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Juwanna Graduate

English 121

October 4, 2010

Mrs. Crerand

How Does Shopping At the Mall and Shopping Online Differ?

Why drag yourself out of bed and into the shower just to get ready to go the mall

when you can do all of your shopping online in the privacy of your own home? When it

comes to shopping at the mall and shopping online, there are a few factors that show how

the two differ. The Difference in shopping online verses shopping at the mall is less

noise, no lines and more bargains.

First, when deciding whether to shop online or go to the mall, one of the main

factors to consider is the noise level. When you shop at the mall, you have to listen to

people conversations, babies crying, the over head loud speaker making announcements

and a salesperson trying to sell you something that you don't want. With the noise level in

the mall being so high, it may make it difficult for you to concentrate on what it is that

you are shopping for. For instance, I recently went to the mall to do some price

comparison on wide screen televisions but because the noise level was so high, I lost my

train of thought and could not remember the questions that I wanted to ask the

salesperson about the television. On the other hand, when you do your shopping online at

home, you are in control of the noise level. For example, you can choose whether you
want to watch the television, listen to the radio, or sit in silence while you shop. In

conclusion, noise level is a key factor to consider when deciding where you want to do

your shopping.

Next, going to the mall can be a very enjoyable experience if you didn't have to

stand in line in the retail stores; consequently, the only way this could happen is if you

were the only one in the mall shopping, but chances of that happening are slim to none.

When you shop at the mall, one of the consequences is waiting in long lines in the store.

One of the bad things about this is that it takes away from the other things that you have

planned to do. In addition to long lines, you may also wait a long time for someone to

assist you with any questions that you may have about a certain product. For example,

when retail stores are very busy or short staff, it usually takes away from helping

someone, whether they are trying to pay for their merchandise or trying to find

something. In contrast, when you shop online, there are no lines and no waiting. When

selecting a product online, a description and the features of the product are always

offered. In addition, if there is something about the product that you do not understand or

if you have any questions about the products, most websites offer technical support or a

"contact us" option for online shoppers to help them find what they are looking for.

Furthermore, you can take your time, shop at home and make your selection carefully or

fight for time, space and the attention that is greatly needed when shopping.

Finally, there are many bargains to find when it comes to shopping, but whether

you decide to shop at the mall or at home online, the discounts may vary drastically.

When shopping in a retail store in the mall, you may find certain discounts that may
assist with the final cost of your product. For example, most stores offer different

percentages off of the original cost of your product. In addition, when you shop at the

mall, you don't have to worry about shipping and handling. Conversely, when shopping

online, more discounts are usually offered for buying the product online. For example,

Best Buy sometimes gives an additional 30% off of your purchase, even if it’s on sale,

just because you purchased it online. Also, they give you the choice of doing an "in store

pick-up", which means you pay for it online, someone at the store will pull it from the

shelf and have it waiting for you to come and pick it up. All you have to do it print the

confirmation number of the product that you purchased and show up at the store. This

results in no lines and no waiting. The other option for receiving the product that you

purchased online is paying shipping and handling to have it sent to your home or office.

Moreover, when taking discounts into considerations, ask yourself do you come out

cheaper using gas or paying the shipping and handling, either way, you come out on top

in the end because 9 out of 10 times you saved more money buying the product online.

In conclusion, when it comes to shopping at the mall or shopping online at home,

the noise level, the long lines and the discounts that are being offered are just a few

factors that paint the picture of how these two differ. So the next time you think about

going shopping, ask yourself do you want to shop with peace of mind at home or run the

rat race with the rest of the consumers at the mall.

Another strong passing point-by-point essay, though not without

errors marked above. Examples are good, for the most part.
Points are clear, and basic transitional words are used to move
from paragraph to paragraph.

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