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2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

Smart Cup, Wisdom Creation: A Project-Based Learning Initiative

for Maker Education

Haonan Wang1 Shanghai, China
1 e-mail:
Department of Education Information Technology
East China Normal University Yonghe Wu1*
Shanghai, China of Education Information Technology
e-mail: East China Normal University
Chun Zhou2 Shanghai, China
2School e-mail: *
of Foreign Languages
East China Normal University
Abstract—— Maker Education aims at learners from STEAM education. The knowledge of
thinking and creating things in innovative and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and
ingenious ways, armed with Arduino open-source Math is not imparted in blunt teaching but in the
software and hardware as well as 3D printing process of making [3]. Students are expected to
technology. Inspired by the idea of Better Life with acquire knowledge and skills imbedded in
Wisdom Creation, the authors designed a project & elaborately designed Maker projects instead of
problem-based learning initiative, Smart Cup, to through rigid book reading and teaching [4]. The
explore the application of Maker concept in education. Maker spirit, a strong thirst for knowledge and
The paper illustrates how learners’ design, innovation, and the educational ideal of
programming and 3D modeling skills are acquired and “teaching in practice” share so much in common
enhanced through the process of making a Smart Cup, by coincidence [5]. In Maker Education, basic
with its features demonstrated and actualized with 3D knowledge is not imparted to students directly;
printing. A project-based learning model is also instead, students, as a Maker, are granted the
proposed in the paper as a reference for other Maker opportunity of integrating and employing
Education initiatives and practitioners. Our initiative knowledge from multiple disciplines[6].
indicates that learners’ ability to innovate and Students do their learning in creation, picking up
integrate multi-skills is essential to practicing Maker theoretical knowledge in practice, and in turn,
Education. applying it in practice again, which forms a
Keywords--- Maker Education; Project-based virtuous circle.
Learning; 3D Printing; Arduino As Dewey put it, students get knowledge
and information through the class that the
process is not real learning. However, it is
As argued by John Thomas, the significant that learn in practice [7]. When
project-based learning involves complex tasks reviewing literature related to Maker and 3D
and challenging problem-solving processes [1]. printing, we find that current Maker Education
New Horizon Report predicts a trend that efforts are mainly directed to dissemination of
American college students will convert from a theoretical knowledge, with very few to its
Consumer to a Creator of knowledge within the practical implementation and almost no
next three to five years. Maker Education is empirical mode to follow especially when it
expected to play a leading role in this comes to Maker Education creations. On this
transformation [2]. Maker Education, which account, we initiated our Smart Cup project,
advocates cultivating innovation via designing and bringing out a creation which
project-based learning, differs to a large extent

2161-377X/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE 486

DOI 10.1109/ICALT.2016.113
embodies the ultimate goal of Maker Education: students’ capabilities of innovation. In the course
to promote innovation and problem-solving of making the Cup body, students are expected
skills. With this highly feasible case of practice, to actualize their design with 3D printing, which
we also attempt to develop a learning model for helps build their knowledge and ability of 3D
Maker Education and thus provide a reference modeling.
model for project-driven learning. The printing outcomes in this case are
II. A PRACTICE CASE OF MAKER presented as follows:
A. Stage I: Work designˉInspiration drawn
from daily life
Creativity is the highest form and core of Figure1. Outcomes of 3D Designing and Printing

human individual ability [8]. As mentioned III. A PROJECT-BASED LEARNING

above, the ultimate goal of Maker Education is MODEL FOR PRACTICING
to develop students’ ability to innovate and solve MAKER EDUCATION
problems. Students’ ability to do designing, The project-based learning is best advisable
programming and 3D modeling is the key to for practicing Maker education [11]. We
achieving this goal. The making of the Smart integrate the project-driven theories prevailing in
Cup involves two phases: first, to actualize the current Maker Education and the experience we
envisioned features of the Cup, which is meant accumulated in making the Smart Cup, and here
to develop students’ ability to design and write in the paper propose a project-based learning
programs; then, to print the body of the Cup, model for Maker Education, as presented in the
which is meant to cultivate students’ capability Figure 2.
of 3D modeling.
B. Stage II: Procedure and outcomes ˉ An
exemplification of ability building
1) Arduino and Programming ability
Arduino open source hardware, the most
important tool in hand of Maker [9], provides a
pivot for practicing Maker Education and proves
to be an effective instrument to build students’ Figure 2. A Project-based Learning Model of Maker

