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Baby Temperature Of Newborn by Jhon I Takayama

Medical records of 203 healthy full-term infants were reviewed to determine the range of
axillary temperatures for newborn infants, factors that affect temperature and nursery management
of infants with temperatures outside published normal ranges. The mean birth temperature was
36.5°C Temperature was associated with birth weight and the presence of maternal fever but not
with type of environment or time of birth. The mean temperature increased with age, rising 0.2 °C by
2-3 hours after birth and 0.3°C by 15-20 hours Among a subset of 114 eligible neonates the mean
temperature dropped 0.2°C after bathing.

Temperatures measured were in the hypothermic (<36.3°C) range, the only response
recorded by nursery staff consisted of warming by modifying the environment, bundling. Blood
cultures were drawn from 51 infants (25%), 43 because of maternal intrapartum antibiotic treatment
for maternal fever or prolonged duration of ruptured amniotic membranes (>24 hours) and none for
evaluation of abnormal temperatures. No infants had systemic infections and all were discharged in
stable condition. Newborn axillary temperatures in our nursery were considerably lower than what
has been previously described as "normal." Given the frequency of "hypothermia" and absence of
associated illness, we believe the reference range for newborn temperatures should be expanded to
include lower temperatures.

The catagorize of nine parts of speech

Medical records of 203 healthy full-term infants were reviewed to determine the range of
axillary temperatures for newborn infants, factors that affect temperature and nursery management
of infants with temperatures outside published normal ranges. The mean birth temperature was
36.5°C Temperature was associated with birth weight and the presence of maternal fever but not
with type of environment or time of birth. The mean temperature increased with age, rising 0.2°C by
2-3 hours after birth and 0.3°C by 15-20 hours Among a subset of 114 eligible neonates the mean
temperature dropped 0.2°C after bathing.

Temperatures measured were in the hypothermic (<36.3°C) range, the only response
recorded by nursery staff consisted of warming by modifying the environment, bundling. Blood
cultures were drawn from 51 infants (25%), 43 because of maternal intrapartum antibiotic
treatment for maternal fever or prolonged duration of ruptured amniotic membranes (>24 hours)
and none for evaluation of abnormal temperatures. No infants had systemic infections and all were
discharged in stable condition. Newborn axillary temperatures in our nursery were considerably
lower than what has been previously described as "normal." Given the frequency of "hypothermia"
and absence of associated illness, we believe the reference range for newborn temperatures should
be expanded to include lower temperatures.

Blue = Noun

red = Adverb

green = Pronoun

gray = Preposition
yellow = Verb

purple = Conjunction

brown = Articles and Determiners

pink = Interjection

gold = Adjective

Catatan medis dari 203 bayi cukup bulan yang sehat ditinjau untuk menentukan kisaran suhu ketiak
untuk bayi baru lahir, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi suhu dan manajemen perawatan bayi
dengan suhu di luar kisaran normal yang dipublikasikan. Suhu lahir rata-rata adalah 36,5 ° C. Suhu
dikaitkan dengan berat badan lahir dan adanya demam ibu tetapi tidak dengan jenis lingkungan atau
waktu lahir. Suhu rata-rata meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia, naik 0,2 ° C selama 2-3 jam setelah
lahir dan 0,3 ° C selama 15-20 jam. Di antara 114 neonatus yang memenuhi syarat, suhu rata-rata
turun 0,2 ° C setelah mandi.

Temperatur yang diukur berada pada kisaran hipotermia (<36,3 ° C), satu-satunya respon yang
dicatat oleh staf pembibitan terdiri dari pemanasan dengan memodifikasi lingkungan, pengikatan.
Kultur darah diambil dari 51 bayi (25%), 43 karena pengobatan antibiotik intrapartum ibu untuk
demam ibu atau durasi panjang ruptur ketuban ketuban (> 24 jam) dan tidak ada untuk evaluasi
suhu abnormal. Tidak ada bayi yang mengalami infeksi sistemik dan semuanya dipulangkan dalam
kondisi stabil. Suhu ketiak bayi baru lahir di kamar bayi kami jauh lebih rendah daripada yang
sebelumnya digambarkan sebagai "normal". Mengingat frekuensi "hipotermia" dan tidak adanya
penyakit terkait, kami yakin rentang referensi untuk suhu bayi baru lahir harus diperluas untuk
mencakup suhu yang lebih rendah.

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