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Learning Activity

A.Identify three (3) social issues, needs and demands that should be considered in the curriculum.

 Curriculum should be depend to the learning of society

 The assigned teachers/professors or instructor need to evaluate the learnings that they will implement
to the students.
 The Curriculum should adapt of every students and apply what they are learned from the curriculum
that already implemented

B. Discuss how these social issues, needs, and demands may influence the curriculum in terms of:
 Aims, goals, and objectives
 Content
 Learning experiences
 Evaluation

Use the table below for your answers.

Social Issues, Aims, goals, and Content Learning Evaluation

Needs and objectives Experiences
Society In this Elements which is In making content we Experience influence Evaluation influence
refers to the Aims, Goals need to ensure the quality Curriculum through curriculum by guiding it,
and Objectives influence or the good format for experiences of a students. using CIPP format which
the curriculum by making a content make The students helps to is stand for: Context,
implementing and sure that is well organize discover new things by Input, Process, Product
adopting those Aims, and influence it the exploring and going out the curriculum give a
Goals and objectives. curriculum by giving to the comfort zone. basis on how evaluate a
Every year school has a instruction in making a Field trip is one of the certain situation. It will
different Goals and better lesson plan, best example of this it became easy to
objective. materials that will be also one of the strategy curriculum to be
needed in teaching. of teaching method effective using this
Curriculum can use it as influence of evaluation.
a guide to become more
Facilities To ensure the Have a good and quality Using those outside Need to have a good and
comfortable feeling of standard in terms of the learnings like field trip quality facilities
the student while there content to teach they are able to discover
are studying new things.
Teachers/Professor They are responsible to To find a fit for the work One of the guardian of Need a skilled teachers to
send a knowledge for the that they need for that students to become more effective to
s student. profession. the students.
C. Make a collage that shows the influence of social, political, economics, technological
and environmental factors to the curriculum.

Learning Portfolio

K-12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

1. How do external, internal, and organizational factors affect the curriculum?

External factor affect the curriculum through the existence of higher institutions, organizations that can
change the systematic curriculum of a certain school. On how the school design will adapt the way of
other to project a good quality of education system or curriculum. The internal factor affects the
curriculum through the attitudes, perception and motivation of students in the learning process. On how
will the students be motivated and sincere in learning the subjects or curriculum and for the
organizational it is on the students' ability at entry, and the percentage of disadvantaged and minority
students were controlled, school organizational features had a major influence on all three teacher-
climate variables. The most powerful organizational effects were students' orderly behavior, the
encouragement of innovation, teachers' knowledge of one another's courses, the responsiveness of
administrators, and teachers' helping one another.  

2. Below are some of the sources and influences in the curriculum planning and development.
Explain how do these sources and influences affect the process of curriculum planning and
 Students/ learners

Students/learners affect the process of curriculum planning and development because

they are the beneficiary of the curriculum. They are the reason ehy curriculum was made for them to
attain their needs and learn everything they wanted to. Also they are considered in making curriculum
because they are the one who will benefit afterwards.

 College Philosophy, Vision, and Mission

College Philosophy, Vision and Mission affect the process of curriculum planning and development
because it the school’s or universities aim to developed for their students. It is their goal for their
students to achieve everything in the curriculum.
 Admission and Retention Policies, and School Rules

Admission and Retention Policies and School Rules affect the process of curriculum development through
maintaining the orders conducted by the university who will serve as a guide for the students to command
and project accordingly and also to have a proper rules inside the university in implementing the

 Faculty members

Faculty members affect the process of curriculum development because they were the who will conduct
teaching to the students for them to learn. They will be the one who will present the subjects given by the
school who will serve as the curriculum for the whole year or semester.

 School Administrators
School Administrators affect the process of curriculum development because they were the ones who wil
ensure the teachers if they have the equipments and resources necessary to deliver educationally
effective curriculum. An educational administrator ensures a safe and productive learning environment for
the students and faculty at their institution.

 Accreditation Standards

Accreditation Standards affect the process of curriculum development because it is driven by sets of
standards that describe quality – internal institutional standards that consider curriculum, teaching and
delivery to students and external standards from both the sector and the professions that describe
expectations, content, skills and attitudes that curricula must address to support graduate outcomes.
Quality is the focus of these requirements, and yet quality in higher education remains a messy problem,
with no clear framework (Kundu, 2016) and numerous variables that confound the problem
 Market Demands

Market demands affect the process of curriculum development through achieving continuous
improvements to an existing curriculum, meeting the stated objectives of that curriculum and maintaining
both relevance and responsiveness to current market needs. It is modeled after the new product
development process and thus gives business schools a chance to practice the very concepts that are
taught to business students.


Course/Year/Major:BPED 3-2
Date Submitted: NOVEMEBR 5, 2020


Learning Episodes Exemplary (5) Superior (4) Satisfactory (3) Improvement (2)
Al tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
Learning Activities outstanding quality: were done with high were done with tasks were done
work exceeds quality acceptable quality or most needs
expectation improvement
All questions were All questions were All questions were Analysis questions
Analysis of the answered completely: answered completely: not answered were not
Learning Episode in-depth answers: clear connections with completely: answered.
thoroughly grounded on theories: grammar is vaguely related to Grammar is
theories: exemplary superior theories: grammar unsatisfactory.
grammar is acceptable
Portfolio exceeds Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio has no
expectation and is well-organized and incomplete, well- documentations.
complete, well- supporting and supporting
Learning Portfolio organized and documentations are documentations
supporting; available. are lacking.
documentations are in
sections clearly
Submission of Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
Module deadline deadline after the deadline days or more
after the
COMMENTS: Over-all Score: Rating:

8 and
Score 20 19-18 17-16 15 14 13 12 11 10-9 below
Rating 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00


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