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3 regular + 1 smaller protein pre-bed Snack + 1-2

Optional snacks each day

MEALS 1 + 2 + 3: 390-450 calories:
Meal 1: before leaving the house each morning. It does not need to be as soon as you wake up.
Meal 2: Lunch whenever you’re hungry
Meal 3: Dinner whatever time you want
Meal 4: PROTEIN SNACK Within an hour before bed.
***If you know you’re going to go longer than 6 hours or if you feel starving that’s the perfect time to have the optional snack.
***Eat when hungry (you do not have plan your food around training as research shows that this is not important if eating within a few hours of the gym

Meal options for meals 1-3:

a) 2.5 slices of P28 French Toast + very low cal. syrup 430
b) 2.5 cups Apple protein pancake OR 2 cups Banana Protein Pancakes + very low cal. syrup (Walden farms) = 410-440
c) PB2 on P28 Banana Sandwich 420
d) 2 P28 toast 260 with 24 PB2 90 + 1 serving of fruit OR 3/4 cups 0% Greek yogurt 100 = 450
e) 1 whole egg 150 + 2 P28 toast 260 and 24g PB2 90 = 425
f) Guys Greek PB2 OR Pudding OR Berry Protein Shake Option A B C OR D 340-360 + 1 mini bag smart pop popcorn 100 =
h) 1 cups apple goop OR 1 mini bag smart pop popcorn 100 + 1.5 cups 0% fat Greek yogurt 200 + 1 serving fruit 100 = 400
i) CREAM OF WHEAT OR OATMEAL 1/2 CUP 45 G 165 + 1.5 scoop whey protein 180 + 1/2 serving fruit 50 + 1.5 cup silk
ALMOND MILK 45 = 440
j) CREAM OF WHEAT OATMEAL 2/3 CUP 60 G 220 + 1.5 scoop whey protein 180 + 12g PB2 45 = 445
k) Grilled Cheese on P28 Sandwich 350 OR "Low Cal" PB2 on P28 Banana Sandwich 350 OR PB2 and Jam on P28 Sandwich
350-370 + 1/3 cup fat free no sugar added Greek yogurt KIRKLAND OR 1/3 cup 0% fat cottage cheese 50 = 400-420
l) Omelet 1 cups egg white 120 + 1 whole egg 75 + (1 fat free cheese slices OR 25g chicken/ham deli slices) 30 + 1/2 serving of
veggies 50 + 20 condiments + 1 P28 toast 130 and 10g PB2 40 = 460
m) 2 whole eggs 150 + 1 cup 0% fat cottage cheese 160 + 1 serving fruit 100 = 410
n) 1.5 cups apple goop 150 + 1.5 cups 0% Greek yogurt 200 OR 1 1/4 cup 0% fat cottage cheese 200 + 1/2 serving fruit 50 = 400
o) 2 cups apple goop 200 + 1.5 scoop military protein 180 + 1/2 serving fruit 50 = 430
p) Liquid Muscle Quick and Easy Pancakes 450
q) Omelet 1 cup egg white 120 + 1 whole egg 75 + (1 fat free cheese slices OR 25g chicken/ham deli slices) 30 + 1 serv. of veg.
100 + 15 cond. + 1 toast 80 +12g PB2 45 = 405
s) Breakfast P28 Wrap: 440
t) LIGHT Breakfast P28 Wrap: 350 + 1/2 cups 0% Greek yogurt 70 = 420
q) Omelet 1 cup egg white 120 + 1 whole egg 75 + (1 fat free cheese slices 60 OR 25g chicken/ham deli slices) 30 + 1/2 serv. of
veg. 50 + 15 cond. + 1 toasts 80 + 12g PB2 45 = 415
a) light P28 Mega Wrap 390
d) 1 P28 grilled cheese OR PB2 on Low cal Jam P28 Sandwich 350 + 1 mini bag smart pop popcorn or ¾ cup greek yogurt 100 =
e) 3.5 slices French toast on Regular bread 400 + low cal syrup walden farms or miss buttersworth 20 = 420
h) 2 Toufayan Egg/Meat LOW CAL wrap = 420-440
i) Large bag Smart pop popcorn 240 + Kirkland/Quest any protein bar 210 calories or less that has 20 grams of protein or
more/HOMEMADE protein Bar 190-220 = 430
n) Grilled Cheese + Ham on P28 Sandwich 390 OR Lettuce/Tomato/Chicken OR TUNA on P28 Sandwich 390 PB2 on P28
Banana Sandwich 390-420
v) 2 Off season flat out Light EGG/MEAT Wrap 400-440
y)150g salmon OR 165g extra lean steak/Ground beef OR 200 g extra lean ground turkey/chicken 230 g chicken/Turkey OR
300g Haddock/cod/shrimp 345 + 1 serving of veggies or 1 min bag smart pop popcorn 100 + 30 calories cond. = 450
z) Large bag Smart pop popcorn 240 + 1.5 cups 0% Greek yogurt 200 = 440
Gym: optional 1 scoop battle Juice + 1 Scoop Ammo 8 + 1 Scoop GP3 EVO all mixed in 750 ml of water OR 2 scoops
Ammo 8 + 1 scoop GP3 in 750 ml water

