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Marketing a restaurant requires identifying, reaching and creating advertising that
speaks to target audiences. A healthy restaurant will appeal to a sprawling array of
overlapping target audiences. According to "Consumer Reports," 38 percent of
respondents to a survey claimed their diet was "very" or "extremely" healthy. To
flesh out this basic list of the kinds of people who will gravitate toward a healthy
restaurant, brainstorm additional target audiences based upon the restaurant
location and type of cuisine.

The Lonely Rich

Most of the lonely rich are tech workers these days, and most of those tech workers
are Internet workers. Their life has become their website servers and code they
write, and the people who help them to make the decisions in that world. They
hang out with each other, but desperately want to get away from it and use the
money they are racking up. Because this wealth has come fairly easily for them, it
is particularly easy to separate them from their money again.

Young Happy Couples

The restaurant will have an atmosphere that encourages people to bring dates and
to have couples arrive. It won’t be awkward for others, and we do want to be a
social place where people meet each other and develop a network. These young
couples are generally very successful but balanced and won’t be spending as much
on drinks.

The Rich
The rich are a massive group with tremendous influence over the city’s
government and private enterprise. We will cater to their ecological ideology and
contribute to charities to help them part with more of their money.

Dieting Women
The organic food menu will always have a line of extremely delicious very low-fat
meals. We will have tables of women meeting like they do in shows, to discuss all
types of matters while feeling good about the food they eat.

Another groups which can also be targeted

Mid-level organic consumers. These make up the bulk of organic consumers

(65%). They are individuals who are not only changing their attitudes but who are
also changing their habits and buying organic products.

Core consumers. This is a small group (21%) of people who are very invested in
organics. They showcase this investment via both attitude and behavior. These
folks talk about organics.

Parent and Kid Consumers-Soon-to-be parents also buy organic foods often. In
fact, about one in 10 pregnant women say they eat organic food regularly.
Furthermore, some evidence shows that kids raised on organics may be more likely
to eventually become long-term organic eaters themselves.
Dieters-Although not all diet food is healthy, dieters are more likely to find menu
items that will help them lose weight at a healthy restaurant than at a fast-food
operation. A salad has fewer calories than a plate of French fries, and restaurants
that specialize in healthy fare tend to devote care and attention to preparing low-fat
and low-calorie foods that are interesting and appealing.

Cultural Creatives-Although these "cultural creatives,", do not necessarily share

demographic traits such as race, sex and age, they do share a set of values
including an interest in healthy food. For cultural creatives, healthy food is a
choice based on an overall desire to live well, integrating holistic eating with
sensible, sustainable lifestyle choices.

Affluent Customers-For better or for worse, healthy food tends to cost more than
unhealthy, processed food. Healthy eating can be a smart lifestyle choice, and it
can also be a status symbol, a luxury enjoyed disproportionately by people who
can afford it. According to a 2009 Gallup-Healthways poll, responders who live
closest to convenient sources of are more likely to report regular consumption of
fresh produce. Affluent customers are part of the target market for a healthy
restaurant in part because they are able to afford healthy food.

Active People-Energize the marketing materials for a healthy restaurant by using

imagery of people being active -- from walking, birding and hiking to running,
mountain biking and rock climbing. Many active people lead a generally healthy
lifestyle, including a healthy diet.

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