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Cathode rays and X-rays Ume Aiman

1. What are cathode rays and how they are produced?

Cathode rays are beam of electron emitted from cathode. They are produced when
cathode and anode are placed in an evacuated tube and a high voltage is applied which
result in flow of electrons from the cathode towards the anode.
2. What is a discharge tube? How it led to the discovery of cathode rays?
It is a tube that contains cathode and anode, and a low-pressure gas. When a voltage is
applied across the electrodes it results in ionization of the low-pressure gas. It causes a
glow in the tube at positive side of the tube as a result of excitation of electrons to
higher energy level. When an electric field and magnetic field was applied in the
cathode ray tube the beam of light deflected toward the positive terminal which led to
the discovery of negatively charged sub-atomic particles-electrons.
3. What are Roentgine X-rays?
X-rays are electromagnetic radiations which are uncharged. They have high frequency
and short wavelength.
4. Draw a contruction and work of X-rays tube.

An X-ray tube is a vacuum tube that converts electrical input power into X-rays.
5. Differentiate X-rays and gamma rays using venn diagram.

X-rays Gamma Rays

o They both are
o They have lower o They have higher
frequency. radiations. frequency.
o They have longer o They are o They have shorter
wavelength. uncharged. wavelength.
o It have lower energy. o They causes o It have higher
mutation. energy.

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