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Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hi everyone, My name is Fahkry Chandra I am from class 1A Medical laboratory

First of all, let’s say all the praise and gratitude to Allah SWT due to all of His
blessing, mercy, and guidance upon all of us. Shalawat and salam may
everlastingly be upon our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW who have led and
guided us from dark into bright path, and I thank Mrs. Ria nirwana, SS for
giving me time to speak about healt
Health is one of the important aspects of life that we must stay healthy
because being healthy is very expensive. We can be healthy if we maintain
cleanliness in our society because cleanliness can reflect ourselves as humans
who have a healthy physique and a broad mind, making us a healthy society
and difficult to disease.
Currently, many people suffer from diseases because of the many
infectious diseases in society that recently the corona virus can infect us.
Therefore we have to take care of our health. There are several factors that
can cause humans to get sick easily. The first is a dirty environment; this is
where our various ailments and bad habits develop. Therefore we must
maintain cleanliness in our environment which can be used as a home for bad
viruses and bacteria and in this pandemic we must require health protocols by
wearing masks and washing hands diligently. Wash your hands frequently

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