Meal 4: PRE-BED PROTEIN MEAL: (within 45 min of bedtime) 195-250

a) 1.5 cup 0% fat plain libert lactose free greek yogurt 210
b) 2 whole egg 150 + ½ cup egg whites 60 = 210
c) 190-235 calories (use casein protein) shake = 190-235
d) 4 Greek source 50 OR 1 cup NORDICA lactose free cottage cheese OR 1 cup 0 % fat cottage cheese = 180-200
e) 130g extra lean steak/HAMBURG = 235
f)150 g extra lean ground turkey/chicken = 225
g) 180 g chicken/Turkey 230
h) 230g Haddock/Shrimp 230
i) 1 can tuna no oil + 2 tbsp light mayo = 200
j) 1 whole egg 75 + 1 cup egg whites 120 = 195
k) 3 whole eggs 225

Calorie Range 1365-1600 AVG. 1483 cals + 1-2 * 250-calorie snack of your choice if your extra hungry (ex. Smart pop popcorn
OR protein bar OR Greek Yogurt OR Fruit OR Scotsburn “Smart Indulgence”Greek Yogurt bar or anythiug your craving
within the calorie limit to keep you from missing out on foods you want to eat.
*I listed below some more high protein lower calorie snack choices that would be great to choose from. Does not mean u need to choose
from here but they would make great choices. Notice they are all way below 250 calories so you can in fact eat more then is listed in a
snack. For example you could have 3 whole eggs rather then 2 or you could have 2 whole eggs plus greek yogurt.

Examples of Really Healthy Snack options: You could also add FRUIT OR VEGGIES to all of these for example:
a) 1 cup 0% fat plain libert lactose free greek yogurt 140
b) 1 whole egg 75 + ½ cup egg whites 60 = 135
c) 140 calories casein protein shake
d) 3 Greek source 50 =150
f) 85g extra lean steak = 150
h)100 g extra lean ground turkey/chicken = 150
i) 115 g chicken/Turkey 150
j)150g Haddock/Shrimp 150
k) 1 can tuna packed in water not oil + 1 tbsp light mayo 30 = 160
l) 95g pork tenderloin 150
m) 2 large egg 75 = 150
n) 1 P28 bread 130 + 10g PB2 40 = 170
o) 1/3rd serving Liquid Muscle Quick and Easy Pancakes 150
p) 3/4 cup NORDICA lactose free cottage cheese 150
r) Any 3 of the following +1/3 cup 0% fat plain libert lactose free greek yogurt 50 OR 1 Greek source 50 OR 1/4 cup NORDICA lactose free
cottage cheese 50 = 150
s) 1 slices French toast on Regular bread 115 +1/3 cup 0% fat plain libert lactose free greek yogurt 50 OR 1 Greek source 50 OR 1/4 cup
NORDICA lactose free cottage cheese 50 = 165

*You are also allowed to combine the OPTIONAL Snack with a meal to have 1 larger calorie meal. So, for
example for DINNER you could eat ANY OPTION LISTED and then for dessert ADD in 1-2 GREEK Yogurt ice-cream
bars OR GREEK Yogurt for example. YOU could even add ½ burger to the options as that would be in the calorie
allotment. Some people will “SAVE” their SNACKS for later to eat them when they are truly hungry like at
SUPPER or in the evening.

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