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This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

research objective, significance of the study and scope and delimitation.

1.1 Background of the Study

Culture is the result of human thinking that do consciously in life group. In culture

there are elements of potential culture in human, that is mind (idea) fell and wish

(intention)(Diana,2016). In this relationship, Sir Edward Tylor say that “culture is all

something that learn together socially by society member.

Culture is dynamic trademark. Societies dependably changes in succession

advancement period. Changes of culture have done since ancient times are change of

chasing and gather system life become noticeably propelled cultivating. Culture change

is caused by many factor, one of them is the nearness of contact with other culture. In

the modern era like this, culture change precedes rapidly in light of the fact that advance

of technology. Technology gave positive and negative impacts. In constructive outcome

technology give us numerous learning and understanding about the world and with

technology we can enhance capacity innovation or data, improve teaching, give data

rapidly and soon, yet in negative impact technology influence us to overlook time like

sitting in front of the TV persistent, languid and there is no separation so we can peep

other culture. Other than that, outside societies roll out noteworthy improvement

beginning from outlook, behavior to lifestyle, as entered of Korean Wave (Diana,2016).

The rising prominence of Korean Culture all through the world is called Korean

Wave. The Korean mainstream culture which spread for the most part through the

broad communications is presently getting a charge out of high prominence outside

Korea and this is the means by which the Korean Wave happens (Yu, 2008). The

incredible Korean sensation is portray from another term called Hallyu, this is a Korean

articulation of Korean Wave which is characterized by Korean Tourism Organization

(2004) as the current social wonder of South Korean popular culture clearing all through

the world (Kim and Ryoo, 2007). Korean Wave (Hallyu) mostly comprises of TV

dramatizations, film, popular music, motion picture stars movement and funnies

including versatile substance like PDAs and iPods, video or PC diversions, and also the

most recent design, sustenance, home apparatuses and beautifying agents,

emphatically growing to things like move, mold, painting, food, plastic surgery, tourism

and dialect ( In this examination I'm quite recently going to

concentrate on the Korean Wave impact in Filipino Youth's inclination in music, TV

dramatizations and in their essence of form.

The adolescents are the person who are most affected by the Korean Wave and

one of those are the Filipino Youth (Lee,2011). The new age today is extraordinary and

they are effectively caught to the things around them. These young people are

presented to the various types and classes of music, TV shows and furthermore in their

essence of mold. Once in a while, the essence of music, motion pictures and form has

been changed, enhanced and made all the more energizing according to the Filipino

Youth. Wherever you will go, in schools, shopping centers, stores, while riding a

jeepney and even to recreational places, for example, parks and furthermore to

vacationer places, you can see the impacts of Korean Wave in the Filipino particularly

to the Filipino Youth. In going to class you can without much of a stretch see that

Korean Sensations are all around. You can see that understudies are tuning in and

singing melodies in various dialect (Korean Language) that they don't have the

foggiest idea about what's the significance of it, they discuss their most loved Korean

shows at that point appreciate the on-screen characters and performing artists in the

film and some of the time mimic their looks(Lee,2011).

Korean wave is a marvel which alludes to an overall ubiquity blast in Korean

social fares. Korean Wave remains for Korean shows and Korean motion pictures,

joined with a blend of Korean popular music and move, garments, sustenance,

traditions, beauty care products and Korean language. Unquestionably, Korean wave

has shaped a gigantic chic power on the planet(Diana,2016)..

Lifestyle is a pattern of life in the world that expressed in activities, interests,

and his opinions. Because lifestyle is different from the way of life. Way of life shown

by characteristics, such as norms, rituals, and patterns of social order or manner of

speech is typical. Meanwhile, the lifestyle is expressed through what is subject to a

person, what he consumes, and how he acted or behaved when in the presence of

others. As well as being worn by the Hallyu community with a genre of music with the

advent of girl/boy band that was a hallmark of their performs (Diana,2016).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1. Is there any partial significant influence of Korean Dramas towards

students’ lifestyle.

2. Is there any partial significant influence of Korean Pop Music towards

students’ lifestyle.

3. Is there any partial significant influence of Korean Films towards students’


4. Is there any simultaneous significant influence of Korean dramas, Korean

Films and Korean Pop Music towards students’ lifestyle.

1.3 Research Objective

1. To know any partial significant influence of Korean Drama towards

students’ lifestyle.

2. To know any partial significant influence of Korean Films towards students’


3. To know any partial significant influence of Korean Pop Music towards

students’ lifestyle.

4. To know any simultaneous significant influence of Korean drama, Korean

Films, and Korean Pop music towards students’ lifestyle.

1.4 Significance of the Study

To the students

This will help them to understand the influence of Korean wave to their lifestyle

and its positive and negative effects. The study will make them aware of its


To the teachers

They will be informed of what Korean wave is and how it influences the

students’ lifestyle. In this, they will understand and cope up to the students’ behavior

that is related to Korean culture.

To the parents

This study will give them a wide perception and enough knowledge about

Korean wave and how it influences their son/daughter. In this, they will be able to

guide their children.

To the future researchers

This study will help them and also a source of information regarding into their

related study.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on the effects of Korean wave to students’ lifestyle in

terms of Korean dramas, Korean films, and Korean pop music. The respondents are

composed of Marikina High School Senior high school students S.Y. 2017-2018

specifically in HUMSS strand. This research will be conducted in Marikina High

School. The researchers limited this research to the students who are fond to Korean




2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Culture Understanding Culture

Culture is plural type from words Budi and daya that meaning is love, wish and

fell. Exactly, culture spring from Sanskrit language budhayah that is plural type from

word buddhi that meaning is budi or mind. In English language, spring word from

culture, in Dutch language it’s meaning of culturr, in Latin language spring from word

corela. Corela is process, carry out, fertile, develop of land (endage in farming).

Then this meaning develop in mean culture, that is as activities human for process

and change nature that do socially by society member. (ILVI NUR,DIANA,2016)

The following understanding of culture from some experts:

E. B. Tylor(2007), culture is a complex totality that consists of knowledge, trust, art,

moral, scientific, law, tradition, other ability and habit of human as society members.

R. Linton(2007), culture as behavior configuration that learn and result of behavior

can be learning, where is unsure of shaper can be support and continue by other

members (society).

Koentjaraningrat(2002), culture is totality of idea system, or human learn self from

life area.

SeloSoemardjandanSoelaemanSoemardi(2002), said that culture is all result of

opus, feel and idea society.

Thus, culture concerning all of life aspect material and non- material. So, can

be interpreted that culture influenced by evolutionism gaze, that is a theory say that

culture will develop from

simple to more complex. The Embodiment of Culture

Talcott Parson (sociologist) and al Kroeber (anthropologist) suggests for

differentiate form of culture constantly as a system. Where shape culture is as a

structure of action and activity human in system. According to J.J. Honigman in his

book the World of Man (1959) divides culture in three forms, that is; ideas, activities,

and artifact.(Kencana, 2007)Koentjaraningrat said that culture divide in three forms,


1. Form culture as a complex from ideas, values, norms, and regulation. This

form indicates idea from culture, his characteristic is abstract, can‟t feel, hold

or take picture and his place there in mind human.

2. Form culture as a complex activity and shape action from human in society.

This form namely social system, because indicate shapes action and behavior

human self. This form can take picture and documentation because in this

social system there are human activities that interaction and relationship with

other in society.

3. Form culture as things result of human opus. The last form called physic

culture. Where is this form of physic result (deed activities, and opus all of

human in society). Examples:Borobudur temple and batik cloth. The physic

culture is concrete characteristic in material or arthefac, like statue, temple, etc. The Characteristics of Culture

The real characteristic from culture, that is:

1. The materialized culture and flow of human behavior.

2. Culture has there more firsts than born generation and will not dead with

endless ages of the generation.

3. Culture necessary by human and manifested in behavior.

4. Culture includes roles that consist the obligations, actions,received and reject,

prohibited acts, and allowed actions. The System of Culture

System culture is component of culture that abstract characteristic and

consists from minds, ideas, concept, and beliefs. So, system culture is part of culture

in Indonesia language called costumes, it‟s creating human behavior manifest in the

element culture as one unit.

The system culture will result kinds of different culture. Kinds of culture can

grouped become:

1. The material culture

The material culture that is result cipta, karsa that manifest thing, like

building, factory, road and etc.

2. The material Non-Material

Is result of cipta, karsa that manifest habit, costume, science and

soon. Non-material namely:

 Folkways

 Mores

 Norm of law

 Mode (fashion)

Purpose of culture (culuur, corele, cultivare) that is keep and advancing human

life towards civilized, included definition “memuja-muja” (cultus). Therefore, must

always remain:

1. Keeping culture must aims modernize and adjust culture with every change

natural and epoch.

