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Topic 1 Networking at the Workplace

1. Define small talk and state what you can talk about when making small talk. Give
areas that are not safe to talk about when making small talk. (4%)
Small talk is chatting about things not directly related to the business at hand. Safe
topics include everyday issues such as holidays, travel, traffic, public transport,
entertainment. Topics to avoid are personal topics such as about religion and family
or about politics.

2. Why is networking at the workplace important? (4%)

This is to build good relationship with potential clients and to look and to sound
friendly, confident, sincere and helpful.

3. What is the appropriate way to introduce others? (4%)

It is appropriate to mention the name and position of the person you are introducing.

4. Name the different types of business structure. (4%)

The company or business organization can be a sole proprietorship, partnership or

5. Describe the characteristics of a sole proprietorship? (4%)

A sole proprietorship is an uncorporated business owned by one person which is
simple and basic. The owner assumes all responsibilities, liabilities and risks and
takes all profits.

Topic 2 Basic telephone Calls

1. What are the tips to remember when reaching for the phone? (4%)
a. Plan your calls to suit your work schedule and that of your call recipient.
b. Be very clear about your objectives in calling
c. Anticipate questions from the other person
d. Make sure you have paper, pen, relevant documentation, computer
files, etc, ready
e. Check recent correspondence to update on the situation
f. Have your desk calendar nearby in case you need to check dates and fix
g. Fax ahead to say when you are going to call

2. What are the characteristics of a formal business call? (4%)

It should be brief and do not beat around the bush, clear in order to explain the
purpose of the call and done polite. Then, accept the other person’s point of view.

3. In many organisations today, training staff to communicate effectively on the

telephone is top priority.
List 4 basic don’ts of telephone use. (4%)
i. Don’t eat and drink while on the phone.
ii. Don’t be too familiar with the person.
iii. Don’t talk to someone else in the office while talking of the phone.
iv. Don’t allow too much background noise
v. Don’t use rude language

4. What are the important steps to follow when answering to a complaint?

i. Identify the problem
ii. Verify that the product is really from your company.
iii. Determine if the warranty still applies.
iv. Ascertain how the caller has been using the products.
v. Find out what steps have been taken to rectify the problem.

5. What do you do when handling difficult calls?

When handling difficult calls from people who we do business with, observe the
highest degree of professionalism and handle all difficult calls politely and tactfully.

6. Below are the phrases commonly used when taking or leaving telephone messages.
Can you think of any other phrases? (4%)
a. Offering to take a message.
Eg. Would you like to leave a message?
Could I take a message, please?
b. Leaving a message.
Eg. Can I leave a message for Mr. X?
Could you ask Mr. X to call me back, please?

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