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Bên cạnh việc học từ vựng Toeic qua cuốn tiểu thuyết này bạn sẽ còn
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Rèn luyện khả năng giải đề thi TOEIC thực tế thông qua các
video hướng dẫn cực kỳ chi tiết và dễ hiểu Benzen English - TOEIC

Cập nhật tin tức, kiến thức và các dạng bài tập phổ biến trong
đề thi TOEIC thực tế. Tự học TOEIC mỗi ngày

Cập nhật tin tức, kiến thức và các dạng bài tập phổ biến trong
đề thi TOEIC thực tế.
CHƯƠNG 1: TỔNG QUAN ............................................................................................................ 2
1. TOEIC là gì? Các vấn đề gặp phải trong bài thi? ............................................................................. 2
2. Đối tượng phù hợp lớp Bee2000? ...................................................................................................... 2
4. Thời lượng khoá học: ............................................................................................................................ 2
CHƯƠNG 2: NGỮ PHÁP ............................................................................................................... 3
CHỦ ĐỀ 1: CẤU TRÚC CÂU ĐƠN TIẾNG ANH CƠ BẢN .................................................................. 3
CHỦ ĐỀ 2: NOUN ...................................................................................................................................... 4
CHỦ ĐỀ 3: ADJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................ 7
CHỦ ĐỀ 4: ADVERB ................................................................................................................................. 9
CHỦ ĐỀ 5: VERB ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CHỦ ĐỀ 6: PRONOUN ........................................................................................................................... 14
CHỦ ĐỀ 7: PASSIVE VOICE ................................................................................................................. 17
CHỦ ĐỀ 8: PARTICIPLE CLAUSE AND PARTICIPLE ADJECTIVE............................................... 19
CHỦ ĐỀ 9: COMPARISON..................................................................................................................... 21
CHỦ ĐỀ 10: S AND V .............................................................................................................................. 22
CHỦ ĐỀ 11: CONJUNCTION................................................................................................................. 22
CHỦ ĐỀ 12: RELATIVE CLAUSE ......................................................................................................... 23
BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP............................................................................................................................... 26
CHƯƠNG 3: PHẦN NGHE ........................................................................................................... 41
A. PHƯƠNG PHÁP LUYỆN NGHE CHUNG ....................................................................................... 41
1. Tại sao bạn nghe Tiếng Anh không hiểu? ................................................................................... 41
2. Hướng giải quyết: HỌC PHÁT ÂM................................................................................................ 41
3. 03 cấp độ người luyện nghe TOEIC cần chinh phục ................................................................. 41
4. Những sự khác biệt cơ bản giữa tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh.......................................................... 41
B. TIPS NGHE PART 1 + PART 2 ......................................................................................................... 42
1. PART 1: Mô tả tranh: 06 bức ảnh ................................................................................................. 42
2. PART 2: Hỏi đáp: 25 câu................................................................................................................ 42
BÀI 1 - PART 1 + PART 2 ................................................................................................................... 43
BÀI 2 - PART 1 + PART 2 .................................................................................................................. 46
C. TIPS LÀM BÀI NGHE PART 3 ......................................................................................................... 49
1. TOEIC là gì? Các vấn đề gặp phải trong bài thi?
A. Cấu trúc đề thi
Thời Điểm
Phần Nội dung Số câu
lượng tối đa
Phần 1: Mô tả tranh 6
Phần 2: Trả lời câu hỏi ngắn 25
Phần 3: Đối thoại ngắn 45 495
Nghe 39
( 13 đoạn hội thoại, mỗi đoạn 3 câu hỏi) phút điểm
Phần 4: Bài nói ngắn
( 10 bài nói, mỗi bài nói 3 câu hỏi)
Phần 5: Hoàn thành câu 30
Phần 6: Hoàn thành đoạn 16
Phần 7: Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi 75 495
+ Đọc 1 đoạn và trả lời các câu hỏi có liên quan 29 phút điểm
+ Đọc 2 đoạn liên tiếp và trả lời các câu hỏi có liên quan 10
+ Đọc 3 đoạn liên tiếp và trả lời các câu hỏi có liên quan 15
120 990
Tổng 7 phần 200
phút điểm

B. Phân tích cấu trúc đề thi:

- Thời gian trung bình hoàn thành 01 câu: 30s – 40s
 Cần làm bài ĐÚNG + NHANH
- Loại bỏ tâm lý “LỤI” trong bài thi trắc nghiệm

Phần Nghe – 4 parts – 50% số điểm

- Nhiều và lâu - Sự đa dạng về giọng đọc
- Chỉ nghe DUY NHẤT một lần - Chủ đề chuyên lĩnh vực kinh tế/ việc
- File audio thu sẵn làm
Phần Đọc – 3 parts - 50% số điểm
- Ngữ pháp (10% nội dung bài thi) - Từ vựng (90% nội dung bài thi)

2. Đối tượng phù hợp lớp Bee2000?

Người mất căn bản hoặc Có căn bản không vững, cần hệ thống lại kiến thức

3. Nội dung và Mục tiêu khóa học:

Cung cấp kiến thức rất hệ thống về kỹ năng nghe, đọc (ngữ pháp + từ vựng) trước khi chuyển
sang lớp luyện đề.

4. Thời lượng khoá học:

Thời lượng từ 7 buổi – 9 buổi, tùy vào tốc độ của lớp.

Cấu trúc 1: S+V
Ex: I am sleeping.

Verb không có Tân ngữ (O) phía sau được gọi là nội động từ (intransitive verb)

Cấu trúc 2: S+V+O

Ex: I love music.

Verb có Tân ngữ (O) phía sau được gọi là ngoại động từ (transitive verb)

Lưu ý: Một số động từ có thể làm nội động từ trong câu này và làm ngoại động từ trong câu


The door opened. (nội động từ) >< She opened the door. (ngoại động từ)

The bus stopped. (nội động từ) >< The driver stopped the bus. (ngoại động từ)

Vận dụng:
Nội động từ không bao giờ có dạng câu bị động.

Ngoại động từ mà không có Tân ngữ phía sau thì chắc chắn là câu bị động.

Sẽ được đề cập chi tiết hơn trong Chủ đề Câu bị động

Cấu trúc 3: S + tobe + ADJ

Ex: She is beautiful.

Lưu ý:
Sau Tobe có khá nhiều dạng, tuy nhiên TOEIC tập trung vào 2 dạng đó là:

- Tobe + adj

- Tobe + Ved/c3 (câu bị động)

1. Vị trí, dấu hiệu nhận biết, ngoại lệ:
Làm chủ ngữ

Làm tân ngữ.

Sau tính từ sở hữu,: my, your, our, their, his, her, its

Sau mạo từ: a, an, the

Sau giới từ: in, on, of, with, under, about, at......

Đuôi Danh từ chỉ vật: tion, sion, ment, ness, ance, ence, ity, sis
Đuôi Danh từ chỉ người: er, ee, ant, ist(yst), or
Ngoại trừ: mention(v), guarantee(v), deliver(v), consider(v)
Ngoại lệ + đặc biệt
(Bẫy N dễ nhầm lẫn với ADJ)
N đuôi “al”
- journal (n): tạp chí - professional (n, adj): chuyên gia
- individual (n, adj): cá nhân - approval (n): sự phê chuẩn, sự đồng ý
- proposal (n): bản đề xuất - arrival (n): sự đến
- disposal (n): sự vứt bỏ - removal (n): sự dời đi
- renewal (n): sự gia hạn
N đuôi “ive”
representative (n) – người đại diện - alternative (n,adj) - sự thay thế

Một số từ loại 2 hình thức N và V

- Increase - Use - Support
- Help - Decrease - Decline
- Request - Plan - Detail
- Purchase - Visit - Supply

Bài tập ví dụ:

His ……… to Hanoi will begin on Monday.
a. visit c. visiting
b. visited d. visitor

2. Cụm N
A girl
A beautiful girl
A really beautiful girl

 Trong cụm N thì từ đứng cuối cụm là quan trọng nhất, những từ trước đó bổ nghĩa cho từ
đứng cuối đó. Do vậy, khi dịch nghĩa ta phải dịch ngược lại từ sau ra trước
 Trong Cụm N thì N luôn luôn đứng cuối cụm

3. Các dạng N
N đếm được (bao gồm N số ít và N số nhiều, ví dụ: student và students)
N không đếm được ( ví dụ: information)
 N có “s” đứng cuối là N số nhiều, trừ:
+ Những đuôi “sis” , “ness” thì từ gốc là như vậy đừng nhầm tưởng là N số nhiều
+ Những N viết hoa là tên riêng nên có “s” đứng cuối vẫn là N số ít, ví dụ: Mr. James
 N không có từ “s” đứng cuối là N số ít hoặc N không đếm được

4. Quy tắc vàng: N đếm được số ít không bao giờ được đứng 1 mình, bắt buộc phải có
những yếu tố này đúng phía trước:
- Mạo từ : a/an/the
- Tính từ sở hữu
Ví dụ: I am a student. Chứ không viết I am student.