2. Because exile culture occur decrease and dying, so that relation between

culture and society must always there.

3. Renewal culture require there is relation with other culture can be develop

(promote, improve) or enrich (add) culture self.

4. Entering other culture that incompatible with nature and his time is “change

culture” that against demands of nature and society. And it is dangerous.

5. The progress of culture must direct continues from self culture (continuities)

to world culture (convergence) and continuous have personality

characteristic in human life. (Consentrisitas)

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2.1.2 Korean Wave

“Hallyu”, which is a commonly used term meaning “Korean cultural wave”, was

originated in mid-1999 by Beijing journalists who were surprised at the speed of the

fast-growing popularity of Korean entertainment and culture (Aug 13, 2013)

Korean wave (Hallyu) here and there spelt (Hanryu' or Hanliu') used to portray a

confounding assortment of things. Hallyu generally interpret as Korean wave' and it is

utilized as a part of connection to various Korean social practices it at first secured

region, for example, TV shows stars and pop tunes. Yet in addition as Korean

parliamentary (Kim Joengmee 2007) just like the wave of the sea the Korean wave

raises and became globally popular and more influential.

Theories of Korean wave

The affection for everything Japanese and Korean in East Asia has been

strikingly caught by such expressions as Japan-madness (hari in Chinese) and the

Korean wave (Hallyu in Korea hanliu in Chinese) this two marvel underscore how

mainstream culture helps clean the picture of country and hence reinforces its

aggressiveness in the worldwide market (Shuling Huang 2011)

This marvel particularly connotes a regionalization of transnational social streams as

it involves Asian nations' expanding acknowledgment of social creation and utilization

from neighboring nations that offer comparative recorded and social foundations, as

opposed to from politically and monetarily effective others. (Woongjae Ryoo 2009)

Korean wave or Hallyu is a wonder of Korean popular culture spread all through the

world including Southeast Asia nations. The Korean Wave is conveyed by

dramatization and music in TV, DVD, magazine, daily paper or web. Agreeing
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Psychological Theory, media can influence group of onlooker’s observational

learning. The procedure are taking in the conduct, watching the model and

demonstrating by means of the media that encourages the social dispersion of

thoughts, qualities and practices happens. Nonetheless, the conduct isn't affected by

media just, they moreover have capacity to consider and pick their own particular

conduct. (Etsu Linadi Kinanthi and Ramadhani Kurni).

The Philippines is one of the nations which is extraordinarily affected by

Korean Wave (Alanzalon, 2011). The principal Philippine K-pop tradition was held in

PICC last 2009 which was gone to by more than two thousand K-pop fans.

Regardless of these expanding across the board of Korean wave in the Philippines,

there has been a little report which endeavored to comprehend the K-pop being a fan

among the Filipinos particularly the teenagers (Alanzalon, 2011). The speculations

explored on absorbed themselves with the subjective research concentrate, for

example, the Acculturation Theory, which is a procedure in which individuals from

one social gathering receive the convictions, qualities and practices of one gathering

(Barros, 2006). The Super Peer Theory trusts that youths copy the conduct of those

people whom they most need to resemble (Escobar Chavez, et al., 2005). Also,

ultimately, the Social Learning Theory, which expresses that conduct can

undoubtedly be scholarly (Escobar Chavez, et al., 2007). This examination means to

give data on the encounters of K-pop fans, to whom and where do they express their

being a fan, how would they express their being a fan and what affected their being a

fan. Through this examination, the encounters of the enthusiasts of Korean Popular

Culture can help clarify pre-adult conduct. This will likewise influence Filipinos to

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comprehend why the Philippines is influenced by the Korean wave. Moreover, this

investigation will likewise sustain the relationship of the Filipinos and Koreans in our

nation given the way that a ton of Koreans has been living in our nation in the current

years. This would likewise open the brains of the Filipinos in understanding outside

societies in our nation (Alanzalon, 2011).

2.1.3 Korean Drama

In the course of the most recent couple of decades, human culture has seen a

powerful development of media innovations. With the worldwide development of the

web, the presence of satellite television and other imaginative correspondence

strategies, broad communications has ascended to be a standout amongst the most

intense devices in overwhelming and affecting open dispositions and practices.

Applying development hypothesis, this investigation will concentrate on the impacts of

an acclaimed Korean show: "Full House" on the view of Vietnamese youth,

particularly adolescents, about social reality. (Lich Van Nein,2009)

Cultivation Theory

As expressed over, the possibility of development was first figured by

Professor George Gerbner at The University of Pensylvania in 1969 (Morgan and

Shanahan 2010). In an examination venture named "Towards 'Social Indicators': the

investigation of Mass Mediated Public Message Systems", Gerbner and his

associates place the significance of looking at broad communications and its long

haul effects of on individuals (Potter 1993). They allude the expression "development"

as "the autonomous commitments TV seeing makes to watcher's originations of

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social reality" (Gerbner et al 1994, pp.23). It depicts the more diffuse effects of

interceded items which may shape media purchasers' observations through huge

presentation to its messages after some time (Potter 1993). Other than that, TV has

an incredible capacity in the arrangement of philosophies and data using visual

impacts. Audience members, in this manner, are presented to the broadcast

messages both by observing and hearing (Bohn and Short 2009). Therefore, they will

probably be ruled by the belief systems originating from TV's projects.

In this manner, the fundamental supposition of development hypothesis is that

the anecdotal form of the world communicated on TV impactsly affects human

discernment about reality. Gerbner et al (1978) contend that the tedious depictions of

the world displayed on TV are developed after some time in watchers' brain and add

to the adjustments in the way they see the world. Consequently, it can be seen that,

this hypothesis of Gerbner concentrates on TV survey and its long haul effects on the

states of mind instead of practices of watchers (Chandler 1995). Following that,

development hypothesis expects to investigate the "principal arrange" and the

"second request" impacts, the two recognize impacts of TV seeing on its watcher's

observations after some time (Chandler 1995). The "primary request" alludes to the

progressions of TV groups of onlookers' general convictions about social reality. In

the mean time, the "second request" modifies the particular impact of broadcast

programs on states of mind of people (Chandler 1995).

Another presumption that backings the idea of development impact is the non-

particular normal for audience members. Gerbner and his partners (1979) say that

"TV gatherings of people (not at all like those for other media) see to a great extent

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non-selectivity and by the clock instead of by the program. TV seeing is a custom,

practically like religion, aside from that it is taken care of all the more consistently"

(pp.180). Subsequently, if the impacts of various TV programs are the same and that

watchers watch non-specifically, at that point the main matter of development impacts

is how much time individuals spend watching (Potter 1993). In this way, the

concentrate of this hypothesis is on "substantial watcher". Gerbner et al (1994) attest

that the individuals who spend over four hours for every day for TV seeing are

probably going to be influenced by the broadcast rendition of reality than are people

who invest less energy. By the by, substantial watchers have a tendency to depend

more on TV for data as opposed to other sort of traditional media and sources. Along

these lines, their impression of this present reality will probably change under the

developed impacts of broadcast programs.

Kaufman (2004) clarifies that it is on the grounds that kids and young people

don't have the capacity of basic speculation like the grown-ups do. Along these lines,

they have a tendency to learn and ingest whatever they see in a network show.

"Full House" Drama and the Level of Experienced Cultivation.

Run of the mill cases of broadcast development impact can be found on

Vietnamese young people who are keen on Korean shows. Throughout the most

recent couple of years, there have been countless motion pictures and shows

communicated in Vietnamese well known TV slots including VTV, HTV and BTV.

These dramatizations focus at the two guys and females from all ages, particularly

adolescents and youthful grown-ups. A standout amongst the most celebrated

Korean shows communicated in Vietnamese TVs is "Full House". This dramatization

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was first discharged in South Korean in 2004 (Full House Korean Rain Drama, nd). In

2005, it was communicated on HTV7. In the next years, "Full House" was additionally

appeared on other prevalent open TV stations in Vietnam, for example, VTV, BTV or

satellite TV slots including SCTV and HCTV. "Full House" was produced in light of a

Korean comic arrangement of a similar name (Full House Korean Rain Drama, nd). It

was communicating in numerous nations in Asia, including Vietnam,

Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. In Vietnam, the show has an expansive number of

groups of onlookers from kids, youngsters, youthful grown-ups, and grown-ups.

"Full house" is a fascinating anecdote about Han Ji Eun, an extremely typical

Korean young lady. She acquired from her folks an excellent glass house called Full

House. Amid the show, Ji Eun needed to look with many inconveniences which were

for the most part caused by her awkwardness and thoughtless. Luckily, she met

Young Jea, a renowned on-screen character and his sibling, Yu Min Hyeok. They

both experienced passionate feelings for Ji Eun. Having the help from these two

folks, Ji Eun had accomplished her desire to end up plainly a well known essayist

(Full House Korean Rain Drama, nd).

