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NSTP; Should not be taken for granted

  What is National Service Training Program or NSTP? It is a program also known as “An Act Establishing the National
Service Training Program for Tertiary Level students, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077 and Presidential
Decree no. 1706, and for the Purposes” or Republic Act No. 9163, with an aim to promote civic consciousness among the
youth and inculcate in them the spirit of nationalism and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs. According
to University of the Philippines, NSTP is a program designed to develop the youth’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,
and social well-being and promote defense preparedness and ethics of service while undergoing training in any of its
three program components. The primary objective of NSTP is to promote the role of the youth in nation-building. Its
various components are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare but grades
for NSTP will not be included in the computation of the students’ weighted average.

We all know that before we march up on stage wearing our graduation dress, togas and receiving diploma, it is
predestined for us to take the National Service Training Program or NSTP. I can say that this subject, most students go
lazy in attending classes and would take this for granted, maybe because they did not know or understand the objective
and the positive outcome, they might learn from it. Whatever reason they have, NSTP should not be hated and taken for
granted. It is because this program was offered not to be taken for granted. It does not mean that NSTP is not included
in the computation of GPA, you will just take this as easy as you like. We shall always bear in mind that every offered
program by our government are useful and can benefit us as a person. As a matter of fact, we should treat this
importantly. After all, National Service Training Program (NSTP) provides or develop the capabilities of students as
potential literacy workers and conscientious advocates of literacy in the country. Whatever subject it may be, either
simple or hard, we should take it seriously and learn from it. This program is not just a subject that needs to be
accomplished, but a lesson and guide for us youth to know how to play our role in our nation or society. Through
National Service Training Program subject, us youth will be influenced in improving ourselves, performance and
involvement in our community. NSTP shall not be taken for granted just because its grade is not computed in our GPA,
why? It is because its goal and purpose are to teach and train the youths to acquire various principles that will be helpful
in the development of their life and the community. This program is so beneficial for it is one way for the  youths to learn
and train to become well-disciplined and effective. To those students who fail to see the essence of the program which is
why they don’t give much importance in cooperating with the implemented activity and training, why not enjoy and
learn from it. Who knows, you may learn something very useful. A lesson that may give a significant impact in your

Just like in life, no matter how small it is, it still does matter. In order to achieve something, take even a small
pebble as a big opportunity. Nothing starts big, it will always start at the bottom line. I am not saying that NSTP is just
nothing compared to major subjects. All I am saying is, try to see everything in a tiny piece, so that you will be able to
grab it embrace it. Just like what Anne Hathaway say, “"I don't take anything for granted. I've been given extraordinary
opportunities; I've also fought for extraordinary opportunities. So, I don't believe you're ever just there in this golden
moment. You probably always have to remind people that you're there, that you have something to offer, maybe
something beyond what they could imagine for you." Be more open on what things might offer you. Now that we are
knowledgeable enough about this program’s goals and objectives, we the youths or students should not allow ourselves
to be controlled by the bad opinions about this program, even if it is not included in the computation in our grade point
average (GPA). Learn to find the most enjoyable parts of this program and start on loving it. Don’t be lazy and start on
being active.

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