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Names: Cristian Jair Aldana Rubiano; Cristian Alejandro Bernal Montenegro

Green World

Progress of the Final Project

 Our project will be an animation created in adobe animation.
 We Will develop a magical forest themed resort.
 Resort name: Green World.
 Information of the place:
 Venue characteristics:
 It’s a green region (The rooms will be in the middle of the
 It will have a lot of fauna and mainly flora.
 Different types of biomes, both natural and artificially created.
 The rooms by section will be almost private and will have
special attention services.
 Will be attended with reservation.
 Location: The amazon.
 Entertainment activities:
 View of nature (flora and fauna).
 Swimming areas (swimming pools, rivers and lakes).
 Different sports areas.
 Restaurants (Gourmet, outdoors and food service in the
 Unique characteristics:
 We have a nice garden with all kinds of exotic plants and
provide liquids that enhance our physical abilities and senses
to enjoy the maximum Green World.
 Night exploration of the forest without artificial light to see
when the trees wake up and interact with them.
 Breathe underwater and explore aquatic environments thanks
to our exotic plants.
 Observation of the special flora and fauna of the location.
 Special interaction with the environment.
 Activities:
 Exploration (Caves, aquatic, aerial and animal).
 Sports with ball, aquatics and aerials.
 Plantation.
 Recreational diving.

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