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“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

Chapter III


This chapter includes a detailed description of the research

methodology that was utilized the study. The chapter was been organized

into several sections that provide a framework within which to describe the

research procedures. The chapter begins with a brief description of the

research design. Attention was then given the discussion of the study

population, the locale or the place where the researchers gather the data,

data gathering technique and instruments, the procedures in gathering

data, data analysis and the customary evaluation to establish the

trustworthiness of the data.

A. Research Design

This qualitative research utilized phenomenological method. The

researchers found this method most applicable to the inquiry in to provide a

comprehensive analysis on the lived experiences of househusband.

According to Creswell (2013), qualitative research is a systematic

approach that strives to discover reactions to a stated phenomenon. As

stated by Austin and Sutton (2015), qualitative research can help

researchers to access the thoughts and feelings of research participants,

which can enable to the development of an understanding of the meaning

that people ascribe to their experiences.

“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

Miles and Huberman (1994) expressed an expanded position and

indicated that qualitative research is conducted to: (a) confirm previous

research on a topic, (b)provide more in-depth detail about something that is

already known, (c) gain a new perspective or a new way of viewing

something, and (d) expand the scope of an existing study.

According to Morse (1991), Phenomenology is a method used to

describe, interpret, and understand lived experience in an effort to discover

meaning rather than to explain and predict. Van Manen (1990) stated that

phenomenological research method is a “systematic, explicit, self-critical,

and intersubjective study of its subject matter, of lived experience”.

B. Population

The sample of the study includes participants who fit to the given

qualification set for the study.

The qualification set is as follows:

-the participants are the househusbands whose their wives are

working abroad for more than 1 year.

-they must have at least one child.

-the participant must be a residence of Balaoan, La Union.

C. Locale of the Study

The study was conducted in Balaoan, La Union. The researchers

opted to conduct the study in Balaoan, La Union for the following reasons:

“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

-researchers live in Balaoan, La Union

-the presence of husbands who are experiencing the roles of


D. Data Gathering Procedure

The following procedures were utilized in data gathering: a letter of

request to conduct the study was prepared by the researchers after gaining

approval from the captain of the barangay where they gather the data. The

names and addresses of the participants were obtained followed by a

subsequent visit to their homes. To establish rapport with the participants,

the researchers introduce himself or herself by giving them some basic

information about themselves and by discussing what and who will be the

beneficiaries of the study to the participants. The researchers provide the

participants the opportunity to ask question, to confirm their willingness to

participate by affixing their signature on the consent form. An agreement

between the researchers and the participants regarding the time and dates

for the interview to be set in order to avoid too much disturbance on their

part. On the agreed set of dates of interview, the researchers used a tape

recorder to gather data and information from the participants.

“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

E. Data Gathering Tool

This study has been utilized a variety of instruments such as survey

questionnaire, pencil, paper, camera, other tools and methods for

documentations to collect and accumulate data.

Open-ended questionnaire will be use as tool for data collection. The

questions will be made simple so that the participants would easily

understand it.

Using camera that will be used for documentation, which served as

the evidence in conducting a data gathering, which have been made without


F. Establishing the Trustworthiness of the Data

Methodological rigor was addressed throughout this research project

in a number of ways. The primary means of attaining rigor is through

trustworthiness, which enhances the quality of the research. The four

components of trustworthiness addressed in this study were credibility,

transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

Credibility was addressed by presenting an accurate picture of the

phenomenon. According to Creswell (2007) the most important means of

ensuring the descriptions and interpretation of data is accurate was through

member checking. Participants were given an opportunity to review the

“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

transcript for accuracy. They also had an opportunity to provide feedback on

the analysis of data and clarify any misperceptions.

Transferability is established when the process and findings can be

transferred to other situation. The researchers used thick, rich descriptions

of the participants and the settings as a trail for others to follow. The

detailed description will assist other researchers in comparing the

participants in this study to others in similar circumstances.

Dependability seeks to find consistency between the data and the

results. Creswell (2007) stated that to show dependability, the audit trail

outlined in this chapter and enacted in their research was consistent with

my findings. In this case, the composite summary is logically supported by

the accompanying data. The members of the dissertation committee will be

utilized as a barometer to ensure the data is consistent with the essence of

the study.

Confirmability is achieved by keeping the data neutral. Creswell

(2007) added that the strategies outlined and employed helped limit bias in

the research. They maintained a journal throughout the process to record

potential biases or assumptions about the participants. This allowed them

to monitor and reflect on their thoughts or feelings and address bias as it

arises. The use of bracketing was also useful in achieving confirmability, as

it contributed in the identification and segregation of prior knowledge about

the phenomenon. This allowed the participants narrative to direct the

research instead of any preconceived notions or knowledge.

“Touching Lives, Nurturing Mind, Pursuing Excellence”
Antonino, Balaoan, La Union

Despite efforts to establish trustworthiness through the procedures

outlined, there are limits. Although this study provided the framework for

househusbands to describe how they understand and make meaning of

their experiences. However, it is not generalizable to all househusbands but

instead it will allow for greater understanding of this marginalized


G. Data Analysis

Two processes were involved in analyzing the data for the study. The

first process is the individual case analysis. In this process, the researchers

have analyzed and presented the participants and family members’ direct

answers based on the interview guide following the sequence of the

objectives in the study. This allows the researchers to describe in detail the

individual cases of participants. The second process is the phenomenological

analysis. The following steps utilized in analyzing the data

phenomenologically were adopted from Hycner’s (1985) process. These steps

include the following: 1) bracketing and phenomenological reduction; 2)

listening to the interview for a sense of the whole; 3) delineating units of

general meaning; 4) delineating units of meaning relevant to the research

question; 5) defining codes for categories; 6) grouping data into categories; 7)

eliminating redundancies; 8) clustering units of relevant meaning; and 9)

outlining the framework.

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