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Financial Values

Amount Finances
(Php) SHAREHOLDERS 148,827.21
Fixed Cost: SECURITY BANK 2,000,000.00
Furnitures and Fixtures 193,717.00 TOTAL 2,148,827.21
Non-Consumable Supplies 9,346.00
Total Fixed Cost 203,063.00
Variable Cost
Raw Materials 128,081.71
Salaries and Wages 1,715,040.00 2020
Consumable Supplies 134.00 number of Clients 3,961.06
Utilities Expense 59,988.00 TOTAL REVENUE per client Php2,845.00
Miscellaneous Expense 14,920.50 GRAND TOTAL 11,269,210.00
Permits and Licenses 200.00
Promotional Expenses 2,400.00
Rent Expense 25,000.00
Total Variable Cost 1,945,764.21
TOTAL 2,148,827.21

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