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The growth of the church in Acts of the Apostles was a command which was given to the

disciples by Jesus on the Ascension Day that they shall preach the gospel in Jerusalem, all Judea

and Samaria and to the rest of the world. The growth was characterized by the preaching and

teaching of the good news of Jesus Christ about His resurrection, life and death and His second

coming. And by the so doing the disciples with be filled by the Holy Spirit which will manifest

among them so that they will be united in preaching the gospel of salvation to all people. There

are events such as the persecution of Christians, the Pentecost, the conversion of Cornelius, the

conversion of Saul and the ministry of Phillip; these helped to the growth of the church in Acts.

The speeches of Peter, Gamaliel, and Paul in different occasions precipitated to the substantial

growth of the church. On the today’s situation, the growth of the United Family International

Congress Church is mainly biased on the spiritual personality of the founder, the manifestation

of the Holy Spirit among the members of the church, and the teachings, preaching and healings

in the church. By growth of the church, the main focus is the external growths, which are the

growth in number and the internal growth which is the growth in spirit among the church.

Jesus Christ commanded the disciples to spread the gospel after they have received the Holy

Spirit from Heaven on the day of Pentecost. Jesus commanded that his eye-witness shall be

testimonies about his life, death and resurrection from Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the

rest of the world. Patzia A.G that, this was an important assignment which the disciples were to

fulfill, and this was the gospel was to be spread in all these geographical places of Jerusalem,

Judea, Samaria as far as the Mediterranean world is concerned1. When the Holy Spirit came the

disciples proceeded with the assignment. Hence, the spread of the church to the whole world was

a command from Jesus Himself and was the most crucial factor to the growth of the Church.

Patzia A.G: “The emergence of the church; context, growth, leadership & worship”: 2001: Intervarsity Press:
Illinois: page 72.

Moreover, at the day of Pentecost that’s where the church was born and the disciples were ready

to convert people and baptize them, hence showing the immediate growth of the church. On the

day of Pentecost, God sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples in the form of fire (Acts 2 verse 4) and

the disciple spoke in tongues and people were confused by this. Then after realizing that, Peter

stood and explains the mission they were receiving from Jesus. During his explanation, people

believed and they repent and were baptized about three thousand people. Because of the Holy

Spirit that was now manifesting amongst the disciples on the day, the Holy Spirit was regarded

was the life principle of the growth of the church in Acts and that without the Holy Spirit, the

church could not have been growing to that large sum on a single day2. By this one can say that

the manifestation of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost describes the birth and growth of the

church in Acts.

In addition, the brotherly love and the unity amongst the saints led to the growth of the church in

Acts. When the disciples were filled by the Holy Spirit and Peter preached the gospel on the day

of Pentecost, those who were baptized remained in brotherly love and they lived in harmony,

counseling each other on the way to Heaven. They receive many believers day by day3. The

situation that was there in Jerusalem was the symbol to show that there were many converts in

Jerusalem and as J. Russell (1958) argued that, Christians were few at first but later substantially

increased in number after the day of Pentecost; as this was believed to be Origen’s remarks

(Against Celsius 3 : 10). Thus this shows that the day of Pentecost and the brotherly love that

was there amongst the saints led to the mere growth of the church in Acts.

Moreover, there are events that mainly led and precipitated to the growth of the church in Acts.

The martyrdom of Stephen was the most important event that led to the transition of the spread
Pagina S: “The Acts of the Apostles”; 1992; the Liturgical Press; College ville, Minnesota; (page15)
Stark R: “The rise of Christianity”: 1997: Harper Collins Publishers: San Francisco. (page 5)

of the gospel from within Jerusalem to the entire world. Acts chapter 6 shows the death of

Stephen and the scattering of the disciples to different places, for examples Phillip flee to

Samaria were he found the church there and baptize the Ethiopian Eunuch. This shows the

prevalence and the growth of the church by turning people to Christ4. On this day on which

Stephen was stoned, only the devout disciples stayed in Jerusalem and lament over him and they

buried him but many flee to Judea and Samaria. This is when the gospel reached to Judea and

Samaria with the fleeing disciples who had fled from this persecution and the church began to

increase in number (Acts 8 to 9). Thence forth one can note hesitate to conclude that, the stoning

of Stephen richly enhance the growth of the church and the expansion of it also. By this

martyrdom of Stephen, Paul was converted on his way to Damascus.

Furthermore, from the stoning of Stephen the church increased in number because the flight of

Phillip to Samaria saw the Ethiopian Eunuch and Simon the magician being baptized, and many

people believed in Jesus. Acts 8 verse 12 states out that when the people believed that Phillip

was preaching good news they were baptized. And Comby J argued that, Phillip became the

successful missionary in Samaria after his flight from Jerusalem5. Because of Phillip’s ministry

in Samaria the church grew and expanded to the regions already stated by Jesus. Thus this shows

us that Phillip was an important figure in the growth of the church in Acts.