It can be seen that "Full House" has added to a vigorous change in the two

practices and mentalities towards life of numerous Vietnamese adolescents and

made a social wonder called "The Full House Wave", another form of "The Korean

Wave" (Phuong Hoang 2009). Numerous young people, who observe Full House,

had copycatted the social practices, dialect, and mold style introduced in the show

(My Pham 2008). Not just that, the impression of these youngsters on social reality

additionally changed. It is on the grounds that the symbolism of affluent existence

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with elite condos, extravagance items, effective employments, high compensations

and brilliant love in the dramatization were developed in the psyche of young

watchers step by step. Following that, subsequent to observing all scenes of the

dramatization and being presented to the dream document depicted in "Full House",

their mentalities and discernment about their life and social reality swung to be more

"pinky". These adolescents have a tendency to accept on an awesome adaptation of

the world full with satisfaction and fall in a figment of a fruitful existence with only a

little good fortune.

Though numerous Vietnamese young people are vigorously affected by the

standard belief system of Full House and the awesome life depicted in this broadcast

show and can without much of a stretch change their demeanors and observation,

the more established age of Vietnam tends to dismiss and be more cautious with the

dramatization and its substance.

For this situation, youngsters living in urban territories of Vietnam, for example,

Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City are well on the way to be imitated by the restrictive and

acclaimed life in Full House dramatization as opposed to the individuals who live in

country zones. Truth be told, the social marvel of "Full House Wave" grew quickly just

in enormous urban communities with solid monetary arrangement of Vietnam, for

example, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Residents of these urban communities have

higher expectation for everyday comforts than Vietnamese individuals who live in

rustic regions. In this manner, adolescents live in these urban areas are more open to

extravagance depictions of reality in "Full House" and may simple change their

impression of the world.

17 | P a g e Korean Drama and Students’ Lifestyle Relationship

Human states of mind can be impacted by different variables including other

individuals and regular media, not just by TV. Subsequently, instead of being

influenced by the standard belief system of Full House show, those young people

talked about above might be presented to the possibility of a lovely and simple life by

various routes and through various sources. For example, their observation may be

affected by the tall tales that their grandparents disclosed to them when they were

youthful or by the dream books show up as of late which chiefly concentrate on

supernatural occurrences, achievement, prominence and magnificent romantic tales.

In this way, it may be that more marvelous youngsters are attracted to observe

more Korean motion pictures, as for this situation the show Full House, than others.

Hence, these youngsters have a tendency to be more influenced by the broadcast

world exhibited in this specific symbol dramatization.

Other than that, the vast majority of development scholars appear to belittle

the effects of different components which may likewise contribute for the developed

effects of TV's enormous introduction messages.

2.1.4 Korean Popular Music

An intense facilitator of the Hallyu in Particular — is K-pop (or Korean-Popular)

music and move (Kim, 2012). The development of K-fly in the Phiippines can be

depicted as one of a kind (Hicap, 2009), since in 2008, there has been no K-pop

gathering/symbol to ever go to the Philippines — regardless of whether it is to have

advancements, underwrite or to lead appears/shows. From that point forward, new

icon bunches were made by the K-pop preparations, for example, SM Entertainment
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and JYP Entertainment. The American popular music, be that as it may, was

presented considerably prior in the Philippines. The Filipino artists, who engaged

American powers in Subic or Clark bases, were substantially more skilled in

American jazz, shake and rap music (Kim, 2012). Maybe it is because of the way that

the Filipinos were presented to American music at an opportune time that they some

way or another began to acknowledge the so- called „new music‟ - mixture that the

Koreans have made — what's more, that, as well as because of it being a social

mix,is additionally maybe another factor that indicates what makes it so alluring.

Despite the fact that there is a distinction in local foundations between the Philippines

and the inception nation of K-pop (Yia, 2012), there is as yet an amazing

development in its subculture in the nation (Deen, 2012) — a factor which makes the

item so noteworthy. The fanatics of the Hallyu wave in the nation would normally look

for organization from the individuals who have an indistinguishable enthusiasm from

theirs. 7 K-pop occasions being propelled in the Philippines is typically pretty much a

fabulous achievement. Like the 2nd Philippine K-pop tradition, which assembled five-

hundred-thousand pesos (PHP 500,000) for the GawadKalinga‟sBayani Challenge;

effective fan social events furthermore, fan-gatherings; shows; and as of late the

effective question and answer session held by 2NE1 in EDSA Shangri-la Plaza —

pulling in a large number of fans to welcome them before their show the following day

(Pao, 2014).

As of late, an inundation of youthful Koreans to the Philippines to learn English

— guaranteeing that numerous shopping centers now have guidelines made an

interpretation of in Hangul to run with Chinese. There is a rising fame of Korean

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Culture all through the world (Mogtortor, 2013). Despite the fact that that 6 does not

mean everything will start and end with Hallyu, in truth, it rouses incredible dedication

(Perez, 2014). The fans themselves make sure that with all of their energy they can

bolster the symbols they cherish and love. The majority of this is accordingly to

Hallyu‟s impact in the Philippines, financial development can be found soon. Korean Popular Music and Students’ Lifestyle Relationship

Korean dramatizations and K-Pop tunes regularly manage feelings or

sentiments like love, expectation, hurt and torment and since Filipinos are known to

be driven by feeling, we effectively grasped this kind.

Numerous Filipino fans likewise anticipate the "kilig" factor inside K-Dramas and K-

Pop music. Fortunately with the assistance of the web, Filipino fans can make sense

of the verses of the melodies and stream them on the web.

We chuckle, cry, and feel the agony that Korean dramatizations and films offer.

Filipinos grasp every one of the feelings while they observe each scene and

dependably anticipate a glad completion. Since we frequently feel associated with

every scene, we likewise tend to abhor the scalawags and even wander off in fantasy

land or envision a few circumstances on what will occur next.

Filipinos cherish K-Pop so much that they download the melodies on their iPod,

iPhones and PCs and hear them out more often than not. Some are notwithstanding

watching music recordings on the web.

Indeed, even with various dialect and culture, K-Pop fans in various parts of the world

and of various ages can't quit adoring the Hallyu culture. Filipinos are constantly open

to take in an alternate culture that is the reason a few of us needed to go to South

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Korea.( Belonio, Kristine.2017)

2.1.5 Korean Artist

Among numerous countries, particularly in China individuals started to turn

their consideration towards Asia for social motivation and Korean show fulfilled those

Chinese buyers effectively as of not long ago (Park 2010). Hogarth(2013) demanded

that the achievement elements of Korean dramatization were astounding,

magnificence, Asian-ness, the blend of innovation and convention, modest duplicate,

dexterous narrating, human topic, and the cutting edge pictures of male and female.

To comprehend the Korean drama‟s achievement, reasonable considerations

ought to be paid to the singular Korean stars who are extremely notable famous

people in the district. Their own allure and notoriety get numerous Asian purchasers

before TV, As a come about, without dissecting the well known Korean stars impact,

it isn't conceivable to comprehend the Korean Wave incline. The affection for the

Korean Wave fans toward Korean stars are clarified by utilizing the idea, for example,

VIP revere. As per McCutcheon et al. (2002), big name adore evidently is a huge

behavioral wonder that overwhelms some people’s lives. Korean stars are symbols to

be worshiped by Asian individuals today.

As indicated by Wang et al. (2009), fans will have an inspirational disposition

when their social stars are connected. The social character hypothesis is utilized to

clarify the marvel. Distinguishing proof is a fan’s enthusiastic association or

connection to a related object (Madrigal 2001) and individuals would be fulfilled by a

T.V show as a result of the feeling of distinguishing proof. Thus theory 1,2,3 that

incorporate Korean stars attributes are proposed as takes after. As indicated by the

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TPB (Theory of Planned Conduct), a consumer’s conduct is specifically affected by

his expectation (Ajzen 2002).

Consequently, theory 4 and 5 are proposed as takes after. Many examinations

have concentrated on the interceding part of uplifting demeanor in the connection

amongst observation and conduct. Korean Artists and Students’ Lifestyle Relationship

The ubiquity of Korean big names influences youthful Filipinos, especially on

the way of dress and way of life. The picture Korean pop (K-pop) stars depict -

straight hair, idiosyncratic garments, porcelain skin - has advanced into the core of

our adolescents. The K-pop look has turned into a model.

