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Background Of The Study

Today, because the pace of contemporary life increased, people feel more

anxious and suffer from different stresses. With the foremost standard

behavior, procrastination attracts many of us to specialize in their time

administration and contemplate a way to endure it. One of the recommended

methods is the Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro Technique could be a time‐management tool that

originated within the 1980s and has remained employed by experts and

institutions worldwide to market productivity. Pomodoro indicates "tomato" in

Italian, and therefore the popular icon related to the Pomodoro Technique is

that the tomato‐shaped kitchenette timer. A necessary element of the

Pomodoro Technique is that it necessitates the coed to actively prepare for each

study gathering and be conscious of what duties to fulfill. Another fundamental

aspect of the Pomodoro Technique is that it instructs users on how to take

breaks when working virtually.

College life is indeed hectic. Right now, you almost certainly have

passages to catch au fait and a document to write down. Where does one

begin? The Pomodoro Technique helps you intend out your sequence of action

in a compassionate way, so you feel you have a management way. Seldom

"time" is your most critical enemy; if you've got an excessive amount of time

before your obligation must be completed, why trouble starting now? If you
don't have sufficient time, you'll hurry through it and find yourself with an

outcome that doesn't embody what you're capable of. The Pomodoro Technique

will facilitate you because it'll direct you to use time as a means to perform

each assignment on your to‐do list orderly. After you work, you regularly

reward yourself with breaks. Still, those breaks are often wasted doing other

activities (like checking email, Facebook) that find yourself wasting much more

time than you expected. Then, it feels challenging to urge back on target with

what you were doing. The Pomodoro Technique will facilitate your arrangement

some time by taking short, cyclic rests. The Pomodoro Technique also boosts

you to learn to precisely evaluate what quantity of work and time academic

tasks will oblige.

Several steps can be used to implement on Pomodoro technique. The first

step involves choosing tasks and the total time to do the task. The second step

consists of setting the timer for about 25 minutes with the help of a timer. You

need to operate the scheme within 25 minutes by avoiding all the distractions

(Rampton, 2020). The fourth step is to take a break of like five minutes

purposely for energy to start another Pomodoro.

In healthcare settings, Pomodoro can be used while dealing with patients

and paying attention and avoids distractions. Additionally, the technique can

improve child and maternal care studies since no procrastination allows people

to gain concentration. Besides, it can be used to makes individuals achieve

goals and objectives. Being a nursing student can sometimes be demanding in

terms of what to study first and how to get homework’s done on time. The

Pomodoro Technique is one of the most effective methods to help students

improve and stay focus and improve productivity. Nursing students can use

this technique to help them manage with time and have tasks done on time.

According to, Maternal-child nursing is defined as "The

nursing specialization that contracts with the concern of women throughout

their pregnancy and childbirth and the care of their infant children. "Maternal-

child nursing is a broad and comprehensive subject that needs extra time and

dedication in reading and understanding the subject matter. Pomodoro

Technique can help the study break down its topics and take breaks in

between to avoid students burnt out and support the student stay focused and


Scopes And Limitation

This study focused on the effect of the Pomodoro Technique in the

academic situation of the Grade 10 students of the Level 2 AUF Nursing

Students covering their midterm examination, ensuring that all of the topics

that must be covered within every quarter is discussed and their learning style

is appropriately executed.

It started on __________ and ended on ___________. An online

questionnaire was prepared, which contained different topics regarding

Maternal and Child Nursing that were supposed to be covered or taught by the
teacher in charge. An application was also used to execute the Pomodoro

Technique effectively.

The survey that was done was used to measure the number of students

who find the technique helpful and be more interested in their studies.


Research Design

The researchers used the quantitative approach. The team's

experimental method is concerned with identifying strategies on how to study

efficiently with constant breaks to consider mental health. The derived results

and discussion in the study will help the students on what method to take in

reviewing for quizzes and exams. The researchers experimented with accurate

results by using their midterm examinations; likewise, the researchers used a

timer, namely, Focus Keeper, to know the Pomodoro Technique's effectivity.

Respondents and Locale of the Study

This study was conducted among the Level 2 Nursing Students of Angeles

University Foundation. There were six (6) sections of Level 2 students in the

AUF, namely: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and J. The population of this study was

from the six students from the six (6) sections selected through simple random

sampling presented in Table I. These students can objectively assess how the
Pomodoro Technique was implemented considering their maturity and

academic experiences or encounters.

Table I. Population of Students Respondents

Name of Section/s Number of Students Number of


A 6
B 6
C 6
D 6
E 6
F 6
G 6
H 6
I 6
J 6
Data Instrumentation

A questionnaire was used in gathering the pertinent data for the study. It

was designed to examine with expected answers to questions for the

respondents to choose from and easy to comprehend. There was only one set

of questionnaires administered to all the respondents.

The questionnaires for the respondents covered the midterm

examinations that were conducted as a school activity. The questionnaire was

based on the Curriculum Guide. Added sources of information were from the
researchers’ observation and experiences as a part of the curriculum

compliant, especially in Maternal and Child Nursing.

Conduct of the Research

This study was conducted in three (3) phases. Phase one was the

preparatory stage, which included preparing the questionnaire, the validation

done by the students, and the finalization of the questionnaire. Step two (2)

was the data collection using the questionnaire 30 Level 2 AUF Nursing

Students would use the Pomodoro Method for two studying sessions. In

contrast, 30 Level 2 AUF Nursing Students will use their methods. Phase three

(3) was the data collation where the data collected in phase two were tabulated,

analyzed, interpreted, and presented in the required form and substance.

Data Analysis

The data gathered from the survey were organized in tables and treated

with statistical techniques such as frequency counts and Z and T-Test for the

implementation of the Pomodoro Technique regarding Maternal and Child


Categorization of Data (Subject to change depending on the results and


A 4-point scale was used to measure the respondent’s perception of the

extent of the taught topics in Maternal and Child Nursing. For the analysis of
data, ratings that fall under one (1) to two (2) indicate strengths, while ratings

that fall under three (3) to four (4) indicate weaknesses.

One (1) rating indicated that the technique was truthfully and clearly

executed and was successfully applied by the student. A rating of two (2)

suggested that the student slightly managed the strategy, uncertain of its

whole essence but certain that the technique somewhat helped. A rating of

three (3) indicated that the process was familiar to the student but is uncertain

if the method was effective. A rating of four (4) suggested that the technique

has never reached the student. These ratings are presented below.

Points Rating Scale Descriptive Equivalent

1 100% - 76% Strongly Recommended (STR)

2 75% - 51% Slightly Recommende (SLR)

3 50% - 26% Familiar (F)

4 25% - 0% Not Recommended (NR)


Aquino, Gaudencio V. 1992. Fundamentals of Research. Mandaluyong City.

National Book Store, Inc.

Calderon, J. and Gonzales, E. 1993. Methods of Research And Thesis Writing.

Manila: National Book Store, Inc.

Calmorin. L. P. and Calmorin, M. A. 2007. Research Methods and Thesis

Writing. 2nd Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Jacobs, S. (2006, April). Mapping the literature of maternal-child/gynecologic

nursing. Retrieved October 26, 2020, from

Rampton, J., & Rampton, J. (2020). The Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique -

Calendar. Calendar. Retrieved 26 October 2020, from


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