programming ability. The Smart Cup is designed Education

with the following three features: (1) displaying The whole process is driven by the Project,
temperature of the water in the Cup instantly; (2) which is composed of four linear but
reminding Cup users to drink water according to inter-related stages: project input, project
advised temperatures; (3) enabling Cup users to processing, project output and project
set temperature alerts for different drinks (water, monitoring. Learners are always at the center of
tea, coffee). The core code is as follows: each stage, with their participation experience
// Temperature setting to remind given priority to all the time.
if(DHT.temperature== 40(45/50)&&ledState==HIGH&&one==HIGH) The project input stage is about setting up a
2) 3D Printing And Modeling Capabilities scenario for problem solving. The scenario
The 3D printing is a personalized tool for should suffice for motivating learners’
creation, acclaimed for its “design thinking” [10]. participation in the project. The problems to
In terms of Maker Education, 3D printing is solve may arise from learners themselves or
considered most powerful for developing realistic ones through their own observation or

experience. Maker Education.
The stage of project processing, the core of
the entire Maker Education course design, is
about learning and experiencing course content. This work is supported by the 2014 Sha
The course content generally comprises three nghai Pujiang Program (Grant 14PJC034) an
sections, and in each section learners are d the 2014 Shanghai “Technology Innovation
encouraged to participate and explore. The first Action Plan" Project (Grant 14511109300).
section is to create, with the second to integrate
STEAM and the third to self-extend. There is
[1] John W. ThomasˈPh. D. A REVIEW OF RESEARCH
actually no linear relationship between these
three sections.
Foundation, 2000.
The stage of project output is about sharing
[2] New Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Editio
learning outcomes. Learners analyze and share
what they learn and demonstrate what they
create. Meanwhile, learners’ ability output
[3] Xiaotao Li. Changes of STEAM Education to Maker
should manifest learners’ ability to solve
Education under the Background of ĀInternet+ā˖From
practical problems and comprehend scientific
Project-based Learning to Innovation Ability Cultivation [J].
Journal of Distance Education, 2015, 11, 28-35.
The stage of project monitoring is about
[4] Zhiting Zhu & Liang Luo. From Maker Movement to
evaluating learners’ creations. A rational and
Maker Education: Cultivating the Maker of culture [J].
effective system should be developed for the
audio-visual education research, 2015, 7, 5-13.
purpose of evaluation. Evaluation, which may
[5] Martinez. S & Stager. G.S. How the Maker Moveme
include diagnostic evaluation, process evaluation
nt is Transforming Education.[EB/OL]. http://www.wearet
and summary evaluation, is advised to run
through the whole learning process.
IV. CONCLUSIONS [6] Junjie Wu. Maker Movement and STEM education -

The core of Maker Education is to cultivate -- An interview with "the maker the godfather" Mitch

students’ ability to innovate and solve problems. Altman[J]. Information education of primary and second

In this paper, we record the whole process of ary schools,2013,(12):39-42.

making a Smart Cup to solve real-life problems [7] John, Dewey. Experience and Education[M]. New York˖

with open-source hardware and 3D printing Free Press, 1997.

technology. Building upon this initiative, we put [8] Guildford. Creative talent: Their properties, purpose and

forth a project-based learning model to facilitate training [M]. Beijing: People's education press, 2006: 133.

further Maker Education practices. Subject to [9] Liang Luo & Zhiting Zhu. Open Source Hardware: A

conditions, our creation is far from mature, and leverage of the Maker education’s practice [J]. China

the project-based learning model proposed by us Educational Technology, 2015: 7-14.

still needs to be retested in practice and [10] Jiangshan Sun, Yonghe Wu & Youqun Ren. The 3D

improved accordingly. The next item on our printing education innovation: Maker space, creative

agenda is to streamline the Making process and laboratory and STEAM [J]. Modern Distance Education

further revise the project-based Maker Education Research, 2015: 96-103.

learning model we proposed in practice. It is [11] Zhiting Zhu & Liang Luo. From Maker movement to

hoped that all our efforts will contribute to Maker education: Cultivating the mass innovation of culture

further integration of theory and practice, and [J]. 2015: 5-13.

better serve learning and teaching activities for


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