A9 - T23 - Retail Crowding & Consumer Decision Making

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So Khushi::, I'll be taking the interview, which is regarding consumer buying decision at, big retail
outlets, like big bazar. So tell me something about yourself. What name? Where do you come from?
What are you doing right now ? What is the family income?

Okay, so my name is Khushi:: Bhaheti . I belong to the city oj jodhpur . I am currently pursuing MBA
from IIM Shillong and my family income is around 6-7 lakh per annum

Okay. So let me go to, just to the question. So what is the buying pattern? Like? How many times do you
go shopping ? are you a shopping enthusiaist or not ?

I can say I'm a medium kind of a shopping enthusiast. I'm not a big shopping person. I won't, I do not go
frequently for shopping. So once or twice a month.

So do you go to these big retail outlets?

Um, so yeah, like my major time has been in Jodhpur. We do not have malls over here but we do have a
big bazar and vishal mega mart .. It is one of the major, uh, you know, the shopping outlet . So if I talk
about big Bazaar, I go real less because it's because there is no culture like that. So we go in around the
nearby stores because that is the culture over here

So talking specifically about bbig bazar that like, uh, what, uh, what is the frequency of visit like once in a
week, once in a month?

Uh, once in a month.

Okay. So when you go to these places, when you go for a place like this once in a month, so do you have
any shopping list prepared to prepared or it is just like a random shopping?
Um, so definitely I prefer having a shopping list before,

So, um, how much time does it take to make a list? Because you go once in a month. So obviously the
requirements will be more, you'll be taking inputs from your family as well. So how much time do you

If I'm taking inputs from my family, it would be half an hour to half an hour to an hour. Not more than
that, it's because my family generally buys everything, like the grocery from small stores, which they
are already. So I'm when I go to big bazar , it's only my personal shopping that does not take much half
an hour more than

So is it like a pre planned thing or do you just go like one day, you just want just to go to big without
this random or do you like very much prepared, I guess I'm going to able to be present and that list is
being prepared. What is the mindset?

So it's not really planned or whenever the need. I, like there are four to five things that I have to buy and
the quantity of things that I want to buy it. And then I plan it out. It is this, this is the day that I want to
go to this. Now it's extending a lot and I really want to buy those things. And then I be planning with the
list and then I'll be directly going to the big bazar

How long does it take to shop all these items? Like how much time do you spend on these outlets?

I guess it depends on what kind of product I want to buy. So like, if there's, if this crowd or if there is a
sale going on , so definitely the lines will be too long, which really directlt increase my time span in the
store. So like, if I have very, like, if I have to buy a deodorant or if I see that I buy toiletries , then if you're
definitely not take my much time but if I have to buy clothes, so definitely that would be time

How much time you can even define it. Figures.

around average if I take, if I talk about mixing all like grocery ,toiletries then around 2.5 hours not more
than that

Okay. So, um, so when you go to these spaces, what is your perception about crowd? So are you very
much excited when you see crowd or are you very much frustrated to see the crowd? So what is your
perception on the this crowd thing at these outlets ?

Okay, so, uh, this, the cloud perception and the irritation, or like being with the cloud or not. So this
depends on the urgency of buying a product . If I have to buy anything urgently then technically I would
not step into a store witch is crowded only because there'd be more lines and it will delay my
purchasing. So, and if I'm going with, uh, you know, I have time and I'm ready to buy in that store, so
yes, I'll be familiar with, and I'll be like more comfortable with this. However, it also depends on the
field. Generally we have crowds, um, most of crowd is gathered over big bazar in times of sale so
definelty even though there is a crowd but I will still go on buying stuff from big bazar
Shubham: -Which part of the store would you look at it to identify the crowd
Khsuhi – the billing line

So what I can assume is discount does have an impact on your buying decision.

Yes, definitely.

Okay. So it also depends upon the, uh, in the need of the hour, like if you need a small item than a you
would not stand in long threes. Okay. So, um, now suppose if you go to these store of what will be the
first place that you will like visit a little bit of random things, like the thing which comes first will visit that
first , like the place you like the most example you like grocery for first. So you'll go to grocery center. So
what is your plan? How do you go about, uh, in a big retailer

In a big retail oulet If I want to buy clothes, like assuming, or be taking the example, but I have my, I
have products list ehich have products from all categories like grocery , clothing , toiletries let's say, so
whichever we'll be taking much of my time.so lets say clothes then in that case I will buy that first then
I'll go to the food store, then the groceries, because it just taking my less time and my choice of choosing
in grocery is very fast in the grocery. So definitely I would like to go to the clothes and then to grocery ,
one of the reasons can be that if I say that, if you collect all the groceries that I want to, then I have to
carry it through out the mall . so in that case ill first buy clothes then groceries and from there directly to
the payment counter

So what I can, uh, infer from that is at specifically depends upon the shopping list we have. So, uh, just
leaving aside, the shopping list, you're going for random shopping in the store, then what part of the
store attracts you the most,

Um, I guess, um, discuss any chocolate and the eating area.
So you skip all the parts and then that leads them to that area.

