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There is no pressure from a salesperson when shopping online.

You can proceed at your own pace,

researching when necessary, without anybody trying to push you into buying something that you don't

want. Let me give you an example, I want all of ypu imagine it . now your situation at the shop. Your

mum forced you to buy something that you want immediately at the sametime the sales person doing

the same thimg . what will you do ? of course you will be looking for something you want quickly

because your mother wants to hurry and wants to go somewhere else. At the end, you will feel regret

and dissatisfied with the item you bought earlier. It will add another problem if you want to refund it.

You must go back to the butik to change your dress. It is possible that a lot of stock has run out

when you refund and you have no choice except you just take the dress and redo. Besides

that shopping online is not like conventional store which have opening hours .online

shopping is not limited to certain hours of the day. Going back to the story earlier, do you

feel like wasting time by going back to the boutique and suddenly the boutique closes. Ouh

wow you must be upset and want to cry because first you waisted your time sec you waisted

your money. even though you can buy that dress while lying on the bed. do you want a

tutorial? first, open the shoppe app the second is looking for a dress . You can see many

shops selling beautiful dresses and you choose one shops that you interseting. You can see

to the picture. Have a lot f dresses that you can choose slowly and perfectly. When you’re

done choosing the dress you like , you just go to add to cart and add dress that you want to

strolly. when you add to cart, you can scroll to another dress untill you find the great one and

laslty buy it. The choice is in your hand. Thank you for lending me your ear and eye and I

will past the presentation to the next presenter.

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