Bài tập ví dụ:

I received …………..
a. letter
b. letters


1. The effects of affordable housing 4. Our firm received ………. from numerous
…….….. in rural areas will be discussed clients for our excellent work over the
at the conference. past twenty years.
A. develops B. developing A. compliment B. complimented
C. development D. developed C. compliments D. complimentary

2. Even if residents in the area have shown 5. You can find whatever office ………. you
strong …….…… to the project, the city need in the storage area on the basement
government may not be hesitant to floor.
proceed with it. A. supply B. supplies
A. resisting B. resistant C. supplied D. supplier
C. resisted D. resistance
6. …….. of the survey revealed distinct
3. A new schedule has been proposed as different between the two proposed
an ……….. to the existing one in order to projects.
meet the deadline. A. Analyst B. Analysis
A. alternative B. alternatives C. Analyze D. Analytical
C. alternatively D. alternativeness


1. The …………… for the research team are 5. Nevada Jobfind Inc. is planning to host a
asked to wait in room 203 for their career fair for college graduates seeking
interviews. ……… in the healthcare sector.
A. applicants B. application A. employ B. employment
C. applies D. applied C. employee D. employing

2. A detailed quotation on the ongoing 6. A powerful storm which struck across the
…….… will be provided for free any time southern part of France caused a great
upon request. ……in total crop yield.
A. maintaining B. maintenance A. declining B. declined
C. maintained D. maintains C. decline D. decliner

3. You can reach us either by phone or e- 7. One reason that the economy of the
mail when you need technical ………. or country is doing so well is that people now
have any questions about the product you have more discretionary funds at their
purchased. ………… .
A. supported B. supporter A. dispose B. disposing
C. supporting D. support C. disposal D. disposes

4. It is likely that……….of the annual 8. In a telephone interview, the Traxton Ltd.

conference will reach an all-time high this CEO said that ……. of the merger with Bell
year, with more than 1,000 people Corporation would be announced soon.
planning to attend. A. detail B. details
A. attendant B. attendance C. detailed D. detailing
C. attended D. attendee


Trước danh từ: ADJ + N

Sau V cảm xúc: tobe / seem / appear / smell / feel / taste / look / get / become / turn + ADJ

Something (N) + ADJ

Tính từ thường kết thúc bằng: al, ive, ful, able, ous, ic
ADV – “ly” = ADJ

Ngoại lệ:
Một số tính từ đuôi “ly” : friendly, hourly, weekly, likely, costly, timely, untimely,…


1. The conference’s keynote speaker 4. Nalston Cookware offers a ……... range

addressed …….…. impacts of digital of cookware for people looking for both
technology in the current music industry. practical and modern utensils.
A. variety A. widely B. widen
B. variably C. width D. wide
C. variation
D. various 5. AT&T Wireless announced a small but
……….. increase in revenue in the third
2. The manager said that it is …… to test quarter, largely due to its new wireless
emergency equipment frequently to avoid models.
any malfunction. A. significant B. signify
A. appropriate C. signifying D. significantly
B. appropriateness
C. appropriately 6. New owners of Century Regal’s
D. most appropriately condominiums are advised to become
more ………. with the amenities and
3. Although Kate’s resume seemed weaker services available to residents.
than other applicants, her interview was so A. familiarity B. familiarly
……… that the company hired her right C. familiar D. familiarize
A. impressive 7. A commercial delegation of prospective
B. impressing investors from the U.S. is……… to visit
C. impressed India very shortly.
D. impressively A. likeness B. like
C. likable D. likely


1. It is ………… to attract attention by pricing 4. It is advisable to keep your operating

products low enough to capture the system and software updated for ………..
interest of customers. computer performance and security.
A. necessary A. optimal
B. necessarily B. optimize
C. necessitate C. optimally
D. necessities D. optimization

2. Security directors must monitor the 5. While Jason found the proposal from the
performance of security staff, conduct other company ………..., he ultimately
performance appraisals and make turned it down to keep the relationship with
recommendations for hiring ………… his original partner company.
staff. A. attraction
A. additionally B. attractive
B. additions C. attracted
C. additional D. attractively
D. addition
6. Wagner Computers is looking for ……….
3. After conducting an …….... review of Dr. Ideas from employees that could
Kaira’s proposal, the board of directors contribute to the development of some
decided to provide full funding for the new software.
research project. A. create
A. extent B. creative
B. extensive C. creating
C. extensiveness D. creativity
D. extensively

Trạng từ là thành phần phụ trong câu, để làm bài tập này, ta chỉ cần che dấu 3 chấm lại, nếu
thấy câu đã đúng ngữ pháp và nghĩa thì chắc chắn cần chọn ADV.

Một số vị trí adv hay gặp trong bài thi TOEIC

1. S + ADV + V
2. tobe + ADV + adj
3. tobe + ADV + Ved/c3
4. S + V + O + ADV
5. Have/ has + ADV + Ved/c3


1. New government regulations 4. …….. after the ceremony is over, the

concerning the chemicals in cleaning production team manager will be
solutions mean that the solvents must demonstrating the various feature of our
be as ………. safe as possible. new product.
A. environments A. Shorter C. Shortly
B. environmentalists B. Shorten D. Short
C. environmentally
D. environmental 5. QIB will work…………to maintain
sustainable growth and expansion plans.
2. Many financial specialists ……….. A. persisted B. persistent
predicted that industries might encounter C. persistently D. persistence
a decline in manufacturing investment in
2007 by almost 15 percent. 6. Wholesale buyers purchase
A. mistook merchandise …….. from manufacturers
B. mistake and resell it to retail firms, commercial
C. mistaken establishments, and other institutions.
D. mistakenly A. directing B. directs
C. directly D. directed
3. Amateur theatrical performances by
locals and some appearances by 7. The acquisition was completed for $125
renowned poets were ………. reviewed million, which indicates just how……...
by journalists in the Eberlein County the company’s value had dropped.
Daily. A. sharper
A. positive B. sharpness
B. positively C. sharpest
C. positivity D. sharply
D. positiveness


1. Readers who contribute …………. to the 5. Although they look ………… identical to
Daily Voice opinion section will be listed the untrained eye, these two models of
as guest columnists. printers actually feature completely
A. regular different options.
B. regulars A. near
C. regularly B. nearly
D. regularity C. nearness
D. nearing
2. Road and street signs must be ….….
visible even in the distance in order for 6. All the workers are required to ……….
drivers to know where they are heading. verify that the proper maintenance of
A. clearness storage facilities is conducted with
B. clear extreme care.
C. clearly A. periodic
D. clearest B. periodical
C. periodically
3. All the required application forms must be D. period
filled out ………. before they are turned in
to the appropriate office. 7. The professors retained their
A. complete conservative stance, arguing that until
B. completes further studies have been completed, the
C. completely existing data must be interpreted very
D. completed …………
A. caution
4. The new management recognized the B. cautious
importance of this business decision and C. cautiously
……………….. reorganized operational D. cautionary
A. prompt B. promptness
C. promptly D. prompter

1. Lưu ý câu sau kẻo bị mắc bẫy hòa hợp chủ - vị ở thì hiện tại đơn.
The worker works very well. (1)
The workers work very well. (2)

2. Chủ ngữ số nhiều ( là N có “s”) thì đi với V nguyên mẫu

3. Chủ ngữ số ít ( là N không có “s”) thì đi với V thêm “s”

Lưu ý: Một số chủ ngữ viết Hoa cho dù có chữ “s” hoặc “es” phía sau thì vẫn là N số ít.

4. Thì tiếng anh:

Often, usually, Sometimes
- Sự thật hiển nhiên
Đơn Vo/Vs/es , Every day/ week/ month/
- Thói quen hiện tại
Tiếp Now, right now, at the
is/am/are + V-ing Đang diễn ra
diễn moment, at present.

have/has + Ved/C3
- Vừa mới xảy ra. (Just,
Ever, Already , Yet , Since,
recently, lately)
Hoàn Nâng cao: For, OVER, Sofar = Until
- Bắt đầu ở quá khứ, kéo
thành have/has + yet + to+ now = Up to now = Up to
dài đến hiện tại và có khả
Vo = have/has + NOT the present
năng tiếp tục ở tương lai.
+ Ved/C3 + yet
have/has + been + Tính liên tục của hành Xem thì này giống như thì
V-ing động & thời gian HTHT
Xảy ra, chấm dứt, thời gian Last week/ last month/ last
Đơn Ved/C2
xác định. year…., ago

Tiếp đang xảy ra vào một thời I was doing my homework

was/were + V-ing
diễn điểm cụ thể ở quá khứ. at 6 p.m last Sunday.
Trước một thời gian quá
Hoàn Thường phối hợp before
had + Ved/c3 khứ hoặc trước một hành
thành hay after với quá khứ đơn
động quá khứ khác.
“sẽ” ngay lúc nói, không dự
Đơn will/shall + Vo Tomorrow, Next….
định trước
Tiếp Sẽ đang xảy ra vào 1 thời He will be doing research

will + be + V-ing
diễn điểm ở tương lai. at this time tomorrow.
Sẽ hoàn tất trước 1 thời By the time you are come
Will + Have + V3 điểm/ hành động khác ở back home, I will have
tương lai. finished my homework
is/am/are + going + to một sự việc đã dự định sẽ I’m going to spend my
+ Vo làm trong tương lai holiday in the country.

5. Trợ động từ
Tobe Have/has/had may might Have to Had better = should
Do/does/did can Could should Must …….

6. Đuôi động từ: -ise, -ize, -en, -ate


1. The fitness club …….. a steadily 5. The Ming Hotel now ………… customers
increasing number of customers and is an electronic self-checkout system that is
eager to develop new programs. extremely convenient and easy to use.
A. see A. offer C. offering
B seen B. offers D. offered
C. seeing
D. has seen 6. OFA representatives recently ……….. on-
line tours and found those kinds of tours to
2. All the storage rooms are scheduled to promote their products the most effective.
undergo renovations and …….... closed A . conduct
for several days next week. B. conducted
A. will be C. to conduct
B. was D. will conduct
C. are
D. has been 7. Rather than the usual hosted dinner and
drinks, we will be ….. tonight at the
3. When I closed the window, all of the files Mandarin Garden, near the corner of ELM
and folders on my desktop computer street.
………. except for the icon. A. dine
A are disappearing B. dined
B. will have disappeared C. dining
C. had disappeared D. diner
D. disappear

4. Every employee at Herrick Automobiles

thinks that Ms. Heather Cline will most
likely………the employee of the month
A. became C. becomes
B. become D. becoming


1. We are sorry to announce that we will not 5. Due to recent changes, Nordon Express
……. any credit cards starting next year …..….. delivery of equipment effective the
since a cash deposit is required. first day of the coming year.
A. accepts A. to discontinue
B. accepting B. will discontinue
C. accept C. discontinued
D. accepted D. have discontinue

2. A market study by the ARC Advisory 6. As portable audio items ………. currently
Group predicts that the geospatial industry unavailable in the store, you’d better
…….. by 50% over the next five years. check the Internet for more information.
A. growing B. be grown A is
C. will grow D. has grown B been
C are
3. The advertising company ……….. next D being
Tuesday to discuss possible models for
the new campaign. 7. Salary ………. are verified after an
A. came B. had come evaluation performed every six months
C. is coming D. coming after starting employment.
A increases
4. The falling price of Chinese-made B increasing
electronics last year ………. a number of C increase
companies to plan innovations to their D increased
A. causing B. causes
C. has caused D. is caused



I I am going to the
CHỦ he chủ ngữ store.
NGỮ she We have lived here
it for twenty years.

