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Practice Sheet - Learning Session 1


Section : Surnames : REYMUNDO AMES


Teacher : Mg.Rosa Ñaña Baquerizo Names : ISHAID RAUL

Unit :I Date : 02/09/2020-10

I. Purpose: Understand and define terms related to the topic E-commerce. II. Activity or tasks
to be carried out: Read the questions carefully and carry out the exercises.

1. What is e-commerce?
e-commerce es la compra-venta de productos y/o servicios que se realiza a través de internet y mediante el
uso de herramientas digitales como páginas web o aplicaciones móviles desarrolladas.
2. Why is e-commerce security important?
Security in ecommerce and specifically in commercial transactions is a very important aspect. It is
necessary to have a secure server through which all confidential information is encrypted and travels safely
as it provides confidence to both suppliers and buyers who make electronic commerce their usual way of
doing business.
3. What benefits can the client find through the use of electronic commerce?

 Overcoming geographic limitations.

 Obtaining a greater number of customers both online and offline thanks to the increased visibility
that the Internet allows.
 Much lower start-up and maintenance cost than a traditional business.
 Greater ease of displaying the products for the entrepreneur.
 Easier and faster to find the products for the buyer.
 Saving time when making purchases for the buyer.
4. Which page fulfills the function of electronic commerce?
The main pages are amazon, linio, AliExpress and Alibaba

5. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic commerce

 Global reach
 Open 24 hours
 Best offers for customers
 Lower costs for the business
 Advantage: no standing in long lines to make a purchase
 For customers, this is one of the most popular conveniences of e-commerce.
 Authenticity and security
 Waste of time
 Inconvenient
6. How is encryption used in e-commerce?


7. How do digital signatures work?


8. How to buy by internet? Explain the steps

 Enter a secure page

 find what you need
 Compare price with another page
 Select product
 Make the payment
9. Mention the types of electronic commerce, explain each one and give and example.









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