Despite what might be expected, the more seasoned secondary school

understudies - youngsters and seniors - are more quiet. A large portion of them

convey themselves better and are more alright with their bodies. Be that as it may, for

all year levels and ages, the requests to be in a state of harmony with the most recent

form and most cutting edge contraptions can influence our youngsters' physical

appearance and their sentiment peer acknowledgment.

No big surprise the retail business who offers items utilized by Korean big

names now has uncommon lines for teenagers. Retail chains have enormous

determinations in Korean famous people items utilized by adolescents. What used to

be items focusing on females, such as brightening salves, facial toners, skin break

out creams and antiperspirants, now have extraordinarily made lines for guys.

Sprucing up with korean style garments used to be predominant just among young

ladies, while young men satisfied themselves with pants and shirts. Numerous Pinoy
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secondary school young men emulate the straight hair, with long slams falling against

their brows. Some have their hair rectified just to finish the look. Don't worry about it

the developing pimples looking out from their temples! The young men appear to feel

it is cool to look along these lines. Obviously, most conventional schools don't permit

such hair styles, which has driven a few understudies into inconvenience.

2.2 Previous Research

In the examination of "AmaliaIzzati, AnalisispengaruhMusik Korea Popular

terhadap Gaya Hidup di KalanganRemaja.2013, fakultasilmu social danilmupolitik,

Universitas Indonesia". In her exploration found that the impact of K-Pop culture to

way of life affecting from different tunes and motion pictures as well as impacted in

appearence until style in utilizing dialect their constantly glued Korean dialect. Great

or not from this marvels, but rather there is move between Indonesian culture end up

noticeably Korean. In Dian Rizki inquire about with title "PengaruhBudaya Korea

Terhadap Gaya HidupRemajaPutri di Kota Mojokerto" clarify that happen

Homogenates for the situation where the choice of impressions diversion tastes more

overwhelming in Korea, bringing about a homogenization of taste for everything

Korean nuanced. The fourth subject was, he now influences Korean items

available as an objective for the things to take after mold Korean craftsmen. Form

Korea are likewise a considerable measure of impact on the tastes of the enthusiasts

of Korean popular culture. They want to take after the style of dress Korea that they

believe is cool and interesting.

23 | P a g e
2.3 Theoretical Framework

Korean Drama


Korean Pop Music Students’ Lifestyle

(X2) X2 (Y1)


Korean Artists


Figure 2.1: Theoretical Framework

Constructed by Researchers

The Figure 2.1 illustrates the dimensions of Korean Wave which are Korean Drama,

Korean Pop Music, and Korean Artists and its relation on students’ lifestyle. The

Researcher uses three variables which consist of independent and dependent

variables. Korean dramas, Korean Pop Music, and Korean Artists act as independent

variable influences the students’ lifestyle as dependent variable.

24 | P a g e
2.4 Hypothesis

H1o There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Drama and

Students' Lifestyle.

H2o There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Pop Music and

Students' Lifestyle.

H3o There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Artists and Students'


H4o There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Drama, Korean Pop

Music, Korean Artists and Students’ Lifestyle.

2.5 Definition of Terms

 Hallyu –korean term for Korean wave.

Korean Sensation/Artists -refers to the famous artists/group in Korea.

Korean Wave -the rising popularity of Korean Culture throughout

the world.

Korean Drama - refers to televised dramas in Korean language, made in

South Korea, mostly in a miniseries format, with distinctive features that set it apart

from regular Western television series or soap operas.

25 | P a g e
Chapter III

3.1 Research Design

There are two methods in doing scientific research those are qualitative and

quantitative research. The differences between qualitative and quantitative research are

the type of data, research process, instrument in collecting data and the purpose of


 Qualitative method usually gathered by observations, interviews or focus groups

and the data also is gathered from written documents and through case studies, it

less emphasis on counting numbers of people who think or behave in certain

ways and more emphasis on explaining why people think and behave in certain


 Quantitative method involves smaller numbers of respondents, Utilizes open-

ended questionnaires or protocols, Best used to answer how and why questions.

( ,2013)

Quantitative observations are made using scientific tools and measurements. The

results can be measured or counted, and any other person trying to quantitatively assess

the same situation should end up with the same results. In Quantitative method pieces of

information that can be counted mathematically, it usually gathered by surveys from large

numbers of respondents selected randomly and it is analyzed using statistical methods

Best used to answer what, when and who questions (,2013). The

researcher use quantitative method in conducting research.

26 | P a g e
Multiple Regressions analysis is an extension of simple linear regression. It is used

when we want to predict the value of a variable based on the value of two or more other

variables. The variable to be predicted is called the dependent variable (or sometimes,

the outcome, target or criterion variable). The variables that used to predict the value of

the dependent variable are called the independent variables (or sometimes, the

predictor, explanatory or regressed variables) (, 2013).

Therefore, this study uses the quantitative method with Factor Analysis and Multiple

regressions Analysis to answer the research questions.

3.2 Research Framework

The main topic of this research is the Korean Wave: Influence on students’

Lifestyle. As described in Chapter 2, Korean Wave is or (Hallyu, Hanryu' or Hanliu')

used to portray a confounding assortment of things. Hallyu generally interpret as Korean

wave' and it is utilized as a part of connection to various Korean social practices it at

first secured region, for example, TV shows stars and pop tunes. Yet, in addition as

Korean parliamentary (Kim Joengmee 2007). Therefore, Korean drama, Korean Pop

Music, and Korean Artist, affects the students’ lifestyle.

This research specifically investigates the influence of Korean wave towards

students’ lifestyle of Humanities and social science (HUMSS) students of Marikina High

School. Before conducting this research, the researcher had to collect data containing

the total number 70 students in HUMSS.

27 | P a g e
After collecting the data, the researcher directly proceeded to the problem

identification. This encouraged the researcher’s curiosity to find out why it could

happen. After reading some supporting passages from journals and articles, it could be

identified that Korean wave influence the students’ lifestyle. Furthermore, the problem

statement was constructed as the basic view of the topic. To support the problem

statement, theories and opinions are explored. All those findings are expressed in

Chapter 2 of Literature Review. This then brings benefits to the construction of the


Questionnaires were checked for validity and reliability test. Pearson correlation

matrix used to measure the validity and Cronbach Alpha used to measure the reliability

of the questionnaire. Pearson correlation matrix will indicate the direction, strength, and

significance of the bivariate relationships among all the variables that were measured at

an interval or ratio level (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010, pp.321). Cronbach Alpha is a

reliability coefficient that shows how well the items in a set are positively correlated to

one another (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010, pp.324).

Before being spread, the questionnaires went through the stage of “Tryout.” Ten

different people were selected and gathered by the researcher to examine whether the

statements in the questionnaires were clear enough to understand. This stage is also

intended to revise some statements, so that every respondent will have the same

perception towards them. After some reviews and proof readings, the questionnaires

were finally spread to 200 respondents whose characteristics have been provided in

one of the explanations below.

28 | P a g e
In this research, SPSS was utilized to analyze the data. Finally, the points of

conclusion and recommendation are drafted. All steps conducted by the researcher

from problem identification to the result accomplishment are reflected in the

following figure of research framework.

Data of 70 HUMSS Students from Marikina High School

Problem Identification and Problem Statement

Literature Review

Construct Questionnaire

Data Collection

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Conclusion and Recommendation

Figure 3.1: Research Framework

Constructed by Researcher
29 | P a g e
3.3 Research Instrument

Research Instrument is the tool that used to answer the research questions that

stated in the previous chapter. The Researcher intention is to gather the information

from as much various sources. Data can be obtained from primary or secondary data,

Primary data refers to information obtained first-hand by the researcher on the variables

of interest for specific purpose of the study and secondary data refer to information

gathered from sources that already exist (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010). In order to fulfill the

validity of this research, the researcher use both primary and secondary data as shown

in the figure 3.2 below:

30 | P a g e








Figure 3.2: Data Collection Method

(Source: self-constructed)

31 | P a g e
3.3.1 Primary Data

Primary data is the specific information collected by the person who is doing the

research. It can be obtained through clinical trials, case studies, true experiments and

randomized controlled studies. This information can be analyzed by other experts who

may decide to test the validity of the data by repeating the same experiments

(, 2013).

Primary data in this research of “Korean Wave: Effects on students’ Lifestyle ”is

obtained directly from the questionnaires that used for survey. Questionnaires are a

technique of data collection done by giving series of written statements that are consists

of research variables. These questionnaires will be spread to the numbers of samples.

3.3.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data is information gathered for purposes other than the completion of a

research project and Secondary data is also used to gain initial insight into the research

problem (, 2013). Secondary data is the data that have been already

collected by and readily available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more

quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when primary data

cannot be obtained at all (, 2013).