Yes, definitely. I would like to go there.

what is your emotions when you see a crowded store for that? I mean, for example, if you are, uh, going
in the Apple section and then you see a crowd gathered over Levi's jeans, just because there is a lot of
discount over that. So would you be excited to see that out and will you step in that place and buy those

Uh, I think, okay. Can you please repeat, uh, what [inaudible]

Pick up any category you want, for example, let's say you like a biscuit or not, and then you see a crowd
gathered over the new product and based on that crowd, you decided, yes, I should also go in. So first
the first my question is, will you go to that place or not? And if yes, really buy that product from not so
will this crowd create and perception in your mind that yes, you are buying that product?

Yeah, definitely. That would attract. And that would definitely catch my attention. Why a product is
getting more attention only because of the crowd. However, uh, because I'm an introvert. Definitely. I
would not like to directly step into the crowd. I know the product is in demand and it will go out of stock
in such situatios I will not step in that crowd even though I like the product Like, yes a crowded place
would definitely catch my attention. Maybe later I would like to go and buy that stuff if I like it

Okay. So let's say when you visit this big retail outlets like big bazar or anything? So when you see it,
there's a lot of crowd inside. So what is your first reaction? Like what do you, what do you stand in
those lines and will you step in that market or not leaving everything beside like, even if you have an
urgency or not, what will be the first reaction on seeing the ground?

I would have liked to stand in the line. Definitely not. I want to take my time, no matter what, uh,
However, if I take the case of saying, would you like to explain me on that or no,

Doesn't matter on,

Khushi::Yeah. Okay. So, uh, if there's a sale anymore and in the cloud, so if I'm getting, uh, if I'm saving a
lot of money, then I think that it's worth to do time to stand in the line, time, get your bills butiof I thnk
the discounts are not that much worth of my time then I would not stand in line
So let's say there's a different scenario. Although there is no discounts, there's a new opening. And then
you see a lot of not going in a lot of grout going, coming out and then you move to transition happening.
But there's a lot of crowd . So will you be excited to see like, yeah, there's a lot of people going inside
the market, so I should also have a visit over there. Or will you be like frustrated leave aside by to waste
time on,

Yeah,. I would like to go for a window shopping, you know, . however if the lines are long than I might
nit go in but normally I would like to havea look at the store .

So, now I can assume that crowd does create a snese of excitement in your mind

Um, it cannot say excitement, but curiosity.

Cool. So you mentioned about a list before going to the outlets. So do you really stick to that list when
you go to these malls?

Uh, generally, yes. But however, I do try to find, uh, you know take a glance of all the racks . so I would
first look for everything, that is there on the list. But I do like to check new things let say I like biscuits a
lot so I would Definity buy new biscuit’s that are there in the store

So that is on the shopping list. Anything apart from the shopping is that you buy,

Yes that is what I said biscuits is not in my list but still I would buy it

Yeah. Anything that you have not even thought of in your raresr dreams , but then you end up buying
that with, is that the thing that happens to do

That doesn't happen?

So let's say you have a budget of $4,000, then you go inside these retail outlets and then you end up
buying rupees 8,000 worth items. So how, uh, how much, uh, in magnitude terms does this, uh, thing
happen like this out-of-box purchasing?
Uh, if I'm excited, my budget is 4,000. Then may be 500 more for out of box purchasing not more than
that definitely

So rate on the scale of ten how many times it has happened with you that yiu have exceeded from the
shopping list

I guess quality.

40% of the times I end up buyig more than the list amount


Okay. So in that case, we are very adamant to that list and, and those offers to buy products in bundle
does not influence you much

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely.

So, okay. Um, does the size of hypermarket, uh, influence your buying decision? Do you like, uh, bigger
outlets that have a lot of rags, lots of products or volume that would be happy to buy in a, in a small
outlet that has the limited quantity of stuff

I would like to go in. Uh, the more that I just heard it said it because it increases the chances to find my
own product, which I'm looking for

So let's say there's a 2.5 kilometers away from house. There's an outlet that is small and five kilometers
from the house. There's an outlet, which is relatively big. So will you prefer going that extra mile for that
big, big outlet?