TÂN him tân ngữ They invited us to
NGỮ her the party last night.

John is eating his

TÍNH my dinner.
your Trước N, bổ LƯU Ý: His vừa là
TỪ his This is not my
our nghĩa cho N. đại từ sở hữu vừa
SỞ her book.
their là tính từ sở hữu
HỮU its The cat has
injured its foot.

This is my book;
that is yours.
ĐẠI mine Cái của ai đó, (yours = your
yours Your teacher is the
TỪ his thay thế cho book)
ours same as his. (his =
SỞ hers danh từ Your books are
theirs his teacher)
HỮU its heavy, ours are
heavy too. (ours =
our books)

nhấn mạnh I did it myself.

ĐẠI myself yourself Tân ngữ I love myself. Ở dạng số
TỪ himself yourselves nhiều self biến
PHẢN herself ourselves By oneself = Mary always goes thành selves.
THÂN itself themselves alone (một to school by
mình) herself.

- Sau động từ có thể là tân ngữ hoặc đại từ phản thân.
- By/ for + tân ngữ hoặc đại từ phản thân.
- Để làm được dạng này ta cần chú ý xem chỗ trống cần điền với chủ ngữ có phải một đối tượng
không. Nếu là một đối tượng chọn đại từ phản thân, nếu khác đối tượng chọn tân ngữ.


1. Those who have questions concerning 5. Ms. Kim asks that the marketing team e-
fringe benefits are advised to consult mail the final draft to …………. before 5
………… employee handbook. p.m.
A their A her
B. they B she
C. themselves C hers
D. theirs D herself

2. Mr. Kim appears to be the only person in 6. When Kimmy realized that …….. agent
our team who can finish the survey by charged her more than what he was
………. supposed to, she hired a lawyer to sue
A. he him.
B. him A her
C. his B hers
D. himself C she
D herself
3. Don’t hesitate to approach Mr. Yennings if
you would like to ask ……… about the 7. Travelers are advised to send……
upcoming conference. requests for which room they would like at
A he the hotel as soon as possible.
B his A themselves
C him B they
D himself C their
D them
4. The report shows that builders reserve the
right to control the volume of the
construction project on ……. own.
A. their B. theirs
C. they D. them


1. Ms. Huong was struggling to successfully 4. Considering the failure of ……… system to
complete the task assigned to her by offer adequate support, we might have to
……… provide refunds to our customers.
A. herself A. us
B. he B. ours
C. her C. ourselves
D. she D. our

2. Even with our detailed website, many 5. After making……….final decision, please
customers prefer to visit our store inform the secretary, Mrs. Chester.
locations and see the products for A your
…………. B mine
A. they C yours
B. their D my
C. theirs
D. themselves 6. If you have any inquiries about the
budget, please direct ………. to
3. Three weeks after Ms. Kanes was hired for Miranda Mathers.
the job, …….. had to move to Singapore. A their
A. she B theirs
B. hers C them
C. herself
D they
D. her own

Xem ví dụ:
My mom made the cake.
The cake was made by my mom.

- Cấu trúc bị động: Tobe + Ved/c3 (+ to Vo)

tobe = is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been

- Nội động từ không bao giờ có dạng bị động

- Ngoại động từ không có tân ngữ phía sau chắc chắn là câu bị động.

Công thức cụ thể theo từng thì:

Books are read by
HTD V0/Vs/es Is/am/are + Ved/c3 Tom reads book.

A book was
QKD Ved/c2 Was/were + ved/c3 She wrote a book.
written by her.

Is/am/are + being + His car is being

HTTD Is/am/are + V-ing He is fixing his car.
ved/v3 fixed.

She was doing her Her homework

Was/were + being +
QKTD Was/were + V-ing homework at 4 pm was being done at
yesterday. 4 pm yesterday.

The cake has

Have/has + Have/has +been+ My mother has
HTHT been made by my
Ved/c3 Ved/c3 made the cake.

My mother had A cake had been

made the cake made by my
QKHT Had + Ved/c3 Had+ been + ved/c3
before I came mother before I
home. came home.

Can/may/will/coul Can/may/will/could/sho A story will be

TLĐ I will tell a story.
d/should,….+ Vo uld,….+be+ Ved/c3 told.

Cấu trúc nhờ vả:

Have + S.O + Vo = get + S.O + to + Vo I have him repair my car.

(nhờ ai đó làm gì) = I get him to repair my car.

Have + sth + ved/c3 = get + sth + Ved/c3 I have my car repaired.

(nhờ cái gì được hoàn thành) = I get my car repaired.


1. Travel expenses should be ……. no later 1. Once the final draft of the business plan
than 30 calendar days after returning from ………., the marketing team will
a business trip. immediately start devising relevant
A. submit strategies.
B. submits A. approve
C. submitted B. will approve
D. submissions C. has approved
D. has been approved
2. All biology major students should hand in
reports that are ……… their respective 2. Since the supply is…………., all
adviser’s requirements. customers are encouraged to make orders
A. formatted as soon as possible.
B. formatting A. limited
C. format B. limit
D. formation C. limitations
D. limiting
3. As the entire HR team will be going to the
conference in May, they asked that the 3. A complete list of our hotel amenities will
company outing………until June. be………….. to you upon request.
A. postponed A. send
B. to postpone B. sent
C. be postponed C. to send
D. postponing D. sending

4. Alternative parking areas will be provided 4. Because of the recent blizzard, students
while the parking lot………. are……. to submit their essays in the next
A. is repairing class.
B. repairs A. permitting
C. is being repaired B. permitted
D. has repaired C. permissible
D. permission
5. In order for us to complete the budget plan
in a timely manner, clear communication 5. A company picnic is…………for
between managers and the sales September, when most staff will be back
workforce is………… from vacations, although no date has yet
A. require been selected.
B. requires A. plan
C. requiring B. planning
D. required C. planned
D. plans


- ADJ-ing
- ADJ-ed

Chủ động: diễn tả bản chất, tính chất của một ai My job is boring.
hoặc cái gì đó The film was disappointing.
Bị động: chỉ cảm nhận của người khác về 1 thứ
ADJ-ed I am interested in this film.
gì đó hoặc 1 ai đó khác.


V1 => V-ing He felt tired, he went bed early.
khi nghĩa chủ động  Feeling tired, he went bed early.
He was punished unreasonably, he
S + V1, S + V2. V1 => Ved/C3
was very angry.
khi mang nghĩa bị động.
 Punished unreasonably, he was
very angry.
Although he is inexperienced, he will
S + tobe + adj, S + V2. ADJ, S + V2.
 Although inexperienced, he will


1. There are some ………….. job ads in the 4. One of the…………international research
company newsletter in case any employee facilities in botany is located at the Hoskin
might know someone who can fill those Museum of Natural History.
positions. A. led B. leads
A. updated B. update C. leader D. leading
C. updating D. updates
5. After……….. performance reviews of all
2. The …………. delivery date was moved the interns, the HR director will make a
ahead by one week because of a minor final decision about who will be offered the
computer error. full-time position.
A. expected B. expecting A. receive B. received
C. expectation D. expect C. has received D. receiving

3. Forelli Media Inc. is an internationally 6. ……….. in the late 1800’s, many of the
………….. marketing firm noted for its coastline’s lighthouses remain standing
success throughout Europe, East Asia, today, having withstood the forces of
and the Americas. nature for decades.
A. recognized B. recognizing A. Built B. Building
C. recognize D. recognizes C. Been built D. Having built


1. The booklet contains……. information 4. P&G is searching for creative, ……..

regarding services that are available people who can produce excellent quality
through Harpers Cleaning Service. work that goes beyond customer
A. enclose B. enclosed expectations.
C. enclosure D. enclosing A. motivate
B. motivator
2. After 15 years as a fashion designer, Mr. C. motivated
Jacobs will quit his job to pursue an D. motivation
………career in public relations.
A. excite B. excited 5. Please be reminded that you need to save
C. have excited D. exciting important files in your individual folder
before …… the office.
3. The enclosed documents summarize A. exit
……….. changes to the existing overtime B. exited
regulations. C. exiting
A. propose B. proposed D. exits
C. proposes D. to proposing

So as + adj/adv+ as He is as tall as his brother.
The same + as + (n) Your pen is the same as mine.
Adj_er He is taller than his brother.
So More + adj/adv She is more beautiful than her sister.
sánh Even/far/much + Adj_er + than
hơn Even/far/much + more + Adj/Adv + He speaks English far better than me.
So the + adj + est John is the tallest boy in the family.
the + most + adj/adv Mary is the most beautiful girl in the family.

Lưu ý:
Good/well better Best
Bad/badly worse worst
Many/much More most


1. I’ve read a couple of different articles on 3. Questions concerning whether

Franklin Roosevelt, who was a much …… international trade is ……… more
president than Barack Obama has been beneficial to lower income economies
so far. have been raised for years,
A. boldness A. much B. such
B. bolder C. very D. too
C. boldest
D. boldly 4. The Cahoon Daily is as widely read …..
The Cahoon Gazette in New Jersey.
2. All journalists have a responsibility to A. as B. in
double-check any facts presented in their C. at D. among
articles to the………. extent possible.
A. fuller 5. Our customers value our customer service
B. more fully more …….. than that offered by our
C. most fully competitors.
D. fullest A. highly B. higher
C. high D. highest


Every / Any / No / Some + body, thing, one + V s,es Everything looks great.

N1 + giới từ + N2 + V(N1)


1. It looks like directors of the corporate 2. The discount for students ………. only to
finance division ……. the details of those who attend a local public school.
managerial compensation contracts. A apply B applies
A regulate B. regulating C application D applications
C. regulates D. is regulated


Not only …………. but (also) ……….. Either ………..or …………………
Both ……………..and ……………………. Neither ………….. nor …………


1. Before you can enter the building, you 4. Classes at the community center are
must show ………… your passport and usually held either in the afternoon on
your airline ticket, so have them ready. weekdays ……… on the weekend.
A. both B. either A. but B. or
C. as D. if C. nor D. and

2. Employees who participate in this training 5. Telemarketers are asked to submit

program can learn a great deal about monthly customer call reports ………… by
themselves as well as experience in …….. e-mail or in person.
personal and profession growth. A. nor B. both
A . every B. both C. either D. neither
C. either D. whether
6. Ms. Fenwick not only composed the report
3. ………….. personal checks nor credit ………… produced the visual aids which
cards will be accepted as payment for the were so useful during the meeting.
products. A. but B. however
A. With B. Both C. also D. and
C. Either D. Neither


Nguyên tắc:
Do vậy, 2 câu rút thành 1 câu mới ra câu chứa mệnh đề quan hệ.

