest electronegativity? __________Sodium_______________________
c. Which element has the least metallic character? _____________Beryllium____________________
d. Which element is the largest atom? _________________Sodium__________________________
29. Based on the concept of periodic trends, answer the following questions for these atoms: P, S, Cl, F. Be prepared to defend your answers.
a. Which element has the highest first ionization energy? ___________Fluorine_________________
b. Which element has the highest electronegativity? _________________Fluorine_______________
c. Which element has the least metallic character? ______Fluorine___________________________
d. Which element has the largest ion? _______________Chlorine____________________________
30. Based on the concept of periodic trends, answer the following questions for these atoms: Au, Zn, S, Si. Be able to defend your answers.
a. Which element has the highest first ionization energy? ___________Sulfur_________________
b. Which element has the highest electronegativity? ______________sulfur__________________
c. Which element has the most metallic character? ____________Gold_____________________
d. Which element has the largest atom? _________________Gold_______________________

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