More so, Paul’s conversion was another important event that was very crucial in the growth and

expansion of the church. Because of the conversion of Saul who was the king persecutor of

Christians, many believers gain confidence in Christianity and in Jesus Christ. Since Paul was a

persecutor he was on his way to Damascus to go and persecute some Christians there, he

encounter with Jesus in form of lightning and he was converted in the same temple of Damascus
Hinson E.G “The early church; origins to the dawn of the middle ages”; 1996: Abingdon Press: Nashville: (page 42)
Comby J: “How to read church History, vol 1”: 1985: SCM Press ltd: London (page 12)

where he was going to persecute (Acts 9 verses 1 to 30). Hence by Paul’s conversion there was

the internal growth of the church, such that their spirits were up lifted in their faith in Jesus

Christ. Thus this was a mere example to show that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a power to relieve

those in troubles and this became the heart of the church growth because the Apostle Paul was

the main figure to the growth of the church and its expansion as far as Malta6. Hence one can

conclude that the conversion of Saul to Christianity was an important event to the growth of the

church in Acts based on the apostle’s background.

In addition, Peter’s ministry as the head of the apostles held an important role in the growth of

the church in Acts. Peter, together with John were once arrested in the temple while preaching

the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 4 verse 1 to 23) and when they were released the chief priests

and the elders believed. This was another show of the internal spiritual growth of the church

because even the church fathers who were radical to the issue of the good news of Jesus Christ

begun to believe because Peter stood as a good example of the witness7. Also, the ministry of

Peter became very crucial in deed when he converted the Centurion Cornelius. In Acts 10, it

shows Peter after a journey through Joppa, Lydda and Sharon converting people and people

believed; he raised Tabitha who was full of good works and acts of charity to the orphans and

widows of Joppa. This act attracts people who witness this act and they believed in Jesus. After

that, he converted the centurion Cornelius as the vision from God8. God gave Peter a vision of

the unclean food and unclean meat and was instructed to eat. When he refused to eat God instruct

him to go and see Cornelius. Thus this shows that, he realizes that the message which was

communicated in the vision was instructing him to spread the word even to the gentiles also

Comby J: “How to read church History, vol 1”: 1985: SCM Press ltd: London (page 12)
Patzia A.G: “The emergence of the church; context, growth, leadership & worship: 2001: Intervarsity: Illinois
(page 81)
Barnett P: “Jesus and the rise of early Christianity”: Intervarsity Pres: Illinois: (page 223)

because they were worthy to receive salvation of the great messiah9. This is where the disciples

became eager to spread the gospel abroad and ask for people to repent and be baptized. Acts 9

verse 32 that are where the gospel was travelling abroad with Peter. Peter’s vision caused a lot of

confusion among the Jewish authorities such as with the Jerusalem council who were intolerant

to share the gospel to the gentiles as Peter was concerned but, however, although he faced many

challenges for his mission one can say that, with a lot of successes in converting people such as

Cornelius, one can note that the presence of Peter as an apostle in the field aided to the growth of

the church.

Furthermore, the role played by Paul in the growth of the church could not be undermined

because he was the heart of its growth. When Paul was converted, the church was already in

existence. This was argued by Pagina who said that, mostly the church was started the apostles

who have fled by the affliction that occurred because of the martyrdom of Stephen and these

travelled abroad to Cyprus, Phoenicia and Antioch; but at this moment Paul was there for

persecuting Christians10. But for Paul’s presence, there was substantial growth of the church

because he was the one to move all over to as far as Antioch, Lystra, Iconium and many others.

The journeys by Paul were very important in the growth of the church because he used to move

from place to place preaching and teaching people and baptize them in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thence forth, the missionary journeys of Paul must not be kept aside when analyzing the growth

of the church because they gave an important picture of how the gospel was moving fast and

how the church was growing from region to region.

To add on, the first missionary journey of Paul was one of the most important processes towards

the growth of the church. In this journey, the scriptures noted that they were led by the Holy
Ibid page 225.
Pagina S: “The acts of the apostles”: 1992: the Liturgical Press; Collegeville, Minnesota (page 274)

Spirit (Acts 13 verse 4), and because of that Holy Ghost with them, they were ready to confront

any temptation for the flourishes of the gospel of Jesus and the growth of the church. In this first

journey they preached, together with Barnabas, at Antioch of Pisidia in the synagogue for three

Sabbaths and many were filled with jealous and they wanted to contradict what Paul was saying.