Ví dụ:
The boy is standing over there. He is my friend.
 The boy who is standing over there is my friend. (câu chứa mệnh đề quan hệ)
 The boy standing over there is my friend. (câu chứa mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn)
VỊ TRÍ Công thức VÍ DỤ
I told you about the
Làm chủ từ, thay thế cho woman who lives
….. N (person) + WHO
WHO danh từ chỉ người next door.

I was invited by the

Làm tân ngữ , thay thế cho
…..N (person) + WHOM professor whom i met
WHOM danh từ chỉ người at the conference

….N (thing) + WHICH +

Làm chủ từ hoặc tân ngữ,
WHICH thay thế cho danh từ chỉ
….N (thing) + WHICH +

Không dùng that:

Có thể thay thế cho vị trí + sau giới từ
của who, whom, which I don’t like the table that + sau dấu “,”
trong mệnh đề quan hệ stands in the kitchen.
quan hệ xác định

Do you know the

…..N (person, thing) + boy whose mother is a
WHOSE Thay thế tính từ sở hữu nurse?
WHOSE + N + V ….


Chủ động => V- ING

Bị động => V- ED
Xem lại ví dụ bên trên


1. Employees ………. are experiencing 5. The head of the department ………… the
technology-related problems may ask for banquet room for a party should submit a
help by placing a call to the IT team required form to the Catering Department.
between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. A. use
A. who B. used
B. whose C. using
C. which D. will use
D. what
6. Tokyo International Airport offers a free
2. Customers ………… products are shuttle bus service for passengers that
provided and maintained through an ……. the international and domestic flight
existing arrangement should contact us terminals.
immediately. A. connect
A. who B. which B. connects
C. whose D. that C. connecting
D. connection
3. For those ………….. are determined to
attend the seminar, tickets are available at 7. We should take a close look at all
the Human Resources Department. expenditures ……… have risen over 15
A. who B. whose percent since last quarter.
C. what D. their A. what
B. which
4. Anyone………. experiences complications C. when
with the new software is encouraged to D. who
bring this matter to Mr. Gruber’s attention
in room 210.
A. who B. which
C. whom D. whose


1. Automobile mechanics ………. have not 4. Customers ……….. purchase their orders
kept up with these changes have left or from the website of Westminster Books
been forced out of the industry. receive an automatic discount of at least
A. themselves B. who 10%.
C. whose D. they A. who
B. whom
2. Karen Solden will replace Harold C. whomever
Walker, ……… is being promoted to a D. whose
higher position in the company.
A. he B. who 5. Attendance is mandatory for the staff
C. his D. whose meeting ………. for next Tuesday in the
council hall.
3. There will be a panel …..….. of A. has been scheduled
pharmaceutical company spokesperson B. schedule
and consumer advocates to debate C. will schedule
current health concerns. D. scheduled
A. consist B. consisting
C. will consist D. to be consisted

(kết hợp bài tập ngữ pháp và từ vựng)

1. After ten years in …………., Ravensdale 7. Ms. Lanes, one of our company’s most
Fiduciary Firm is expanding its factories to skilled negotiators, was…… closing the
Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, and deal with Shane Entertainment Inc.
Singapore. A instrument
A. operate B instrumental
B. operation C instrumentation
C. operated D instrumentally
D. operational
8. Ms. Richards has been an exceptionally
2. The government prepared for the coming ……….. member of the marketing team,
drought season, ……. water conservation providing Billingsgate Enterprises with
plans. great service for nine years.
A implement A energy
B implementing B energize
C implemented C energetic
D being implemented D energetically

3. As a ……….. to my proposal, Mike simply 9. Needs assessment can help you identify
threw away the notes I brought to him, areas for improvement and ultimately help
indicating that he is not satisfied with my you realize your goals more ……..
ideas. A efficient
A respond B efficiency
B response C efficiencies
C responsive D efficiently
D responded
10. During the sessions, speakers will discuss
4. His goal has always been to provide the the process of………. a global service by
best possible service to……. customers. opening doors to economic opportunities.
A. he A establish
B. his B establishing
C. him C establishes
D. himself D established

5. A new innovative program is ………. to be 11. Designer Jang Hyun-kyung is noted for
released though some system failures …….. the European style into the modern
happened at the beginning of the Asian trends.
inspection. A incorporate
A. expecting B incorporation
B. expected C incorporated
C. expects D incorporating
D. expect
12. The conference's keynote speaker called
6. While smokers are highly ………… of the this morning for ……….. that everything
ban on smoking in workplaces, most non- has been set for his presentation.
smokers support the ban. A confirm B confirming
A. critic B. critically C confirmation D confirmed
C. critical D. criticism

13. Because the annual budget report must be 20. The newest prototype ……….. to give the
submitted …..…. the end of the month, engineers at Nova Enterprises a marked
employees are busy calculating figures. advantage over their competition.
A on B between A expects
C by D except B is expected
C expected
14. All employees are asked to turn off the D had expected
lights when …….. a vacant room to
conserve electricity. 21. We regularly monitor the quality of products
A exit and services in order to meet strict
B exits …………..
C exited A require
D exiting B requiring
C required
15. The main artists ………… paintings are D requirements
being sold at the Garrett Gallery are Elaine
Crick, Jason Chambers and Sylvia Webb. 22. The head of the legal department is
A who searching for experts who have a lot of
B whose experience with contract …………...
C their A negotiates
D they B negotiator
C negotiations
16. Students must present written ………….. D negotiable
from a parent in case he/she needs to take
a day off from school. 23. Today, our company headquarters are
A authorize located ……. the Transcontinental Bank
B authorizes headquarters, at the corner of Cavalry
C authorized Avenue and Queen Caroline Boulevard.
D authorization A without
B near
17. Management at Novista Pharmaceuticals C down
believes the automated verification system D to
will increase everyone’s work …………
A productivity 24. Because of the recent blizzard, students
B product are……. to submit their essays in the next
C productive class.
D productively A permitting
B permitted
18. The company is going to carry out the C permissible
proposal based on the information provided D permission
in your letter of intent, so please submit
………. application under this note. 25. Whenever you look to make a deal………
A you anybody, always establish the decision -
B your making hierarchy ahead of time.
C yourself A of B to
D yours C with D off

19. Guests will be able to meet Taylor Swift as 26. The company is experiencing significant
she ……… to perform a free show for her growth and is looking to add a new member
fans in Central Park. to …….. staff immediately.
A prepare B prepares A they B them
C prepared D preparing C their D themselves

27. Sign up to receive our free newsletter and 34. Transportation costs amidst rising oil prices
you will ……. receive update notifications and environmental issues are among the
and other news via e-mail. toughest …….. for Partridge Farms and
A automatically Maple Orchard Mills.
B automaticity A. challenge
C automated B. challenging
D automatic C. challenged
D. challenges
28. Even though construction ……….. by
unexpected electrical storms, the new 35. Last week’s performance was judged to be
office building was still finished in a timely a major …….. even though it received no
manner. local media coverage.
A interrupts A success
B to interrupt B succeed
C was interrupted C successful
D be interrupted D successfulness

29. Drivers are asked to park their cars by 36. ……………….. firms must abide by the
……….. rather than using a valet parking laws of the respective sate they belong to
system. when conducting an audit.
A. they A. Accounting
B. their B. Account
C. them C. Accountable
D. themselves D. Accountant

30. I am sorry that you experienced a 37. Ms. Maria Perreira is………. responsible
temporary interruption in our services, but for some of our company’s most successful
all services were ………… a moment ago. marketing campaigns.
A restored A large
B restoring B largely
C to restore C largest
D restoration D larger

31. Ms. Miriam is getting ready to go on ……… 38. We have worked …….. hard on health
business trip to Japan. insurance plans to enhance employee
A her B hers satisfaction.
C herself D she A. exception
B. exceptional
32. Patterson Financial Firm’s recent C. exceptionally
acceptance of the International World D. except
Development Award is a well ………. honor
for this association. 39. The bricks have to be ……… by Friday in
A to deserve order to finish the project on time.
B deserves A order B orders
C deservedly C ordered D ordering
D deserved
40. California employers should familiarize
33. Sea Sapphire Cruises is ……….. to ………. with significant labor and
announce the launch of their newest luxury employment laws passed by the
ocean liner. Legislature in 2000.
A pleased B pleasant A they B themselves
C pleasure D pleasing C theirs D their

41. On the day of the concert, tickets can only 48. The staff lounge is ……….. the meeting
…….. at the box office. room, across the hall from the computer
A purchasing lab.
B were purchased A throughout
C to purchase B against
D be purchased C next
D near
42. If you won’t be able to present a valid
receipt, neither may the products be 49. Andrew Hartwell is ………….. regarded by
returned ………… are you refunded. his employees because of his dedication
A or and experience.
B and A highly
C neither B high
D nor C highest
D higher
43. Because most of his colleagues were away
on a company picnic, Mr. Ro had to 50. The chemistry lab managers are concerned
complete the client research report by that new employees have not been trained
………over the weekend. ……… in the latest emergency procedures.
A he A adequate
B his own B adequacy
C himself C adequately
D him D adequateness

44. ……….. for the money management 51. One ………. outcome of the current
seminar will be forwarded to all the economic recession is that the growth of
managers tomorrow. merger activity will slow down.
A Invite A possibly
B Invitations B possibility
C Inviting C possibilities
D Invitation D possible

45. Drivers are required to carry ……….. 52. The bids must be reviewed by the
liability insurance policy at all times in their engineers to make sure all engineering
cars in case of an accident. ……….. for the project are met.
A their A specific
B theirs B to specify
C they C specifically
D themselves D specifications

46. This apartment complex has an ……….. 53. The CEO ………….. appointed James
exterior design and stylish interior Farley as vice president of Arctic Mining
furnishings. Ventures Co.
A attract B attractive A formalize
C attracted D attraction B formally
C formal
47. Once you have opened the package, D formality
please carefully look through the box to
make sure that it contains ……….. fifteen 54. Of all the people who submitted a resume,
metal panels. Mr. Bacon has the most………cover letter.
A exact B exacted A impress B impression
C exactly D exacting C impressed D impressive