Okay. So if my list is too big and I know that that's 2.5 kilometer store will not be able to cater to me all
the products, then definitely I'll have to go to 5 km store. So my preference would be a store having all
the products under one roof

So, uh, now let's take another example. Like there are two outlets. One is having a good smell and one is
not having a good smell, but the products are available at both these spaces. So what, which mall do like
the most, the one with having a good smell and a good ambiance, or will be happy about just taking a
products? That's it, they're not influenced by the environment in the store.

I obviously think that applies to the same thing.

No, that is an assumption you can take any of them. So my only point is, does environment take, take
your, uh, does influence your buying decision or not?

Yes, it does. It definitely does because it makes me feel good about the environment and it calms me to
buy more.

No, since you took this price element in terms of the sooner let's suppose the price offered by store,
which is not that much good in environment is less in comparison to a good ambience store , will you
prefer that over a good environment store?

Uh, I mean, if the product is the same and the price is low then I would, I'm comfortable in buying to the
not so good. However prices are not same then I would prefer a good ambience store . so price would
be my forst criteria then would be environmental factors

So what I can assume is the first bar is price and then comes environment factors. So let's say there's a
store in which there's a good musically and you are really enjoying your shopping experience. So would
you like to extend those half an hour more in your shopping experience? So does this music create a
feeling in your mind that yes, I should spend more time in that store or will it just stick by your list and
just go,

I guess it's, uh, it does happen that if there's a store, which has good music, uh, it didn't make me stay
more there. I'm liking that music.

Yes I would definetly spend more time in a sotre which is having a good music so music does pla a role in
my buying pattern

Any one
Wow. Moment. Like anything that is not there in that local kirana shop. What is the reason why you go
to these outlets?

I guess Stores has organized itself, but if I'm talking about the business activated organize itself and the
bigger idea of production, the, for the giving me under one group, that is the most important part. Uh, if
I'm talking about a single store, definitely will not be able to give me, uh, all the production that is giving

So, okay. Cushy, let's assume a situation when, uh, let, uh, it's very practical situation. Like you have
purchased a bundle of things, and then you have big two cards of shopping prepare, and then you see a
big queue at the payment counter. What would be your reaction to it?

A big one

Big line at the payment counter, you have purchased everything. You have two big cards, and then you
see a big line at the payment counter. What is your reaction to it? Will you buy, will you end up buying
or you'll be frustrated and move out to the store?

Uh, I've been in the buying because I have already invested the one or two or three hours taking those
items so I would not mind standing in line for payment

When you go out of the house, you, you presumably assume that yes, there will be a cloud at the
payment counter, because that is generally a perception at these outlets. So do you have this in mind
that yes, there will be a line at the payment counter

Since I am a regular customer I know that there would be small crowd at the payment counter . I would
like to prefer to go before evening, maybe doing afternoon so that I don't get much of the crowd and I
get to buy all the productions I want.

So what I'm going to assume is you have mentally prepared about this thing, that yes, there will be
waiting time So best thing is to avoid it. So even if you, even if you don't like this a long line, but some of
you are getting adjusted to this fact.

Yes. If I'm like, it depends. If it is a new storet I'm getting into, then I would get into the store
irrespective if the crowd but to a store like big bazar where I know there will be crowd I would plan my
visit according to crowd time

So suppose when you enter the store and then you see a long line at the payment, and so will you end
up buying at that store or not really just leave at that point of time?

Hello. My question is in the first experience you have shopped, your cart is prepared and then you end
up waiting at the payment, but the ones who entered the store, and then you see the big line of the
payment counter itself, where do you go by your list and still shop at the counter or not?

Uh, I would buy, but I would buy less. I would only buy the products which are for emergency and, uh,
which will be only there in the big business. I would only buy those is I would go to some other store. I
will buy that.

Okay. So tell me something about Extra, like the other facilities, like a parking space. So do you, do you
consider parking space as factor?

Yes, I would consider parking as a factor because if it is one of the factor which influence my purchase

Okay. So what is your take on the loyalty programs that big bazar offer? So let's say the loyalty card that
because our offer. So are you attracted by these schemes or not?

Uh, no, because I'm not such a frequent buyers show, loyalty, loyalty card. Like if I'm, if I was a frequent
buyer, I would have bought a lot of points and everything to get in for the discount. However, because
I'm not a frequent buyer, loyalty programs, much a catch me,

So. Okay. What about these discount offers that our offer? So are you attracted by these sales or not?


Um, yes. I mean, I would, I would plan if I know that the end of this season is coming, I would plan my
visit on days of sale
So these parties offers does have an impact on your buying buying decision.

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