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Where does your time go? How many of you actually know how much time you waste?
Scheduling will help you waste less time and work towards your goals.
Gives you an actionable item to improve on.
Do the math:
◦ If you waste [3 hr/day], [$8/hr], you waste: over $6k/yr
◦ Note* time worth (average hourly wage in the US) $27/hr, waste: $21k/yr
Building your Schedule
Consistency over perfection.
◦ Working at 50% for 3 months is better than working at 100% for 3 weeks.
◦ Consistently improve by small percentages and eventually you’ll be great.
Levels of resolution. Goldilocks it.
◦ Our example will be weekly, which will be an average student’s time frame.
◦ Be aware of the large picture (learn from goals).
◦ The worse you are doing, the closer to now you have to focus on.
◦ Make your world small.
Note*: make your world small pie example
Part 2
Set the limit
◦ Don’t burn yourself out and overwork. You can’t always get everything you want done so
learn to prioritize. Focus on one thing at a time.

Negotiate with yourself

◦ Reward yourself: don’t be a tyrant to your schedule. Set it up so it’s what you would enjoy, but still gets
things done.
◦ Note*: Sample schedule: 1:1 work to relax ratio
Review it often
◦ We are bad at estimating how much time we need for tasks. See how much time you are off by and try
to adjust your schedule to be more accurate.
◦ Try to review your schedule and goals weekly. Set aside Sunday for this.
Useful Time Management Methods
Pomodoro method
◦ 25 min of work, 5 min of rest
◦ Usually after the first 25 min, you'll feel that you don't need the break

Time blocking
Task batching
Keep in mind it takes 15-25 minutes to get focused
Estimate how much time certain things take you (you'll be very bad at this in the beginning)
Format Schedule
**Save a copy as your own!
Retrospective Timetables

Effective studying method for 'defeating' tough topics.

Instead of deciding the dates you will study topics, you set the topics and the dates
- it is very difficult to predict how you well you retaining certain topics months ahead
of time
Example AP Physics 1 Retrospective Timetable

- Google Sheets
- Excel
Thank you for joining us today !
Thanks to Mrs. Murali and Coach Adams

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