When Paul realized the thoughts of the people he preached about the salvation to be extended to

the gentiles. When the gentiles heard of this they glorified God and believe God. Also Paul went

to Iconium with Barnabas, where they entered the synagogue and preached. As well as those at

Antioch the Jews stirred up the minds of the people and the emerged divisions among people

were uncontrollable. They plotted to stone Paul and Barnabas but they knew of it and they fled to

Lystra where they healed a crippled man and they were called as gods by the people of Lystra.

They told the people that they were also men like them and many people believed in Jesus Christ

and they were converted11. They then went to Derbe where they were plotted to be killed and

they return back the same way to Antioch to strengthen some believers they had converted. This

shows a lot of the growth of the church because of the Apostle Paul and his companion


More so, the second missionary journey of Paul accounts for the growth of the church by the

works and movements of the Apostle Paul. Paul and Barnabas again decided to revisit the

brethren to whom they had converted from Syria and Cilicia and they strengthen the churches so

that they can internally grow in their faith in Jesus Christ12. Paul chose Silas to be his companion

and later Timothy to be his companion, by this exchange of elders and brethren to move with

Paul, that is a strong indication of the growth of the church through movements of the apostles.

At Troas, Paul had a vision of call to Macedonia. This is the reflection of the growth of the
Ensley F.G; “Paul’s letters to local churches”; 1956; Women’s division of Christians services Board of Mission of
the Methodist Church Press; New York: (page 28)
Hans L: “The beginning of the Christian church”: 1937: Butterworth Press: London: (page 71)

church to Macedonia as well. At Philippi there was a woman who was a believer already called

Lydia who was baptized by Paul. They were arrested but at night they were praying and the

prison was opened due to the earthquake. As this was a miracle, all those who were under arrest

with Paul in the same prison they believed and converted. And also at Athens many people

believed in Jesus and in the resurrection. At Corinth they found Aquila and Priscilla who were

Jews and they were baptized. And from this, one can easily identify that; the growth of the

church in Acts was mainly centered to the activities and preaching of Paul. Hence, Paul was the

key figure for the growth of the church in Acts.

Furthermore, the third missionary journey of Paul was the other movement towards the growth

of the church in the book of Acts. Barnett P argues that, Paul as the assault of the Christians

became the pillar of the Christian and church growth because his conversion on the way to

Damascus was mostly the great in his mission and in the growth of the church as well13. In his

third missionary journey Paul was doing the follow up of the letters he had wrote to the saints of

different churches. He started off with Galatia and he strengthen them to walk as Christians (Acts

18 verse 23), to the brethren in Phrygia also. At Ephesus he found people baptized in the baptism

of repentance and he baptizes them with the baptism of life in the name of Jesus Christ. This also

is the symbol of growth among the early church in Acts. At Caesarea that’s where Agabus

prophecies that Paul is going to be arrested and delivered into the hands of the gentiles. Paul then

stubborn mindedly went to Jerusalem so that the will of God will be done. When they entered in

Jerusalem they were received by the believers in harmony and love warmly. After seven days he

was arrested and put on trials. But by the arrest of Paul one can state that, through the missionary

journeys of Paul the growth of the church was mostly necessitated. Thus from all argued, the

Barnett P; “Jesus and the rise of early Christianity”: Intervarsity Pres: Illinois: (page 223)

truth is that Paul was the pillar of the growth of the church although the twelve were responsible

for its birth.

Therefore, from the ascension to the arrest of Paul, there were many events that describes the

growth of the church such as the Pentecost, the martyrdom of Stephen, the conversion of Saul,

the ministry of Phillip in Samaria, the ministry of Peter across Joppa and the missionary journeys

of Paul; all these clearly explain the growth and expansion of the early Christianity. But from all

these movements and events, one can not hesitate to deduce from them that, the manifestation of

the Holy Spirit on the Apostles was the main and the heart of the growth of the church. And this

is because when Jesus was going back to heaven he told the disciples to teach the whole world

but with the direction from the Holy Spirit. And also, there was brotherly love that promotes

peace and unity among Christians and they received believers who repent and baptized day by


These methods of expansion were also adopted by the modern churches for expansion and

growth14. And many today’s churches traced themselves from the Abrahamic covenant to the

prophets who prophecy about Jesus to come up to Jesus and the Apostles after resurrection as

well. Thus, these churches are growing by different means. An example of these churches is the

United Family International Church.