Secondary data on this research is the literature studies. A literature studies is a

technique of data collection based on information gathered from books and journals

related to the research discussion. Data collected by learning and selecting from

previous literature studies, books, journals and related websites.

32 | P a g e
3.4 Sampling Design

Sampling Design is part of statistical methodology that related in taking a portion of

the population. If a sampling is done correctly, statistical analysis can be used to

generalize a whole population. There are two major types of sampling design:

probability and nonprobability sampling. In probability sampling, the elements in the

population have some known non-zero chance or probability of being selected as

sample subjects. In non-probability sampling, the elements do not have a known or

predetermined chance of being selected as subjects (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010).

3.4.1 Population

Population is all elements, individuals, or units that meet the selection criteria for a

group to be studied (, 2013). The Population refers to the entire

group of people, events, or things of interest that the researcher wishes to investigate

(Sekaran, Bougie, 2010, pp. 262). In this study, research population is focused on the

students of Marikina High School taking Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS).

3.4.2 Sample

Sample is a subset of population (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010, pp. 263). Sample on this

research will be used to investigate the research problems. This Research will use the

probability sampling. Unrestricted sampling design in Probability sampling is more

commonly known as simple random sampling; every element in the population has a

known equal chance of being selected as a subject.

33 | P a g e
n = 50

Thus, researcher takes 50 samples in this research by using the method of simple

random sampling. Questionnaires then are distributed to 50 HUMSS students of

Marikina High School.

3.5 Statistical Treatment

There are 3 (three) statistical tools used in this study, which are Likert Scale,

Weighted Mean, and Standard Deviation.

3.5.1 Likert Scale

The Likert scale is designed to examine how strongly subjects agree or disagree with

statements on a five-point scale with the following anchors (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010):

Figure 3.3: Likert Scale

(Source: Sekaran, Bougie, 2010)

The Questionnaire uses Likert Scale and all statements that express either a

favorable and unfavorable attitude will be scaled through Strongly Disagree, Disagree,

Neither Agree or Disagree, Agree, and Strongly Agree.

The figure of the questionnaire is shown below:

34 | P a g e
No. Statements 1 2 3 4 5

Figure3.4 Likert
Scale Questionnaire

(Source: Self


1. For Strongly Disagree

2. For Disagree

3. For Neutral

4. For Agree

5. For Strongly Agree

Each of the five responses would have a numerical value which would be used to

measure the attitude under investigation.

Likert Scales have the advantage that they do not expect a simple yes / no answer

from the respondent, but rather allow for degrees of opinion, and even no opinion at all.

Therefore quantitative data is obtained, which means that the data can be analyzed with

relative ease.

35 | P a g e
The Validity and Reliability testing must be done before the questionnaire spreads to

the respondents. Pre testing is conducted to check if the statements are proper as

research instrument.

3.5.2 Weighted

Arithmetic mean computed by considering relative importance of each items is

called weighted mean. To give due importance to each item under consideration,

number is called weight to each item in proportion to its relative importance. Weighted

Mean is computed by using following formula (, 2013):

� =

Which means:


= Weighted Mean of the factors

related W = Corresponding Weight

X = A set of number designated / rate of importance

36 | P a g e
3.5.3 Standard Deviation

The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spreads out numbers are. Standard

Deviation is used when data is drawn from a larger set (2013).

The sample standard deviation is used when a sample of data is analyzed. In this

equation: s = sample standard deviation

N = number of scores in a sample

N-1 = degrees of freedom or Bessel's

correction x = value of a sample

x bar = mean or average of the sample

3.6 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data obtained, the researcher uses two major programs that are

statistic-related. The first program that the researcher uses is Microsoft Excel. The

employment of this program is intended to tabulate the data obtained from questionnaires

distribution. It simplifies the researcher to analyze the data.

The second program is Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). SPSS is

commonly utilized by researchers to quantitatively examine the data obtained from

questionnaires distribution. It has been recognized to be helpful to investigate statistical

data. SPSS in this research was used to analyze reliability, validity, mean, classic

37 | P a g e
assumption and multiple linear regression analysis.

3.7 Reliability and Validity

3.7.1 Reliability Test

The first requirement of a good instrument was reliability. The Reliability test of a

measure indicates the extent to which it is without bias (error free) and hence ensures

consistent measurement across the time and across the various items in the instrument.

In other words, the reliability of a measure is an indication of the stability and

consistency with which the instruments measures the concept and helps to assess the

goodness of measure (Sekaran, Bougie, 2010). Accurate questionnaire may deflect the

right question which is means when the question is asked for several times, the

interpretation would be the same from one respondent to another.

Measurement of Reliability (Internal-Consistency) in this research will use the

Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient; the equation is(, 2013):


k = number of items

r = average correlation between any two items

α = reliability of the average or sum

38 | P a g e
Cronbach's Internal
alpha consistency
α ≥ 0.9 Excellent

0.8 ≤ α < 0.9 Good

0.7 ≤ α < 0.8 Acceptable

0.6 ≤ α < 0.7 Questionable

0.5 ≤ α < 0.6 Poor

α < 0.5 Unacceptable

3.7.2 Validity Testing

The purpose of validity testing is to eliminate the proper question that will answer

the research objectives. The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (or

Pearson correlation coefficient for short) is a measure of the strength of a linear

association between two variables and is denoted by r. Basically, a Pearson product-

moment correlation attempts to draw a line of best fit through the data of two variables,

and the Pearson correlation coefficient, r, indicates how far away all these data points

are to this line of best fit (how well the data points fit this new model/line of best fit)

( ,2013). The valid data is a representative statement of variables that

are ready to spread to the respondents.

In Pearson Correlations, results are between -1 and 1. A result of -1 means that

there is a perfect negative correlation between the two values at all, while a result of 1

means that there is a perfect positive correlation between the two variables. A result of

0, on the other hand means that there is no linear relationship between the two

39 | P a g e
variables. Most research will very rarely get a correlation of 0, -1 or 1. Result would be

somewhere in between. The closer the value of r gets to zero, the greater the variation

the data points are around the line of best fit.

The Quantitative interpretation of the degree of linear relationship existing is shown

in the following range of values.

±1.00 perfect Positive (negative) correlation

±0.91 - ± 0.99 very high positive (negative) correlation

±0.71 - ± 0.90 high Positive (negative) correlation

±0.51 - ± 0.70 moderately positive (negative) correlation

±0.31 - ± 0.50 low positive (negative) correlation

±0.01 - ± 0.30 negligible positive (negative) correlation

0.0 no correlation

Correlation r formula:

For any two variables, X and Y, the correlation coefficient between them is given by the


40 | P a g e

n = number pair of scores

∑ = sum of the products of pair scores

∑ = sum of x scores

∑ = sum of y scores

∑ ² = sum of squared x scores

∑ ² = sum of squared y scores

The first requirement of a good instrument was validity. Thus, the researcher

chooses Pearson Product Moment Correlation by using the software SPSS 16.0 to fulfill

the requirement of the instrument’s validity.

3.8 Classic Assumption Test

Classical assumption is the statistical requirements that must be met in multiple

linear regression analysis (, 2013). In order to use multiple

regression models, classic assumption test need to implement such as normality

testing, heteroscedascity testing and multicollinearity.

Normality Test used to test the independent variable(X) and the dependent variable (Y)

on the resulting regression equation, whether normally distributed or not distributed

normally. Normality Tests performed using the test chart Histogram and P-P plots to test

the regression model residuals (, 2013).

41 | P a g e
Heteroscedasticity Test generates chart patterns point spread (scatterplot). In a

multiple regression equation, it is needed to be tested for the same or not the

variance of the residuals of the observations with other observations.

If there ideals have the same variance, it is called homoscedascity. And if the

residuals have the difference variance, it is called heteroscedascity

(, 2013).Multiple regressions equation is good if there

is no heteroscedasticity.

Analysis of heteroscedasticity assumption SPSS output through the scatterplot

graph between Z prediction (ZPRED) for the independent variable (X axis = Y

outcome prediction), and residual value (SRESID) is the dependent variable (Y-axis

= Y predicted - Y rill).

Multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation

between the independent variables. Good Regression model should not have

correlation between independent variables (, 2013). (2013) added that Multicollinearity occurs when the

coefficient of correlation between in dependent variables is greater than 0.60. And

multicollinearity occurs when the VIF value is more than 10 and tolerance values

less than 0.1.

42 | P a g e
3.9 Multiple Regression Analysis

Multiple regressions are a statistical tool used to derive the value of a criterion

from several other independent, or predictor, variables. It is the simultaneous

combination of multiple factors to assess how and to what extent they affect a

certain outcome (, 2013).

