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Professional Persona Executive Summary


The purpose of my Professional Persona Executive Summary is to summarize my personal findings based off
multiple presentations, peer feedback evaluations, and experiences to clearly articulate my professional goals
moving forward. In order to expand on my Professional Persona its essential to discuss my Outside Leadership
Communication Evaluation, PeopleStyles and CultureMap preferences, and my Core Values.

Outside Leadership Communication Evaluation (OLCE)

The OLCE is a significant evaluation that needs to be understood by my professional network because it will be
compared to all further evaluations discussed throughout the Executive Summary. The OLCE was sent to peers
who have interacted with me in a professional setting and was aimed at giving me feedback about my
professionalism with that individual. When looking at further evaluations throughout my Executive Summary the
OLCE will be useful to see if the results from other evaluations match what my peers said about me in the OLCE.


Analyzing the results from the PeopleStyles survey confirmed the tendencies that are typically seen of me. The
PeopleStyles survey described me as a professional that characterizes as structured, decisive, and a risk taker. All
these characteristics label me as a Driver in terms of the PeopleStyles survey. The motivations of a Driver are seen
in my professional career often and are used when by me when I operate to the best of my ability.

More Emotive

Amiable Expressive

Less Assertive More Assertive

Analytical Driver

Less Emotive
Looking at a time when I showcased a Driver personality would be when serving as a team captain in my Intro to
Marketing class. Overseeing a group of five other students during a strict project deadline allowed me to structure
a document and control the pace in which all tasks were assigned to team members and completed. I was able to
save time by operating efficiently and challenging my team members throughout the course of the project.

The OLCE supports the claim of the PeopleStyles survey as 60% of my peers who completed the OLCE labeled me
as a Driver by answering questions pointed at my professionalism.
CultureMap Preferences

The CultureMap Preferences survey took into consideration eight distinct scales that collectively make up the
dimensions of cross-cultural management. The scales that most commonly represented my communication style
were leading, trusting, and communitive.

A specific scenario where I displayed all three of these scales would be seen at my part-time job at the University
of Arizona. When my manager unfortunately had to let another co-worker off the staff, a current employee
needed to assist in adding the available shifts into their schedule. I was able to take the lead out of all current
employee and distill trust in my manger that I would be able to cover the available shifts for the reminder of the

Comparing my CultureMap Preferences to the OLCE evaluation that my peers filled out did present some
differences in rating of dimensions. My peers have rated me higher in the dimensions of persuading and
evaluating. The difference in these results between the two evaluations could be relevant to my Professional
Persona being more adaptive and rotational than I had expected.

Core Values


Integrity collaborative

Showing integrity can advance my Professional Persona in the workplace. I show integrity when working in teams
by taking full responsible of any part of the project and committing to what I tell others. A time where this was
occurred was when serving at the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) during a fictional startup company. I was
delegated heavy responsibility in the leadership role that required me to remain stable to my co-workers and
professional in the office.

These core values are seen in my daily tasks and match closely with my PeopleStyles of being a Driver. My peers
also credited these values or very similar values in the OLCE evaluation.

Moving Forward

My Professional Persona is currently growing and will continue to become more structured towards my ability’s as
my career progresses. Receiving feedback will prove most beneficial and being able to apply that feedback into my
career will ensure a successful future. I look forward to applying feedback from the OLCE and incorporating it into
my PeopleStyles and CultureMap Preferences. If there are any questions in regards to my Professional Persona
Executive Summary please contact me at

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