55. The report shows that builders reserve the 62. Verizen’s new mobile phone has proven to
right to control the volume of the be the most …….. model on the market due
construction project on……… own. to its numerous useful application
A their B theirs programs.
C they D them A competitive
B competitively
56. The newly appointed vice president is C competition
expected to earn the ………. trust of D competitor
employees despite all indications to the
contrary. 63. This summer’s lack ………… interesting
A completely events in the community caused a decline
B. completed in tourism from other townships.
C. completing A of B from
D. complete C with D for

57. Prattchet Co. has…………turned to making 64. I hope that my working experience and
most of its products from recycled education can be of West China
materials. Supermarkets.
A increasingly A using B used
B increasing C use D to use
C increased
D increase 65. The school must obtain written consent
before disclosing a student’s …….
58. Customers who purchase more than 500 information to a third party.
dollars worth of items can request an HDTV A personal
cable box at no ……… charge. B personalize
A. additional B. addition C personality
C. adding D. additionally D personally

59. Once Mr. Mirren ……….. completes his 66. The ……….. has always been on ensuring
studies and necessary training, he may a consistently high level of quality and
come and work for our corporation. outstanding service.
A success A emphasized
B successful B emphatic
C successfully C emphasis
D successes D emphasize

60. He………. delivers keynote speeches and 67. Nelson Data Research announced that it
holds workshops on customer satisfaction ……….. 60 researchers to meet the new
strategy and the building of profitable sales target.
customer relationships. A recruit
A regularize B is recruiting
B regularity C to recruit
C regularities D was recruited
D regularly
68. Our experienced and skilled technicians
61. The ultimate goal at our call center is to can be of much help in the event that you
………… all customer complaints in a ……. delete something essential from the
punctual and customer-oriented manner. program.
A resolve B is resolve A. accident B. accidental
C is to resolve D had resolved C. accidents D. accidentally

69. Many people call fairy tales too ………. and 76. The library has announced a new ………..
obvious, but that’s why they are needed. that all borrowed books must be returned 5
A predicting business days from the checkout date.
B predicted A accommodation
C predictable B policy
D predictably C handling
D measure
70. All the terms of the agreement must be
clear so that the meaning and intent won’t 77. Many companies interviewed plan to
be ……... by either party. ……… more personnel, while 20 percent
A. misinterpret expect to reduce their payrolls.
B.misinterpretation A reply
C. misinterpreted B detect
D. misinterpreting C construct
D hire
71. The employee-of-the-year prizes will be
awarded to employees who demonstrated 78. A new approach to information asset
…….… contribution to the company’s protection will be covered in the
overall sales. forthcoming March …….... of the
A whole magazine.
B inclusive A issue
C exceptional B condition
D multiple C price
D promise
72. ……… proficiency in German would be of
much help, it is not a requirement for the 79. Editors are extremely busy proofreading,
advertised position. editing and compiling materials……….to
A Otherwise publication date.
B Despite A suited
C Regarding B conductive
D Although C forward
D prior
73. The purchasing department………..the
drastic changes to the purchasing practice 80. All the accountants are required to compile
with outside suppliers. a report which ………annual corporate
A involved spending.
B agreed A corresponds B expects
C announced C details D prepares
D maintained
81. As a financial planner, Mr. Martin has a
74. It is necessary to ……….. a thorough comprehensive …….... of the legal
survey in order for us to obtain highly process, as well as financial and tax issues.
desirable sites for our new headquarters. A knowledge B opinion
A detain B associate C ability D collector
C conduct D foresee
82. We are not happy to announce that due to
75. Information on events occurring in the recent cutbacks on members, we won’t be
theater …..…. the year is available through able to accept new projects ….…. further
our website. notice.
A into B throughout A except B next to
C on D as C onto D until

83. Our policy guarantees that any damaged 89. Many people were standing in line outside
products incurred in transit will be …..…. of the box office to ……….. a limited
immediately with new ones, or a full refund number of low cost tickets, which are
will be issued. offered as special each month.
A prepared A support
B consumed B achieve
C revised C purchase
D replaced D replace

84. Those individuals who want to gain 90. It is important to look through the
automatic access to the information are documents ………. that everyone in charge
advised to …………. the password that was can know at which stage they should be
sent to them by phone. completed.
A enter A concerning
B place B over
C offer C so
D create D since

85. The board of directors will …….... a regular 91. We do apologize for the inconvenience
employment session next Monday resulting from the service which is now
September 16th at 10 am in the board room. temporarily…….….
A close A unavailable
B hold B related
C wait C stylish
D meet D disinterested

86. Even though Peterson Group Inc. is one of 92. Your personal information, including credit
the largest automobile manufacturing card numbers, mailing address, e-mail
companies, it has yet to see any profits as address and phone numbers, will be
a result of……… conditions. collected in order for us to………...your
A unfavorable order for products.
B unwilling A affect
C opposing B contain
D reluctant C fulfill
D mention
87. We are proud to announce that Dax
Shepard has been ……..… as our new 93. Passengers will get to their destination on
managing director to oversee corporate time ……..… our departure time is a little
expansion in Europe. late due to a mechanical problem.
A deposited A as if
B predicted B while
C operated C because
D appointed D even though

88. The list is comprised of thousands 94. Those individuals who want to reschedule
of…….…to various magazines, including their……..….with a doctor should contact
computers, automobiles, garments and us two days in advance.
electronics. A positions
A spectators B assignments
B witnesses C subscriptions
C participants D appointments
D subscribers

95. Please …….... your survey results to the 102. Our …….... is not to issue refunds on
director by the date specified at the bottom software programs used on a trial basis.
of the screen. A adoption
A advise B policy
B urge C exhibit
C comply D regards
D submit
103. Funds from the government will be
96. Please do not ……..… to share your allocated to or distributed ………the
opinions in the comment space below so affected areas.
that people can find and consider possible A among
alternatives. B toward
A provide C after
B hesitate D during
C qualify
D compete 104. As the desktop printer was out of
service, we called a skilled ………
97. Employees must get approval from their yesterday for repairs.
supervisors ……….. deleting data even if A technician
the data seem unused. B factory
A before C certificate
B until D generator
C from
D during 105. A new shipment of popular bargain
books has just …….... here in perfect
98. Tomorrow’s one-to-one training session condition and will be on display this
held in a boardroom is …….... for afternoon.
supervisors and new staff members. A sent
A intended B delayed
B based C arrived
C agreed D examined
D invited
106. DTS has undergone drastic changes
99. ………. all the provisions of the merger are designed to better……...its valued
fully implemented, the two companies will customers.
expand their partnerships to provide an A offer B provide
even higher level of quality. C serve D reflect
A Soon B Then
C Later D Once 107. For safety reasons, visitors not
accompanied by security staff will not be
100. Since supplies are…….…., you are …………. into the laboratory.
invited to order this gorgeous laptop model A entered
on sale before it is sold out. B honored
A speedy B available C allowed
C presentable D limited D separated

101. New employees were…….…to be 108. Please mention my name in order for
photographed immediately in order to have you to………...the subscription to the
their new identification made. journal on my behalf.
A recalled B memorized A include B provide
C reminded D identified C renew D entail

109. Jen’s Business designed a ………….. 116. Ms. Yakamoto has ………. that the
inspection program to assure its members department meeting be postponed until
that their stay is a safe and enjoyable one. everyone returns from vacation.
(A) stringent (A) suggest
(B) founded (B) suggestion
(C) delighted (C) suggested
(D) dependent (D) suggesting

110. Ace Training Group excels in providing 117. Mr. Osaki would like the entire staff
the best professional course that can be ………. together and complete the task by
……….. to your unique needs. the deadline.
(A) prosperous (A) works (B) be working
(B) customized (C) to work (D) will work
(C) found
(D) appointed 118. First City Bank assured its customers that
it ……….. exceptional service in spite of the
111. Shipping details will be entered into ongoing renovations in several branches.
the computer…………we have received (A) maintaining
the authorization. (B) maintain
(A) once (C) will maintain
(B) whoever (D) to maintain
(C) sometimes
(D) unless 119. The plant supervisor, Mr. Lee, recently
……….. a tour of the company’s main
112. Now that the company has gained a production facility for our clients.
noticeable increase in net profits, it is (A) conduct
offering customers a thirty percent………. (B) conducted
(A) economy (C) to conduct
(B) market (D) will conduct
(C) discount
(D) criteria 120. After the current model year, the
automobile manufacturer CFG ………….
113. We need to appoint a …….. three older models and introduce two new
replacement for Mr. Hwang, who handles ones.
classes on nutrition to attendees. (A) to discontinue
(A) temporary (B) will discontinue
(B) minor (C) discontinued
(C) duplicate (D) have discontinued
(D) harsh
121. In order to ……. the editing work, the
114. The urban renewal developments plan review team will need at least two more
is expected to …….… many investors from days.
around the country. (A) finish (B) finishing
(A) alert (C) finished (D) be finished
(B) attract
(C) mount 122. The advertisement said that 20 percent
(D) apply would be ……… from the regular price at
the time of purchase.
115. The secretary in the 2nd floor office (A) deduct
……… e-mails between 8 a.m. and noon. (B) deducted
(A) answers (B) talks (C) deduction
(C) responds (D) replies (D) deducting