Multiple regressions are a statistical method used to examine the relationship

between one dependent variable Y and one or more independent variables Xi. The

regression parameters or coefficients bi in the regression equation are estimated

using the method of least squares (, 2013):

There are 3 steps in doing Multiple Regression Analysis such as T-test, F-test and

coefficient of determination (R²):

T-test for the partial regression coefficient is intended to determine how far the

influence of one variable independent (Korean Drama, Korean pop music, Korean

artist.) individually in explaining the dependent variable (students’ lifestyle).

F-Test is also used to determine the influence of Korean Drama, Korean Pop Music,

Korean Artist on students’ Lifestyle. If F value > F table, Ho rejected and Ha

accepted. Oppositely, if F value < F table, then Ho accepted and Ha rejected.

The coefficient of determination (R²) was essentially measures how much the

ability of the model to explain the variations dependent variable. The coefficient of

determination is between zero and one.

43 | P a g e
Chapter IV


4.1 Marikina High School Profile

Marikina High School was established by virtue of Executive Order No. 5-77,

issued in July 8, 1977 by then Metro Manila Governor, Imelda Romualdez

Marcos, which provided that all municipalities in Metro Manila should have at

least one public school. The establishment of the first republic high school in

Marikina provided the young populace the right and privilege to free education. In

the absence of a permanent site and facilities, classes were held at Marikina

Elementary School, which was considered as the main campus with Mr. San

Andres as Officer-In-Charge. During the year 1978-1979, 38 items were created

by the Municipality of Marikina to augment the existing staff.


Marikina High School envisions to become the Division’s Premiere School,

responsible for developing well-rounded learners equipped with social

technological skills for works and everyday living.


Marikina High School is committed to provide learners with quality

education and to develop them to become disciplined, excellent, morally upright

and technologically competent.

44 | P a g e
4.2 Reliability Test

Reliability test was conducted by employing SPSS and arranged data from

Microsoft Excel to tabulate Cronbach’s Alpha of the research instruments. The

results are as followed.

Table 4.1: Cronbach’s Alpha of Korean Drama in SPSS

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items

.630 .900 3

Table 4.1 shows reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha of .630 on Korean

Drama which means that this parameter had a good reliability rate (over 0.6).

Table 4.2: Cronbach’s Alpha of Korean Music in SPSS

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items

.819 .900 3

Table 4.2 shows reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha of .819 on Korean

Music which means that this parameter had an acceptable reliability rate (more

than 0.6).

45 | P a g e
Table 4.3: Cronbach’s Alpha of Korean Artists in SPSS

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items

.772 .860 3

Table 4.3 shows reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha of .772 on Korean

Artists which means that this parameter had an acceptable reliability rate (more

than 0.6).
Table 4.4: Cronbach’s Alpha of Korean Wave in SPSS

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Cronbach's Alpha Based N of

Alpha on Standardized Items Items

.829 .600 3

Table 4.4 shows reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s Alpha of .829 on Korean

Wave which means that this parameter had a good reliability rate (over 0.6).

46 | P a g e
4.3 Validity Test

Validity test was conducted by employing SPSS to tabulate Pearson

correlation matrix of the questionnaires. Data was first arranged in Microsoft

Excel and then analyzed in SPSS. The results are as followed.

Table 4.5: Pearson Correlation of Korean Drama in SPSS

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KDQ1 0.444 .841 Valid

KDQ2 0.444 .742 Valid

KDQ3 0.444 .682 Valid

KDOT 0.444 1 Valid

Table 4.5 Pearson Correlation of Korean Drama shows KDQ1-KDQ3 in

place of Question 1-3 with KDOT as its total. KDQ1 was rated .841 in Pearson

Correlation Analysis which means that there is high positive correlation with

Korean Drama. KDQ2 was rated .742 which means that there is high positive

correlation. KDQ3 also shows high positive correlation with Pearson correlation

of .682. All in all, table 4.5 indicated that question 1-3 is correlated with Korean


47 | P a g e
Table 4.6: Pearson Correlation of Korean Music in SPSS

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KMQ1 0.444 .847 Valid

KMQ2 0.444 .860 Valid

KMQ3 0.444 .942 Valid

KMOT 0.444 1 Valid

Table 4.6 Pearson Correlation of Korean Music shows KM1-KM3 in place of

Question 1-3 with KMOT as its total. KM1 was rated .847 in Pearson Correlation

Analysis which means that there is moderately positive correlation with Korean

Music. KM2 was rated .860 which means that there is high positive correlation.

KM3 also shows high positive correlation with Pearson correlation of .942 All in

all, table 4.6 indicated that question 1-3 is correlated with Korean Music.

Table 4.7: Pearson Correlation of Korean Artists in SPSS

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KAQ1 0.444 .713 Valid

KAQ2 0.444 .798 Valid

KAQ3 0.444 .793 Valid

KAOT 0.444 1 Valid

48 | P a g e
Table 4.7 Pearson Correlation of Korean Artists shows KAQ1-KAQ3 in

place of Question 1-3 with KAQT as its total. KAQ1 was rated .713 in Pearson

Correlation Analysis which means that there is moderately positive correlation

with Korean Artists. KAQ2 was rated .798 which means that there is high positive

correlation. KAQ3 also shows high positive correlation with Pearson correlation

of .793 All in all, table 4.6 indicated that question 1-3 is correlated with Korean


Table 4.8: Pearson Correlation of Korean Wave in SPSS

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KWQ1 0.444 .940 Valid

KWQ2 0.444 .832 Valid

KWQ3 0.444 .820 Valid

KWOT 0.444 1 Valid

Table 4.8 Pearson Correlation of Korean Wave shows KWQ1- KWQ3 in place

of Question 1-3 with KWOT as its total. KWQ1 was rated .940 in Pearson

Correlation Analysis which means that there is moderately positive correlation

with Korean Wave. KWQ2 was rated .832 which means that there is high positive

correlation. KWQ3 also shows high positive correlation with Pearson correlation

of .820. All in all, table 4.6 indicated that question 1-3 is correlated with Korean


49 | P a g e
4.4 Respondent Profiles

The Respondent profiles data gathered to gain insight about the

characteristics of respondents in this study through the questionnaires. Data

obtained were recorded as follows:

A. Gender
Table 4.9 Respondent Profiles: Gender

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 8 16.0 16.0 16.0
Female 42 84.0 84.0 84.0
Total 50 100.0 100.0 100.0

Female (84%)

Male (16%)


Figure 4.1 Respondent Profiles: Gender

As it is shown in table 4.9 and figure 4.1 about respondent profiles of

gender in this research, 8 people (16%) were male respondents and 42 people

(84%) were female respondents. Therefore, the majority respondents were


50 | P a g e
B. Age

Table 4.10 Respondent Profiles: Age


Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid 16 -17 32 64.0 64.0 64.0

18 - 21 18 36.0 36.0 36.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0 100.0




Figure 4.2 Respondent Profiles: Age

As it is described in table 4.14 and figure 4.2 about respondent profiles of age in

this research, 32 respondents (64%) were between 16 to 17 years old; 18

respondents (36%) were between 18 to 21 years old. All in all, the group age of

16 to 17 years old dominate the respondent profiles in this research.

51 | P a g e
C. Section

Table 4.11 Respondent Profiles: Grade Level

Grade Level

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent

Valid Grade 11 32 64.0 64.0 64.0

Grade 12 16 36.0 36.0 36.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0 100.0


Grade 12 (36%)

Grade 11(64%)

Figure 4.3 Respondent Profiles: Grade Level

Table 4.11 and Figure 4.3 show the respondent profiles of section

in this research, 32 respondents (64%) were from Grade 11 and 18

respondents (36%) were from Grade 12. Thus, the majority

respondents were from Grade 11.

52 | P a g e
4.5 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics show the mean and standard deviation on Korean

Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists and Korean Wave according to respondent

responses. Weighted mean is the most widespread way to find out which

variable is the most (and least) dominant from all variables based on the mean

value. Standard Deviation is a measure of how spreads out numbers are. The

result is shown below in Table 4.12.

Table 4.12 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation
KDOT 50 1.00 5.00 3.4134 .94216
KMOT 50 1.00 4.67 3.1864 .81442
KAOT 50 1.00 5.00 3.7136 1.21597
KWOT 50 1.00 5.00 3.5202 .96774
Valid N
(listwise) 50

From Table 4.12, it can be noted that the most dominant factor of students’

lifestyle in this study of Korean Wave is Korean Artists with the mean value of

3.7, followed by Korean Drama with the mean value of 3.4. The least dominant

factor is the Korean Music with the mean value of 3.2.

