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Running head: LESSON PLAN 2

Lesson Plan 2

FACS 398, Nutrition Education & Counseling

Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

Candace Martell

Dr. Kimberlin

Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I
received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited
any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also
certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for the purpose of this assignment.

Signature(s): Candace Martell ONU ID No. 1821596


Target Audience: Pregnant Women


1. After viewing the presentation, women will be able to recall the difference in kcal

requirements between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters with 90% accuracy.

2. Following the presentation, women can identify at least one foodborne illness associated with

pregnancy with 100% accuracy.

3. After the presentation, women will be able to recall at least one vitamin that is essential during

pregnancy with 100% accuracy.

Time Allotted: 25-30 minutes

Preassessment: Question audience on MyPlate recommendations for pregnancy nutrition. Ask if

they have ever experienced a foodborne illness and to identify the illness. Lastly, ask if any

women are taking a prenatal vitamin/supplement.

Content and Sequence:

***Before the presentation, I will provide handouts and important

information during pregnancy that will also be discussed in the PowerPoint.***

1. Given notecards and pens, each woman will write a fun fact they discovered about their

eating habits during pregnancy (if comfortable sharing).

2. To begin, I will ask the audience about familiarity with MyPlate and see if they can give

me any recommendations from it and identify if they have ever experienced a foodborne

illness. I will also ask if any women are currently taking a prenatal supplement.

3. I would like to invite audience in by asking how many drink caffeine?


4. I will share interesting facts about caffeine, as health care professionals recognize it is


5. Discuss pregnancy nutrition tips

6. Explain RDA for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters for fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, and


7. Identify how many calories are needed for pregnant women and differences between 1 st,

2nd, and 3rd trimester energy requirements

8. Discuss weight management and factors after assessing caloric needs during pregnancy,

using BMI charts for one child and for twins. Discuss issues with obesity during


9. Explain micro and macronutrient needs based on RDA values

10. Observe a prenatal vitamin nutrition label and discuss most important vitamins and


11. Prenatal vitamins and supplements and how certain vitamins can easily be consumed to a

toxic level (A, C, B6, D, & E). Caution to prevent this from occurring during pregnancy.

Talk about which two supplements are the only one’s doctors recommend while pregnant

(Folic acid and Iodine).

12. Discuss the foodborne illnesses listeriosis & toxoplasmosis as they relate to pregnancy

and food selections that may cause these illnesses

13. Explain seafood and MyPlate recommendations for women who are pregnant and

nursing. Discuss the best seafood options that have low mercury content.

14. Key messages

15. Evaluation with questions for the audience


16. Questions?

Learning Activities: Engaging audience by asking questions at the beginning and at the end of

the presentation. Also, the notecard activity at the beginning will help the women meet other

mothers and socialize.

Materials: Notecards, pens, computer, projector, flash drive, food models, handouts

Evaluation: Have audience answer questions related to prenatal nutrition such as what the
st nd rd
primary differences between 1 , 2 , and 3 trimesters are in relation to calorie needs, and

MyPlate recommendations. Have audience identify one foodborne illness associated with

pregnancy and recall at least one important vitamin during pregnancy.

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