123. Employees on international assignment 130. IHB Bank cannot process a loan
with Daniel Windmere Corporation receive application ……… the proper
………. financial support when finding a documentation.
place to live. (A) upon
(A) extend (B) until
(B) extent (C) without
(C) extensive (D) along
(D) extending
131. Each month, we will select five
124. The ……. for the Macneil project is outstanding employees to be honored
hanging on the wall in the first floor ………. their exceptional contributions to
conference room. the company’s performance.
(A) schedule (A) for (B) at
(B) scheduled (C) across (D) over
(C) schedules
(D) schedulers 132. Club members are allowed to attend the
Healthy Living seminar …….. no cost.
125. For reasons of ………, anyone entering (A) at (B) by
the construction area must wear a hard (C) over (D) from
(A) safety (B) safe 133. The opening of the Prince Theater was
(C) safely (D) safer considered a notable ………
(A) success
126. Please be aware that annual ……of job (B) succeed
performance will take place during the third (C) successive
week of January. (D) successively
(A) reviews
(B) reviewed 134. Neither the CEO ……. the president will
(C) reviewer be present at the shareholders’ meeting.
(D) reviewers (A) or (B) nor
(C) yet (D) but
127. As …….. in our telephone conversation
this morning, Mr. Fox will arrive at your 135. The Hoshi Restaurant provides an
factory at 2 P.M. on Wednesday, March 14. elegant atmosphere and exquisite …….
(A) discuss experiences.
(B) discussion (A) dine (B) dines
(C) discussing (C) dined (D) dining
(D) discussed
136. Today’s ………. all seem very skillful and
128. Ms. Jackson said she would prefer to knowledgeable, so it will be difficult to
work on the report by ……… before choose one to fill the position.
submitting a draft for the committee’s (A) jobs
approval. (B) applicants
(A) her (B) hers (C) offers
(C) herself (D) she (D) accounts

129. We will have to inform Mr. Yamamoto that 137. Driving direction and a map of the
…………. application cannot be accepted university campus are enclosed ……… this
at this time. letter.
(A) he (B) himself (A) from (B) along
(C) his (D) him (C) with (D) until

138. We are ……… whether we should expand 145. Hotel guests ….….. order our “Wonder
our capacity here or move to a larger Meal” special will receive their food
building complex. between 11:30 and 13:00.
(A) consider (A) who
(B) considers (B) whose
(C) considered (C) where
(D) considering (D) what

139. When meeting with first time clients, be 146. A bell ………. in the main hall to notify
sure to present yourself in a ……… factory workers of the beginning of a shift.
manner. (A) be rung
(A) dignifies (B) ringing
(B) dignity (C) rings
(C) dignify (D) to ring
(D) dignified
147. The O Hotel is …… an hour’s drive from
140. The marketing manager will make a brief most of the city’s popular tourist attractions.
……. about new online advertising (A) within
strategies. (B) onto
(A) profession (C) so that
(B) arrangement (D) despite
(C) administration
(D) presentation 148. The many ……… listed in the candidate’s
resume show that he is an ideal candidate
141. The reception takes place at six o’clock for the position.
and will be……by a special reception at (A) accomplish
seven thirty. (B) accomplishments
(A) followed (C) accomplishing
(B) delayed (D) accomplished
(C) advanced
(D) proceeded 149. For a limited period only, if you book a
consultation, Brookings Home Insurance
142. Due to …….. problems with Vargas will offer a significant ……… on property
Shipping, we have decided to switch to insurance.
another delivery service provider. (A) delivery
(A) supportive (B) renewal
(B) numerous (C) discount
(C) voluntary (D) restraint
(D) spoiled
150. This substance can be painted ………..
143. Having many delays, the construction of on metallic surfaces, as it tends to corrode
the new building will continue …….the other types of materials.
remainder of the month. (A) only
(A) at (B) without (B) exactly
(C) than (D) for (C) nearly
(D) doubly
144. The World Travel publication ……….
information about tours more than 100 151. . ……..the construction of the metro
countries all over the world. station is complete, traffic using this street
(A) observes (B) arrives will be less congested.
(C) contains (D) believes (A) Usually (B) Regarding
(C) Instead of (D) Now that

152. The design work of our new e-learning 159. To set an alarm, ……….. the instructions
website was ……. aided by the talents of in the enclosed manual.
the two artists. (A) watch
(A) greater (B) follow
(B) great (C) feature
(C) greatly (D) direct
(D) greatness
160. Hans Richter will distribute an ………… to
153. Maxi Megastores frequently conduct tests each committee member before Tuesday’s
to assess how ………. their marketing meeting.
campaigns are performing. (A) agenda
(A) effectively (B) effective (B) appearance
(C) effects (D) effect (C) atmosphere
(D) account
154. …… are selling or buying a house,
be sure to seek help from a reliable estate 161. Orders for specialty flower arrangements
agency. from Thyme Orchid can be placed
(A) If (B) So …….the phone or online.
(C) That (D) Due to (A) if (B) in
(C) either (D) on
155. Trainees must …….. the Introductory
Programming course before moving on to 162. Hotel guests are reminded to return all
the more advanced intermediate courses. key cards ……… checking out at the end of
(A) present their stay.
(B) make (A) within
(C) complete (B) around
(D) retire (C) before
(D) from
156. All factory workers working on this
assembly line should keep a copy of the 163. Westley, Inc., …….. provides its clients
safety handbook with them for quick with updated information about its services
…….…. (A) considerably
(A) indication (B) regularly
(B) procedure (C) perfectly
(C) subject (D) equally
(D) reference
164. The new chief executive of SOE Gas
157. The Georgetown Art Museum thanks its received a warm …….at the staff meeting
……for their generous donations this year. yesterday.
(A) supported (A) welcome
(B) supporting (B) appearance
(C) supporter (C) practice
(D) supporters (D) notice

158. Trumpet player Clint Porter’s international 165. Merchandise from Vetale requires
tour …………. with a performance in ……….. handling to avoid damage to the
Singapore last week. components.
(A) conclude (A) casual
(B) concluded (B) careful
(C) concluding (C) typical
(D) concludes (D) grateful

166. . …… the new machine is more efficient, 173. The reporter contacted Mr. Arnold, the
it does not quite meet our requirements. chief executive of TI Future Corp, to
(A) That request an interview ……. discuss its plans
(B) Although to expand to Poland.
(C) Due to (A) will
(D) Even (B) to
(C) so
167. AFG Interior has gained a ……….. for (D) can
excellence among real estate agents in
the city. 174. Dinner in the banquet hall will be served
(A) design ……the spokesperson delivers his speech.
(B) center (A) more
(C) pursuit (B) almost
(D) reputation (C) once
(D) that
168. One goal of Hannel Industries is to make
its products available in ……region of the 175. The website of Magnet Shipping provides
country. information on the …….. services that the
(A) all company offers.
(B) much (A) prevailed
(C) many (B) insistent
(D) every (C) approving
(D) various
169. Serving over four million riders a day, the
Duluth City Transit System is the most 176. All current employees receive a hiring
……… used in the country. preference for the newly ……assistant
(A) hardly supervisor position.
(B) heavily (A) created
(C) swiftly (B) creating
(D) sharply (C) creation
(D) create
170. ………. for the Aubmville Photography
Competition must feature scenes of every 177. The Fulton Cafes offers a large …….of
life in the town. home-grown fruits and vegetables.
(A) Enter (A) selection
(B) Entered (B) select
(C) Entries (C) selected
(D) Entering (D) selects

171. Due to decreases in the cost of materials, 178. Please kindly direct ……. questions about
the prices of microscopes from Novista will warranties to the customer service
be lower than …….. department.
(A) experimented (A) each
(B) anticipated (B) all
(C) organized (C) anything
(D) distributed (D) whoever

172. Lakeward Food has the right to postpone 179. Ella Portofino, the finance director ………
deliveries ……. customers have made a high-speed train to the management
payment. conference in Tokyo.
(A) during (B) next (A) took (B) had
(C) until (D) as if (C) went (D) spent

180. The director of sales would like all staff 187. The principal of the high school
meeting to start …………. at 9AM on commended parents’ ongoing efforts to
Mondays. promote physical activity ……………….
(A) soon local schoolchildren.
(B) promptly (A) among
(C) sometime (B) between
(D) presently (C) about
(D) upon
181. Staff at Maxwell Culture and Arts was
………….. that the center will receive less 188. To receive a refund, customers must
funding than it did last year. return their merchandise ………. 30 days of
(A) disappointed purchase
(B) eliminated (A) since (B) when
(C) complicated (C) for (D) within
(D) indebted
189. We ……….. qualified candidates who
182. The directors of Montreal Steel were have strong communication skills and
pleased at the enthusiastic ……….. to its strong finance background.
call for voluntary community work. (A) urge (B) seek
(A) responsive (C) express (D) contain
(B) respond
(C) response 190. We offer custom made suits for both men
(D) responded and women at ……..… prices.
(A) willing
183. In the choice of a job, it is important to (B) valuable
consider …………. only salary but also the (C) reasonable
distance form your home to work. (D) opposing
(A) either
(B) not 191. ……………. the sports department only
(C) though has a small staff, it is known to have
(D) as well as organized many major athletic events very
184. Although many deemed it …….……, (A) Although
Chemio Industries has reported a sales (B) Despite
growth in the first quarter. (C) Whether
(A) impossibilities (D) However
(B) impossibility
(C) impossibly 192. At Samsung Electronics, we do not offer
(D) impossible ….…… for items that were purchased at a
185. Employees who use the company’s (A) profits
parking lot must ……….... the parking (B) refund
permit on their rear window. (C) registers
(A) print (B) state (D) commissions
(C) display (D) commit
193. As the cost of fuel was rising continually,
186. Since Mr. Warren had finished writing his the company experienced an …………
monthly sales report ahead of schedule, he need to improve its delivery system
offered to help Ms. Rivera finish ………… (A) increase
(A) hers (B) her (B) increases
(C) she (D) herself (C) increasing
(D) increasingly

194. Members wishing to cancel their 198. We have found it …….. to receive
Summerton Goft membership must give estimates from various contractors before
30 days…… making a decision to choose one.
(A) notice (A) generous
(B) status (B) beneficial
(C) attention (C) abundant
(D) reference (D) accessible

195. Please be informed that all guest must 199. The use of new production technologies
check in at the front desk ……… arrival. has been increasing ……….. so much that
(A) to we now produce 40% more than what we
(B) as used to.
(C) on (A) rules
(D) into (B) output
(C) facility
196. Special tours of each science department (D) preparation
will be ……for participants of the
conference if they make requests 200. Our customers can choose
beforehand. ……..standard shipping or, if their order
(A) collected qualified, express shipping.
(B) enrolled (A) and
(C) aligned (B) both
(D) arranged (C) either
(D) as
197. Travelers should complete their visa
application by ….and not rely on travel
agents to perform this task.
(A) their (B) them
(C) they (D) themselves

Xem tại đây
hoặc theo hướng dẫn của giáo viên trên lớp

A. Phương pháp luyện nghe chung

1. Tại sao bạn nghe Tiếng Anh không hiểu?

- Thiếu từ vựng
- Phát âm sai
- Nối âm
- Tốc độ đọc của audio nhanh ( phản xạ kém)

2. Hướng giải quyết: HỌC PHÁT ÂM

- Youtube: Học theo những video dạy phát âm
- Áp dụng kỹ thuật Shadowing ( nhại giọng lại) như sau:

B1: Mở lời file nghe

B2: Nhìn kỹ
B3: Đọc trước theo cách của mình
B4: Nghe file nghe thật kỹ khoảng 3 lần
B5: Đọc lại
B6: Thu âm lại giọng nói
Ví dụ:
- Fresh air => fre (shair)
- He read it yesterday. => He rea (did) yesterday.
- Cars are parked. => Car (sare) parked.
- Please leave it here. => Please lea (vit) here.
- I have a look at it. => I ha (va) loo (ka) (tit).