53 | P a g e
4.6 Classic Assumption Test

In order to use multiple regression models, classic assumption test need to

implement such as normality testing, heteroscedascity testing and


A. Normality Test

Normality Test used to test the independent variable (X) and the dependent

variable (Y) on the resulting regression equation, whether normally distributed or

not distributed normally. Normality Tests performed using the test chart

Histogram and P-P plots to test the regression model residuals are shown in

Figure 4.4 and 4.5 following.

Figure 4.4 Normality Test: Histogram

54 | P a g e
Figure 4.5 Normality Test: P-P Plot Graph

Graphs of normal probability P-P plot in figure 4.5 suggests that the data

spread in around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the diagonal line,

then the regression model meet the assumption of normality.

B. Heteroscedascity Testing

In a multiple regression equation, it is needed to be tested for the same or

not the variance of the residuals of the observations with other observations.

55 | P a g e
If the residuals have the same variance, it is called homoscedascity. And if

the residuals have the difference variance, it is called heteroscedascity

(, 2013). Multiple regressions equation is good if

there is no heteroscedasticity. Heteroscedasticity test generates chart patterns

point spread (scatterplot) as shown in Figure 4.6 below.

Figure 4.6 Heteroscedascity Test: Scatter Plot Graph

Heteroscedasticity test results on Figure 4.6 indicate that the points form a

certain pattern or clear pattern and the points spread above and below the

number 0 (zero) on the Y axis, then there is heteroscedasticity.

56 | P a g e
4.7 Multiple Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis was used in this research to determine

whether there is the influence of independent variables on the dependent


Statistical calculations in a multiple linear regression analysis were used in

SPSS. Summary of results of data processing by using The SPSS program was

as follows.

Table 4.13 Multiple Regression Analysis: Coefficients Constructed

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant
) .451 .344 1.312 .196
KMQOT .278 .100 .358 2.784 .008
KDQOT .214 .142 .185 1.506 .139
KAQOT .355 .134 .365 2.649 .011
a. Dependent Variable: KWQOT

From the result in Table 4.13, if written in the standardized form of the

equation, the regression is as follows:

Y = 0.47 X2 + e


Y = Korean Wave

57 | P a g e
X1 = Korean Drama

X2 = Korean Music

X3 = Korean Artists

4.8 T-Test

T-test for the partial regression coefficient is intended to determine how far

the influence of one variable independent (Korean drama, Korean music, and

Korean artists) individually in explaining the dependent variable (Korean wave).

T-test results in this study can be seen in Table 4.13.

• Korean Drama

H1a: There is a positive and significant relationship between Korean Drama and

Students’ Lifestyle.

H1o: There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Drama

and Students’ Lifestyle.

The test using SPSS for the variable X1 (Korean Drama) obtained the t value

= 1.506 with significance level of .139 By using the 0.05 limit, the significance

value is smaller than the level of 5%, the t value is > t table (1.506) with df = 49

which means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus, the first hypothesis is

accepted that there is a positive and significant relationship between Korean

Drama and Students’ Lifestyle.

58 | P a g e
• Korean Music

H1a: There is a positive and significant relationship between Korean Music and

Students’ Lifestyle.

H1o: There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Music and

Students’ Lifestyle.

The test using SPSS for the variable X2 (Korean Music) obtained the t

value = 2.784 with significance level of .008 By using the 0.05 limit, the

significance value is smaller than the level of 5%, the t value is > t table (2.784)

with df = 49 which means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus, the first

hypothesis is accepted that there is a positive and significant relationship

between Korean Music and Students’ Lifestyle.

• Korean Artists

H1a: There is a positive and significant relationship between Korean Artists and

Students’ Lifestyle.

H1o: There is no positive and significant relationship between Korean Artists and

Students’ Lifestyle.

The test using SPSS for the variable X3 (Korean Artists) obtained the t

value = 2.649 with significance level of .011 By using the 0.05 limit, the

significance value is smaller than the level of 5%, the t value is > t table (2.649)

with df = 49 which means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus, the first

59 | P a g e
hypothesis is accepted that there is a positive and significant relationship

between Korean Artists and Students’ Lifestyle.

From the results of multiple linear regression and t-test in table 4.46 shows that

all of the regression coefficient is positive and significant. From the regression

model above, it can be further described as follows:

• Variable Korean Drama (X1) has a positive and significant effect to

Students’ Lifestyle (Y) with a regression value 30.355 and t value=1.506

with a significance level .139.

• Variable Korean Music (X2) has a positive and significant effect to

Students’ Lifestyle (Y) with a regression value 30.355 and t value= 2.784

with a significance level of .008.

• Variable Korean Artists (X3) has a positive and significant effect to

Students’ Lifestyle (Y) with a regression value 30.355 and t value= 2.649

with a significance level of .011.

4.8 F-Test

F-Test is also used to determine the influence of Korean drama, Korean

music, and Korean artists together on Students’ lifestyle. If F value > F table, Ho

rejected and Ha accepted. Oppositely, if F value < F table, then Ho accepted and

Ha rejected. The result of F-Test (ANOVA) is shown in the following Table 4.14

60 | P a g e
Table 4.14 F-Test Anova

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regression 30.355 3 10.118 29.962 .000a
Residual 15.535 46 .338
Total 45.890 49
a. Predictors: (Constant), KMQOT, KDQOT, KWQOT
b. Dependent Variable: KAQOT

: F-Test (ANOVA) Constructed in SPSS


Ha: Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists, have positive and significant

relationship with Students’ Lifestyle.

Ho: Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists, have negative and no

significant relationship with Students’ Lifestyle.

From Table 4.47, testing the effect of independent variables together on

dependent variables is done by using the F-Test. The result of this F-test shows

the F value = 29.711 with a significance level of .000. The F table value is found

on the F table with df1 = 3 and df2 = 46, thus the F table value is 49. F value > F

table (29.711>2.42) and significance level is 0.000 (< 0.000) means that together

the Korean Drama, Korean Music, and Korean Artists has a significant influence

on students’ lifestyle.

61 | P a g e
4.9 Coefficient Determination (R²)

The coefficient of determination (R²) was essentially measures how much the

ability of the model to explain the variations dependent variable. The coefficient

of determination is between zero and one. The coefficient of determination

represented in Table 4.48 below:

Table 4.15 Multiple Regression Analysis: Coefficient Determination (R 2)

Model Summaryb
R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .813a .661 .639 .58113 2.023
a. Predictors: (Constant), KMQOT, KDQOT,
b. Dependent Variable: KAQOT

Table 4.15 Multiple Regression Analysis: Coefficient Determination (R²)

Constructed in SPSS

Results calculated using SPSS can be seen that the R square value of .661 is

obtained. The 58% means that Students’ Lifestyle can be influenced by the

variable Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists, , while the rest is 42% of

Students’ Lifestyle is influenced by other variables which are not examined in this


62 | P a g e
4.10 Interpretation of Results

The Reliability Test shows the value of Cronbach Alpha from every variable.

Each variable’s cronbach alpha values that greater than 0.60 means that the

questionnaire which is the indicators of these variables is reliable. This can be

seen from the results of the testing that has been done as follows: Korean

Drama(X1) Cronbach Alpha value of 0.829, Korean Music (X2) Cronbach Alpha

value of 0.630, Korean Artists (X3) Cronbach Alpha value of 0.772,(X4)

Cronbach Alpha value of 0.836, and Students’ Lifestyle (Y) value of 0.819.

The Validity Test shows the r values from each variable are greater than 0.50

which indicate moderate and high positive relationship with significance level less

than 0.005. The result of validity test can be seen as follows:

4.10.1 Korean Drama (X1)

Korean Drama r values determined with the indicators of: KDQ1 with value of

0.841,KDQ2 with value of 0.742; KDQ3 with value of 0.582;. All indicators show

high positive relationship.

4.10.2 Korean Music (X2)

Korean Music r values determined with the indicators of: KMQ1 with value of

0.847; KMQ2 with value of 0.860; KMQ3 with value of 0.942; KMQ1 and KMQ3

show moderate positive relationship and KMQ2 and KMQ3 show high positive


63 | P a g e
4.10.3 Korean Artists (X3)

Korean Artists r values determined with the indicators of: KAQ1 with value of

0.713; KAQ2 with value of 0.798; KAQ3 with value of 0.793; All indicators show

high positive relationship.

r values determined with the indicators of: KAQ1 with value of 0.713; KAQ2 with

value of 0.798; KAQ3 with value of 0.793; All indicators show high positive


4.10.4 Students’ Lifestyle(Y)

Students’ Lifestyle r values determined with the indicators of: KWQ1 with value of

0.940; KWQ2 with value of 0.832; KWQ3 with value of 0.820; All indicators show

high positive relationship.

From the result above, it can be concluded that each variables is valid.

The three independent variables have been tested individually through t-test.

