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Name-Ravi Mali s.Id-2020PWC5588

Course-Mtech(WOC- 1st year)

Q1) plot ratio of Pclade/p to the V-Number .

P= Total optical power in optical fiber

Pcladd=1-P_core=cladding power

= √
M=number of mode in fiber

For multimode fiber M=

√ .
= =
So the plot is shown here .
Q-2 Plot the MFD(mode field diameter vsV-Number and Wavelength

Mode field diameter is measure by the size of the optical mode field
It is determine by numerical aperture and cut off wavelength of he
fiber and is related to diameter of the fiber.
Which mean some optical power is always and guided by the fiber
cladding .MFD definedas the radial position where intensity Falls to
e-2 of peak intensity .
. .
MFD= . 65 + +

V= v-number
A=core radius =.30m

V= (NA)

NA=√𝑁𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑁𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑑
Ncore=1.50,Ncladd=1.45 so NA=.38 at 𝜆 = 1.3𝑢𝑚

µQ3) plot normalized constant vs V-number

Normalized constant is define as the relation between β/K vsV-
number is call normalized propagation contant (b).


here a= core radius and w= β2 –K22

2= 𝛽 2-𝜔 2 𝜀 2µ

Here we see that normalized constant is inversely proportional to the squre of the v-number


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