=> Bài tập vận dụng: Làm từ bước 1 đến bước 6 của bài nghe BÀI 1 - PART 1 + PART 2
BÀI 1 và BÀI 1 - PART 1 + PART 2 bên dưới

3. 03 cấp độ người luyện nghe TOEIC cần chinh phục

- Bắt được từ khóa ( phát âm + từ vựng)
- Dịch được câu ( phát âm + từ vựng + nối âm)
- Dịch được đoạn ( phát âm + từ vựng + nối âm + phản xạ)

4. Những sự khác biệt cơ bản giữa tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh

- Tiếng Việt phân biệt các từ bởi hệ thống thanh dấu,
Ví dụ: dấu – dâu – dầu – dậu – dẫu – dầu
- Tiếng Anh phân biệt các từ bởi âm cuối và âm gió,
Ví dụ: fine – fight – five, customer, sister, what’s your name?
- Tiếng Việt viết sao đọc vậy
- Tiếng Anh viết khác đọc, cần phải tra phiên âm cho kỹ trước khi đọc,
Ví dụ: do, I , can, purchase, …
- Bảng chữ cái của tiếng Việt và tiếng Anh đa phần giống nhau. Có 1 số chữ cái cơ
bản, về cách phát âm khá giống nhau, tuy nhiên có 1 số chữ cái cách phát âm hoàn
toàn không giống nhau:

+ C – can – cut – candy / + TH – thank you – think / + T – tea – take – top / + ….

B. TIPS nghe PART 1 + PART 2

1. PART 1: Mô tả tranh: 06 bức ảnh

Nguyên tắc chung:
- Bức tranh KHÔNG CÓ NGƯỜI – Nghe BEING – 99% SAI

2. PART 2: Hỏi đáp: 25 câu

2.1. Loại câu hỏi WH: Who, Where, When, Why, Which, What

Nguyên tắc chung: Loại ngay những đáp án bắt đầu bằng từ Yes/ No
- Who – Ai:
+ Tên người: Mr./ Ms Adams, Julie,...
+ Chức vụ trong công ty: President, Director, Manager, Supervisor, Secretary,
Receptionist, Assistant, Accountant...
+ Phòng ban: Department
- Where – Ở đâu:
+ Nơi chốn: Giới từ (in/ on/ at/ behind…) + Nơi chốn (office, room, desk, hotel,
cabinet, lobby hoặc Over there, Around the corner)
+ Chỉ đường: Street – 90%
- When – Khi nào
Nhận biết: Thứ, ngày, tháng, AM, PM, In + Khoảng thời gian (in 2 hours); After,
as soon as
 Lưu ý: where – when rất dễ nghe nhầm.
- Why – Tại sao:
Thông thường nghe Because – dễ sai
To + Vo – thường đúng
- Which – Cái nào khác với What – Cái gì
Which: Nghe được “The one” là chọn – 99% đúng
What: Khó - Phương án loại trừ

2.2. Loại câu hỏi How: How long, how far, how often, how much, how many

Nguyên tắc chung: Loại ngay những đáp án bắt đầu bằng từ Yes/ No

- How get to/ How go to: Phương tiện => Bus, train, car, flight.
- How long – bao lâu: 1 khoảng thời gian – 2 weeks, 3 years…
- How far - bao xa: kilometers, meters
- How much – giá tiền, bao nhiêu: Dollars hoặc Euros
- How Many – bao nhiêu (đếm được): đáp án thường là con số
- How often – bao lâu một lần: once a week, twice a week, three times a week

2.3. Yes/ no question & tag question

Yes/no question Tag question

Are you a student? You are a student, aren’t you?

Do you like sports? You like sports, don’t you?

2.4. Câu dạng khác

- Câu đề nghị: Can you/ could you – bạn có thể làm được điều gì đó hay không?
=> Sure, certainly
- Câu đưa ra lời đề nghị: Hãy – Let’s/ How about/ why don’t we/ why don’t you
=> Good /great / not bad idea. I agree with you
- Câu có sự lựa chọn A or B
=> Đáp án A hoặc B; đáp án khác cùng loại (thường đi kèm với actually)
=> “sao cũng được”:
Either – fine/ good/ nice.
It doesn’t matter to me.
It’s up to you. (tuỳ bạn)
=> Không muốn gì hết: Neither, thanks.
- Câu statement: Đây chỉ là một lời phát biểu, không phải là câu hỏi
=>Câu khó, tuỳ tình huống cụ thể mà áp dụng.

2.5. Một số câu trả lời đúng 90% trong mọi hoàn cảnh

I have no idea I can’t say for sure Let me ask

Not that I know of Let me find out
I’m not sure Let me check


BÀI 1 - PART 1 + PART 2
1. A. He’s _____ at a store. 6. A. A man is _____ toward a plane.
B. He’s _____ a pan. B. A _____ is being moved away from the
C. He’s _____ in a kitchen. plane.
D. He’s _____ a sandwich. C. A plane is _____ from an airport.
D. A trailer is _____ past a plane.
2. A. They’re _____ each other.
B. They’re looking out of the _____. 7. A. The man’s _____ some boxes.
C. They’re _____ a book. B. The cash register has been _____.
D. They’re _____ a meal. C. Some _____ is being set on a shelf.
D. A worker is scrubbing the _____.
3. A. She’s drinking from a _____.
B. She’s leaning forward to _____ 8. A. There’s a _____ of tires on the _____.
something. B. A vehicle’s being _____.
C. She’s buttoning up her _____. C. Earth is being shoveled into a _____.
D. She’s tying a knot in a _____. D. There’s a _____ on the _____.

4. A. The students are _____ around. 9. A. Signs are _____ on the cabinet doors.
B. The teacher is _____ papers. B. Some _____ have been left near the
C. The students are cleaning a _____. sink.
D. The teacher is _____ up an object. C. A __machine has been placed on the __.
D. The _____have been filled with _____.
5. A. Some people are _____ a platform.
B. Some people are _____ equipment. 10. A. They’re _____ in a wooded area.
C. Some people are _____ musical B. A child is _____ leaves in a park.
instrument. C. The woman’s reaching to pick up a __.
D. Some people are _____ into D. They’re _____ along a tree-lined path.

11. _____ does this shirt cost? 21. _____ is the press conference going to be
A. It’s a short _____. held?
B. Yes, it _____. A. Mainly ____.
C. Thirty-five _____. B. _____ in the _____.
C. There aren’t enough _____.
12. _____ should I leave this report?
A. On my _____. 22. Are you _____ in going to the
B. The news _____. presentation?
C. At _____-_____. A. I don’t have _____.
B. That’s really _____.
13. _____ will the marketing team meet? C. Yes, a very nice _____.
A. Yes, at the _____.
B. Nice to _____ you. 23. _____ in charge of planning this event?
C. Right _____ lunch.
A. That was the _____.
14. _____ movie do you recommend? B. One of my _____ is.
A. That’s a good _____. C. Yes, _____ you _____.
B. Let’s _____ it over there.
C. The _____ with Klaus Thomas. 24. _____ we review our _____ today, or is
tomorrow OK?
15. Will Masako be joining us for _____? A. They got great _____.
A. A _____ for five, please. B. Yes, I _____.
B. _____, she’ll be _____ soon. C. It doesn’t _____ to me.
C. She _____ it.
25. This _____ seems a little long.
16. _____ was hired to fill the factory manager A. Well, it does _____ a lot of _____.
position? B. I had a _____.
A. No, I _____. C. How about just a short _____?
B. Not too _____.
C. No _____, yet. 26. _____ is Rita moving to Berlin?
A. _____ the next month.
17. May I sit in the _____ row? B. She’s working on a _____ there.
A. Yes, very _____. C. We’ll _____ a moving company.
B. No, those _____ are reserved.
C. Set them on the _____. 27. _____ I get a messenger to _____ these
18. The accounting _____ is sick today. A. Yes, it’s _____ to be.
A. I just _____ it. B. A _____ mail message.
B. I hope he feels _____ soon. C. No, I’ll have _____ to do it.
C. _____ number was it?
28. How_____ are you going to be here
19. _____ will you get back from your trip? _____?
A. On _____ night. A. Yes, we all _____.
B. In the back _____. B. He was late for the _____.
C. Britain and _____. C. I’m _____ at _____.

20. _____ printer should we _____? 29. _____ you like some help cleaning the
A. Let’s get the latest _____. _____?
B. _____ your name here. A. The help desk is _____.
C. In two _____ days. B. An experimental _____.
C. _____, _____ - there’s a lot to do.

30. Isn’t he the _____ of the program?
A. I have a _____ computer _____.
B. Yes, he’s been here for _____ years. 37. _____ you like me to _____ one, or two
C. The _____ are fairly simple. boxes of business cards?
A. Is there a _____ for buying two?
31. _____ you take these _____ to be billing B. Actually, I can _____ my own car.
department? C. In order _____ last name.
A. They’re not _____ yet.
B. Yes, the _____ available. 38. Michael didn’t _____ any files for me,
C. _____ should I _____ them to? _____ he?
A. No, not _____ from here.
32. You made extra _____ of the agenda, B. Just _____ it on the table.
didn’t you? C. Yes, that _____ over there.
A. Oh, but I forgot to _____ them.
B. Thanks for _____ that. 39. It’ll _____ two months to _____ the
C. No, the exit’s on the _____. conference room
A. _____ should we _____ until then?
33. The training _____ will last about _____ B. It’s in London this year.
hours. C. At three o’clock on Tuesday.
A. No, it’s our first _____.
B. Do all _____ need to attend? 40. _____ we ask for _____ to organize the
C. The train’s a good _____. party?
A. That would make it _____.
34. _____ you like to _____ with us to the B. No, not very _____.
hotel? C. Thanks - it was a great _____!
A. If you have _____ in the taxi.
B. A _____ room, please.
C. That’s the _____ one.

