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Name : Suci Arlianitami

NPM : 6219122

Class : 3b S1 Ajeng Kebidanan

Title : Maintaining the health of the reproductive

Tema : reproductive health


Assalamualaikum Wr .Wb!

Hello Everybody

Firstly, Let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and His
blessing to us, so that we can gather here, without hindrance of any. Our Sholawat and
greeting always deliver on our the Great Prophet Muhammad, which has brought us from the
dark ages to the age-lit..

Much thanks to you for the opportunity which is given to me so I can say a couple of
words that may be helpful for every one of us. Woman is the perfection of creation, woman is
beauty. It is a matter of pride for all of us because today is a form of our concern for God's
fellow creatures and especially for women, namely holding a reproductive health seminar.


Reproductive health is a condition of perfect health physically, mentally and socially and not
merely free from disease or disability in all aspects related to the reproductive system, its
functions and processes. Reproductive Health includes, among others:
1. The right of a person to have a safe and satisfying sexual life and to have the capacity
to reproduce;
2. The right to obtain an adequate level of health services so that women have the
opportunity to undergo a safe pregnancy process.
Reproductive Health is affected by the following:
1. Biological factors (birth defects, defects in the reproductive tract after sexually
transmitted diseases, etc.).
2. Socio-economic and demographic factors (especially poverty, low level of education,
and ignorance about sexual development and reproductive processes, as well as remote
location of residence).
3. Cultural and environmental factors (for example, traditional practices that have a
negative impact on reproductive health, the belief that many children get a lot of luck,
information about reproductive functions that confuses children and adolescents
because they are against each other, etc.).
4. Psychological factors (impact on parental rift in adolescents, depression due to
hormonal imbalance, women's sense of worthlessness in men who buy material
freedom, etc.).

Conclusion and Suggestion

Maintaining the health of the reproductive organs is very important. because the
reproductive organs are not maintained health will cause various diseases. With some of the
factors mentioned above, we hope that we can apply it to teenagers around us to always be
accompanied by parents. Thus, the role of parents is very mandatory to provide continuous
assistance to children who are just growing up.
That’s is all speech that I can delive . Im sorry if I had a mistake. Thank you so
much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb .

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