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Student´s name: Itzel Montserrat López Loesa

Hi, good morning, my name is Montse and today I would like to talk about my
favourite Podcast, it´s called “La Cotorrisa”, the podcast host are called Ricardo
Pérez and Slobotzky, they read the anecdotes of the fandom.

Other of the members of this podcast is Gerry, he´s the cameraman, the audio
manager and the main editor of this podcast, Mitch (Gerry´s girlfriend) is the

This podcast is on YouTube, on Spotify and on iTunes, and has got a secondary
channel, it´s called “La Corporrisa”, this channel has got different themes but the
same humour.

The first episode I saw from this channel was number 39, with Franco Escamilla,
and this was the beginning of everything.

La Cotorrisa has got the anecdotario* collection of stories , where the usually tell
stories of funny situations that happen to people, all is with black humour, so, if you
are sensitive, you should not see it, or maybe you should yes, they mentioned
things like poop, things that are usually a little disgusting.

My favourites episodes are with Franco Escamilla, Chuponcito, Facundo, Platanito,

and other. Soon there will be a live of Halloween, it will be very fun.

In my personal opinion, I think this a great podcast, it´s funny, entertaining and
there are great stories, if you know them, you are cool.

Thank you all for your attention.

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