The United Family International Church is the congregation of Christians who believed in Jesus

Christ as the Savior and God as the Creator of the universe. This church was found by Prophet

Makandiwa in 2009. But from all of a sudden this church now has a large following than other

ancient churches that were in existence before it such as the G.R.J Church which is not common

to the people of this country. There are some spiritual deeds done and that are experienced in the
Machinga T: “The journal of UFIC Vol 1” Harare Central office printer: page 34

U.F.I Church that meant to its growth. These features included that, like the apostles in the book

of Acts, the founder of the church Prophet E. Makandiwa is ministering to the people’s needs

such as healing long existing diseases, helping the barren and relieve people from the imposing

and unnecessary poverty. Just like the post-resurrection Jewish and Gentile people, had to

believe and be baptized if they saw signs and miracles, that’s what is attracting the people to the

U.F.I Church. And statistically, at the Judgment Day in April, an estimated number of 1500

converts were made on three days of meeting with the Prophet Makandiwa. Hence from the

above point one can say that, in comparison to the early church, the growth of the today’s church

is in the same line to those of the ancient time. Thus shows the growth of the modern church.

Moreover, the growth of the U.F.I Church is also precipitated by the brothers’ and sisters’ love

that is found among the believer of this congregation. The followers of this church they often do

some visits to each and every member of this church so that they can motivate and comfort each

other if necessary for the prosperous way of life in Jesus Christ. Because of this love and unity,

many people are repenting and being converted and baptized to this church. So the love

manifests to the growth of the church in the U.F.I Church. Thence forth, from this passage one

can not hesitate to say that the brotherly love is one of the key factors to the growth of the United

Family International Congress.

From the whole of the assignment, one can not hesitate to state that, although the church was

growing with a lot of influence in the regions of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria; there was the

hidden fact that, when the disciples remained in the temple others flee from a drastic persecution

by Nero, the question is that, why did they ran away as they did on the crucifixion of Jesus.

Hence one can note that there are some exaggerations somewhere somehow. This is because,

when Jesus was about to be tried he told Peter that he had prayed for him so that he will be

brave. Hence by the different area now, it was he Peter and other disciples who want to get in

trouble but Peter bravely remained in the temple but when Jesus was to be killed he ran away.

Thus on a critical point of view one can doubt the brave of the apostles to spread the gospel and

led to the growth of the church.

Another fact is that, the large number of believer were converted and baptized on the same day,

and this large sum is complicated and easy to doubt. In the history of the growth of the church in

Acts the scriptures shows us that, about three thousand were baptized on the same day. And there

are many things to question here that, during this time Christians were being persecuted so these

were not persecuted by the law and why? This shows a sense of exaggerating things done in the

scriptures. And also, if it is true that all these people were baptized, the question is that the

apostles appointed another seven where Stephen belongs, to help them, and the most striking fact

is that if these people were seven and the saints were many, why didn’t they defended Stephen

and this clearly shows that the scriptures were telling things in abundance but the point was to try

and convince people to Christ. Thus means that it was a diplomatic way used by the author to

motivate the people to Christ but the fact is that, these things have never done sometimes.

In the context of my own church also, the fact of healing, addressing the issues of those in needy

and heal the sick can be questionable. Nowadays there are some traditional healers who are

playing with the Godly people and gave them some traditional weeds so that they can perform

wonders in traditional way and not in the almighty God’s way. And there is no evidence of those

statistics about the converts. So this might be a way to lure people to their religion. Hence both

growths were questionable.

But from the spiritual and similarity point of view, one can note that, the growth of the church in

Acts was precipitated by the apostles in conjunction with the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the

heart of the growth of the church. And also, the other similarities upon these growths, the growth

in Acts and the growth of the U.F.I Church is that, both growths of these are a fulfillment of the

prophecy by Jesus that the gospel shall be preached from Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria and

the whole world then after that the Son of God will come. Thenceforth there are some

similarities between the two.

In conclusion, one can not hesitate to conclude that, the growth of the church in Acts was a

product of the command from Jesus. And that the Holy Spirit in convention with the apostles

especially Paul were the pillars of the growth of the church in the ancient times. And also in the

today’s church the Holy Spirit and the founder are pillars of the growth of the church. This

cannot be undermined. But, contrary, the early church growth had great challenges and

difficulties such as persecutions of Hellenists whilst for nowadays there are no more persecutions

of Christians in this modern country.


1. Barnett. P: JESUS AND THE OF EARLY CHRISTIANITY: 1994: Intervarsity Press:


2. Comby. J: HOW TOREAD CHURCH HISTORY: Vol 1; 1985: SCM Press ltd: London.

3. Ensley. F.G: PAUL’S LETTERS TO LOCAL CHURCHES: 1956: Women’s Division

of Christian Service Board of Mission of the Methodist Church: New York.


press: London.


AGES: 1996: Abington Press: Nashville.

6. Pagina. S: THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES: 1992: The Liturgical Press: Minnesota.

7. Patzia. A.G: THE EMERGENC OF THE CHURCH: Context, Growth, Leadership &

Worship: 2001: Intervarsity Press: Illinois.

8. Stark. R. THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY: 1997: Harper Collins Publishers: San


9. Machinga T (2013); accessed at (

accessed on (26/09/2014).


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