There is variable that have significant relationship on Students’ Lifestyle and 2

variables that have no significant relationship with the Students’ Lifestyle. The most

dominant variable that influences the Students’ Lifestyle is with t value of 2.784

(>1.312) and significance value 0.008 (<0.05) as shown in Table 4.46.The next

variable that have significant role on Students’ Lifestyle is Korean Artists with its t

value of 2.649 and significance value 0.011.

Korean Drama t-value is 1.506 (<1.312) with significance level of 0.139.

Therefore, Korean Drama have no significant relationship with the Students’

Lifestyle even both variables have the highest mean score compared to the and

64 | P a g e
Korean Music according to the respondent responses in table 4.38.

The mean score for Korean Drama and Korean Artists are 3.41 and 3.41

showing that teenagers in Marikina High School agree that they are easily

influence by the Korean Music through its characteristic such as the beat, its form,

tune etc. This condition is also associated by the image of Korean Music as most

popular and the reputation of Korean Music as influential. Korean Drama got 3.41

for means score from respondent responses. The condition shows that the

perception of students in Marikina High School towards the Korean Wave is good

and also got 3.41 for the mean score of respondent responses describes that

students in Marikina High School choose to adapt to Korean Wave. High mean

score of Korean Drama, Korean Music and Korean Artists guarantee the students

would like to adapt to the Korean Wave.

The Influence of Korean Drama on Students’ Lifestyle

Hypothesis 1 testing results shows that variable Korean drama has

a significant effect on students’ lifestyle through the result of the regression

analysis with significance level of 0.000 below 0.05.This means that students will

choose to adapt good influence than bad. In this research, according to students

responses, they assess that Korean Wave is good of quality. This high judgment

then become one factor that affect to the high level of Korean Wave as it is

shown in the table 4.38, the mean score of Korean drama is 3.41 and Korean

Wave had 3.41.

65 | P a g e
The Influence of Korean Music on Students’ Lifestyle.

Hypothesis 2 testing results shows that variable Korean Music has

a significant effect on students’ lifestyle. It is proven from the results of the

regression analysis showed significant level of 3.41 which is over the maximum

limit error tolerance, 0.05 or 5%. Thus, H2 is supported by data.

The Influence of Korean Artists on Students’ Lifestyle.

Hypothesis 3 testing results shows that variable Korean artists has

a significant effect on students’ lifestyle. It is proven from the results of the

regression analysis showed significant level of 3.41 which is over the maximum

limit error tolerance, 0.05 or 5%. Thus, H3 is supported by data.

The Influence of Korean Wave

Hypothesis 4 testing results shows that variable has

a significant effect on students’ lifestyle through the result of the regression

analysis with significance level of 0.000 below 0.05. Then from the results of

the F test showed that the effect together of all the independent variables

(Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists) on students’ lifestyle showed

significant results. It is evident from the magnitude F value of 29.962 with a

significance level of 0.000 (less than 0.05).Meanwhile, from the calculation of the

coefficient of determination (R²), it can conclude that the independent variables in

this study were able to explain that 58% of students’ lifestyle is influenced by

the variable Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists, while the remaining

42% of students’ lifestyle is influenced by other variables which are not examined

in this research.

66 | P a g e
Chapter V


In this final chapter of the research, the researcher draws the conclusion and

recommendation developed from the wholly integrated quantitative analysis, specifically

the multiple regression analysis, about the Korean Wave influence on students’ lifestyle.

The analysis is conducted to discover the influence of Korean Drama, Korean Pop Music,

and Korean Artists on students’ lifestyle.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the research about the Korean Drama, Korean Music, and Korean Artists

on students’ lifestyle, the conclusions are obtained as follows:

From the results of multiple linear regression and t-test in table 4.46 shows that all of the

regression coefficient is significant. The regression model that can be further described as


1. Based on the results of the multiple linear regression analysis was

performed in this study, obtained the following regression equation:

Y = 1.506 X1 + 2.784 X2 + e

2. The results of the respondent responses in table 4.38 shows that the variable

Korean Drama (X1) has high the means score after Korean Artists amounted to

1.506. Even Korean Drama mean score is high but it doesn’t have any

influence on students’ lifestyle. Korean Drama don’t influence the students’

lifestyle in Marikina High School and it is proven by the Korean Drama multiple

linear regression coefficient result was 30.355 where the Variable Korean

67 | P a g e
Drama (X1) has no positive and significant influence on students’ lifestyle (Y)

with t-value of 1.506 and significance level of 0.139.

3. The results of the respondent responses in table 4.38 shows that the variable

Korean Music (X2) has the highest means score amounted to 2.784. Even

Korean Music mean score is high but it does have influence on students’

lifestyle. Where the Variable Korean Music (X2) has a positive and significant

influence on Students’ Lifestye (Y) with t-value of 2.784 and significance level of


4. The results of the respondents responses in table 4.38 shows that the variable


Artists (X3) has means score amounted to 2.649 which is a high score. Korean

Artists multiple linear regression coefficient result was 30.355 where the

Variable Korean Artists (X3) has a positive and significant influence on

Students’ Lifestyle (Y) with t-value of 2.649 and significance level of 0.011.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the conclusions obtained in this study, the recommendations proposed

as a complement to the results of the study as follows:

5.2.1 For Parents

1. The parents of the students whose fond of Korean wave must do their responsibility

in guiding their children of their being addicted in Korean Drama, Korean Music ,

and Korean Artists because these three dimensions based on this study had a big

influenced to their lifestyle.

68 | P a g e
2. The parents will be aware of the consequences of the influence of Korean wave to

their son/daughter because this study provided the result on the influence of

Korean wave on students’ lifestyle.

5.2.2 For Students

1. The students specifically in Marikina High School who are fond of Korean Wave

must know and observe their limitations in adapting Korean Wave such as Korean

Drama, Korean Music, and Korean Artists.

2. The students should know how to properly manage their time as well as be

responsible on to their task especially in school and their homes.

5.2.3 For School Administrators

1. The administrators of the school must consider those students who are fond of

Korean wave because every one of them had their own choice to be entertained.

2. School administrators who also guided students must accept and adjust to the

attitude and behavior that they acquired in adapting the influence of the Korean


5.2.4 For Future Researchers

1. Future studies are advised to examine the other dimensions of Korean Wave with

take another example of the influence Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean

Artists in the Students’ Lifestyle is also different, so the variables that influence

students’ lifestyle is also different. It can be used as a comparison and

complements in this research.

2. For future studies it is advisable to look for another different populations and the

wider population this study. The sample used should also be much more than the

69 | P a g e
sample in this study, thus further research can further provide a more specific on

the influence of Korean Drama, Korean Music, Korean Artists on Students’ lifestyle.

70 | P a g e


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72 | P a g e

73 | P a g e
74 | P a g e
Cronbach’s Alpha

75 | P a g e
Korean Drama

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items
.630 .900 3

Korean Music
Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items
.819 .900 3

Korean Artists

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Cronbach's Alpha Based N of

Alpha on Standardized Items Items
.772 .860 3

Students’ Lifestyle

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Cronbach's Alpha Based on N of

Alpha Standardized Items Items
.829 .600 3

76 | P a g e
Pearson Correlation

77 | P a g e
Korean Drama

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KDQ1 0.444 .841 Valid

KDQ2 0.444 .742 Valid

KDQ3 0.444 .682 Valid

KDOT 0.444 1 Valid

Korean Music

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KMQ1 0.444 .847 Valid

KMQ2 0.444 .860 Valid

KMQ3 0.444 .942 Valid

KMOT 0.444 1 Valid

Korean Artists

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KAQ1 0.444 .713 Valid

KAQ2 0.444 .798 Valid

KAQ3 0.444 .793 Valid

KAOT 0.444 1 Valid

78 | P a g e
Students’ Lifestyle

Indicators R-table Value R-value Remarks

KWQ1 0.444 .940 Valid

KWQ2 0.444 .832 Valid

KWQ3 0.444 .820 Valid

KWOT 0.444 1 Valid

79 | P a g e
Classic Assumption

80 | P a g e
Classic Assumption

81 | P a g e
82 | P a g e
Multiple Regression Analysis

83 | P a g e
Multiple Regression Analysis

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant
.451 .344 1.312 .196
KMQOT .278 .100 .358 2.784 .008
KDQOT .214 .142 .185 1.506 .139
KAQOT .355 .134 .365 2.649 .011
a. Dependent Variable: KWQOT

Model Summaryb
R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
Model R Square Square the Estimate Watson
1 .813a .661 .639 .58113 2.023
a. Predictors: (Constant), KMQOT, KDQOT,
b. Dependent Variable: KAQOT

84 | P a g e

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