35. _____ is the company issuing new _____? KEY - LINK TẢI FILE NGHE + ẢNH:
A. They’re supposed to be more _____.
B. Yes, _____ these forms.
C. Did you buy a _____?

36. _____ we already _____ an invoice to Mr.

A. No, his _____ is very clear.
B. Yes, but he asked for another _____.
C. One _____ and thirty cents.

BÀI 2 - PART 1 + PART 2

1. A. The woman is serving a _____. 9. A. A woman is holding a _____.

B. The woman is _____ some vegetables. B. A woman is standing underneath a
C. The woman is _____ some produce. _____.
D. The woman is _____ a cutting board. C. A woman is _____ on a canvas.
D. A woman is admiring some _____.
2. A. Some _____ equipment is being
operated. 10. A. People have been soaked in the _____.
B. A man is resting under some _____. B. Two children are playing in a _____.
C. The _____ is being cut with a lawn C. Some people are _____ toward a
mower. cabin.
D. A man is _____ through a field. D. Hikers are _____ on a stone pathway.

3. A. _____ is being carried on a cart. 11. _____ did you get that jacket?
B. _____ is being examined by a security A. I bought it _____.
officer. B. Yes, it’s _____ outside.
C. The _____ have been placed next to a C. It’s in the _____.
D. The suitcases have been _____ up. 12. How _____ is the company newsletter
4. A. A man is _____ an apron. A. Around _____ _____ weeks.
B. One of the women is placing pots on the B. You should _____ the letter.
_____. C. Monday, _____ 3.
C. One of the women is _____ at a poster.
D. Both women are _____ at the man. 13. _____ is the meeting room located?
A. _____three o’clock, I think.
5. A. She’s _____ on some stones. B. _____, definitely.
B. She’s _____ rocks into the lake. C. Next to the _____.
C. She’s putting on a _____ and gloves.
D. She’s strolling along a _____. 14. _____ is Jennifer going to another
6. A. A woman is typing on a _____. A. Because she was offered a _____.
B. The _____ is standing against a wall. B. Yes, she’s the company’s _____.
C. A woman is _____ some paper. C. She’s _____ by subway.
D. Some wires are connected to the
_____. 15. _____ is the leader of this organization?
A. I’ll _____ you in a moment.
7. A. Tea is being _____ into a cup. B. Jason Schwartz was _____.
B. Some napkins are _____ on the plates. C. Feel free to _____ around.
C. _____ are being prepared on a
countertop. 16. _____ of house are you interested in?
D. Some food has been _____ on a table. A. I have no _____ in her.
B. Sorry, I don’t _____around here.
8. A. The men are giving a _____ to an C. Something _____ with two bedrooms.
B. One of the men is writing on a _____. 17. _____ does the cafeteria open?
C. The men are _____ books in a A. _____ _____ o’clock.
classroom. B. Yes, the first _____.
D. One of the men is _____ a marker to the C. _____ sets.

18. Ms. Berger plans to _____the meeting. 27. The _____ of the aptitude test were
A. Ask her _____. released today, _____ they?
B. Yes, she _____ early. A. It’s just around the _____.
C. Isn’t she away on _____? B. I’ll _____ the institute’s web site.
C. They had a very _____ attitude.
19. I don’t understand _____Jim hasn’t
answered my e-mail. 28. _____ _____ we ride to the conference
A. I’m _____too much spam mail. together?
B. Maybe he’s on _____. A. To _____ about sales.
C. I called, but there’s no _____. B. That’ll be _____.
C. I’ll _____ it soon.
20. _____ _____ is the lecture expected to be
over? 29. The awards _____ was quite elegant.
A. Sometime _____ 5 _____ 6. A. The Brookside Convention _____.
B. I don’t know what he _____. B. Mr. Martin will _____ the award.
C. I think it’s _____ _____. C. I _____ I could have been there.

21. Is this the _____ for checking in? 30. _____ did Jane call a technician?
A. I _____ with you on that. A. I Yes, someone will be here by _____.
B. Not too _____. B. Because the _____ _____ isn’t
C. Yes, _____ _____ this way. working.
C. No, she works in the personnel _____.
22. _____ department should be billed for the
work? 31. _____ you want to check these slides now
A. I work in shipping and _____. or _____ until tomorrow?
B. Yes, there’s an _____ on the bill. A. I’ll _____ the check.
C. It’s listed at the top of the _____. B. _____ is the 14th.
C. Let’s take a _____ at them now.
23. Are you free to talk right now, or should I
_____ you _____ later? 32. _____ you taking a _____ this week?
A. I don’t _____ who called me. A. No, that’s _____ _____
B. I have _____ now. B. Have a _____ time.
C. The _____ weren’t free. C. Five days would be _____.

24. _____ they completed the _____ already? 33. _____ can I buy today’s _____?
A. Send these _____ to the HR A. The _____ isn’t working.
department. B. There’s a _____ over there.
B. I’m not _____who will do that. C. You can _____ by anytime.
C. No, they won’t be _____ until next
week. 34. _____ _____ have you known Mr. Banks?
A. Just a _____ days.
25. _____ do I _____ to Bexley Hospital? B. It’s two _____.
A. No, I’m _____ better. C. He’ll be _____ at 6:00 P.M.
B. _____ right at the stoplight.
C. About thirty _____. 35. _____ you want to go to the _____ when
it’s in town?
26. _____ you tell me _____ the bus will A. We had front row _____.
arrive? B. I can’t _____ to see it.
A. Let’s _____ at the terminal. C. No, she’s from a big city.
B. The final _____ is Leeds.
C. It’s printed on your _____.

36. _____ delivering the first speech? 39. _____ we buy the stocks now _____ wait
A. I’ll _____ the event coordinator. until they are more stable?
B. Around 20 _____. A. We might have some in _____
C. _____, not this _____. B. Let’s see how they _____.
C. Yes, we’d better _____ now.
37. _____ _____ we discuss the issue with
Mr. Perry? 40. The leather _____ weren’t delivered yet,
A. I heard he’s _____ on business. _____ _____?
B. Human resources can _____ another A. They’re in the _____.
one. B. _____ before 5:00 P.M.
C. Because my phone was _____ _____. C. Can he _____ a _____ tomorrow?

38. We’ll need at least five hundred _____ for

the event. KEY - LINK TẢI FILE NGHE + ẢNH:
A. I’ve _____ eight hundred.
B. No, the lease is _____.
C. It was record _____.


- Khi nghe phải nhìn vô câu hỏi, và đáp án. Để ý những từ khoá trong câu hỏi để biết
đang nghe tới câu nào. Lưu ý, part 3 rất hay ra từ đồng nghĩa, do vậy đáp án không phải
lúc nào cũng y hệt từ mình nghe. Thông thường, từ nào nghe to mà giống đáp án
thường là câu sai.

Từ băng đọc Từ đáp án

Call Contact
Contract Working agreement
Include Enclose/ attach
Project Assignment
Excellent Good
Charge Expense / cost
Free Complimentary

- Khi nghe được đáp án, không vội tô vô phiếu trả lời ngay vì sẽ bỏ lỡ câu tiếp theo mà
nên lấy tay để cố định đáp án.
- Khi băng đọc xong, phải tô nhanh ngay 3 câu, không chần chừ, qua đọc ngay đoạn mới.
1 đoạn 3 câu chỉ cần làm chắc 1-2 câu là ổn. Thông thường trong 3 câu sẽ có 1 câu khó.
- Phân biệt câu hỏi hỏi nam hay hỏi nữ để tập trung nghe cho dễ.


1. Where most likely does the woman work? 4. What are the speaker planning?
A. At a hotel A. A retirement dinner
B. At a clothing store B. A birthday party
C. At a bank C. A conference
D. At a taxi company D. An annual banquet

2. What item was misplaced? 5. What is the woman concerned about?

A. A briefcase A. The price of a meal
B. A wallet B. The size of a seating area
C. A shopping bag C. The quality of food
D. A pair of eyeglasses D. The location of a restaurant

3. Why is the man in a hurry? 6. What does the woman say about the
A. The business is closing soon. Japanese restaurant?
B. He is leaving for a trip. A. It has recently closed.
C. He is late for work. B. It is nearby.
D. He has to ship a package. C. It has good service.
D. It delivers food.

7. Why did the woman have trouble finding 13. What does the woman want to do?
a parking spot? A. Book a flight
A. The parking area is under construction. B. Reserve hotel rooms
B. The business is hosting a festival. C. Order a catered meal
C. Building inspectors were visiting. D. Learn about tourist attractions
D. Some buses were blocking her way.
14. What is the problem?
8. What does the man say he has been A. A staff member is busy.
doing? B. An event has been canceled.
A. Sharing a ride C. Some dates have not been decided.
B. Taking a train D. A discount is unavailable.
C. Working at home
D. Arriving early 15. What does the man recommend the
woman do?
9. What will the woman probably do next? A. Arrive early to an event
A. Look at a map B. Call back later
B. Buy a parking pass C. Ask for a free upgrade
C. Talk to a coworker D. Purchase a refundable ticket
D. Finish a task

ĐOẠN 4: 16. Why does the man want to set up a
10. Where does the man most likely work? meeting?
A. At a print shop A. To go over a construction project
B. At a cosmetics store B. To review a contract
C. At a camera shop C. To plan a presentation
D. At an ar gallery D. To discuss a policy change

11. What is the problem? 17. What does the woman request?
A. A proposal has not been received. A. To change the time
B. An item is out of stock. B. To hold a videoconference
C. A schedule contains an error. C. To bring her colleague
D. A picture has to be replaced. D. To record the conversation

12. What does the man ask the woman to 18. Why does the man suggest meeting in
do? his office?
A. Explain a new requirement A. He is expecting a phone call.
B. Send an email B. There are no meeting rooms available.
C. Extend a deadline C. The office is conveniently located.
D. Submit a payment D. It will be easy to access some files.



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